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Feels Just Like Home. (TenderAggression x EtherealElvenEmpress)


Jan 25, 2019
Duke Anurak tapped his sturdy fingers against the steering wheel of his sleek black Toyota, humming with the smooth velvety jazz that played softly through the speakers. He was a man pushing his mid-forties, although he carried himself with a certain degree of poise and health that most men his age lacked. Occasional streaks of silver lined his hair, and specked the well-trimmed beard he wore on his chiseled jawline as well. Wearing a white button-up shirt, silver watch, and well-fitting black trousers, he let his impressive physique and piercing brown eyes speak louder than his apparel.

Packed in both the backseat and trunk of the car were the various belongings and memories of both him and his daughter. While on deployment, his wife had passed, leaving him with no choice but to send his daughter over to a boarding school while he finished his tour overseas. He cast a wayward glance towards his daughter, who was a near spitting image of her mother in her youth. It'd been so long since he'd last seen her as a child, barely turning 10. Now, she was a full-grown woman, with all of the physical features that that entailed. Well-endowed, curv- He shook his head and blinked. What had gotten into him?

Unlike the other men of his unit, Duke had not been unfaithful during his deployment overseas. As a result, he had... pent up needs. Frustrations and passions that had gone unspent, leaving him quite bothered. So many thoughts went through him, wondering what lay in store for him now that he had left war and bloodshed behind.

Their apartment was quite the nice place actually. Overlooking a river, it was in a quieter part of town in London, but with plenty of amenities and other such affects nearby. Between his pay as an officer and the insurance money they got from her mum's sudden passing, he would have enough to support a comfortable lifestyle for the both of them. The apartment complex itself was neat and tidy, and greeted the receptionist warmly as he grabbed a key for both him and his daughter. As they took the lift up in silence, he shot a look towards her, figuring he should try to get to know her better.

"Wanna grab dinner somewhere nice tonight? We could watch a movie after." His voice was deep and warm, like the rumbling of dormant volcanoes.
Boarding school had not been something she imagined would be her life. Anna knew her father had no choice but to enroll her in one of these. It wasn’t bad but she missed her friends back home and she missed her old life. She missed her mother terribly and she couldn’t really felt her father for doing what he did but still she was quiet as she sat in the car. Dead silent.

It was nice having your father back from duty though it felt so strange since her mom wasn’t there. She hadn’t seen him in so long she almost forgot what he looked like. His beard was different to her and it was hard to get used to sitting next to him since she hadn’t really seen him since she was 10. When her father shot her a glance she gave them a look crossed her arms under her bust and said “What? Do I look funny or something?” she didn’t mean to be snippy but I had been so long since she even laid eyes on her father she didn’t know how to act around him.

This was a different change of pace for her especially the new apartment. How would this feel with just her and her father? Would she even like him? She knew she loved him so much when she was little but now that she was all grown up he was a completely different person. It was probably because she only knew him through pictures that her mother shared and her loving words. Even though this was her dad he was still a bit of a stranger since it has been years. Graduating from boarding school and being 18 it had been a good eight years since she spent any real time with her father other than video messages and photos. The older she got the last time she had to speak to him over Skype. Now with your brother gone he was all she really had left. Could he blame her for being standoffish? A part of her was mad that she lost her mom so suddenly. Everyone told her how lucky she was that her father was still around.

Seeing the new apartment complex was interesting since it was a big change from where she and her mother had lived. It felt lonely without her. Her father could tell that she was still hurting from a loss for mother. That could be the reason why she was acting out and being so cold.

“Food works. Mom would always order us pizza when she was tired we can just order pizza.” and I was truly trying but she couldn’t help her attitude. He was trying to be nice I think dinner and a movie but it was hard to think of doing things like that. “Whatever. Dinner and a movie sounds nice what were you thinking?” thinking that her mom would be turning over in her grave if she heard how she was talking to her and I will try to change your attitude and be a little more open. Walking around the new apartment just looking at things and seeing the set up she didn’t really say much. “I don’t really know any restaurants around here so it’s your choice anyways…”her voice was soft and sweet. Even with that attitude she still sounded like a little angel. She sounded so very much like her mother with a bit of attitude tossed in.
Duke chuckled as she spoke about pizza. "Sure, we'll order pizza tonight then, spend a bit more time in the house. As for the movie....." He considered their options, then settled on a thriller he had saw great reviews for the other day. It apparently had great action and suspense, with great romance between the two main leads. As he glanced at her once again, he noticed the sad and lonely glint that seemed to haunt her gaze. Turning, he gingerly reached out and took her by the shoulder, big, rough hands pulling her close into an embrace.

