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The forest (MistressFrancesca and Carly)


Primal Sex Goddess
Dec 26, 2022
By Carly :

Sofia Jenkins lived in a white cottage in the forest at the edge of town and was highly sort after by all the boys and most of the girls of the small town of Clayvansor. She was the most beautiful woman by far and pretty much everyone had hit on her in some way or another. Mostly when they were drunk, and then later when they were sober also - usually while apologizing for previous behavior. Although she had her pick of people to be intimate with the town was still small and there was not much to do.

Clayvansor, or clayville to the locals was a tourist town and boasted magnificent forests and bushman's tracks that showed trees and animal life in all of its beauty. There were many birds, but mostly there was wild mammals that roamed the land, living in harmony with each other. The air was fresh, there were plenty of lakes and rivers nearby and the entire forest was protected and was a lush green mixed with many flowering plants. Everyone loved the place. Still for the young at heart, there wasn't much other than the forests. No night club or anything for young adults to have fun. Being hit on happened all the time, from the young adults to old men as well, everyone was constantly giving her a shot to see if they got lucky - this time. Many people talked of her, and everyone thought of her. Strangely rejection didnt seem to change their opinion of her, typically it should turn bad, but for some magical reason it didnt change their attitude at all, men and woman of all ages.

One day in early spring Sofia went to the mail and noticed a gold envelope addressed to her with many stamps on it showing it was from overseas.

Opening it revealed a letter - and a map. The letter read:

Sofia Jenkins,

You don't know me but I know you. I know who you are and there is a good reason for you to be where you are at this moment. I am a keeper of American Indian culture and am one myself and there is an artifact made by my ancestors that is about half a day walk away in the wilderness from where you live. It was made for you. I have been tasked with ensuring it comes in your possession when the time is right. You have a calling, a divine purpose and its nature will be obvious to you once you have it. Its important that you touch it, once done you can do with it as you see fit. But touching it is all that matters. Much nature magic is tored in the figurine which will be released into you when you do so. It will instill your destiny. A great boon to the land, you will please many.

It is a figurine of a male animal, made of bone. It is priceless and an important artifact to our culture. Sell it afterwards if you wish or give it to a museum, the choice is yours. For it belongs to you more than anyone else. Once you touch it its purpose is complete and it is just a figurine made of bone afterwards.

Shaman Big-Hands

Along with the letter was a detailed modern map of the town and surrounding country side.
A large red colored X was shown in the hills north of the town, in the middle of the forest.

By Mistress

Sofia highly enjoyed her small town, her small cottage, and her relationships/friends at the moment. In short, her life was just fine for her. She was not looking to ruffle any feathers. Sofia had a small clunky vehicle, but preferred to walk in the glorious nature that her village was known for. The bakery she worked for--well, more like the elderly owners--was very popular. Most of the people were just there to see her and then would purchase an item to keep up appearances. Even so, there was a nice sized general customer base that did show up for the product rather than for her.

Since it was her day off, she lounge around in bed, getting up to check the mail an hour after its scheduled delivery time. She was half way back to her cottage when she stopped to read the letter after opening it. Sofia actually read it over twice to make sure she understood the entire thing. Then she glanced around, wondering if she was being watched. Feeling nothing of that sort, she finished her walk back to her cottage. Sitting down at the kitchen table, she studied the map. Sofia bit her lower lip--a sign that she was heavy contemplating something--and ran a hand through her luscious long chocolate hair. She heaved a sigh, "Half a days walk..."

Having done many nature walks in the forest, she was familiar with it. She knew where the X was, having never really gone to that specific spot before. But she felt confident enough that if she left now, she would get back home by dark. Sofia was rather intrigued by this letter. And in the next moment, she made up her mind. She quickly cleaned up, changed clothes and gathered needed supplies. Sofia scribbled a note about her destination--in case friends came by to visit--with a promise to return before the next day.

And so, her trek to retrieve this figurine began.

By Carly
Sophia set out into the bush with her map in hand. Her supplies were simple and thrown in a backpack that was about half full. Two large water bottles, some food and that was more or less it, oh and a first aid kit - that was always present in the backpack. It didn't take up much space and you never knew when it could come in handy.

