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Ride of a Lifetime(Flyingtoaster1XEthereal) NSFW IMAGES


I’m a power bottom at rock bottom.
Oct 24, 2022
The center of the universe

Mei or May as her friends called her was off to a costume party and in her mi d she was going to win first prize. Pulling out all of the stops she chose a character she was all too familiar with. Yor Forger from SpyXFamily.

This was her night to shine and get the attention of the boy she had a massive crush on. Everyone said he had s thing for her so now she planned to test the waters. May was shocked she drove here in her heels, but she made sure she not only brought a costume change for the same character, different shoes but also a box of condoms in that secret duffle bag of hers. Thinking she was going to finally hit the jackpot with her crush tonight looking like this. She even had a few bedroom outfits!

Thinking luck was in her corner she parked her car at the end of the long driveway. Closing the door and bribing only her keys only to curse herself and having to double back to not only toss her lucky Boston bag over her shoulder but dig through the things on her passengers seat looking for her iPhone. She wanted photos and leaving that iPhone behind was not an option and with how she was speeding to get here; she was already late the search for her phone was making her even later!

At least she was there. Bent over looking to see where that damned phone fell.
After a long and slow night of pounding rough whiskey and ale at the local bar a few blocks away from this supposed costume party. The party inside was going pretty nuts with plenty of loud music and drinking. People showing up in outfits ranging from classy to skanky, everyone just trying to have a good time and maybe get some more fun later~

Regardless of their plans, there were 3 rather scraggly old men pouring out of this local bar, piling up into their truck and slowly heading back home. But as they saw this costume party, one with a rather tall and skinny build he glanced out to see a whole eyefuly of Yor booty. "Well hot damn! Hey George! Get over ere and take a look!" A very large built man with almost lumberjack like arms peaks out and sees what his friend's pointing at. "I'll be.." the large man whistles to her as she was bending over. "Hey! 20 bucks for ya to go lower!" He said, waving a crisp bill in the air while the blonde haired guy then said. "How about 200 for a night?~"

Needless to say, the cat calling would be annoying. But it seems like fate wasn't done dealing the hand it was going to give to poor Mei tonight. As if she would get in and try to start her car, the poor thing sounds like it was seizing up like a dying race horse before sputtering quietly. Only for the blonde guy to call out to her. "Eyy lady, you need a ride?"
Mei was busy searching for her phone when she heard someone cat call her. Ignoring them as she searched wondering where the hell her phone went! It wasn’t in the car because she had left it at her apartment? Cursing under her breath she ignored the cat calls of them telling her to bend over and show more.

Rolling her eyes as she continued to reach your car and search but to no avail her phone was not there. She remembered her bag but not her phone god she felt stupid! “I have a boyfriend!” Calling out to the men thinking that would make them go away and usually that tactic did. Then again the tactic usually worked when she wasn’t dressed like a sexy cosplay character.

She knew not to be rude but to be polite and nice. “I appreciate the compliment but I’m already taken and no thank you my boyfriend would not like me to accept money for anything.” We need a writing the part about her boyfriend as she climbed back into your car and tried to start it up. The ground she made was angry yet cute when she figured out her car would not start and her engine was giving her trouble. She told her father she need a new car and now of all nights it decided to die.

Sadly the only choice without a phone for those creepy guys kept calling her. Rolling down her window just enough to yell out. “Do and if you have AAA or anything I’ll be grateful to call someone! Maybe even a jump? My car is it like me right now I would really appreciate it my boyfriend be so happy that you helped me.” Laying on her story thick hopefully that would work with these guys as she sat in her car to wait and see what they would do or if they would even help her.
The three guys getting an eyefull of her ass barley seemed bothered by her pathetic threat of a boyfriend, all three of them were pretty wasted and were pretty confident that they could beat whatever skinny nerd for a boyfriend this babe's got. "Yeah yeah whatever! Like any guy'd let you go walkin out like that!" Said the blonde guy, pointing at her ridiculously sexy outfit.

