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I Awoke From a Dream of a Fox (SomethingSecret & EtherealElvenPrincess)

Christoff remarked that though she was a being far older than he was in years, in terms of experience it seemed he had lived lifetimes more than she had. There was much he wished to correct her on, to guide her to the right wisdom, but they would have been there all day, and they truly did need to get moving. Even so, when she spoke of learning to use a sword, he shut his eyes just for a moment to think.

It could be fun... the words echoed in his head.

No, it wouldn't, he thought. Oh, Aria, the ways I wish I could tell you it wouldn't. I desperately hope... that you never have to wield a sword. That you never need use your flames to kill again. For if you are anything like me... the taste of killing has grown too bitter in your mouth to swallow any longer. Even against those that deserve it...

"Perhaps it is fated," he said, smiling softly. "I don't know that you could teach me magic. It would be great for lighting a fire on a cold night, though..."

With that, he turned and faced the mouth of the cave. It was time to go.

The journey to a town took longer than expected. For many nights the two wandered the forest, as Christoff had suggested they avoid the closest town on account of the soldiers who had chased Aria in the first place likely calling that town home. The weather was blessedly calm, and the terrain forgiving, giving them a stable path through the winter snow and cold, while the game was abundant enough to keep them both fed by a fire each night. Along the way, Christoff told Aria of his homeland: Aachen, a free city in the Holy Roman Empire, of which he was a knight of a king in name only. In truth, he was retainer to a merchant-king, the governor of the large city and its surrounding farmland. The city was a fortress, owing to its perilously close position to the French border, which meant he constantly lived in fear of attacks from French armies. Thankfully, the English had kept the French busy for most of his life, he explained, meaning much of Christoff's life had been lived in peace. Most of it. But not all. Christoff had been sent to fight in a holy war against the invading Turkish people to defend the Eastern Roman Empire, where he had killed many men, and watched many more die.

He saved the worst of it for himself, however. His hands were unclean. His conscience was worse. And Aria didn't need to know why he'd been so eager to protect and serve her. Better for her to think he was a noble knight, he thought, rather than a coward and a failure.

At last, their journey seemed to come to an end when they spotted a small town on the horizon. Being the first town Christoff had ever seen in this strange new land, he was taken aback by the difference in architecture, but many of the sights were similar as well: people huddled around fires, eating soup and keeping each other warm with company. As they grew closer to the town, Christoff couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness that Aria was unable to experience such company anymore: not just the company of one, but of a whole community. At last, they were but a minute away from entering the town, at which point he turned to Aria, his hood already over him.

"Are you alright?" he asked, finally. "All we need to do is go in, purchase the supplies with some of my gear, then leave. It'll take maybe ten minutes. I'm ready when you are."
The thought of using a sword could be interesting. Aria did not push the matter but it was something maybe you could teach her later on. In a way it could distract your enemies since they would not expect her to wield a sword but her magic. Kitsune in this land were known for their magical abilities and so far Christoff had only seen a little taste of Aria’s. For now she’s at silent as she ate her second rabbit. Her appetite fully returning as she ate as much as she could and even decide to eat more venison.

For the moment the cave was quiet as his strange companion ate. She mentioned nothing more about swords at least for now but his idea to only disguise her was a very good one and conserve her energy. Her knight was right to avoid the closest town as they passed it they could see soldiers wandering and looking and asking questions so they pressed on. Even though she wanted to stop he was correct it was best if they moved at least a few towns over and it took them longer than expected. But with the game she caught they had enough food to last them and she could easily catch a rabbit or three along the way. Christoff Told her tales of his homeland and intern she told him ancient stories and tales of her people. When he told her about how his people were and how he had such a community he could see the sadness in her face since she no longer could do that it had been her for so long and she had no idea how many of her kind were still around but she still had a little flame of hope inside her.

The town they approach to a small and very much in the middle of nowhere. No soldiers were inside let alone any guards this town was peaceful and how do they need it. Aria made it a point to stop at the border as she looked around and looked at her companion.

“ give me a moment we should stay here for the night I need to make sure no one will recognize me.” With that he could hear her mumble and incantation she’d make a few hand symbols as she closed her eyes and what looked like a bright Light engulfed her entire form changed she had no tears no tail and she wore traditional garb. She looked so very human. Once she was done she took a deep breath and looked towards Christoff. It was then Aria held out her hand and hopes he would take hers. “I’m ready when you are let’s get what we need we can move on freely now. I can keep this up for a few hours in my state if my magic starts to fail we need to get a room and I need to gain more strength. The last battle took so much out of me normally I can keep this up for weeks or months right now I’m not sure.” Explaining her situation hoping he would understand but for now she was alright and the town awaited them.
Christoff watched with some amazement as Aria turned into a more humanlike form before his very eyes with just a whispered spell and a few hand gestures. The people of his homeland would have called it unnatural; he, however, found it fascinating.