She smelled... nice. Familiar, like her mother. While on one hand, it filled him with pleasant thoughts and fond memories, it also reminded him of more... passionate experiences with her mother. "I miss your mother too, and I know it's going to be hard without her, but let's try our best together, okay?" Duke was quite a big taller than Anna, and as he hugged her, something stirred between his legs, pressing up against her and reminding her that her father was most definitely a man.

Breaking their embrace, he gave her a kiss on the forehead and began unpacking their things. The apartment was nice, with two bedrooms and a study room, as well as the living room and kitchen. Each room had its own bathroom, and overall it was a well-lit and comfortable place to call home. It was furnished nicely, and overall put Duke in a very good mood.

As the day grew to a close, night began to fall. At 6:30, Duke dialled in and ordered pizza, making sure both their favourite toppings were on it. Once everything had arrived, he got himself comfortable on the couch, admiring the widescreen TV that dominated the living room. Placing the pizza on the coffee table, he poured himself a glass of whiskey, lounging on the sofa and waiting for his daughter to appear.
“HEY! Too hard…” Anna grumbled when he pulled her into an embrace. She was still getting used to him and it was very weird since he didn’t feel like her dad. It has been far too long since I spent any time together and she really wasn’t used to being hugged by him anymore.

When she felt something hard push against her it only made her push away from his hug. “Eww…” she muttered under her breath that was very strange and he was making her a bit uncomfortable. More than uncomfortable. Once the embrace was broken she took more than a few steps back giving her much needed space.

Anna was mostly quiet but she came out when the pizza arrived grabbing a plate and a slice along with soda to go with it as she took a seat on the sofa. Making sure there was ample space between her father and herself. He made her feel awkward earlier so she left space as they got ready for a movie.
Duke was puzzled, and a little saddened by her daughter's distance from him, although he supposed it made sense given their estrangement. Letting the movie play, he figured he'd ask a few questions as the night drew on, in an attempt to get to know her better. Starting off simple, he glanced at her, and raised his first question.

"I personally don't know much about you Anna, so I'd like you to tell me more about yourself. Why don't we start with some of your biggest interests and hobbies in life?" School was school, and from what his teacher had told him, Anna was not much in the way of a trouble student. He didn't know much of her personal life though, since neither her nor her mother had discussed it much in-depth.
Anna was pretty quiet during the film. To be Frank she wasn’t used to her father being around. Her mother was faithful and never looked at another man, but as she grew she saw how lonely and sad she was that her father was on leave. Her mother was strong for the both of them. It was easier when Anna was younger but as she grew a part of her was a bit resentful that her father was always away.

When her father began asking questions she huffed and it was easy to see she was just cold. It was still raw that she lost her mother but her father lost his wife. Anna was the spitting image of her mother. “You don’t need to be nice you know. I’ll be out of your hair when I hit 18…do you really want me here?” Anna asked since losing her mother left her in such a raw emitindo state. “Did you even miss us?” She asked him in turn without answering his questions.
Her words cut deep like a knife, each one as bad, if not worse, than any injury he could have suffered out in the field. His expression saddened, and he massaged the bridge of his nose with one hand, drinking with the other.

"You know you're all that I have left... but I'm not coming back into your life just to tell you what you do. I did this to support us, and to make sure you got the comfortable life you deserved." He took another swig of his whiskey, barely aware of what was going on on the screen. Heaving a sigh, his deep voice lost in quiet grief, it was barely a whisper.

"Of course I missed the two of you. On nights where I'd lost friends, on nights where I considered just ending it all, the two of you were the only things that held me together, that kept me alive. I suffered and went through hell, knowing I could come back to two most loving and beautiful women in the world. All that, only to see your mother pass away in a hospital bed."

