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The Wanderer & The Princess {Lady Nef x Sunao Yousei}

Lady Nefrodiel

Jan 11, 2009
Upon a well-traveled road, a lone figure rode along the path on top of a white mare. From the back, it was impossible to tell the exact gender of the figure. The clothes were obviously in the male style and the figure rode and carried a sword as comfortable as any man would. But the locks of wavy blonde hair that met the figure's shoulders were quite feminine. It wasn't until one got a good look from the front that the gender was obvious- a woman from the curves she had. They weren't prominent, just enough to actually be a woman, but it wasn't something that bothered her. Did being over the top beautiful help her job in any way? No, not at all. Although she supposed that being over the top ugly could be irritating to the rest of society. Nobody likes an eyesore after all.

All sorts of thoughts were running through her head from random observations of her surroundings to thinking of the life that she had abandoned. Not that she would ever regret it. Why should she? The life she had lead for all those years it was a living hell. And now she was free. Free to accomplish the dreams she wanted to come true. In her previous life, everyone had been so obsessed with her conforming to society's rules. A lady did not ride a horse like a man. A lady did not bear a weapon. A lady wore dresses, not pants. The list was endless, but it was all over now. She had put her foot down at the arranged marriage and had finally taken life into her hands.

She was no longer Lady Eldawen Pelrion, but simply Eldawen Pelrion. Perhaps a new last name was in order- she was no longer in any way affiliated with the Pelrion family any longer. But her talent was in swordsmanship, not creativity. Besides she was never returning to that sexist, gender limiting kingdom ever again. No kingdom had any claim on her now. Eldawen was finally the wanderer amongst places that she always wanted to be.

The blonde was pulled out from her thoughts as the sounds of other horses and the chattering of angry voices filled her ears. Unfortunately it also seemed to right on the path she was on. Not that she would run off in the first place. If someone needed her help, then Eldawen would gladly offer it. After all that was what she lived for now. Feeling her trusted sword by her side, the former noblewoman picked up speed and rushed onto the scene. Just what would she find?
In this world, of Knights, Kings, Queens and Peasants, the role of the Princess was taken by Annabell Sylvan. She was the Princess of the Loire King and ruled by her parents, Christopher and Rosetta Sylvan. The three of them, were back on their way from a meeting with her soon to be husband from another Kingdom. And Annabell couldn't have been on more of an edge than on their way there, or sitting face to face with the boy . She didn't want to get married, epically not now. She was seventeen and to be wed on her eighteenth birthday to a nineteen year old Prince.

Sitting in a long pink dress, (which is a color the girl hates) she looked out the window of their carriage and sighed softly. She had long curly purple eyes due to the ridiculous hairstyle everyone called cute, and her eyes were a warm liquid gold. Feeling a hand on her head she turned before parting her lips lightly, but her father wasn't looking at her, he was looking forward as if ignoring her. She rose a brow and turned her head slowly to the right, but he yanked her head to look at him. "What's wrong?" she asked before the carriage made a heavy jerk.

"Stay calm" he spoke quickly as her eyes grew wide from horror. They were under attack, just great, more to add on. Her mother was concentrated on the driver, and Annabell held onto her father while trying not to look outside. People would do anything to get money wouldn't they. From the corner of her eye she noticed that they had stopped and people were yelling and screaming from the commotion. "Close your eyes, and focus, don't listen to the sounds outside okay" her father whispered as she did what she was told. This was all too much, she didn't want a life like this where all she had to do was worry about it.
Lo and behold, former Lady Eldawen Pelrion had come across a most dire situation indeed. An ornate carriage surrounded by guards were being attacked by a group of a bandits. A scowl invaded her features at the situation before her. Leeches of society. How dare they make a living by stealing things that didn't belong to them? It disgusted her completely. No respect for other people's possessions whatsoever. Eldawen's blue eyes analyzed the scene before her, trying to read the battle plan of the bandits. Well, generally they really didn't have a battle plan- just rob the carriage and go.