"You look quite convincing," he said. When she offered her hand, he took it, then led her to wrap her arm around his in the way the was common of the nobility of his people. "And it fits quite well: we could look as man and wife, and no one might think to question us, even if I do stick out a bit... Anyway, we should be swift. I have a few things in my pack we can trade for some food and coin, I should think: a hammer for repairing my armor, rope and cord for tying things, some thread and a needle for stitching... whatever it takes. I'll sell my armor if need be. Anything but the sword..." He looked ahead as he said this, growing a mischievous grin. "Anyway, shall we, my darling wife?"

With that he began leading them into the town. It was easy enough to find a few farmers who had brought their food to market, and Christoff turned to Aria when he wasn't sure about which vegetables and fruits they might want to take. Many merchants were in town on account of a winter festival that was to take place that evening. He traded a great deal for some salted meat, and found that with all of his extra equipment he would normally need for a campaign that he was able to gather a sizable amount of coin in addition to their food, which he gladly pocketed in a new small pouch he purchased alongside some sacks to carry their food. Trading took the better part of the day, and as things were beginning to wind down with the setting sun, Christoff thought back to what Aria had said about getting a room at an inn.

"I think it's about time we should be getting that room—" he started to say, but as he did so, he was interrupted by an awful sight: a young woman who was being harassed and kicked around by a group of thugs, who the rest of the town seemed too terrified to do anything about. From where they were standing, Christoff could hear something about a debt and 'carving the price out of her hide,' but the reason mattered very little to Christoff. These men were evil, he thought, and though he was a foreigner, he knew what was about to happen to this woman and could not stand idly by.

"Aria," he said, turning to his companion briefly. "We have to do something." He looked back to the group and nodded, letting go of Aria's hand, which then moved immediately to his sword. He waited—just for a moment—but then stepped forward, drawing his sword from its scabbard with grim purpose. A few more steps and the men who were attacking the woman noticed him, and though Christoff may have carried a strange sword and wore strange armor, the message was clear: this day would end in blood. Christoff said a small prayer to God in his head:

Lord, if it is your will, protect me as I defend the weak, and guide my blade into the hearts of the wicked men before me...

One man drew a knife and rushed Christoff as he finished his prayer. Effortlessly, as the man attempted to plunge the dagger into Christoff's neck, the knight flashed his blade in an uppercut, severing the man's hand about halfway down his forearm, leaving only a bloody, spurting stump in its place. As the man squealed, falling to the ground in terror, the rest of his friends stepped forward to avenge their brother. Christoff flicked his sword, the blood spattering onto the dirt nearby. He then took one reluctant step backwards, prostrating the sword before him in a defensive posture. He said nothing, but his eyes beckoned his foes to come and taste his steel...
Aria’s transition was something she had done many times before this was just a different generation. She fit in perfectly even though she had a regal stance and gait as she walked. Her arm linked with Christoff’s As they made their way into the small little town well it was more of the village which was even better for them.

When he mentioned man and wife them now he would like fucks woman giggled and shook her head. “Don’t you’ll be getting any ideas just because I look like this I don’t think you could handle my kind anyways.” Was she joking or serious but she was laughing and she wasn’t insulted by the comment at all. Not saying too much about it since you didn’t want to get into it about her past or how she lost her long-term mate it was just something she was not ready to share yet.

Hearing he mentioned that he would sell things even his armor he could see her shake her head no. “That I shall not allow. We shall figure something out I can use my magic or gift to get things done nothing to stand out but I will make sure you will never have to sell your armor.” As they continue their way in she saw quite the site and if he looked at her she lowered her head and shook it. “ sometimes humans never change. I wish they would they don’t need to resort to that…. I hate it…” your commentary was soft and for his ears alone but she also could not stand back either and let them hurt the woman they threatened.

Aria let him release her hand and go defend the defenseless woman but what she wasn’t expecting was for him to take his life. She didn’t want it to end like this but one down in the others were not going to back away. Letting out a sigh he could see her walk up give him a look and she stood between him and the others.

