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Closer Than Ever (DarkofNight x EtherealElvenEmpress)

Riley was lucky she did not drive even though she had her own car but she was drinking and she would’ve been no good behind the wheel. Drinking more of her beer emptying the glass down to his halfway point before she decided to eat another slice of pizza. Half expecting her brother to be weirded out by asking him to go commando he turned it back on her and threw her off her game.

Rob had mentioned shaking on it and she cracked an eyebrow when he did that. “ fine I’ll shake on it but don’t cry when you have to go commando I’m used to going commando in certain outfits so it doesn’t bother me.” throwing out that extra tidbit of information for her brother to know that he didn’t know before. Putting her beard down to make sure she gave him a firm handshake before he polished off her beer and let him pay for the tab.

He got them both home safely, but getting home did not me relaxing as she had quite a bit of unpacking to do and she let out a huge sigh. Pouting like she usually did hoping that Rob would break down and do what she wanted. And what she wanted was to not unpack and maybe he could do it. “ I guess my room needs to be set up kind of but I’m tired and I think I’m tipsy so maybe you can do it for me big bro I love you.” That’s it she turned up the sweetness and hope that he took the bait. He just had to their dad always did and she got her way maybe Rob was more like him that she thought so she was going to try that technique to get him to unpack her room.
Maybe it was the alcohol addling his mind a little more than he wanted to admit. Maybe it was the fact that he hadn't been with a woman in a while and was definitely missing that kind of satisfaction in his life, but somehow the teasing mention that with some outfits Riley was already used to going commando intrigued him. But he at least had enough sense not to let her know that directly. "Mhmm. Sure you are." He teased her. "I'd be more willing to believe Mom superglued a pair of white cotton granny panties to you at the waistband and both leg holes than I would to believe that." He smirked, trying to hide the fact that he was both outright lying and kind of interested.

He could almost have predicted Riley would try to worm her way out of unpacking or at least taking a slack effort towards it when she got home. But she actually had the gall to try and convince him to do the whole thing himself? Quietly, he reached out, placing his hand on the top of her head and resting it there just a moment before shaking it hard and messing up her hair. "Yeah right. You really think I'm going to do this all myself?!" He chortled hard. "You already used the puppy dog eyes and a pout to get another beer, pretty sure I'm immune to that for the rest of the night." He grinned at her and handed her the closest bag at hand. "Let's just get rolling, it doesn't have to be perfect, but the sooner we get started the sooner we get done." he smiled, taking one of the big boxes into her room and opening it up.
“SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! How did you know Mom actually tried that? You saw all the things she buys me! She never lets me get anything sexy I have to sneak in a fight with my allowance.” Riley confessed as she crossed her arms under her small bust.

Just when she thought she was Home Free Rob ruffled her hair and she pouted even more.” but I am new here you should do it at least for a couple of days once I get settled I can make sure I cook you dinner every day. I’ll even throw in a back massage see I am useful.” There she went again offering different ways of payment hoping her brother the stressed out smarty pants would take her offer.

When he didn’t she huffed and puffed but did grab a box going up to her room. She had odds and ends with stuffed animals and clothing as well as her make up. She packed a shit ton of clothing and one of the boxes was filled to the brim with so many different outfits probably from allowance her dad gave her since her mom never let her buy anything fancy or knew this was stuff she got through the parental units and they didn’t take away. She would go to the clothing first and start laying out dresses mini skirts and tank tops. Things that her mom would probably kill her if she saw but Rob would know that she had hidden it since when she tossed out the contents of the box there at the very bottom where their mom would not have looked. tumbling out we’re very simple undergarments and bras that she did have her fair share of cute lacy ones. Nothing too sexy but everything fell into cute since she was still try to find her style.

“ I can’t believe Mom picked out pink bedsheets for me how old does she think I am 10? I guess they’re not so bad I’ll get new ones later. Sorry for the pink explosion it’s mom‘s fault I like pink but not this much.” Riley said apologetically and she let out a half and a small hiccup from all the beer that she drank sending her into giggles. “ maybe we should buy some beer for the house or wine I’d love to try wine do you like one?” Maybe he had some on hand but that was a sneaky way well not so sneaky way of asking her older brother if he had one in the apartment.
Riley groused over his rejecting her plan and that was predictable. He was fairly certain their father let her get her way with even less effort than she'd tried with him. And then she went about pouting further and tossing her things about.