His voice carried hurt, and frustration, as he stared lost and alone into the dregs of his whiskey glass.
Anna couldn’t help how hurtful she sounded. She was hurting so badly. With no way to lash out and her father was her verbal punching bag. Crossing her arms under her small bust as she sighed.

It did hurt to hear her father say how much he missed her mom and how she was all he had left. It made her think how that without her mom he was all she had left too. They had not other really close relatives nearby either.

Even as the movie played it was hard to sit there and just watch. “I miss mom so much….” Anna whimpered as she brought her hands to her face and hid. It was then she lost it and started crying. Even at her mom's Anna didn’t cry but kept it bottled up.”It’s not fair….it’s not fair…I want my mom back…” she sobbed forgetting about the movie. She felt so alone even with her dad next to her but at least she was letting her feelings out finally.
Anna's outburst into tears left Duke stunned, unable to react. One because it reminded him of her wife in the rare moments where she did cry, and two because taking care of a crying, emotional daughter was not something which came naturally to him. Years in the army had left him out of touch when it came to the fairer sex, and given her aversion to his hugs, her figured wrapping her in a warm embrace might not quite cut it.

As he pondered how he could help without making her uncomfortable, a light lit up in his head. He left the couch and went into his room, disappearing for about 5 minutes. When he returned, he sat down next to Anna, giving her as much space as she needed, and placed something fuzzy, brown, and soft in her lap. It was a big, brown teddy bear, with a cute little top hat and a big heart held in its hands. It smelled faintly of honey and sandalwood, and was very easy to cuddle.

"I... I got this at the airport for you... I didn't know if you'd like it.' Duke's voice was a little nervous, his daughter completely unchartered territory for him.
Anna didn’t mean to startle her father but ever since her mother passed she had bottled it all up. She didn’t even notice he left in her state which was luck on his part as it might have made her more emotional.

When her father did return he handed her something unexpected but for him what happened probably would shock him. Anna took the offered teddy bear. Pulling the cute top hat bear against her chest this may have been the first time his daughter began to open up. “Daddy….I miss mom so much…” and that was the first time she referred to him as her dad since he picked her up from boarding school and not hey you or other unkind words. She was just hurting and Anna needed to let it out.

Pulling that bear close with one arm, but she reached out with her other to finally make contact with her father and take hold of his arm. “I don’t like being alone….” She said hiding her face in his calm scented fluffy gift which was helping more than he imagined.
Loneliness. It's a powerful, painful emotion that's plenty different from being alone. To be alone was one thing, to be surrounded by people but have none of them be there for you, that was another. Craving connection, love, stability, was something that drove everyone, Duke and Anna were no exception to this. He listened patiently and quietly, letting Anna release those pent up emotions like a bursting dam.

He let her take his arm, offering no resistance. Slowly, he pulled her into his chest, letting her snuggle into his imposing stature, a body honed and trained over years abroad. He was gentle, aware of their difference in strength, and the arm around her rubbed her arm tenderly as she sobbed, trying his best to sooth his crying child.

"I know. I know. It's hard Anna, no one wants to be alone. I'm here now, and I know exactly just how important mom was to you. We don't have to be alone..." Giving his daughter a soft kiss on the forehead, he smiled and let his chin rest on her head, letting her snuggle and cry everything out. "We can be here for each other."
Alone. She chose the word alone to describe her heartache. With her mother gone it was a mix of loneliness, despair and sadness. It was hard to explain as her dam of emotions bursted.

Tears flowing. Anna had held it back for so long and she couldn’t anymore. “I need her. I still need her dad….she didn’t tell me she was sick. She didn’t look sick…” her emotions were all over as she sobbed into her father’s string chest.

It was strange having him here. He had been gone for so long and having him back was more than strange. A part I’d her hated him for leaving for so long then another part of her was happy he was back.

Conflicting emotions but it was also the fact that she didn’t even know him anymore. “You already left once and you’ll do it again…I’ll be alone again..” Anna finally said what was on her mind as she pressed her face into him. He was her father but also a stranger. She couldn’t trust that he would stay with her if he left too she would have no one. Her grandparents were scattered far and wide. If he vanished she would have no one…
Duke shifted his body slightly, turning from just holding her to a full on embrace as she pressed herself against his chest. Gently rubbing her back, he let her cry it all out, a familiar numb feeling filling his chest when she spoke about her mother. For him, the whole world had gone numb when he first heard the news. Years spent bleeding and toiling, all for a happy family that shattered days before he got back.