“No more death. No more any of you!” Her voice boom something fierce as she stood between her companion and the men and there was no fear in her. There was a sadness to her look but she just cannot let them hurt Christoff nor could you let him take all of their lives. The wounded man still lived, but this was a side of Aria she wasn’t planning on showing him so soon as she looked around saying all the men he could see her place both hands at her side and take a deep breath as she muttered and incantation lifting her right hand starting from left to right waving them over each of the men’s eyes and then looking down at the one on the ground.

“Stop. All of you stop she’s paid you didn’t she. You all forgot. Look at your side you have the money.” What she did was an illusion and he had to know that something like this was taking so much more magic out of her. The men I’ll start looking foolish as I saw what looked like pouches of money on their side.

“Get The woman and move away. Do it now.” For once she was very forward and telling him what to do. Hoping her knight listened and if he did what she said she would continue with her spell but she couldn’t do anything until he got the girl a good distance away from the men especially now when they were distracted. She Didn’t want him to draw any more attention to them especially since they were newcomers but there was no way she was going to allow any more bloodshed at least in this village.
Christoff blinked twice when Aria told the men to stop. At first, he thought it was foolish that anyone would attempt to simply persuade such men to stop fighting, and when she mentioned that the debt had already been paid, he thought the kitsune had gone insane. In a moment, however, a single thought entered his mind: magic. This must have been the power available to Aria when she was rested, and it was a fearsome power indeed to witness. The thugs began to disperse, including the man who was now missing a hand, who ran away screaming and holding on to what remained of his arm. One man remained, however: the leader of the thugs, who approached the young woman.

"I don't know how you convinced all my men to leave, but business here isn't settled," the brute said. He was tall, muscular, and was missing a few teeth as he grinned devilishly. "This girl's going to pay. And when she does, I'll come for you next..."

Christoff took a few steps forward, stopping when the thug pulled out a knife, pointing it at the young woman's neck. Christoff clenched his sword in his hands, trembling slightly. "You're a coward," the knight said. "You'd kill an innocent girl just to make a point. Men like you make me sick! I'll cut you in two if you lay a finger on her. Wicked men like you have no right to live."

The last sentence caught the thug's attention. "No right to live?" he repeated. "You're one of those high-and-mighty types, aren't you? You know who gets to decide who has the right to live?" The thug plunged the dagger into the young woman's shoulder, throwing her to the ground as her kimono was stained with blood. "The strongest men, that's who. There are no right and wrong men. Only strong, and weak."

"You're wrong," Christoff said, taking a few steps forward, his eyes burning with rage. "The strong protect the weak. And the good must pull up the wicked by the root, like a weed..."

The thug leader scoffed. "Yeah, right," he said. "If you're so strong, why couldn't you protect her just now?" He kicked the girl in the ribs, hard enough to fracture them. "If I'm so evil, then why don't you stop me?"

Christoff had heard enough. He lunged forward with his sword, but was surprised when he was met with a parry from a wakizashi the man had been concealing. Christoff was certain he could win, but as the two began trading blows, his mind began to flood with memories of that terrible day that so very recently happened. He remembered the sight of the smoke, and the smell of the burning bodies the raiders had left behind. He felt the reins of his horse in his hands again, desperately riding to find the one he'd been searching for among those who had been massacred in the village. At last, he remembered walking into that little house and seeing her, the woman he'd been courting, taking on horseback rides, and having sex with in secret. A spear had been thrust into her chest, blood staining her dress much like the kimono of the young woman who now lay on the ground. Her face had been slashed, and when Christoff had arrived, she was already dead, robbing him even of the chance to say goodbye.

Madeline, he thought, as tears welled in his eyes. He'd been distracted long enough that he missed a swing of his sword, which the thug followed by slashing him across the chest. His tabard was cut in half, his chainmail protecting him from the blow otherwise. The thug's fist then hit Christoff in the face, sending the knight stumbling backwards and clutching his now tear-stricken face.

"That's what I thought," the thug said. "Crying like a little girl during a fight! You really are pathetic," he said, as he started walking forward to deliver a killing blow to the knight whose mind was still trapped in the past...
Foolish she may have looked though with an air of power breathing lift into her form the aura surrounding her was brighter than usual. Even when not at full strength she could draw up enough to create an illusion. If she had slept more and ate more she could do far worse but as she drew on glamor you keep herself human she was only doing simple cantrips for the time being.