The complaint about her sheets finally roused his attention and he looked up from the bed linens he was sorting away at the top of her closet. Smirking he reached down and picked up a lacy pink pair of her panties. "Did she buy these for you too? Don't let it get around campus your mom buys your underpants." He teased.

He dropped the pink pair and found one with a floral print. "Hey Riley, know why they put flowers on panties?" He grinned. "In honor of all the faces that've been buried between her thighs." He smiled.
Fussing through her things as she complained under her breath but it wasn’t that she was upset she was used to getting her way with their dad but Rob was immune.

Riley easily put her things away but it wasn’t until her brother found a pink set underwear that was rather lacy. Turning around to see which one he found she turned red, redder than a rose. “ I bought those but what about the flower ones?” She asked but then her brother decided to tell her and she started giggling and decided to finally try to one up him. maybe this would actually work.

“Oh! That doesn’t make a lot of sense Robbie. Considering my last boyfriend nearly died between my legs. I guess you didn’t know why mom grounded me last year.” She said giving him and knowing wink and wondering if Mom has complained to Robbie about what his little sister got caught doing in her room. That was one major reason she wanted her to stay with Rob instead of being alone on campus.
Rob grinned widely as he watched his little sister's face flush crimson. "Such dainty, feminine taste." he teased her. "At least you're cute when you blush." he smirked. Her next comment was leading in an extreme way. Now he was ridiculously curious, but by the same token he didn't want to make that point too obvious.

"Mom's a steel trap when it comes to impropriety." he grinned. "She thinks if she doesn't tell anyone, she can deny it ever happened and pretend she didn't raise a little hellion for a daughter." he smirked at her. "But come on Ri, don't expect me to believe that Dad let you get a boy through the front door, let alone all the way up to your room." He turned away, trying to act doubtful and disinterested, picking up a thick cozy blanket that would certainly be nice for the coming colder weather months.

He let the blanket unfold a bit as he pulled it from the box, redoing the fold nice and orderly and placing on a high shelf where it could sit out of the way until needed. He'd sown doubt, would Riley rise to the bait and elaborate or let it go? He kept his back turned to her, the better to hide his grin knowing how much this probably irriated her.
“Do you think he went through the front door? Think Robbie. My room may be in the second floor but that tree is pretty sturdy in the back yard. Do you remember Josh?” She asked as she began folding t-shirts.

The fact that Rob acted like he didn’t care did get on his younger sisters nerves which only made her take that bait hook, line and sinker. “Remember when dad had that short business trip when was it….summer vacation? Or what or spring? I forgot but Josh climbed up and I let him in. I still don’t get how mom decided to check on my that late night but she caught me. I thought she ranted to you about how I was being corrupted. I was grounded for months over that and she let me only go out if you went with me.” She began explaining as she lifted her glasses to rub her eyes.
Rob smirked, turning towards her as if to reward her for taking his bait. "No way." he grinned. "You're lying. Dad gone or not do you really expect me to believe some kid was really dumb enough to risk that?!" he chortled, sidling up to his little sister and helping her fold t-shirts.

"Wait..." he paused. "Josh? That Josh?" he snickered softly. "I figured you just felt sorry for him..." he gave her another impish grin. "What did mom catch you and Josh doing anyway? I'm surprised I didn't hear her screaming about it all the way here." he chuckled softly. "I swear she hasn't told me a word about it, probably too embarrassed. I kind of doubt that she told you about the time she walked in on me cranking it to internet porn and nearly pulled my ear off the summer before I went to college." he laughed.
It was the best when she saw the lightbulb go off in her bother’s head. “Yes that Josh. Science team Josh. Afraid of butterflies Josh.” Riley elaborated as she folded another shirt and figuring her brother just understood which guy she meant. “ yeah I did kind of feel sorry for him but he is really nice and sweet and I still can’t believe he climbed into my window. We actually started dry humping and I said no to full out sex so he offered to show me how long his tongue was and we both got lost in the moment. I think I kept quiet but Josh….he moans and mom heard it. Thought he was an attacker and nearly hit him with a bat…I think he’s scare to come near out house but he keeps asking me out.” Riley sounded embarrassed but poor Josh was the one who was more traumatized out of the two.
“I think mom called Josh’s parents too. He got in big trouble for corrupting me. I’m shocked he still wants me to say yet to bring his girlfriend. I keep saying no though…”
Rob shook his head. "I never would have thought the poor kid had it in him..." he smiled. "Wait... He was showing you how long his tongue was... And he was the one making the loud moans?" Rob smiled wide, he didn't finish his thought, he was pretty sure his little sister could understand what he was implying. "Yeah, poor guy was lucky he got out of there alive if Mom got the bat out!"