Meanwhile, George the red head listened as she explained that she wouldn't do anything for money. "Oh yeah? Everyone's got their price toots. How about 400 and say screw Timmy here and start Screwing me!" He said, waving his arm to invite her in. The scrawny blonde guy named Timmy, giving George the stink eye.

The driver however, noticed ger car fail to start. He looked quite old. Old enough to be growing a solid amount of grey hair. But not enough to overshadow his dark black and well kept hair. He watched as her car failed to start and she slowly got out to talk to him. The old man huffed and said. "Sorry lady, didn't bring my cables, and none of us certainly have fancy car pickup like dat. We just fixem up and keep going. If ya want, you could hitch a ride with me, and I could drop ya off?" He offered, his voice was course yet deep enough to sound smooth. He gestured for her to enter in the back, where George was.
“I don’t have a price.” Mei called from inside her car. Cursing the fact that the one thing she needed was at her apartment. She came all of this way and needed to turn right around. “It’s not the dark ages. Feminism exists. Ugh.” Huffing at the fact they thought she needed a man to look out for her. Thinking how she had worn less but they didn’t need to hear that since they seemed drunk.

Staying in her car she tried one more time and this time they heard her grumbled loudly. “GOD DAMN IT! Really car? Of all nights…” she got out with her bad still on her shoulders popping the hood of her car. She understood enough but with no jump nothing was moving. With no phone she was literally trapped.

“Ya know women aren’t for sale.” She huffed back before looking all around. No one but these clowns. Where the hell was everyone tonight? The older one had yet to say anything disgusting to her so she only gave him the time of day. “Do you have a cell phone I can borrow? Or maybe you could let me give you my triple A number? I don’t want to trouble you got a ride and your friends haven’t really been that nice to me. I’d really appreciate it sir.” She put on her sweetest voice for the driver and batted her eyelashes at least he seemed to not be too weird.
The three men from the truck across from her were all still watching in either entertainment or curiosity. George in the back was more than happy to grab a few eye fulls of all of her delicious curves like some horn dog. While Timmy was giving some longing stares that could only belong to a true pervert. Either way, they both started drinking beers again as Mei walked up to the relatively kinder old man to talk to him instead.

The older gentleman hummed abd looked around in his pockets. "Sure, hold on lemme give ya my phone real quick." He said before taking out a flip phone and passing it to the woman. But there c was only 5 % left! Being quick she could find her AAA card and punch the number in, the old man still watching her but occasionally talking yo the guys in the back in hushed tones. For her however, the call went through! "Hello, welcome to AAA customer suppor-" Suddenlh, the line went dead.. as was the older man's phone.

The gentlemen who was watching let out a few "tsk's" before glancing back up at her. "Well, ain't that rough. Come on, I could still drop ya off at your place. Timmy, get in the back, I dont trust either ya with a gal back there." The blonde looked a bit suprised before giving the old man the finger but climbed in the back anyways, leaving the shotgun seat open for Mei. "Also, don't worry bout paying me for the ride. Ok? I'm Michel." He said, offering for her to sit with him, and not in the back with those pervs.
The offered phone was a relief and she managed to get her number in and get someone on the line but it’s only 5% left that call did not make it through. His phone got her halfway there and he could see the sadness on your face when the call dropped. “I’m sorry. I don’t even have my charger on me I can’t even charge your phone and pay you back that way.” They dressed up stranger said and she handed him back his phone after she closed it. Glancing at the backseat she was not getting in with those guys especially after the cat calls.

Mei knew better than to take them back to her place. They could take her to the party she was going to which wasn’t too far from here probably only a few blocks. “I’m not going Home to my boyfriend’s place which isn’t far from here. If you can drop me up off there I will give you a cab fare for it.” The only reason she decided to say that was when he told Timmy to get in the back of the car so she could sit in the front with him. That was definitely a power-play and it worked for her since she didn’t have to sit in the back with the cat calling men. If he didn’t do that the sexy young girl would’ve said no. Against her better judgment, she was cold and really wanted to get to the party especially now that she was more than late. When she got there her friends could help and call and get triple A to get her car towed back home.