The birds were singing and more than usually perky around this time of day. They seemed to be gathering closer and flocking around Sophia. One did circles around her and stopped at junctions towards the way she was going, as if showing her the way. Other birds began to do the same thing, and it was obvious this wasn't coincidence.

Sophia could hear then see mammals around her, some sniffing the air in her direction and moving towards the same point. This was typically rabbits and deer but then larger creatures also did the same thing. This may not all be good as there were bears in the woods, and they had attacked people before. Luckily there were no fatalities as the people scared the bears off with a bear horn .. or was it bear mace ? Hmm.

Two hours of walking and a few sipps of her first water bottle later, Sophia found herself at a stream. She had been here before but now it flowed a lot more than it had in the past.


Probably due to recent rains. Still it seemed a good place to refill her water, as the stream would be cleaner than any water she could get in town. That was a good thing about this town, although there were youth that had issues, none vandalized or littered the forest, every person in the town respected it. Even visitors did. THere was something about the forest that made people want to ... it was hard to put into words.

Anyway the X on her map was only half an hour away now, she was making good time, perhaps time for a nap or rest ? or should she keep going. The X was marked in caves that she had known about but never got around to exploring...

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It took her a while to realize it. But she soon noticed how the birds flocked. At the junctions, they seemed to be communicating with her. When it first happened, Sofia paused and tilted her head at the creatures. "Strange. They've never done this before." She had walked these paths plenty of times before. "Ok...if that's the way they say to go...then that's the way I'll go." She did consult the map again just to be sure.

As she walked to the second junction, she already was looking to the birds. However, this time, she saw she was starting to collect other types of creatures. "Hmmm..." She looked around her, finger to her chin in wonderment. She knew about the dangerous bears here. And the further she went into this forest, she knew she would soon encounter a bear.

Sofia took rest at the stream. She used the clear water to clean her face before refilling her bottle. Another pause as she held the bottle angled in a way to collect the water. More strangeness--this time with the stream looking more clear than it has in the past. "This has to be related to this figurine." She was sure of it now.

After about 10 minutes of relaxation, checking her supplies and re-hydrating herself--Sofia stood up. "No time to waste. According to the map, I'm close." She began her trek to the cave.

by carly
Sophia refilled her water bottle and splashed water of the stream onto her face. Although the water was very cold it was fresh and the feeling was refreshing and relieving after a two hour power walk. The birds chirped happily as they did so, fluttering around her in circles as if impatient for her to keep going.

Sophia made up her mind to continue towards the cave despite the urge to rest for a while. Truly she didn't really need to rest, and the cave was close. With help from the birds Sophia soon found the cave and what greeted her was quite an amazing sight.

Even from the entrance the contents of the cave was clear, GOLD. GEMS ! And alot of it !
The sun streaked to highlight an amazing array of treasure. Hmm this didn't make sense, as americian Indians typically didn't mine or collect gold or gems. Was this a trick ?

Scattered throughout the treasure was different objects too. A wooden challis, a painting ? Some silver spoons, and a figurine of a dog with an erection - made of bone.

Upon seeing the figurine, Sophia knew this was the artifact the Shaman was talking about, it was half buried in gold and gems overflowing from a treasure chest. Whatever put these things here seemed to have no obvious purpose, unless it was a trick or a trap. But strangely to Sophia there didn't seem any evil intentions about the place, if anything it sort of ebbed a feeling of calm acceptance. And more than anything else - nature.

by mistress
Even though it was a brief rest and clean up, Sofia felt rejuvenated. She didn't have a towel, but by the time she reached the cave, she was dripped dry. At the entrance to the cave, she paused--taking another sip of water. Then she put her water and the map in her bag, not really needing it at the moment. Sofia checked the area around her. The animals were still around, sill amusing her. She just simply shook her head and entered the cave.

When she stepped inside, her eyes went wide and her jaw figuratively hit the floor. "Woah..." She stepped closer to a random pile of gems. "Just how long has this stuff been here?" Sofia touched a few of the gems, only to prove to herself that she wasn't just imagining things. This was real. She set the gems down and moved around. The gems and the gold wasn't why she was here.