This was one of those relationship times when Rob, as the older brother, was probably supposed to give some kind of counsel or advice. "Well, I mean, you keep saying no and he keeps asking. I feel like it's his problem, not yours. You just don't seem interested." He said, adding another of her t-shirts to the pile and continuing to fold. "You're going to college now. You're going to meet lots of new interesting people. With any luck he's going to do the same whichever college he's going to. You can both just look back on it as a funny thing that happened one time."
Riley sounded embarrassed to even be telling Rob but she trusted her big brother. “I…well….I bit my pillow….I was quiet but Josh…I think he woke the neighbors…” she said as she looked down folding more. “Mom did say he always liked me. Since preschool that crush only got worse. He messages me daily still. He keeps telling me he’ll transfer here once they pull him off the wait list. I…is it wrong that I hope he finds a girlfriend? I like him but I did feel bad he kept asking. He has a long tongue but he is a terrible kisser!” Riley felt horrible confessing that to Rob but she couldn’t even tell her friends that!
He shook his head and put an arm around her, giving her a sideways hug to express his sympathy. "No. No, it's nice that you want what's best for him since it doesn't seem like you're it." he smiled at her. "And if he does transfer here, I'll help you introduce him to some girls so he can put you behind him." he chuckled softly.

Her next comment made him smirk even wider. "Yeah, too much tongue in kissing is kinda gross actually." he broke out in laughter, grabbing the last of the pile of t-shirts and folding it up for her. "Just how many guys have you kissed anyway that you know he was so terrible?" he grinned at his little sister.
Riley snuggled into that hug. She really needed it and having someone so supportive in her corner. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. I guess you’d call me a nerd or geek bit we get horny studying science. Human anatomy doesn’t help.” Playfully elbowing him but not hard enough to cause pain.

Hearing him burst into laughter made het join him. “Oh I’ve kissed guys and girls. I think I like guys note though. It’s for science. You can’t get mad about that. Would you look down at me if I said I ….umm….well….tried the sex thing? Hypothetically speaking of course…”
Rob rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Well now if I see some of those human anatomy charts up on your walls I know what's up." He winked at her. It seemed his little sister wasn't actually as innocent as he'd thought, even if it seemed like she was just bragging and trying to talk herself up while they were out for pizza earlier.

"Guys and girls eh? How adventurous of you." he checked his hip softly against her side, still loosely hugging her. "Well I mean, you're an adult. And a human being. It's normal to have desires and stuff. But uh... what sex thing did you try?" he grinned, amused again at how awkward she was being.
“You do mom allowed girls in my room no questions asked.” Riley admitted . Rob knew their mom was more lenient when Riley had girlfriends over. It’s easier for her to practice with girls and it was for boys. The fact that she looks so innocent made her dad not worry too much about her hanging out with girls upstairs.

“ my hormones go crazy and I can’t even really go on dates so even if I do go on dates I get my share of blow jobs but does that count? Maybe I can go all the way in college I mean I haven’t found anyone really worth it I’ve been just oral stuff. I watching of porn trust me.” She said he does like him. It was true her hormones were in overdrive and she really couldn’t do much to alleviate that kind of pressure. Even if she went out with a guy her parents were always watching like hawks and her dad couldn’t help but follow her around if she went to the movies. “ I mean you’ve gotten all the way haven’t you?” No it was Rob‘s turn to get questioned by his curious little sister she assume that he probably had all the sex and with God knows how many girlfriends he could at least give her some advice on how to get laid in college.
Rob chuckled a little. "You little minx!" he smiled. "I never would have thought but that's pretty smart." he laughed a little harder as that thought about all the implications of that. Then started wondering which of her friends she'd fooled around with and had to rapidly stop himself before he zoned out into some kind of weird pornographic fantasy.