Mei honestly should’ve known better but at this time of night in a cab out here with your phone there is zero percent chance of one just driving by and the driver at least seemed kind enough to get her where she was going. With that she took chances and hopped into the car closing the door placing her duffel bag in her lap. “Thanks Michel. I’m Mei and if you can get me to Huntsville drive straight ahead and take a right at the third corner you’ll see an old fridge house at the end of a cul-de-sac that’s where I’m going.” She gave him the house party address and honestly it wasn’t that far so how bad did his car ride go?
The rather well groomed older man with a grey and black shadow along his chin gave her a small nod and smile as she got into the truck. The atmosphere inside was already much warmer, helping to fend off the cold and warm the poor girl back up as they truck soon started to drive off. Michel took a few glances over at Mei as she introduced herself along with tell him the directions to get to her place. He gave her a few steady nods before following her directions initially. He drove down the road and took a right on the third corner and started traveling down the small road. "Dont worry bout the charger little lady. Just tryin ta help out a person in need. So like I said I don't need any cash." Said Michel as they continued to drive.

Timmy however in the back got a little restless and said. "Ya know, you been talking alot about this boyfriend of yours, what's his nane, Mmm?" Timmy was actually the clever one of the group, while Michel seemed like the leader or elder, while George was a total meat head. Speaking of the red head, he was too busy slamming down another beer to say something sexual at her. Timmy however was more than happy to pick up the slack. "Mmm.. there ain't a snowball's chance on my nuts that there's a man that'd let their girl go dressed like that and not expect something.. so either, he don't care, or he don't exist.~" He said, smirking at her a bit. Michel in the driver seat called back and said. "Tim, drop it. Scarin her." The blonde looking a bit more angry at the old man before he huffed abd stole George's beer from him and chugged it down. Suprising the meat head.

However as the drive continued on the road, Michel deviatedfrom her instructions a bit and he made a right and started to leave from the road and head to the more "less fortunate" side of town. "Running outta gas. Gotta fill 'er up." Seems like this old timer was a man of few words. Soon they'd arrive at a really worn down gas station. Thankfully the two in the back left the truck. Timmy saying he wanted snacks, and George offered to go pump the gas. That was when Michel sighed and glanced at the very pretty girl, Mei. Once more and said. "Listen, little lady. Maybe there is somethin you could do to help.. repay me, I don’t want money. But, I was thinkin, man like me probably won't be getting to much action in this point of life. Show how about we have some fun in one of those bathrooms there, and we call it even?" He offered the girl. The old man certainly wasn't bad looking, if anything he seemed rather handsome and well dressed, a real silver fox like fellow! Though with an offer like that... that'd be tricky.
“That’s Super sweet but I would feel bad if I didn’t offer anything especially when it’s night and you’re probably trying to get somewhere.” Michael was following her directions and that eased her worries. Mei was pretty quiet on the drive as she was looking at landmarks and seeing that they were going the right way. “His name is Kyle.” She answered right away when Tim asked her what her boyfriends name was. It was a typical name. Nothing too fancy and nothing too out of the ordinary. She did have a friend named Kyle who would pretend to be her boyfriend even though he was quite gay. He did keep guys away from her at parties and was a big help when she didn’t wanna talk to somebody who kept hitting on her. “Just because my boyfriend is progressive doesn’t mean he doesn’t exist it just means I only date guys who treat me like a human being unlike you. I see why you’re single.” Mei couldn’t help but snap back at Timmy. He was getting on her nerves. Men like this always pissed her off but she didn’t say too much to him after that since she didn’t want to upset the driver who is kind enough to give her a lift. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to come off as mean I just don’t appreciate your friend speaking to me like that.” Her attention went to the gray haired man in the front.

When Mei saw him take a turn she didn’t say the sexily dressed Woman tensed up. “It’s really not that far from here I could get out and walk you don’t need to do that but I can give you money for gas.” She tried to offer him a chance to let her out or pull over before he got too far down the road.