The reason she was here soon caught her attention. Carefully, she retrieved it from the treasure chest. In her hand, she could now examine it closer.

by carly
Sophia checked the gems and gold. It was real sure enough, and although it could have been a trap to the undeserving, there wasn't a hint of anything bad that she could feel when she handled the treasure. Manny gold coins, of a type she had not seen before. Gold bars too.

The gems were real also, not just colored glass. Who knew why someone kept it here. For some reason Sophia felt that they belonged to her. Strange as it was she couldn't shake the feeling.

Everything changed when she touched the bone figurine of a wolf with an erection. A brilliant bright flash appeared, drowning out her sight. and the figurine became instantly warm to touch, the warmth of flesh. The sensation was followed by a warm feeling traveling up her arms to her body proper, lingering around her breasts then moving towards her vagina and her anus where it stopped and intensified. When the feeling appeared around her private it felt more ... wet, sensual, sexual and needy. Immediately her body responded feeling arousal in both places and her sensation continued to move inside her in both parts. What seemed certain, was that sensations from her gspot occurred, it was growing ! It was very intrusive but welcoming in its pleasure. There was a feeling of natural destiny about it.

When she came too, and her sight cleared the cave had returned but the gems and gold were gone. All that remained was the bone figurine. But still the sensations about her breasts, her privates and anus lingered. Something had change her down there.

Looking up Sophia noticed that the sun had moved across the sky considerably. She must have blanked out for hours.

by mistress

Sofia groggily awoke. She slowly sat up, rubbing at her eyes and then carefully opened them. It took a moment to get her bearings. The first thing she realized was that the gems and gold was gone. Sofia rose to her feet and steadied herself as she looked left and right. "What...where...?" She was certainly puzzled. And that's when she felt something in her right hand. She glanced down, seeing the figurine. "I passed out when I touched this..." She spoke aloud in obviousness and solitude. No one but her was in this cave.

Sofia became aware of a sensation inside and out of her. "OH yeah...when I touched this..." She drifted off in her comment, but was well aware of what she was going to say. She left it unspoken that she was feeling oddly horny. Absently, she ran her thumb across the figurines erection. She stepped out of the cave, glancing all around her. It was getting dark now and she didn't really have any gear for sleeping overnight in the cave. Sofia stood at the cave entrance, debating internally if she should try to make the trek back home or wait out the night in the cave. She glanced back into the depths of the cave--without the gold and gems, the cave now felt uncomfortable.

With a heavy sigh, she tucked the figurine into her backpack, took a sip or two of her water and then proceeded to try to get home.

by carly
Sophia walked through the forest, and it was twilight as she did so. What happened to those hours ? Secretly Sophia knew, whatever magic made her fall asleep had changed her body. Still the effects were evident. But what did that mean ? For what purpose ? All this strange talk of the figurine and cloak and dagger stuff to what end ?

Sophia was talking down an animal trail when she noticed that something was following her.

Her path opened up into a glade and sure enough one of her fears became evident. A Large grisly bear was lumbering after her. SHit ! She was warned of bears in the woods, but didn't bring a bear horn or bear mace with her ! Idiot !

It didn't seem aggressive though, and Sophia strangely had a calm feeling about the encounter. Were bears animal spirits for the Indian tribes ? Were they revered ? Worshiped as spirit guides or something ? Something about that seemed true from what she recalled, but it didn't make sense really, bears were bears right ? They killed American Indians as quickly as other people right ? And how much faith should one put into American Indian spirituality anyway ? It didn't save them from almost being wiped out by the Europeans did it ?

The bear then lifted its head and started to sniff the air while looking at Sophia. Sophia realized it was downwind and was smelling ... her. It then snorted and shook its head and reared on all fours. What was striking about it was that it had a growing pulsing erection.