The men easily believed her since her illusion was so real they could feel the weight of the gold pouches dangling at their wicked hips. Sighing s sigh of relief when the men retrieved falling for her Fox magic.

Then there were four. The last one left was the leader who was out of her range leaving him unaffected. Now her attention would turn to face the leader of the thugs, Christoff and the young woman in question for what looked like the final stand off. Aria’s focus for now was the defenseless woman. It was hard to catch every word said causing the disguised fox to move closer. The thug was not going to let the woman go and was questioning how she tricked the others. It took all of her strength to not jump in and use magic especially since they had to blend in.

Feeling her heart sink when the innocent girl was cut and it took every last bit of strength not to lash out suddenly which could easily disrupt her glamor due to not being one hundred percent rested. Aria just could not idly standby especially when the other woman was kicked it was then she moved her side taken up residence by her whispering something to herself and placing her hand on where the kick was. The other hand where the knife had left its mark. Keeping herself quiet she would whisper in incantation and let glows leave Her fingertips and use her power to heal her hoping no one would be the wiser sure what she was doing.

Not stepping in for the moment was the best thing she could do but she made sure the young woman got away it was told to run as fast as she can before her attention turned back to the two. This battle was more than the two with their words and pride.

Christoff was distracted to say the least. His emotions were all over the place as she listened it sounded like he drifted off to somewhere else. Aria Couldn’t be sure but the conversation between the men was hard to follow. Her chosen knight was in tears and the thug was taunting him. This was no good to either of them and this time she would not sit idly by and let this happen. If she stayed on the sidelines Christoff would not make it so what she did out of the blue was swiftly twist and turn do not only put herself between the thug and her protector but she reached out to use both hands to catch the killing blow between her own.

This was not without injury as blood began to drip from both her hands as she caught the sword. Aria Said not a word as she closed her eyes and murdered an incantation. The sword in her hand began to heat up and it did not affect her but the heat of course affected the thug as it ran down the sword heating his hands up train them a bright angry heat filled red. This time she would wait to see what he would do or if he would attack her because if he would she would not hold back this time.
Seeing Aria catch the blade with her hands again woke Christoff from his trance, as he clutched his sword more tightly again. She couldn't keep doing this, he thought, as one time her hands would surely be cut off, or hacked to the very bone. In fact, he watched her begin to heat up the sword as she had with the soldiers from when they had met, but the thug was much larger than those men, and a grim realization dawned on Christoff: he might push through her hands and possibly even kill her. He couldn't allow that to happen. Not again. Christoff's feet heeded his command, as he charged forward at the thug, sword in both hands. Just as the thug was about to pull the sword back and swing, Christoff arrived and plunged his blade into the man's heart, causing the thug to drop the sword where he stood. Christoff withdrew the blade quickly, pushing Aria back as the thug fell to the ground, his blood spurting and pooling beneath him. Christoff's breaths were heavy and fast now, but even so, satisfied that the man was finally dead, he turned to Aria.

"Aria," he said, looking at her, as well as her hands which were once again bloody. Other than that, however, she seemed quite fine. "Thank God you're okay..."

Christoff suddenly wrapped his arms around Aria, no longer caring about the disguise or any of the people who were now watching, including the young woman still reeling on the ground. He pulled her in tightly for an embrace, squeezing her firmly and desperately, as if she were about to disappear into the wind forever. Once he'd held her for a few moments, he pulled his head back, his arms still around her waist. Suddenly, his eyes met hers; they were close now, perilously so. Their faces couldn't have been more than a few inches apart. Overcome with the moment, entranced by the beauty of his fox-like companion, and seeing in her eyes echoes of the woman he had loved so fiercely before, Christoff leaned in and kissed Aria, firmly yet warmly, long enough to taste her lips just a little before he pulled his head back. As he did so, his eyes widened, and he turned suddenly to the woman still on the ground.

"The girl!" Christoff called out. He looked back to Aria. "Aria, is there anything you can do? If we can help her, we have to..."
That blade dug into her hands dripping drops of deep red o to the ground as she was surprisingly silent as adrenaline rushed through her limbs. Christoff would hear his charge try to hide the fact that she was indeed in an immense amount of pain. That pain didn’t matter to her as long as Christoff would live. That’s all that mattered to his protective disguised goddess.

For a moment time indeed stood still.

Everything was in slow motion as her knight took action and his valiant sword not openly sought out the evil, but he pushed Aria out of harms way. Leaving her hands now bloody from her protecting him turning the tables as he now protected her!

