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For Whom the Darkness Parts [Med/Fant roleplay. OOC]


Jan 8, 2009
        • In the land of Terre A'nglis, evil if stirring. Evil in its most abhorred and terrifying form. Twilight, the God of Curruption, is awakening in the prison he was sealed in at the beginning of humanity by the other Gods for fear he would destroy their newest Children. Thousands of years later, he is awakening and his followers are intent on freeing him completely.

          The Gods are still too weak to reseal Twilight's prison or kill him should he escape, so instead they choose a few Mortals to do it for them, blessing them with miraculous gifts and powers and a promise to grant their hearts' desires once they seal Twilight away.

          The chosen Mortals must find each other and band together to stop Twilight, but can they forget their differences, put away their love, disown their hopes of a future, and forfeit their lives for this task? What happens when one of their chosen takes the path to free Twilight? Only you can decide the fate of Terre A'ngelis.

            • Omei had seen mountains lower than these misnamed Snowy Hills, great lopsided heaps of half-buried boulders, webbed with steep twisting passes. A number of those passes would have given a goat pause. You could travel three days through the lush forests and snow-covered meadows without seeing a single sign of Mortal habitation. This was the Roof of the World, a place that would soon become legendary.

              She glanced at the others that crowded the rift between the mountains. All looked fearful and nervous, casting brief glances at a tall steel cage in the center of them all. No, they looked at its contents. The man in the cage caught and held Omei's eyes. She was not close enough to see the man's face, as She had wanted to, but suddenly She thought She was as close as She cared for. The prisoner was a tall man, with long, dark hair falling around his broad shoulders. He held Himself upright with one hand on the bars over His head. His clothes seemed ordinary, a cloak and coat and breeches that would not have caused comment in any farming village. But the way He wore them. The way He held Himself. Twilight was a God in every inch of Him. The cage might as well not have been there. He held Himself erect, head high, and looked over the other Deities as if They had come to do Him honor. And where ever His gaze swept, there the others fell silent, staring back in a mixture of fear and disgust.

              "Did we make the right choice, Gallues?" Vexed with Herself, Omei grimaced. She shouldn't be acting like a Mortal and letting Her mindless tongue flap in the breeze. The decision was made. It had been on Her mind though. She was not so unconcerned as She wanted to be.

              Galleus, the Skylord as Mortals called him, glanced at Her. "The other choices only held different risks, not lesser." The Skylord considered Her for a moment before placing a hand on Her shoulder. "We must do this, Omei. For our Children." Omei nodded, reluctantly.

              The others were forming a circle around the steel cage. It was time. Omei and Galleus joined them and completed the circle. The air crackled and sparked with the combined power of Their joining. Every head was bowed, as though in prayer. Twilight stirred now, eyes growing large as He stared at His fellow Deities. As the air seemed to harden and crush the cage, Twilight threw back His head and laughed.

              It was the last sound He was to make again. A mountain, taller than any other in Terre A'nglis rose from were Twilight once stood, rising farther and farther into the sky, past the clouds. The roar of the earth being up heaved was deafening to any Mortal.

              Finally, the earth became silent and was still. The Deities were gone, back to their homes to rest. Some carrying the bodies of those who had used too much of their power and were now as dead as a Mortal being.

              "The shadow fell upon the land, and the world was cleaved stone from stone. The oceans fled, the mountains were consumed, and the lands were wrought with death. The moon was as blood and the sun was as ashes. The seas boiled, and the living envied the dead. All was scattered and all memory lost, save for one memory above all others; of those that had begun the Dark Wars."

              "It shall once again come to pass that the shadow shall rise across the realm, darken every land, and there shall be neither light nor safety. Darkness shall be reborn, born once more as it was born before and shall be born again, time without end. And it that shall be born of the shadows, born of the ancient evil, shall stretch forth its hands, and the blood of the world will flow with death once more."[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

        • Maybe once people see how awesome the roleplay is going then they'll join.
I'll rp with you anytime xD
But I don't read the book twilight or see it the movie.​
indeed. :3

edit: oh hey, what would Ceej encounter on his way to the capitol, or when he reaches the capitol?

        • @ WhiteStar ;; My Twilight has NOTHING to do with the shitty Twilight series.

          @ dready ;; Umm... not really sure. Right now, Twilight and his followers have no idea that these people are being sent to stop his comeback.
hm... between the monestary and the capitol would he end up running into a bandit or someone(s) who work for twilight?

        • If you want him to run into a bandit then sure, go ahead.
          But I want Twilight and his followers to be in the dark about the Chosen so far.

        • Indeed. You two could meet up first and then come find me in the capital.

        • Fixxors teh colors, yo.

          Otherwise looks good, and no, you don't have to pick a color.
          I just like posts to be pretty. It's not required though.
Re: For Whom the Darkness Parts [Literate Med/Fant roleplay.]