He snapped back to reality whens he spoke about leaving him, and before he realised what was happening, he softly cupped her face with his rough, worked hands, pressing his forehead against hers.

"No... no baby that's not going to happen, okay? I promise you that Dad's staying here for good this time. I've got a new stable job thanks to a friend, I'm working from home, I promise I'll have as much time for you as you need. I'll take you wherever you wanna go, on holidays, anything, let you see what you want to see. Don't ever say I'm gonna leave you again, okay? I swear."

HIs voice was strained and tired, frayed by days of pent-up grief and emotion. He made the mistake of taking his loved ones for granted once, and he vowed to never do it again.
The back rubs really did help her and made her feel safe and secure.Anna was hurting more than she ever admitted. In her mind he would leave her as well. It would only take a matter of time before he will go to and she’d be all alone in the world. She had her gotten this loss affect her father just as much as it affected her. She hadn’t seen him in years so it was hard to grasp that he was hurt just as much as she was.

When he kept her face holding her chin and getting her to look up at him her deep brown eyes went wide. Red from crying. “I don’t wanna go anywhere…. just you don’t go. You’ve been gone for years…. do you promise papa?” That was something she hadn’t called him since he was a little girl. He said they can go anywhere but all she wanted to do was stay right here with him not going anywhere. For Duke, this was the first time she actually really hugged him and kept him close. His daughter rarely showed affection especially for him.

Anna did care about her father it was just hard for her to show it. The thing was he didn’t feel like a father since he had an absent for so long. In name he was your father but he was still a complete stranger to her. Either way have him here compounded her loneliness and what she was fighting and she take it. Any affection he give her she take. As long as he did not leave her alone. Hiding her face in his hands as he felt the heat from her tears and all she wanted was just his affections and for him to hold her.
"Sure thing sweetheart. If you want me to stay right here, I'll stay put, and promise that papa will never leave your side." Duke cuddled her close and sighed, turning the movie off with his free hand. Reaching for the box of tissues on the table, he held her face up gently while carefully dabbing away the streaks of tears that ran down her face. Smiling, he gave her another kiss on the forehead, stroking her hair lovingly as he did. "You're such a pretty girl, you know that? Daddy's really proud to have a daughter like you."

Glancing at the time, he realised that it was getting pretty late into the night. The movie had gone on for a while, and time had really flown while Anna had let out all of her feelings. Holding her hands and giving them a squeeze, he smiled, speaking softly and gently. "Okay sweetheart. It's getting late, and I want you to get a good night's sleep on your first night here, okay? Don't worry, papa will take care of all the dishes and trash. I love you."
The fact that her father turned off the movie and cuddle her meant so much to Anna. She needed that attention more than she thought. “Papa… I thought you forgot about me…” she confessed as he held her face up and wiped her tears with that soft Kleenex. For some reason that kiss on her for head started her tears flowing.

At least she wasn’t alone anymore edgy clung to her father more tightly than she ever had before. This was a good break for her but when he said they need to get sleep and that he would take care of the dishes and trash she held on even tighter. “No…no…please don’t go. Stay with me stay with me please. Please don’t leave me daddy.” Even if it was trash and dishes she didn’t want to be apart right now.

“Can they wait until tomorrow please. What if I go to sleep when you’re gone when I wake up?” That was a silly question but her mind was all over the place and she was just scared she’d wake up all alone in this new place. “Can I sleep in your bed tonight daddy?” She regressed a bit it was something she did when she was younger. With her mom gone all she had was her father. And she needed to know at the moment she opened her eyes he would be there right next to her.
"It'll only take 15 minutes sweetheart, but you can hug papa while he does it if it'll make you feel better." Smiling, Duke held her hand with one arm while the other cleaned up the table, guiding her slowly to the kitchen where he briefly let go to wash the dishes. He made sure to stay close to her as he worked, never making her feel like she was being left behind. Working fast, he emptied everything into the bin and quickly washed their glasses, before turning to her, hands held up. "Ta-da! See? Dad's a fast worker."