Her mouth fell open not able to say anything. Did she feel for this criminal? Partly. Aria had a kind heart but Christoff was pushed to the edge and she couldn’t fault him. Her hands fell to get side; dripping her life blood staining the ground they stood on.

Looking up he said her name but she was in shock. She couldn’t make out his words. He called her name that’s all that registered in her racing mind. His strong arms wrapped around her human body which was new for her but she did not pull away. Desperately needing the comfort of his arms she leaned in. His arms pulled her in as they found her small waist. Keeping her close, but what came next was unexpected.

His face was so close to hers. Their bodies too. In this moment of weakness and the kiss Christoff planted on her quivering lips left her quaking. Stunned. Shocked, but she kissed him back. Aria’s eyes closed and she fell into this confused and needed kiss. Eyes closed time stopped yet again until this magical moment was abruptly stopped when he pulled away and he mentioned the girl.

Her neutral grey eyes blinked a few times before she brought back to earth. “I can. I can help. She’ll be fine.” Aria said taking steps back and making moves towards the young woman in need.

Aria didn’t care if she was hurt at all the young woman needed it more than she did. Kneeling by her she would take a deep breath and instead of healing herself; the goddess would use her gifts to keep the girl from bleeding and get her strength up. “She will be fine Christoff. Don’t worry…” she said made sure to look up towards Christoff before she’d speak for only his ears. “We need an inn. A place to rest…she won’t remember me healing her. Can you find us a place? I…I won’t have much energy soon.. please…” Aria begged softly hoping her understood how dire of a situation she was in right now especially with her energy slowly being depleted.
Christoff was quick to take the faltering kitsune into his arms to support her. Now able to compose herself again, the young woman on the ground was quick to sit up, seeing the concern in the knight's eyes.

"My grandfather is a healer," she said, simply. She was still clutching the former wound when she stood up. "I can take you to him, and he can help your... friend..."

It was hardly a moment to be concerned with appearances. He knew he looked strange, and while Aria didn't, he suspected she wouldn't be able to maintain the illusion very soon. And if anyone tried to harm her, his sword arm yet had its strength.

"Take us to him," he said, simply. The gathered crowd watched as they departed the scene, leaving behind the dead body of the gang leader who had stopped them. It would thankfully only be a few minutes before Christoff was able to take Aria across town. Along the way, the two exchanged names, and Christoff learned that the girl's name was Suzume. Her grandfather, Hajime, lived in a small home nearer to the edge of town, for which the knight was hopeful that there would not be too many prying eyes so far away from the town's center. During their hurry, he held Aria close to his shoulder, once again remarking upon how light she felt.

Especially compared to her, he thought, fighting the painful memories once more.

When at last they arrived, Suzume quickly opened the door to the small hut, where a well-aged man sat stirring a pot in the middle of his floor. He flicked his head to see who was at the door, his eyes widening at the sight of them.

"Grandpa, this woman needs your help," Suzume said, her chest heaving with heavy breaths after the run.

The old man grumbled, looking back to his pot and stroking the wisp of a beard on his chin. "Mm... no, I get a bad feeling from this bunch. The spirits—oh, Suzume! The blood on your dress!"

"They saved my life, Grandpa," she said, angrily. She flicked off her sandals and walked into the room. Christoff watched the exchange with a tense curiosity. "But that woman was injured in doing so. Please, you have to help her. I owe her and this strange man my life."

The old man turned, bowing before the knight and the fox. "Please, forgive my impudence," he said. "For saving my granddaughter, I will do what I can to help you in kind. Please, come in, and let me tend to your wounds."

Christoff caught his breath, but then nodded. "Thank you," he said. He then let Aria down, worried that by now the illusion had worn off, and the old man's words would not be kind any longer. His hand tentatively, reflexively reached for his sword just in case...
It was smart for Christoff to take Aria in his arms. Even with all of the rest she was still weak. Using her gifts still took a toll on fragile form. All she could remember was helping the young girl and then everything went black. Even the conversation went over her head.

In and out of consciousness wasn’t helping her Fox magic keep her disguise up. Luckily for her Christoff it did indeed last until she got to the young woman’s grandfathers domicile. Her breathing was shallow and rapid. As Christoff suspected the moment he placed her down on the illusion was slipping away. It was almost like his compaction was glowing and fading. With each fading glow her human appearances slowly slipped away. At first her fluffy auburn ears were the first to reveal themselves.