The thing was they kept going and she wasn’t about to jump out of the car she held onto her bag. They pulled into the gas station and she figured that this wouldn’t take that long. The noisy ones kind of a car leaving her in front with the kinder man.

It was that he started talking and gave her a very strange offer which made her cling to her duffel even tighter. “Umm… I don’t know…I’m not like that… i have a boyfriend and I’m not going to cheat or do anything like this. Is there anyway I can just pay you for the ride I have money.” That was when she began digging through her duffel bag and finding her wallet. Mei pulled out a $50 bill. “I’m flattered… I really am and that’s very kind of you to even offer but I’m just not that kind of girl I’m sorry. You understand don’t you?” She had to let him down easy and he seem like the type that would be okay to do so with. He was a kind older man and he didn’t understand why he was lonely. “It’s hard to believe someone like you isn’t married you seem so nice and sweet. You remind me of my dad.”
Timmy wasn't too deterred from the woman's harsh but oddly polite words which helped in letting him shrug off her words easier. He still rolled his eyes a bit at what sge had to say. Saying that she had a progressive boyfriend, in his mind that translated to a "cuck" but beyond that, he was done poking at her for now, as he was already satisfied before Michel stopped him.

The old Man however, sighed softly as he rested his chin on his hands which were still holding the wheel. George was outside and completley oblivious to the oddly awkward and soon to be, very intense discussion that'd happen in the truck.

It took a few seconds from her denial for him to actually speak up again, yet something was rather strange, he didn't look like he gave up. But instead come to accept something. Looking back at her, he raised a palm to her money, denying it. Before he soon spoke up. "Listen, little lady. I had a really long and hard day today, and all I'm askin for is just a lil bit of fun, that's all. Then I'll drop ya right off. Though, if you don't wanna. I hear this side of town isn't a place a little lady like you would wanna be out at night, especially dressed like that.." He said as he stole yet another glance at her, and soon an old yet firm and suprisingly smooth hand grabbed her exposed shoulder and held her. "Either, we can go and fool around for a bit, or ya try your chances and walk."

Almost like the universe was playing in his favor to show just how much a bad idea the latter of the two that was, a small group of guys wearing baggy clothes, bandanas, and certainly looked like they wouldn't care for the words of a woman like her. Were walking down the street, passing by the gas station and going. George actually used what little brain power he had to focus abd watch that group of guys as the cane and left the gas station.
This side of town wasn’t safe. Especially not for someone like her alone. She was always told never to go this far and here she was stuck in a car or faced with walking alone down these dark streets.

She thought the driver understood her. It as unexpected when he; not his womanizer buddies in the back threw that curveball. It was her turn to fall silent with his ultimatum hanging in the air. The light mood changed to dense and Mei felt herself actually worrying about her safety.

Mei was silent for what felt like an eternity. If he was giving her these two and only two options she was weighing them in her mind.

“Fine. If you are being this way I set the terms. You and only you. A hand job and nothing else. I’m not that kind of girl and you’re pushing me into a corner. I don’t even know you. Remember I’d rather pay you than do this. You’re forcing me into this. I’m just letting you know. This isn’t what I want and that’s not nice of you.” If she couldn’t get him to stop she was going to make him feel as guilty as possible for wanting to do things to her that she didn’t want to do maybe that will change his mind.
The old man cracked a smile and let out a soft laugh as he watched the girl's resolve start to crumble and her worry start to increase. He knew he was forcing this cute girl into a corner. But frankly, he didn't care what he'd have her do, as long as it was something sexual with him would be good enough. For his own plan atleast. He certainly wasn't going to leave with just a handjob tonight.

When she finally agreed the old man let out a soft scoff and said. "Welp, I don't have much need for money, like I said. Ahd I just really need this right now so... I don't care." He said with a shrug before getting out of the truck, taking the keys with him and tossing them to George. "Watch the truck. Gonna take a leak." He said the the meat head, who looked oddly suprised. But quickly nodded and shoved the keys in his pocket and whistled as he was still pumping.