It was a little strange to hear his own sister being so frank about her sexual frustrations but he could certainly sympathize. "I mean, yeah. I didn't really even leave high school with my virginity intact. Parents watch bedrooms. If you tell a girl's dad you're taking her to the movies and dinner after, and she'll be home by 10, they aren't too suspicious even if she's really hungry for breakfast the next morning." He gave her another hip check and finally released the hug turning to face her.

"Is it weird that I'm kind of proud of you for still being a virgin though? I'm getting the feeling that you're a lot smarter about this than I was and not wasting your time banging it out with people that are obviously bad for you." he smiled down at her. On some level, he was glad to hear she'd only really done oral so far, but didn't want to go as far as to unpack the implications of why he felt that way. "But maybe I should go get you a vibrator so you can pay attention in class." He smirked.
When he called her a minx the grin she got on her face was priceless. It was something she knew she could get away with that Rob could not unless he brought boys over. His imagination would have lots to think about if he thought of how many times Riley had sleepovers. Not to mention how hot her friends were too.

Riley hip checked him back but he fully got how frustrated she was. “It’s embarrassing to be a virgin….god knows I’ve tried to lose it! Dad caught me once…he followed us to a lovers lane and dragged me home. That guy never called me again….”Riley sounded crestfallen.”I bought a mini bullet once….mom found it and gave me the silent treatment for a week. I still feel guilty about buying a toy….do you have one? You know I would like one for my birthday.” She teased.
The grin on his sister's face could only mean one thing, trouble. But he could accept that he supposed. The teasing and borderline flirting that had happened between them tonight was new but, admittedly, fun. Maybe it was a sign he needed to date more, maybe it was a sign that his little sister really had grown up. Maybe a bit of both. Best not to dwell on that for now.

He smiled and shook his head. "He took you to a lover's lane? Amateur. Like he was asking to get caught. If it's somewhere people are known to go to hook up, it's an easy place to go looking for people hooking up." He chuckled softly and started folding some of her pairs of leggings since that seemed to be next to need put away. "Want to hear something bad?" He gave her his own devious grin in return. "When I wanted to get laid in the back of the car, I went and parked behind the church. No one was ever looking there. Not much of a view, but we didn't go there to stare at lights." he grinned wide.

"Do I need to wait for your birthday? Am I really being a good older brother if I don't spoil you once in a while?" he chuckled at the notion of getting her one, fairly certain he was going to do it at the next opportunity. "Maybe I'll get you a nice pink one to match your bed sheets and panties." he teased.
Rob really did have a point and they went to a place where everyone goes to get laid or make out. Riley didn’t know that but their father did. It was no surprise he follow them interact her back home and chewed that boys ear off and even called his parents. Rap probably remember that situation because that boy was a college age boy who was a brother of Josh’s. That was a big thing around town when it happened especially when she was only 16.

“ you know I really wished to do the church but I’m not mad about it anymore dad is right he was a bad guy. It was really stupid back then but honestly that’s why they put a Tighter leash around me. I’m grateful now that I’m in college I don’t know what would’ve happened if dad didn’t notice me acting out. She reached out and put an arm around Rob and pulled him closer.

“ you really should spoil me I deserve it and I’m cute.” Then she gave him the most adorable smile and leaned up the kiss the bottom of his chin. “ i’m really lucky you know I do have the best of their brother. Probably the best in the world.” Riley laid it on thick.” make it a purple one.”
Rob gave a tacit nod to her recollection. "I'm glad it didn't happen either. I'd have had to drive all the way home to pound that kid's face concave." He chuckled and mussed his sister's hair again. "Is it terrible that I feel like I should meet and get to know any guys you're dating before you let them get past first base?" he chuckled. "I promise I'll be nicer than Dad."