“W….we must….go…c…can’t protect…you..” was all his weak fox companion. She couldn’t even talk as she tried to keep her form hidden but that ultimately failed leaving her still dressed in the garb of the town, but her mystical auburn ears hair and tail are now visible to the granddaughter and grandfather. It was up to her companion to make sure no harm came to her as he could see that she was trying to keep as human as possible but even with all the rest she had in the cave she was not at full capacity. All she could do was hope that no harm would come to them but if it did she would fight until the death….
"Why do you—" the old man started to say, but was cut off by the sight of Aria's foxlike features returning. His eyes widened, as did Suzume's, who even began to back up into the wall.

"An evil spirit!" Suzume said, shocked.

Christophe stepped forward, hand firmly gripping his sword by now.

"Silence, Suzume!" Hajime called out. He looked more seriously at Aria now. "Just a moment ago you were telling me this woman saved your life, were you not? She has the mark of her deeds upon her very hands: they are stained with blood on your account, to stop the man who hurt you. Furthermore..." he closed his eyes, heaving a sigh. "You should know one of the ancient spirits when you see them, foolish child. I will not allow you to disrespect them, and our traditions. The festival tonight is even held in their honor. You really have shamed yourself, Suzume..."

The young woman covered her mouth as she ran into the other room, slamming the sliding door behind her. Once she was gone, Christophe spoke again.

"You didn't need to be so hard on her," he said. "She was just beaten within an inch of her life, and something worse might have happened had we not intervened..."

"You, too are a disrespectful young man, though not as much," Hajime said. "Perhaps more foolish, too. Not many would accept her as she is."

"Even so, I cannot heal her," Christophe said. Thinking on his toes, he added: "In my land, I am a knight: a warrior of noble status. Even so, I humble myself in your presence by asking for your aid in such a situation as this..." Christophe knelt on one knee, bowing his head.

Hajime scoffed, stroking his wispy beard. "Hm... now that is a rare thing indeed," he said. "Very well, I will help your friend. The wounds are thankfully not that deep," he said, by now having pulled Aria closer to him and examining the deep cuts in her hands. "But where was your sword to block them?"

"It's her... technique, I think," Christophe said. "She catches the blade with her hands, then sets it ablaze, and the man along with it."

"To kill the man with his own anger," Hajime said, fetching some herbs from a pouch and beginning to mix them in a mortar. "It's symbolic: to punish man with his own fury, rather than stain her own hands with the act. She is a wise spirit indeed."

Christophe nodded, though he wasn't much one for philosophy. The revelation of the symbolism had him narrowing his eyes at his companion, whom he found himself somewhat embarrassed that he had underestimated. Was she really an ancient spirit? When he'd held her, Christophe had found that she felt very real, almost human, but now he doubted and found himself instead wondering if he had been disrespectful to her in some great way.

"Well don't just stand there!" Hajime said. "Help me, would you? Get her on that mat, and hold her hands out for me..."

A few hours would pass while Aria rested, as part of the herbs used contained a slight sedative to allow the kitsune to sleep while her wounds healed. Her hands were bandaged again, and Christophe now slept in the corner of the room, his sword leaning against his shoulder as he quietly snored. Meanwhile, in the center of the room, Suzume was bringing out foodstuffs: rice, salted meats, and more, as well as other supplies like rope, fresh shoes, winter coats, clothes, and twine for sewing those clothes. A small bead of sweat had formed on the young woman's brow from the labor, and Hajime was breathing heavily. At last, Suzume pointed to the kitsune when she noticed that she at last was beginning to wake up...
With everything going on around unbeknownst to unconscious Aria her ears twitch but could not pick up what the fight was about. Everything around her was shrouded in darkness. Her disguise faded away leaving her in her true form which she didn’t realize would be frightening to others in her dark state. Her dreams were of eons gone by and family that are no longer around. For the time being she forgot that she had her knight in shining armor; Christoff. Forgotten about the fight she just had and the girl she happened to save. Where she was it felt like a look into another reality.

As she lay there this time she was actually able to rest and recuperate. It was much different than the cave she shared with her new charge. Not only her body but her soul and powers were able to heal and she had no idea why. Was her dream a reality? She could feel herself getting better but it wasn’t her powers that we’re doing it.

Hours and hours have passed and it felt like a lifetime for his mysterious fox goddess. Soon both men would see a fluttering of eyes open as she looked around. Her usual gray eyes right now a beautiful cerulean blue. Was that her natural color but she was feeling at full strength? Her breath would pick up and the first thing they were here was her let out a small cough and clear her throat.