You did say it was open to join, yes? Let's try this guy out for size; I played a version in a D&D campaign, but didn't come close to tapping his potential, so I'll drag him out again, if you don't mind. Take a look at this, and if it seems workable, I'm happy to post an

            • t h eBASICS[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

              & SAY IT WITH ME °°° � Salazaar Dominguez Aerowyn el Nomianias Greywood

              & ALSO KNOWN AS °°° � Sal (to friends), too many pseudonyms to list.

              & IN NUMBERS °°° � Late thirties; a gentleman doesn't inquire, nor tell.

              & ISN'T IT OBVIOUS °°° � Male

              & GIMME SOME OF THAT °°° � Hetero (mostly, though perhaps a particularly slender male elf...)

              & SNEAK A PEEK °°° � Haven't got a pic found as yet

              & BRINGING SEXY BACK °°° � Rather short for a human, dark of hair and complexion, brown of eye, not unhandsome but really not particularly notable. Which, given his career choice, suits him perfectly. A comparison could be made to someone like actor Steve Buscemi, but that look is too unique, too memorable.
                        • d e e p e rLOOK[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

                          & UNDERNEATH THE LAYERS °°° � Sal's dominant features are a cool, calculating mind and a sharp sense of humor. The two are perhaps inextricably linked. It's not that Sal doesn't make friends, doesn't feel the pull of emotion: he does. He just can't let that get in the way. At the same time, however, he does take joy in life, and this comes out in small actions, gestures, smiles, and his rapier wit. He doesn't waste time on people he despises, unless they really need to be taught some kind of lesson. Sometimes, the teaching is funny, after all.

                          Sal doesn't get emotional, he doesn't let passion or faith or pride rule his actions. His dispassionate, rational assessment of his tasks makes him that much more effective. He's done unpleasant work in the past, and far too often he's had to do what was necessary, rather than what was preferred. He's capable of calculating what's the greater good, and taking appropriate steps. Occasionally, this haunts him. However, all things considered, he would rather be a good guy, rather than a necessary guy.

                          & WHAT HAS SHAPED ME °°° � Sal was born into a family of successful trap-makers and dungeon planners. His extended family all worked in the trade, as either inventors, artificers, construction engineers, suppliers, etc. He learned from them all. As a child he traveled all around the world; it was part of the best education for his eventual career he could have hoped for. Eventually, of course, as all children do, he had to leave home; it was somewhat easier for him than for many, as most of his siblings had joined the family business, and so his parents (and aunts and uncles and grandparents, etc.) were well taken care of. He was free to indulge his taste for travel and adventure.

                          As a small, bookish boy, he had been the frequent target of bullies. With no hope of out-fighting them, he was forced to learn how to out-think them. This led to his first skills in planning, in bluffing, and in invention; different bullies had to be dealt with in different ways, as where one could be scared off with an appropriate pretend fit of madness, another had to be snared in a trap and beaten with a stick, and so forth. He has managed to expand on the repertoire of skills over the years, but the basic theories are the same: individual solutions for individual problems, use the resources at hand, and know your own strengths and weaknesses.

                          Sal has traveled more than most people manage in three lifetimes. He has plied his trade on every known nation, in most of the major cities, and has dined with rulers, bandits, monsters, and peasants, and found charming companions amongst all groups. His sheer breadth of experience would make him valuable to any major undertaking, and that's not even considering his special skills and talents...

                          He would prefer to be an alchemist or inventor; certainly, he's well-suited for either of those, but he would eventually get bored. He would make a decent thief, as well, either of the burglar variety or the con-artist type, but that would offend some of the few principles he still possesses. What he is, in simplest, boldest terms, is a professional spy. He does his work with the tools available, including magic items, but doesn't need dynamic magic to get done what he needs to get done.

                          & MY THOUGHTS °°° � Twilight? Unnecessary. The human mind is more than capable of evil on its own; a God devoted to the process is just overkill, really. If anything, the other Gods were inefficient and incomplete; for all that many of their number fell in the battle, they still were unable to finish the job. Much as I might appreciate a little divine intervention now and then, I see little need for Gods in general, but for a God of Corruption, I see none.

                          & YES PLEASE °°° � Hearty food, potent drink, lusty women, a fine hand-rolled "cigar" they call them in the Southlands. The usual sensual pleasures; I would be a fool not to appreciate those. A fine cut of a jacket; even if you're not drawing attention to yourself, you must attire yourself well, if you've any sense at all, and I have a great deal of sense. Also, a clear, quiet night, with a crispness in the air of early spring or late autumn, with perhaps the distant shriek of a night-hunting bird... beautiful. The elegant simplicity of a foolproof plan, and the giddy excitement as fools dismantle it and you have to compensate. Ah, life!

                          & NO THANK YOU °°° � Willful idiots, bullies, and the self-important. All need to be taken down a peg.

                          & GUT WRENCHING °°° � I'm very unfond of the ocean, stemming from some particular experiences both as a youth and an adult. You can leave the waves to the monsters and mer-people, thank you, I'll stay on dry land, or in the air when I have to travel long distances.

