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Fx Any Darkness falls (noncon, bodymod, heavy bondage etc)

Rania Lark

Dec 4, 2013
So I have been MIA for some time now and I recently had an itch to get back into RP so here we are....a new request post to replace the other one.


So I'm a pretty avid RP'er and have been writing in various forums for 10+ years at this point. I'm looking for a few new stories to write with anyone who enjoys detailed stories mixed with ample amounts of smut :)

I like to write A LOT of detail in my posts. I tend to write around the 3-5 paragraph length but it can go to novella length for the right partner. While I do fall on the submissive side, my characters are most definitely not the meek, damsel in distress type and I enjoy the mental anguish of breaking someone's spirit. I also like plot with my smut so please don't come to me looking for a wham-bam-thank you ma'am type of story or I will lose interest very quickly. While I do enjoy a good smutty scene, there must be quite a bit of plot and character development to go with it.

I play only female characters but I am open to any pairings (Mxf, Fxf, Futaxf etc)

My ideas are a mixture of a lot of time periods and settings and I would love to write in each and every one of them. I like to create a story and world with my partner so if you're interested, message me with whatever setting you're interested in and we can build the world and story together.

Settings I would like to play in

Ancient Rome

Viking/Norseman era Pairings

Pirates (this can be anything from historical colonialism all the way to Sci-fi)

Dystopian future/ Cyberpunk
This one can be anything you can think of from revisionist history (Nazis win WWII) to worlds based on shows like Handmaid's Tale revolving around reproduction

Fantasy (I'm open to many plots within this setting)

Some ground rules: I write in PMs and threads. No e-mail or IMs please. I also have some limits that I will NOT play so please respect that.

I am on the search for some darker themes. These can include but are not limited to:

Body modification (The more extreme the better here so shoot me your idea and chances are I'll be down for it)
Transformation (the more humiliating the better)
Medical play

However, I do have some limits and hard NO's for my RPs. Those limits are death, vore, beastiality, age play, and incest. Toilet play is a maybe depending on what you're looking to play.

In any of these situations, I will only play the Sub character. I've experimented with switches and doms and they don't jive for me.

I know I know that this is a very short request post and I'm asking someone to write quite a bit more detailed than that. The reason for that is that I like to plot out the storyline WITH someone else, not just have it in my own head and impose it on my partner with no input. So if you have any of your own ideas, I would love to hear them as well.

Send me a PM if you're interested and we can create a story from there!
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