“W… where am I?” Her small voice said she would try to look around but her body felt so heavy and she could barely lift her head due to the sedatives keeping her in place to help her heal and rest. “Knight? Where are you and where are we? This isn’t my home… this is my home what are we doing here?” Not only Christoff, but the others could hear the panic start to rise in her voice but at least she was not flailing or freaking out. Aria was very much concerned and scared especially considering she could feel her tail twitch by her side and that made her realize that her he Woodford was no longer keeping her hidden from prying eyes. There is a sense of urgency and danger in her voice as panic started to say it but due to how she was resting flight or fight could not take over but her eyes search the room.

She found the old man, Hajime and his granddaughter, before she wouldn’t notice Christoff. Her eyes fell to him silently begging him to tell her what was going on as he could see her reach up slowly and feel her fluffy red ears I looked towards him hoping he would explain what happened. Between lucid dreaming and resting she wasn’t sure if this was reality or she was still at her dreamlike state.
"Sir, please wake up!" Suzume said in a harsh whisper, grabbing the knight by his shoulder and shaking him gently. Christoff's eyes slowly opened, as he leaned forward and took in his surroundings once more. He first saw Suzume, whose expression was two parts excited and concerned, but the reason quickly became clear as to why she had roused him from his slumber. There before him, lying where she had before, he saw that Aria was at last waking up again, and Christoff hurried across the room to get to her, falling to his knees by her side. His heart sank when he heard her calling out for help, and so he quickly pulled her back into his arms, cradling her and allowing her to rest against his shoulder.

"You're awake!" Christoff said, smiling. "Oh, thank the heavens, you're awake. I was so worried..."

He hugged her tightly from her resting position, then eased his embrace and looked directly into her eyes.

"You've got to find some other way to fight that doesn't involve catching swords," he teased. "Thankfully, Hajime and I were able to treat your wounds again, and it looks like you've recovered, at least..."

Hajime nodded. "Yes, she's awake, which is good, but I'd recommend she rest a few days to recuperate after such grievous injuries. The local Daimyo's men might not think so, but I at least respect the old spirits and legends, and you are both welcome to stay here while she recovers." Raising an eyebrow at the sight of Christoff holding Aria so closely in his arms, he added: "In separate rooms, of course."

Christoff nodded. The offer was more than fair. "Yes, of course, thank you," he said.

"When you do decide to leave, Suzume and I have gathered some supplies for you to take on your journey, as thanks for saving my granddaughter's life. A good man is still good even if he is foreign, and standing up to that thug in town was a brave thing indeed. Anyway, one more thing: there will be a festival tomorrow night, which I think both of you should attend, for the winter solstice. Plenty of food and good people, and they'll all be wearing costumes as well, meaning Miss Aria might not have to disguise herself. I think the old spirits would look kindly on your attendance. For now, though, it is late, and I need to go and rest my old bones. Your rooms are at the end of the hallway: Christoff's is on the left, Aria's is on the right. Beds and blankets are already prepared for you. Suzume, won't you be a good host to these two and make them something to eat? Anyway, goodnight, you two."

With that, the old man stood up, making his way towards his bedroom, as Suzume nodded and walked into the kitchen, beginning to make a late dinner for Christoff and Aria. Christoff, still holding the kitsune in his arms, looked down to her again.

"How... how are you feeling?" he asked, his smile fading to concern once again. "And do you think we can trust him? Hajime, I mean..."
Everything was in a haze. Even her vision seems like it was clouded as she woke up and looked around. The fox got us was still confused but was slowly understanding that she was no longer outside but in someone’s home. It wasn’t until Christoff approached and spoke did reality finally hit her. And when he hugged her the reaction he got from the fox woman was something he might not have expected; she blushed furiously. That reaction she was not expecting to happen but she felt her heart race but she was also relieved that he was still here. “I..I’m fine… I think I’m fine…” her voice was hoarse as she spoke heavy with worry. He would feel her arms left and wrap around him and give him a hug though it was not as strong as his it was a hug none then the less.

Aria listen to the man that she didn’t know recognize the girl that they saved and he did instruct her to rest and she nodded in agreement once she let go of her knight. With him there her panic with subside but he could feel her shaking against him still full of fear and terrified of what would happen especially the place that was so unknown to her. When this happened before she knew she was a danger, but Christoff Was at least there to make sure she could calm herself even though he could feel her heart trying to escape from her chest beating as fast as it was.