Sophia had heard that bears have small penises, but it seemed that might be true for some just proportionally to their size. The one it had certainly didn't look small. It was pink, and bouncing about as it inflated. The bear kept sniffing Sophia then went back to all fours and made its way towards her. Should she run ? What would she do ?

by mistress
Sofia was somewhat alert as she made the trek back home. Her mind half focused on the whole ordeal in the cave. If all that gold and gems just...disappeared--does that mean it wasn't real after all? She had touched a few of the gems. And then the figurine. She shook her head, feeling unable to wrap her mind around everything that had happened in the cave.

She soon became aware of the sensation of being followed. Sofia stopped walking and glanced around her. Her thoughts were immediately pushed aside when she noticed the bear. "Oh no." Internally she berated herself for being ill prepared for THIS. Her first reaction was to be a bit scared. She dismissed the plan to maybe climb a tree for safety. The bear could follow if he so chose. She took one noticeable step back, but gave no indication that she would run.

Her fear soon shifted away, transitioning into heat. She realized that previous not yet familiar sensation was swelling up within her. And that's when she noticed the bears erection. Sofia put a hand to her mouth, gasping. She couldn't blink or turn away. Instead she felt a wanting that hadn't been there before. She inhaled deeply, exhaling right after--her chest heaving in the process. Sofia swallowed hard, licking her lips. Something beyond her comprehension (at the moment) compelled her to stay in her spot. She hoped that the bear didn't see her as a threat.

by carly
The bear seemed surreal, Sophia should be very afraid yet there was a feeling of divinity about the scene. As if the bear itself was not typical. Perhaps it wasn't.

It approached Sophia and the first thing it did was sniff her privates. After a wiff it then grabbed Sophia's track suit pants with its teeth and yanked them down and away.

They were not built to deal with that sort of thing and ripped into pieces immediately, leaving a thin panty between her and the bear. The bear delicately took hold of the panties and repeated the same action, and sure enough Sophia's panties tore, exposing her privates to the bear. Still with a back pack on and a top and sneakers, Sophia still had clothing, but nothing covering her vagina or butt. The bear then reared on its hind legs, its erection throbbing. Smells from its erection drifted towards Sophia and her vagina responded in kind, becoming more wet and aroused from its scent alone, or was it the sight of its erection ? It was hard to tell but it seemed her body was not what she was used to.

The bear then grasped Sophia with both paws but it didn't use its claws. Strangely Sophia wasnt scratched, but the strength behind the arms left no resistance. Somehow it managed to turn Sophia around so she had her back to the beast, and the next thing she knew she was on all fours, her rear presented to the bear. Something was effecting her body, controlling it, making sure she was appropriate sexually for the creature. For surely she wasn't in her right state of mind for what had happened. Still if she DID resist would it attack her ? It might very well do so - leaving her no choice.

THe bear then mounted Sophia without hesitation still with her backpack on. Its warm hard pink cock thrusted once, and aimed true the first time. Strangely Sophia though that pink was a girls color, and the bears cock was pink. Perhaps she thought, or was it a thought from something else, that someone associated their cocks with females. Perhaps trying to tell them something.

The bear commanded its nature over Sophia and dominated her completely, Its forelegs to either side of her arms gripping her tightly in place as it rammed its cock into Sophia's wet folds. It was thicker than her boyfriend, but her vagina seemed more elastic than normal and adapted happily. It thrusted faster than a human and with each thrust it buried its cock further. As it thrusted it let out deep grunts of contentment.

Meanwhile ...

Two nature walkers, both women, and known to Sophia were passing by and heard the grunts. THey followed the noise and soon watched awestruck as the bear removed the track suit pants and panties of Sophia. Someone they knew well from town. Margret and Louise, both in their thirties were bird watchers. They had walked this place many times and had seen bears but managed to stay away from them. Both of them gaped awestruck now as the bear mounted their acquiescence. As they watched scents from Sophia's privates drifted towards them. As the scents contacted their own privates, their vaginas became aroused - and a strange sense of RIGHT and godliness overcame the two women.

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Sofia could only stand there, as her horror of what the bear was doing shifted into intrigue. She dared not to move, letting the bear have his fill of her smell. And then, she was just about to smile--knowing what was happening. That is, until her clothes were ripped and she was grabbed and turned into proper position. Sofia took a moment to get her bearings from being spun rather fast and without warning.