Rob was surprised that she pulled him in close. He grinned down at her, grinning even wider when she leaned up to plant a little kiss on his chin. "You're lucky you're cute missy." He smirked down at her. "If you were buttering me up any harder, I'd swear I'd turned into toast." He pulled her in tight for a hug, squeezing her slender frame against his. As he held her in his arms he whispered softly. "Purple it is." Finally letting her go, he looked around the room. "Enough mushy stuff now, we've got a lot to do to get your bed cleaned off enough for you to sleep in it tonight."
“You don’t want to k os what dad did…” Riley whispered as she hid her face in his chest for a few moments as she explained. Rin had missed quite a bit when he went off to college and she wished he were there instead of dad sometimes since they both knew their dad flew off the handle when it came to making sure she was sheltered and it only made her try to be more stealthy.

“I would trust you to meet them. Dad scares them all away. I don’t think he’ll ever like anyone I bring home…” she said but Rob’ smile brought a smile to her face as he brought her ingot hat much needed close hug. “I’m already tired….can I butter you up so I can sleep in your bed tonight. I’m a guest until I settle right Robbie?”
Rob smiled a little at the notion of his sister trusting him to meet the boys she was dating. It seemed for the best that he be able to get to sus out how good these guys were for her. Even though both of them on some level resented their parents for forcing him to look out for his little sister, it was still something he was willing and happy to do as she made this transition from highly sheltered adolescent to full adult.

He looked down at his little sister as she tried, again, to get out of unpacking. At least she wasn't asking him to do all the unpacking now, that was something. He gave her a wan grin. "Well, it is getting late. And tomorrow's Sunday, you have more time to unpack then. I guess that'd be ok." his arms unwrapped from around her so he could step back. "Tell you what, I'll go get ready for bed and let you change. We'll worry about this pile of stuff all over your bed tomorrow." He smiled before leaving her room.

He returned to his own room, getting undressed. Usually he just slept in a pair of boxer briefs, but that seemed a bit too immodest for sleeping in the same bed as his little sister, even with the revelation that she was not nearly the innocent young lady he'd thought she was. He opted to throw on a nicely worn old t-shirt from his high school swim team that was at least soft and would cover a bit more of him and crawled into his bed, leaving the bedside light on while he waited for Riley.
At least her brother didn’t outright say no. She was tired and still a bit typed and after that long drive unpacking was overwhelming. Riley could always count on her brother but she was still a bit sour that she really couldn’t count on their over protective father.

“Tomorrow is Sunday and you have free time to help me right?” Riley batted her eyelashes as she gave him one last final squeeze before he’d step back to get ready for bed. It would be her turn as she brushed her teeth and settled on a simple green sweater to sleep in since she had no idea where her other things were. At least it was soft. Onde finished she let her long hair down and even brought a glass of water into his room. “Thanks Robbie. I’ll make breakfast for us if you want. Would that be a good way to say thank you?” Asking as she sat the glass on a nearby dresser and climbed into her brothers bed.
"We'll see." Rob smirked at her. "I have an awful lot of sleeping late and playing videogames on my schedule tomorrow. Maybe I can pencil you in for a quick 15 minutes in the afternoon?" he teased as he left her room.

He got a good view of her long hair and long legs as she walked into his room carrying a glass of water. He grinned and scooted to one side, making room for her in his bed. "That'd be nice. I'd always have a hard time saying no to a home cooked meal I didn't have to make for myself." he chuckled and shut out the light as Riley joined him in bed. "G'night kiddo." He murmured in the dim light of the room before reaching over, wrapping an arm around her to give her a tight squeeze and planting a kiss on her forehead. "Sleep well." he whispered, releasing her from the hug but still laying close.
Of course her brother would be lazy on Sunday! He always was. Riley did not mind though. She was just happy to have company.

Once in his room she crawled in bed and got overly comfortable. “ well it is Sunday how about brunch instead I’ll wake up around 9 or 10 and I’ll make us something. Mom did pack us so much so we can have a nice Sunday breakfast and we can even send pictures to mom and dad. Show them how great we are at taking care of ourselves. I’d love to see the look on Mom‘s face when she knows I can make it damn good breakfast.” Cuddling up she wrapped in on around her brothers waist and buried her face in his chest. “ sweet dreams Robbie make sure you set your alarm I’m not setting mine up and you remember.” She was giving orders and being absolutely adorable she snuggled up as close as she could unless Rob pushed her away.
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