In the gas station, they would be passing by the shelves of drinks and snacks, along with a distraught Timmy looking through lottery tickets. "Nnghhmm.. Win out wednesdays.. Booming bucks, and uhh two high rollers!" He told the cashier but soon looked back to see Michel and Mei walking in and going to the back. The blonde turned his head away abd smirked a bit.

Once the two got to the bathrooms, he went into the male bathroom and expected her to follow. "C'mon now, quickly. Don't want the others ta get curious now do ya?" He said as he opened the stall and let her in first and oddly enough took off his belt and hung it over the stall door. Although he didn't give the girl much time to speak up before opening up his pants and pulling out quite the beast! A 7 inch (or almost 18 cm for those metric inclined) throbbing beast of a cock! He may be old. But he certainly didn't need any viagra, he was already set up abd ready to go.~ "Mmm.. might wanna spit on it a little lube up yer hands. Ya know, you really got a hot body, shame ya ain't willing ta share~" He said as he kept his hands to himself, for now. Those he was certainly eyeing up her boobs. "Tell ya what, you let me cop a feel and you ain't gotta worry about me cumming on your cute lil outfit?"
Mei really didn’t want to do this but he knew he had her cornered and he was much bigger than her. Taking to keeping silent she was going to make this as awkward as possible. He had to know she wasn’t going to enjoy it at all!

Getting out of the car she followed silently keeping her head down. She didn’t want the others to see her or think they had a chance with her. Micheal couldn’t even take her into the ladies room. “And to think I thought you were the nice one.” Mei said softly but loud enough for his ears only.

Once in the men’s restroom she couldn’t run or even scream. Who would help her? His friends wouldn’t! In that stall left her truly cornered as his belt came off. Quickly was what this petite cosplayer wanted and when he pulled his pants down unleashing his old dragon she gasped and turned away. “I said have job only. No touching. I’d rather burn this costume after you’re finished than let you touch me.” She said before spitting in her hand before he felt her wrap her petite dainty hand around his girthy cock still refusing to look at him. “Just hurry up and cum. I don’t want to be any later than I already am. You sick pervert. Do you get off on women who don’t want to touch you?” Asking as he felt her giving him the bare minimum before she said something that would most likely damn her. “Maybe if you paid me I might actually try…”
Michel didn't care for her words too much as they walked through the place and he heard her mumblings behind him. Frowning a bit, he simply shrugged it off, figuring that she probably just didn't get to know him yet. But once they got into the bathroom he figured that if the plan worked out, then he'd get to know every part of her body~

Although a bit underwhelming at first, her hands did feel very smooth along his well experienced dick it felt very warm in her hands, even lightly twitched as her hand came up to the tip. When she asked him of if he got off to stuff like this, he scoffed a little abd said. "No, I actually like my girls to be a bit more energetic and willing than you. This kinda sucks." He said with a laugh before hearing her next statement about cash.

Making him smirk a bit as he dug around in his pocket and after some ruffling later, the girl who was currently jerking him off felt the firm and cool sensation of getting slapped in the face with money. Gently and teasingly ofcourse. But what was right infront of her was 10 God damn Benjamin's. 1,000 bucks... "Well.. how egar would you feel about that?" Money like that could have her cosplay career skyrocket, or help cover groceries for quite a while! "I wanna fuck, so how about not messing around too much, hmm? We fuck, and you get 1,000 bucks and a free trip home, what do ya say?~" He said as his smooth and handsome eyes smirked down at her.
Mei rolled her her eyes as she lazily jerked this older man off. It was literally the bare minimum. Her ramblings didn’t go unheard to her surprise. Her silky soft hand stroked him and felt better than a fleshlight though an unenthusiastic one.

Thinking he only cared about that velvety hand of hers and stroking but what he did next threw her off her zoning out was when he pulled out a wad of cash and not a small amount either. He didn’t slap her hard with it but it was a playful love tap of sorts.