Once on her hands and knees, she was fully panting. In this position, she succumbed to the feelings she experienced. All the lust and wanting of the bear just bubbled up to her surface. "Please..." She didn't seem to care enough to realize that the bear wouldn't understand her verbal words. But then again, there was no need to understand words. Actions of her and actions of the bear were all that was needed. Sofia heatedly moaned upon penetration. Her whole body seemed to shiver in excitement at finally being satiated.

She soon realized the pure bliss of having the bears cock buried deep in her pussy. And each time it moved back only to push again inside of her, ripples of pleasure erupted throughout her whole body. If Sofia noticed the two woman spectating her intimate moment with a wild bear, she didn't call attention to them or even acknowledge them. As of now, the bear and the sex they were having was all she could think about.

by carly
Sofia's field of view was limited but she could make out that she was in a glade with flowers rimming the skirting and soft grass on her knees and hands.

Birds chirped merrily as if giving consent to the bears actions, but stranger still were large stones to either side of the woman that seemed to boarder the clearing. They seemed to have runes on them, strange as none had mentioned these before. Did they just appear today or where they there all along and only one on their hands and knees could see them.

They gave a strange atmosphere to the place, as if what was happening was destiny. But what was happening was far from normal.

The sound of the water bottle jostling about against the med kit in Sofia's backpack accompanied slurping sounds of the bear's privates being rammed again and again into Sofia's womanhood. Wet sounds similar to what a boot makes as it extracts itself out of mud.

The birds approached closer and closer as the bears thrusting increased in tempo. Sofia could feel every inch of the impressive penis, and her initial understanding of her g spot increasing in size and sensitivity was confirmed. Nothing had felt like this before in her life.

The two women, Margret and Louise were shocked and watched with undivided attention as they themselves became very aroused and wet under their clothing.
They had hit on Sofia before, and still bought bread at the bakery every day. THey probably had to as Sofia worked at the only bakery in Clayville.

The bears thrusting's increased in tempo and its front legs squeezed Sofia towards its privates as after around twenty minutes of thrusting it finally exploded bear come into her privates with a primal grunting noise. Come flooded Sofia's womb as she also climaxed at the same time, and a few more minutes passed as the bear pumped more of its seed into the woman.

An age passed before the bear was finished and it didn't hesitate to remove itself from Sofia's womanly embrace and wonder back into the woods.

This left Sofia without any underwear or pants. The remains of which were just shreds littered a yard or two away which the birds seemed to be inspecting.

Sofia hadn't got back to her feet when Margret and Louise came running to her with wide eyes.

"Heavens Sofia are you alright ! We saw the entire thing ! Never have we heard of such an event !" Margret said kneeing in front of Sofia while Louise scrunched her skirt.

Staring at them one thing was obvious. Both had wet marks on their skirt between their legs and it wasn't from them peeing themselves.
Modify message

by mistress

Sofia's eyes half closed. The bears primal pounding against her caused ripples in her ass cheeks. The squishy sounds of their bodies slapping together was a beautiful melodic concerto intertwined with the chirping birds to her ears. She felt pure bliss, floating along the sensational wave--never wanting it to end. The feeling was too good to let go. The extraneous intimacy caused her flesh to glisten even though the sun wasn't exactly beating down on her from above.

She realized just how much she enjoyed the bears shaft, deep within her pussy--milking her as she milked it. And when the bear brought her to climax while he himself unloaded into her, she swore she heard his grunting more like Heavenly angelic operatic crescendo's of Oooh's and Aaah's. She wouldn't be able to explain how she found the strength to stay firmly on her hands and knees during the orgasm--and even after the orgasm. She wasn't even shocked at the moment at how much cum the bear had. She would take all he shot into her pussy.

It was a bit sad upon feeling the bear pull out and leave her exposed, dripping and still enthralled by whatever this really was. But she didn't cry or protest much. Something in the back of her mind comforted her that this was far from over and she would have PLENTY of more moments like this one. Although probably not with the same partner--at least so soon.