                          & ENJOYING °°° � I like puzzles and word games, anagrams and rhymes. I enjoy writing a journal, although I write it in code habitually. I like tinkering and experimenting when I have a workshop and/or lab space handy and some free time to indulge myself. I like music, but I don't practice it myself; gives away your position and distracts you from the environment. Better to enjoy it when others play.
                                    • e t cETC[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

                                      & HACK & SLASH °°° � Carries an enchanted crossbow of his own design (making reloading faster than normal, and improving the sights for better accuracy), an enchanted short sword, a variety of daggers, and several other enchanted items (his cloak, in particular, and his ring, each having several different enchantments laid upon them). He may not trust spells, but magic items are proven performers.

                                      & TUNE IN °°° � Adam Ant's Stand and Deliver

                                      & COLOR ME °°° � Um... normal? Do I have to choose a color?

                                      & PUPPETEER °°° � Er, that would be Mr Master, obviously
prettylyksin said:

        • Bloody hell, its gone!
          : O

        • Yeah, I noticed the colors issue as soon as I posed it, and I couldn't figure out how to fix it in edit, so I took it down and figured out how to transfer that data into a quoted form of the template, which at least I knew would print properly. I didn't realize you'd already have read it. :)
I will try to post soon, maybe have Vincent come out of his home for some reason, perhaps a trip to look for clients?
See, I always find this interesting: orphan, orphan, orphan... large happy extended family, albeit in a foreign land. I do enjoy being the iconoclast!

Incidentally, is there any data on the world in which we are playing? Or do we get to make up details like the far-distant kingdoms and legendary locations as we will?
Well, it is a rough world out there after all. XD

And I did Create/add ghostwood/Darkwood, which would qualify as a legendary location. Vincent is the only human who knows his way around the place, which is full of monsters, evil beings, and treasure... The guardian of the Dark Forest he is.

I like the idea of a huge forest surrounded by superstition. Dark and mysterious.
Midnight said:
Well, it is a rough world out there after all. XD

And I did Create/add ghostwood/Darkwood, which would qualify as a legendary location. Vincent is the only human who knows his way around the place, which is full of monsters, evil beings, and treasure... The guardian of the Dark Forest he is.

I like the idea of a huge forest surrounded by superstition. Dark and mysterious.
As a strategist, you know what that says to me? Safe retreat zone.
Well, that is what vincent uses it for.
Not many things can follow him in there.
I would also imagine it as fairly large, so Vincent comes in handy as a guide for people trying to cut through it. lest the paths change on them or something
And it's a good reason to make friends with Vince, if there's trouble afoot. All options are open, right now, so a relatively safe zone is a good thing to have, and we can't use it nearly as well as we could with his help. It's not like the Fire Swamp, where we can just learn how to avoid the 3 dangers...
Fire spurts, Lightning sand and RoUS?
Yups, easy enough for that at least.
Lots more to look out for in the place Vince calls home. I kind of got the idea from Fable's Darkwood, as well as other sources. Without him, you are \usually boned though ^.^

The inner parts ain't called ghostwood for no reason
I will do my post in chronological order, with a bit of a skip as Vincent gets to the city. That should bring all our people together.
I could start in the city and have the forest a flashback.
Sal. Vincent wouldn't like CJ because of his occupation, he doesn't trust the servants of the gods.
It will take a bit to earn his trust, but he won't be outwardly hostile I mean. Sal is more of Vince's type, they probably could even know eachother
Lots of people have heard of Vince, though I am sure Sal would know more than most. exept for the things Vincent himself does not know...
Midnight said:
Sal. Vincent wouldn't like CJ because of his occupation, he doesn't trust the servants of the gods.
It will take a bit to earn his trust, but he won't be outwardly hostile I mean. Sal is more of Vince's type, they probably could even know eachother
Lots of people have heard of Vince, though I am sure Sal would know more than most. exept for the things Vincent himself does not know...
As far as that goes, Sal could well have heard of Vincent. I'd say absolutely, especially because Vincent likes to have a rep.

On the other hand, it's unlikely Vincent's heard much of Sal, because it's part of Sal's job to not be widely known. Still, it's something to work with.

One of the keys, I think is to figure out how you're going to be "gifted." I think it's fair to say that not everybody is going to realize they've been Called (certainly, CJ was semi-duped into it), and by the same token, I'm sure not everybody is going to know up front they've been Gifted, or with what. Sal is kind of an exception, but that's in part because of the deity that chose him; all about plans and secrets and plots, and a more mysterious opening wouldn't have worked with Sal's personality type, so part of his deal, then, is he gets to know a lot of things, but he probably wishes he didn't. How I play that up depends on how the story evolves, but at this exact moment, my thought is that Sal's the closest thing to a precognitive they've got, and that information's not entirely guaranteed, either.

Anyway, tangent. Point is, Lucretia knows she's been Gifted, but doesn't know entirely with what, nor what her purpose is. CJ has been set on the path, but may not realize what powers he's been given. Sal knows his powers and knows his purpose, but doesn't entirely like it. Now it's up to Vincent.
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