That caught her attention and he was right about the amount. What he got was this busty cosplayer to turn and look him dead in his eyes. “That 1k gets you anal with a condom since I don’t know you. I think that’s fair. If you do a decent job you can cum on my tits. That’s it. Take it or leave it. You want to duck that’s what I’m offering. I’m not a street walker. I don’t do this. So what do you think. Take it or leave it. It’s what I’m offering.” Making eye contact as her hand still had his hard cock stroking it.
The old man chuckled softly as once again he was able to crumble whatever resolve she tried to make against him and prevent him from getting what he wanted. He hummed in thought to her offer as he looks around in his wallet for something, soon pulling out a rubber... and another stack.. 2k, Jesus christ.

Once again the woman felt to refreshing feeling of money hitting her as the 2nd stack to smack her gentle face. "How about this, 2k for vaginal and anal with a condom, and you swallow my cum, and atleast look like you're happy." He said as the old man started to gently pet Mei's head.

His cock looked barley effected by the rather unenthusiastic hand job. The lump of man meat twitching in her hands, he would certainly be a bit big for such a smaller girl like her. But he felt confident that he could fuck this girl down.~
When he pulled out another 1K she had to laugh and she looks cute when she did it as she had her lips with her hand. “Do you really go around buying women?” She asked when he slapped her playfully with a next wad of cash.”‘Make it 2.5k and I’ll pretend that your cock is made of gold. Maybe platinum if you’re lucky. Girls like me are cheap and my boyfriend earns what he gets for me. “ at least now she was sounding how she looked.

Maya was gorgeous and she knew it. With her free head she held it out waiting for him to deposit the cash there. She let him get away with petting her head and her real long dark hair which wasn’t a wig she just has beautiful black hair. That was the reason she chose this cosplay which meant she didn’t have to wear a wig tonight. “You’re gonna need a few of those if you’re fucking with me tonight. One won’t be enough. Only you any not your creepy friends. If you invite them I will leave you hard and unsatisfied. Deal?” She asked making eye contact to make sure he at least said yes and so she can check to see that if he had a condom.
The old man sighed as she asked for 2.5 for them to fuck, and he shuffled around through his wallet before suddenly another 5 Benjamin's get taken and shoved right into her cleavage."I thought you said earlier that you wouldn't take money for such things? That your 'boyfriend' wouldn't accept that." He said as he also stuffed the rest of the bills between her tits for her to take. As she was busy with grabbing and counting the bills. In which there were 25 happy Benjamin's resting in her hands now. Michel got busy and took out several more condoms, and put them on the back part of the toilet.

He did smile down at her as Mei started to smile and laugh softly as she was fully paid. Regardless, he reached down with his hand to help stand her up and said. "Well, I hope you'll last long enough tomight~" He said before kissing her, and feeling up one of her tits through her dress, the other hand went around the small of her back to grab a handful of the delicious ass that started this whole problem in the first place. Ofcourse it wasn't long until his cock was grinding against Mei's plump and juicy thighs, trying to breach into her fuck hole~

Thankfully Michel certainly did seem like a gentleman and after making out and fondeling Mei for a solid minute, he crouches down and starts to take off her panties to reveal her tight and waiting pussy. Which he happily dug his face right into. Having his lips make out woth her labia all the while his tongue was doing long grinds against her clit and even going inside of the sensitive and busty cosplayer.~
“I don’t.” Mei said taking the money and shoving it into her duffel bag. letting his cock go for the moment. “You’ve put me in a situation I can’t get out of something if you’re forcing me to fuck you.” Leaving the 500 stuffed in her apple chest. “I won’t be telling him and neither will you never leaves the restroom.” Mei said firmly. Watching I’m take out more condoms and The fact that he was going to go and protect it was better than having a strange man inside her.

“Don’t you were a grandpa last longer than you ever imagine.” Letting him pet her dark hair and finally get to touch her. With that kiss she just let herself imagine it was her boyfriend well she hoped would be her boyfriend at the party later. She did not disappoint your tongue tangled with his and he pulled her Curvaceous body against his. She even made the sweetest cute little gasps. Feeling his member against her thighs as he grabbed her juicy plump ass. There is no denying he was turning her on but she would never say that to his face. He could feel the dampness against her panties.