Voices entered her consciousness. Sofia lifted her head up toward where the voices came from and her eyes opened fully. She somewhat recognized the woman kneeling in front of her, somewhat could make out the words being spoken to her. But Sofia still felt enthralled. Without a thought or a warning to Margret, Sofia's right hand shout outward, latching onto the woman's arm and tugging her down. The kiss was sweet, passionate but mostly hungry and needy. Sofia dropped her hand and felt the wetness of Margret's pussy. In all the past encounters, Sofia was firm in her NO to Margret. But Sofia was all YES.

by carly


Marget smiled as Sofia caressed between her legs. She was wet down there. And it smelled of musk. That only meant one thing. Louise looked shocked still, her eyes moving from what Sofia was doing to where the bear left the woods.

It was overcast and although it didn't rain there was a chill to the air considering it was autumn. It sometimes did get cold, but the clouds also trapped some heat it. All in all a pleasant atmosphere to have sex in as one did need to cool down afterwards.

"We have always lusted after you Sofia. Marget said after parting with Sofia's kiss. "It seems something has happened to you to change your mind about me. It certainly seems the case that something has happened to change what that bear thought of you. When we watched it it was so surreal, I couldn't believe such a thing was happening. People get killed by bears. Not well ... you know what happened and so do we. I must admit as primal and crude as it was, that I didn't feel bad watching. It was a huge turn on for me"

"For me too" Louise added. "Have you changed your mind about me too ? I hope so"

"Louise lets not be hasty" Marget added "Sofia just got raped by a bear she may not be all together at the moment. We shouldn't assume too much, we should get her home as soon as we can and to bed. She must need to recover, and perhaps tell her boyfriend if she wants to.
Perhaps we will join you and cook up a decent meal, you look so thin Sofia, you need some flesh on your bones ! We may not be that special compared to you but we are excellent cooks. I can make a wondrous omelette and Louise is even better. She specializes in Italian food. Where I specialize in an assortment of dishes"

Marget looked about the tattered ruins of Sofia's garments that was supposed to retain her virtue to prying eyes.

"We can spin whatever story you want Sofia but I think the truth is best. But the decision will be with you to decide if the bear should be hunted and killed for what it has done. I hope you don't decide to do that but it is within your right"

Marget and Louise eased Sofia back to her wobbly legs and smiled and hugged her in turn.

"How does a decent hot meal sound and sleep ? I will take care of you while Louise gets some groceries and returns to your house to cook. Perhaps I will see to you getting a stiff drink or two. We do have some time before your boyfriend comes back from work is that right ?
You can tell us what happened that has changed you if you like, but you don't have to if you don't want to" Marget patted Sofia's garments down. "I bet you will forget today, I know Louise and I certainly wont. Anyway are you right to walk, we can take it slow, but it is a way to go to your house."

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Sofia didn't seem put out when Marget ended the kiss naturally. Not when the heat was still in her eyes, rolling through Sofia's body from head to toe. Both Marget and Louise seemed to be talking an awful lot. It seemed that Sofia wasn't really processing it all. Slowly she tuned to Louise. "The bear..." She glanced off to the direction that Louise was looking. Then she turned back to the two women. "Leave him be." Sofia sounded demanding, even if the tone of her voice was still a mix of lust and whispery.

Sofia erotically sauntered to Louise, wrapping an arm around the womans waist. Her lips close to the womans face. "I accept your offer. Both of your offers." She sent a heated glance to Marget, including her in he statement. And agreed with them both. "And yeah...I'm a bit tired...all this walking to the cave...and all with the bear." Sofia then sensually ran a hand through her long dark hair, "Mmmm...." She licked her lips. The enthrallment of earlier seemed to be slowly fading now. "Where's my bag?" She looked around, a little panicked--not wanting to lose that little statue. A part of her knew that it was just a useless carving now--that the power it had was in her now. But she still wanted it close. It was HERS now anyway.