Swiftly, before any of the bandits could notice her, the blonde woman flung a dagger at the bandit closest to her and smirked as the man died a fast death. By this time, a few bandits had noticed that a mysterious dagger had appeared out of no where. That was when Eldawen made her move and galloped into the action, sword held high as she engaged into combat. Filthy leeches, she would eliminate every single one of them. It was a favor to the world to get rid of such scum who thought they could steal others possessions and attempt an honest living like the rest of them.

"What the hell? A girl? You think you can take us on?" sneered one bandit in challenge to the mysterious blonde figure that had appeared. Eldawen chose not to deign him with an answer as she engaged in combat with him and soon the idiotic man lost his life to the supposed "weakling" girl. She supposed even bandits tended to underestimate women. Their loss. So, Eldawen helped out the guards in warding off the men, who at first thought she was a bandit but soon realized she was an ally... at least in this situation.
Annabell kept her eyes closed and thought to herself before hearing the sound of the men outside and opened her eyes. Moving to the window she kept her head inside but placed her hand on the wall and blinked before growing wide eyed at the sight before her. Was that a woman...No it couldn't have been. Her father was somewhat shocked as well, from what little view he did have from where he had sat and listened for any remaining sounds. But it was quiet, quiet enough that she had to get out of the carriage.

"Anna come back here this instant!" her mother yelled. But she didn't turn around. Annabell ran up to Eldawen but in a way not to scare the horse and smiled while giving her a curtsy. "Thank you so much" she said while closing her eyes. Her father ran up behind her and placed his hand on her shoulder making her turn around and blinked. "Anna are you crazy?". "No I'm not, I was just thanking her" she said while rolling her eyes. So overprotective.

"Who are you?" her father asked as Anna looked back at her. Her honey colored eyes shifting over her appearance but couldn't understand exactly why she looked familiar to her. "I really appreciate you saving us. I don't know how we can thank you".
Finally all the bandits were dead either by the guards or Eldawen's blade, but it was quite obvious that the mysterious blonde woman had been a great help in eliminating them. She looked satisfied at her work, but kept her composure cool. Rejoicing in the death of others was not exactly a desirable trait in society... even if they were scum like these man had been. Proudly sitting on top of her horse- Wind Dancer- Eldawen was gazing at the remains. That is until her sharp ears caught the sound of a voice and immediately turned around to see a pink clad girl thanking her for her work complete with curtsy. "You're welcome, I was just doing my part as a citizen of this world," she replied with a slight smile. The woman wasn't sure how to respond to the protectiveness the man held over the girl- probably her father or uncle judging by the age. On one hand, she understood completely. After all, she was a stranger and who knew what her agenda really was? But on the flip side, she had helped him out of the goodness of her heart... that deserved at least a little bit of trust. Really, was it such an oddity seeing a woman have skill with a blade?

Her blue eyes met the man's gaze as she answered, "I am Eldawen Pelrion." She privately hoped that they didn't recognize the last name... that was the last thing she needed. It was obvious from the ornate carriage and their clothing they had to be at least nobles. And good nobles were at last familiar with the nobles of other kingdoms. That was just good politics. She shook her head as she smiled amiably, "No, no, like I told the girl I was just doing my part. Although if there is ever a need for my services, I am always available. You could say this is sort of my living." Some gold would be nice, but she had plenty on her right now... she would be more insistent on that matter when she was running low. And after all, why demand a reward for charity? If she had been commissioned, that would certainly be an entirely different matter.
'Why does that name sound so familiar?' Anna asked herself in her head before getting an idea and smiled. Placing her hands in front of her dress she looked up at her father. "Daddy, why don't you let her live with us, I mean, she did save us from those thugs, plus, if she loves to fight, she can join the other knights, but it's all up to her" she said and turned back to her. Her lips curling into a smile as she nodded. "Please say you'll stay, it's the only way I myself can think of a repayment" she said as her father quickly agreed. "There will be no issues with this guess, You have proven yourself worthy and you have my greatest respect, I know my wife would agree as well".
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