Figuring it would just want to fuck her she did not expect that kissed a break and for him to go down on her. When he revealed her clean-shaven slit it made her blush. “You don’t have to do thaAHHHH!” Mei began to protest but lost her speaking ability when he began to lick her very wet labia. He couldn’t see it but she broke her hand her lips that she covered her mouth trying to hide what sounds she made especially since she didn’t want anyone to hear what she was doing for money. Of course it wasn’t just the money he was not gonna let her go to the party without doing this to her the money with the icing on the cake. Even if this felt good she had to remind yourself that this was not the guy she wanted. It was just a quickie if she thought about it. She couldn’t let her enjoy this too much. “Dirty old man… you said fuck only…” The sexy Asian cosplayer mattered though she did nothing to stop him. She even widened her legs I consciously to let him lick her easily.
If there was one thing that was certain, it was that with age comes wisdom and experience, and this old man, being the silver fox that he was. Was very wise in the field of sex. He's fucked both old and young women and learned plenty of tricks that'd make any inexperienced girl roll her eyes to the back of her head and squirt like she was a fucking fountain. So with that, he was eating her out like a starving man that just found a granola bar on the floor. He was even moving his face around slowly, moving her labia around while he made out with it. He started to change methods real quickly. Using his gentle nose, he dipped his head down a bit, letting his nose be able to poke around and feel for her clit to tease it, while his lips were still moving around and stimulating her labia. While his tongue was free to go nice and deep in her. It got to the point of where he was writing the alphabet into her clamping and dripping walls.

With his hands however they were getting busy feeling her up. With one hand constantly rubbing one of her thighs, giving her gentle pinches and rubs to stimulate her more, while the other hand was grabbing at her ass, spreading her cheeks apart and getting a bit of her gushing pussy juice, he starts using it as lube to slowly shove a finger deep in her ass, slowly working it in and out while his mouth and tough would nearly abuse her poor cunt~

Michel only took short breaks for the occasional breath. But when Mei told him about no eating her out. Yet seeing her actively making it easier for him to eat her out, he smirked up at her teasingly and says. "Foreplay is pretty much the most important part, little lady. Why would you like me to stop eating you out?~" He said before going back to devouring her dripping cunt. He wanted to get his little lady to squirt and cum really hard for him.
Michel knew what he was doing and Mei was trying not to let her carnal impulses win. Most men her age never went down on ladies. not even the men that she dated went down on her. It was always her going down on them. This role reversal had her whimpering so easily as she wanted more but wouldn’t say it.

He used her juices as lube and easily slid into her tight ass which she could feel was most likely not even used very much. The Silver Fox picked a picky princess. “This wasn’t a part of the deal you said fuck in not oral..” her words did not match her actions as her other hand reach down and tangled in his dark hair that had silver highlights. He had access to her very perky teenage body. Inexperienced college student were the best especially if their boyfriends or men their age had no idea how to treat a woman. “This is only for you and no one else grandpa….” She made a point of saying even though she touched his hair and tried to push his face more into her tight pussy to make him lick her more. The way she was squirming was giving away how much she was enjoying this but still kept her freehand over her lips. There was no way she would give away how much she loved being violated this way. Even her ex could not get her this wet!
Michel didn't even need to try to tell that she was lying and that her brain was practically fucking melting in pleasure while her womb and pussy were aching for more. He felt her hips rick into him while her hand was pushing his face deeper and deeper into her. He was more than happy to play as a dirty old man for this absolute bombshell Asian babe. So he was definitely gonna eat her out till orgasm or sge just can't taje it anymore and her legs buckle.~

His hand by her ass was still stealing tge dripping fluids coming out of her pussy, reading the lube in her ass yo further lube her up and allow a second finger to go knuckle deep in her juicy butt, his long and thick fingers were more than enough to generate sparks of pleasure going up her ass and further corrupting her inexperienced mind.