After finding her backpack, she then proceeded to walk away from Marget and Louise. She figured they would follow. It was time to return home. And like, they said, get some food and rest. Sofia was silent during the trek home. So much was swirling in her thoughts, and she struggled to put them together in order to explain what happened.

by carly
"The bear ? Seriously ?" Marget sounded shocked but she was blushing while she talked "You will let it roam free to do so again ? Most women would want the bear killed as well as its kin so there is no chance of a repeat of today. But you said it was fun ?"

Margret looked to Louise who was hugging Sofia closely, and Louise looked back, both of them were wide eyed. IT was Louise that broke the silence however "It looked like you were having fun but we thought that perhaps we was just imagining it and you would be distressed, offended or worse when it ended. It is a turn on to think you enjoyed it though. He certainly did. We both adored watching, as you can see" She pointed to the wet patches between their legs which couldn't be hidden. Although they were in bush walking leggings the moisture was obvious.

"It would be great to hear if you still think the same after a sleep. A sleep always helps settle things. We hear what you say now, but we know that what you experienced was traumatic so we can't assume your thoughts will stay that way, and you are welcome to change your mind about the bear being hunted after a good rest as well as other things. We are not the smartest women or gifted in many ways, but we value those with kind souls and will cook up feasts for those we consider friends or closer. Please know we will take care of you during this time. Something about this seems more than just a coincidence however, and you can talk to us if you want to, we both hope you do." Louise looked to Margret who nodded along to her words.

"Please know your not alone, we do want to take care of you, and ideally you may consider us more than friends afterwards, but us rushing you to decide things now is very silly and quite rude. Lets see about you having a bath, a good hot meal cooked by Louise or myself and some rest. We can talk more tomorrow but no matter what you may be feeling or thinking now I think that you need time to absorb and digest what has happened. This is unheard of and very strange"

The women made their way back slowly to the outskirts of town. Louise and Margret were bird watches, their binoculars hanging around their necks which swayed from side to side as they walked. They knew all the animal trails and took a short cut back towards Sofia's residence.


It was very scenic and many butterflies were about, as well as birds that were quick to eat them.

A while passed with scents of flowers and sounds of birds while surrounded by colorful flowers and lush green vegetation. It passed eventually however at a main fork in the animal path they took that met up with a trail used more commonly by people.

"Louise please make haste to the grocers and buy what you need to make an impressive omelet or something similar" Margret said handing a fifty dollar note to her friend, which she quickly placed in one of her pockets "And come back to us at Sofia's house to make it for her. I will make sure she has a bath and rests and has a stiff drink with company. By the looks of her she spent the night out in the forest on her own so she must be starving and although she seems dreamy now we should assume that she could be quite shaken inside"

"Will do Margret" Louise said before dashing off on the right hand trail towards the center of the village. Sofia and Marget then walked to Sofia's cottage. It would be a while until Sofia's boyfriend and rent mate arrived... time enough to bathe, eat and rest for a few hours.

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"Yes. It was quite fun." Sofia may not have been as super horny as she was moments ago, but the memories lingered. The power inside of her now wouldn't allow her to forget such sensations. Wouldn't allow her to never want them again. She glanced to where Margret pointed. " was probably best you stayed hidden. Otherwise, you would have spooked the bear. Thank you for letting him finish." As a reward, she kissed Margret on the cheek, only this time it was more friendly than anything.

After a bit more traveling in silence, they finally arrived at Sofia's little (or not so little) cottage home. The door was already unlocked, since the town was safe enough to not need to lock doors. Sofia opened the door, leaving it open as she moved on ahead to the couch in the living room. She heaved a sigh, relief for having something soft to finally sink onto. Sure the dirt area were her and the bear fucked was nice and soft, but it was no match for couch cushions. Sofia yawned, made an random comment on when her boyfriend would be back and then sunk down further and closed her eyes for a light nap.

by carly



Sofia was allowed to rest, and in the background though she could hear movement and the sounds of two people trying to be quiet, and partially succeeding. Her sleep was somewhere between being tipsy with alcohol and dead tired from study, and being all out mulled over and resting ones eyes. Not quite wakefulness, not quite sleep. Somewhere in between. When she woke she noticed that the sun had moved somewhat, and if she was to hazard a guess perhaps two hours had passed. The couch certainly was comfortable !