Giving her a kiss on the forehead, he bent down so that they were eye-to-eye, hand stroking her cheek. "Are you sure it won't be embarassing for you to sleep with Papa? Why don't you take a quick shower first, and change into your sleeping clothes, then decide. If you want to sleep in papa's bed still, then you can come over and knock on the door, okay darling?" His eyes looked deep into hers, waiting for the answer.
Fifteen minutes. For Anna that felt like a lifetime. It was too long but he did say he would work fast. It was not even a few moments ago that she didn’t even want him near her or even touch her and here she was clinging to him for dear life. She didn’t want to feel abandoned or be left alone. If she were left alone she had no idea how she would cope.

He had to let her go to clear the table but he clearly heard her whimper as she stayed as close as she could while he cleaned. Watching him like a hawk expecting him to vanish right before her eyes. When he leaned over, kissing her forehead as her eyes locked with his she shook her head no at his question. “Why would it be embarrassing?” Her voice as softly. He was right about one thing she did need a shower. She had been sulking for quite some time and a nice hot shower would do her body and mind good. “You won’t change your mind when I come knocking?” That was her fear. If you took a shower and came back her father tell her to go stay in her room alone. She had to make sure before she even got near the shower that he wouldn’t change his mind and leave her. This is probably the most clingy he ever saw her. And rightfully so especially since her mother, The rock of the family passed away.
"You're quite the big girl now. I thought maybe you'd prefer your own privacy." Duke ran his hands through her hair, trying to soothe her nerves. "And no, Papa won't say no when you come knocking. Take as much time as you need, and then we can snuggle together, okay?" He gave her another hug, and held her hand close as he walked up the stairs with her. Once they were outside her room, he smiled and gave her another tight hug.

"Off you go. Daddy will see you soon."

As he left her to go and shower, Duke let out a sigh, stepping into his room as he felt the weight of the night finally fall onto his shoulders. Dealing with his daughter's grief took a lot more out of him than he had realised, but he was glad that she still felt that love towards him. He swore to uphold his duties as a father, to be there for this fragile, delicate girl when she needed it the most.

But first, he needed that hot shower. Stripping into the nude, he placed his clothes neatly into a hamper and turned the water on, running his hands through his hair as he enjoyed the feeling of the heated shower running down his skin.
Anna Felt better knowing her dad will not turn her away. She did need to get a shower though. The thought of sleeping alone her room was not appealing. Giving her father not as she let him go get a shower she got the things she needed to get hers but instead of using the other shower their house had she waited outside the door where her father was showering.

It was almost like she was worried he was going to disappear when he went in the shower. Sitting by the side of the door as she clogged her pajamas and her towel she’d wait here in the shower run but she said nothing. She was so quiet she didn’t think that she would startle her father. He left her in a room but she really did not wanna be alone so she made the decision to sit outside the bathroom like she did when she was really little. To be honest she wasn’t sure if her father would be angry with her for waiting outside but the last thing she wanted was to be alone and hopefully she’s getting herself but for now if you want to be as close to him as possible.
Taking his time to towel off, Duke brushed his teeth and washed his face, the skincare routine being something he rarely had access to while he was overseas. Draping his lower half with a towel, he stepped out of the bathroom, not expecting Anna to be there.

'Hey sweetie! Why didn't you use the other shower?" Kneeling down, he placed a hand on Anna's shoulder, his skin still slightly damp from the shower. Realising that most of his sleeping clothes were in his room, he hastily stood up and began moving towards his room, eager to get some clothes on. He was torn between staying with her and getting some clothes on, but he did feel slightly self-concious being half-naked. He decided to wait for her response before making a move.
It wasn’t hard to see that she had still been crying. It didn’t occur to her to use the other shower as she held onto her towel pressed against her small bosom. “I don’t like being alone and I had to make sure you were still here. If I took a shower and came back maybe you would’ve been called away again. I don’t want them to call you away to duty. I’ll tell them no. They can’t gave you again daddy. I Won’t let them.” She said firmly through her tears.

It was then she looked up at him as she stopped to take his hand even though he was gonna tell her she didn’t let him go. “I can’t let you out of my sight. I won’t let them take you again.” The way she said it she was so serious and she meant business and it didn’t occur to her that her father was probably embarrassed being only in a towel around her.
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