However by her pussy, This old bastard changed once again, this time no longer using this same strategy of eating her out. But was instead using a method that he knew would drive her up the walls~ He wrapped his lips around the top of her pussy and started to softly suck on the top of her pussy, and his tongue went wild, rubbing and flicking all over her labia up top. But to this effect, her clit was under constant and very pleasurable teasing as the ridges of his taste buds proved to be great and making her clit going absolutely nuts. While the hand by her thigh also came up to her pusdy and slowly pushed in a pair of fingers and slightly curved them up, probing for her g-spot and then rapidly moving his fingers to stigmata that spot! He was gonna make her cum like crazy~ "cmon little lady, Cum for me~ you know you wanna~ gimmie all those tasty juices~" He said, his filthy old mouth talking dirty to her.
Her body was now in control now. Rocking and writhing. Trembling as she pulled his hair. Even with her mouth covered she was loud. It would be a miracle if no one heard them. Her knees or buckling and her face was beginning to get sweaty. He not only was licking her and teasing her Clit, but her back door as well. She wasn’t going to survive standing much longer. “JUST FUCK ME GRANDPA!!!” she yelled out louder than she expected. Even after yelling that she kept grinding on him. Rocking to and fro.

His face getting covered with her shoes and her body ready to explode. The thing about these young girls were that they were super easy. Their bodies ripe for the picking. And he picked the juiciest Barry from the Bush. Her nectar flowed like honey. Coding her inner thighs and his face and I took a split second I walked the clip down on his fingers and tremble. “IIIYAAAAA!!!!” You saw her bite into her hand right between herself and pointer finger as she came so high her legs nearly gave out above him. Lucky for him he was late but she was quite top-heavy. You could feel that her legs are struggling and he would have to do something or she would fall on his face.
Michel was internally smirking as he watched this picky little princess start moaning like a full on whore, her body and legs trembling like the string to a bow. It wasn't long until he heard her screaming at him to just fuck her. He knew she was right at the edge of keeping a normal mind, for atleast a while, and he was more than happy to drive her right over the edge of that limit and let her go completley nuts~

He'd soon feel as her pussy clamped down really hard, as well as her anus and a bunch of delicious girl honey was oozing out of her love tunnel like a beehive have a hole drilled in it. Thankfullly he eased up and eventually stopped his assault on her privates as he saw that her legs were shaking and buckling. He leaned into her abd wrapped and arm around her hips and the other on her back. He held her close to his warm body as he slowly and steadily helped her sit on the dirty bathroom floor. But it wasn't like her legs were gonna work now.

"Shh.. shh.. I've got ya little lady.. I've got ya." He said to her softly as he still felt her body twitch and lightly convulse as the aftershock of such a powerful orgasm was washing over her, practically drowning the poor girl in sensory feedback. As soon as she was capable of formulating coherent sentences, the old man softly laughs and says. "Well, looks like yer all warmed up. Ready for round 1?~" This was what would prove that her night was gonna be one like none other, and thus kan was going to drive her mad in pleasure!
With Michael’s arms around her waist keeping her up she would blush deeply as he held her up after her massive orgasm. Make it a point not to get him since this is a transaction to get her to safety and that’s all that was. “How many rounds before I…I can go?” She managed to ask though her body was still shaking and couldn’t even stand up properly. She felt so dirty especially since this was the first time she really ever did something like this.

The fallen princess ashamed. “Remember the condom…you promised..” she asked softly and pleaded with him as she had under her slightly messy dark hair. She came up as a prude but he could tell she was raised pretty well except for when she was bartering her body for money and her freedom. “One time deal… I am not like this normally…” her sweet voice cracked as she confessed. The fact that Mei came as hard as she did she felt like she need therapy after that. She wasn’t supposed to enjoy it this was a ticket to freedom and not pleasure and here she was enjoying this man she hardly knew touching her and making her feel things no boyfriend ever made her feel.
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