"Oh Sofia your awake, welcome back to the land of the living. I figured you would want to shower or a bath, but first you look starving. I wonder these days about some women, I am sure they don't eat at thing ! Anyway Louise came back a while ago from the grocers and has just managed to cook you something that will do you a world of good." Marget looked happy, and talked while bending over Sofia, trying to get a good look at her.

Without really being aware of what was happening Sophia let herself be ushered into a small kitchen, where the were two stools about a bar attached to a quaint kitchen, where a large glass of orange juice was, as well as a plate that looked and smelled delicious.


"It has only been about two minutes since its been cooked. The mushrooms we picked ourselves. Its not just birds we are interested in, we are also experts on locally, native grown herbs and mushrooms. The omelette contains a certain variety of shrooms that only grows here. Very flavoursome, especially if you cook it just right with a lot of butter. And Louise has, you can tell by the smell."

While Sofia contemplated the plate in front of her, Margret talked.

"While you were napping Louise and I recalled something that happened ten years ago. There was a native indian settlement here, and one family did linger. A family that was lead by a Shaman. He had a daughter who was indeed very beautiful. Her name I think started with S but we can't exactly recall. I think it was Sue or something like it. Anyway, being beautiful she got the attention of many, and the mayor at the time had a crush on her, even though he was twenty years her senior and married. This infuriated the mayors wife, who got as angry at her husband as she could, but also had hatred geared towards the Indian daughter of the shaman.

The wife beckoned Sue for breakfast at the local diner one day, with the overture that some peace come between them. The shaman, Sue's father, insisted that she do so, but although the Shaman assumed the mayors wife intention was good, it was anything but. Sue was humiliated, publicly. The details were covered up and none other than those that were there knew, and they refused to discuss it, but Sue was so humiliated, their family left within two days. This was no small matter for the Shaman, as he was linked to the land, and likely would only leave if there was no other option.

The Mayors wife was happy with the outcome of course, and although the mayor and his family moved elsewhere shortly thereafter, Louise and I think that perhaps the Shaman thought to have a white woman humiliated in this village to balance what happened to his daughter. As far as we can know for certain, the Shaman was good, and loved nature, but the love of a daughter is a very precious thing to many men, and many would do anything to make them happy, even perverting their own nature and ideals they held throughout all their lives. We think perhaps what happened to you, could be the Shamans or Sue's curse. An native Indian curse. Or if not a curse some effect their connection to the land had, after what was done to the Shaman's daughter. Anyway perhaps we are just two women with an over active imagination, but what happened to you is so strange, we think perhaps the cause may be equally strange. We don't want to scare you but we thought it best that you know either way so you can make up your own mind.

Anyway dear, do eat up, and if you want to stay for a bath, we have a good one, and all natural bath salts and soaps too, but food first ! Before it goes cold ! And the orange juice is freshly squeesed from oranges we grow in the backyard. Doesn't get any fresher !"

by mistress
Sofia wasn't bothered if her guests/friends made even the slightest of noises. It was supposed to be a simple afternoon/evening nap, but sleep had gripped her well. Her first time with an animal clearly took more out of her than she let on originally. The couch she rested on was also the reason she felt so snug. The warm feeling came from the nearby fireplace—and the light blanket loosely draped over her helped.

But eventually, she did open her eyes again. Sofia felt more refreshed. While trying to decide between the shower or bath options, the plate of food set in front of her was distracting. Sofia's stomach rumbled. She giggled and blushed in slight embarrassment. Still, she picked up the fork and cut a piece of food. She pierced the piece and brought it to her mouth—a simple and innocent action, full of newfound provocativeness. Slowly she chewed, concentrating more on the tale Margaret shared.

Sofia swallowed her piece of food long before Margret finished her comment. Even after she finished the story, Sofia just sat in silence for a few seconds longer. She looked from Margret to Louise. "Wow." She stared down at her barely-eaten meal. She cut another piece but didn't immediately eat it. She looked up again. "So . . . you think that I'm being punished?" Sofia frowned. She spoke the question aloud, but she didn't feel like it was a punishment at all.
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