Aria was still shaking like a fall leaf about to fall from a tree with the cold autumn wind. Her words and actions do not match but she really couldn’t help it since all she wanted to do was run away but her legs were not working. Aria Heard the mention of separate rooms but it didn’t occur to her what the old man meant by that or how closely they were holding each other. For now she didn’t think anything of it but she agreed with whatever he said especially since he was not attacking them.

“Winter solstice? Already?” Aria was participating in the conversation but she was not quite following as fully as she could but she understood winter solstice. “Goodnight…. thank you.” Aria was able to get out and tell the old man especially for his kindness and she did not mind the separate rooms especially since it’s the week if she was there was no way she could leave town until she was finally rested up and the small break was exactly what she needed.

with the grandfather going to bed and their granddaughter fixing a late dinner and gave them a little time to talk. “I think we can…” she said in a soft voice. “He Has not tried to end me. And he hasn’t tried to harm you I think we can trust him and I don’t think he would do anything with his granddaughter here. You protect your family as best you can and I don’t think he would bring any harm to her.” Her voice still low but she felt like she can trust this man especially with his granddaughter still in the house even though she was still worried about the outcome but she was less worried with her still around. “ you need not worry about me so much I can endure. I faced worse and we made it through this. I’ll be fine with a few days rest this time I think I can get my power back up. I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve caused you…” The sincerity in her voice was easily detected. She felt bad for putting him in the situation and felt even worse that she could not protect herself or him properly. Perhaps this little rest would help her more than she expected and with the winter solstice coming up it was a way to bolster her powers using nature in the power of the winter solstice held.

“What about you? Are you all right? Here you are worried about me and I haven’t even checked on you are you hurt?” Aria’s attention stopped focusing on herself but now it was on her travel companion as she pulled back to look him over to make sure he was all right .
Hearing Aria speak so much made Christoff glad indeed, as his lips curled into a smile for a moment. That would quickly fade, however, as she spoke of the dangers of the day, and asked whether or not he himself was alright or not.

"Yes, I'm fine," he said. "That thug didn't do any lasting damage, thankfully. Even so, I lost my focus for a minute there..."

Christoff shut his eyes, his face illuminated by the small fire in the fireplace in the center of the room that the two now rested by.

"I... suppose I should tell you something," Christoff said. "About me... and why I'm so determined to protect you. Back in my homeland, I was a protector of a small town called Valemoore, among others. Valemoore was one of my Lord's lands, but I would always make special trips there, find reasons to visit. That was because there was a woman there..."

He paused, as he assumed Aria would likely connect the dots and understand what he meant.

"Her name... was Madeline. It is forbidden for a knight to marry a common woman. Madeline was a baker. Yet I loved her, and she loved me. We would find secret places to go and spend time together, and eventually, we began lying with each other. Before long... she was with child."

Christoff jaggedly took in a deep breath as the memories returned to him.

"I still remember waking up to the smoke on the horizon... My horse could not bear me fast enough to Valemoore. By the time I arrived, bandits had already pillaged the town... Madeline was among the dead. I haven't been the same man since... there is an emptiness within me I cannot seem to fill. I am haunted by her memory, in my dreams, and in my waking steps. When that thug attacked, I saw her again, and I lost focus. Anyway..."

Christoff took Aria's hand, not thinking much of it.

"That's why... that's why I have to protect you. I can't let the innocent get hurt if there's something I can still do about it, not if my hands can still find my blade, and I can use it to smite the wicked, and destroy evil. So long as I breathe, I must live to stop what happened to Madeline from happening to anyone again. Especially those I care about..."

He nodded, looking directly at Aria, though by now his eyes were swollen with tears.

"Forgive me," he said. "It is not a seemly thing to weep..."
It took Aria a good few moments to register that she was getting a smile out of her knight. Sadly that moment passed quicker than she could expect as a smile faded as if I had never been there. “We all lose focus. Try not to beat yourself up over it I’m not dead yet anyways.” Aria Was trying to look on the brighter side but he could tell they were still a lot weighing on her delicate shoulders. The mysterious goddess didn’t say much as her focus would fall on Christoff As the warm crackling fire illuminated his face. For now she fell silent as he began to tell his tale of woe.

The fluffy red ears that rest of the top of her head focused in on his words and flicked every time she heard something that was unsettling. There was something he wish to get off his chest and the more he spoke she could feel the weight of the pain he was carrying deep inside. Lips shut after focus was all on him as he told her about Madeline; A woman that he loved the woman that he lost in a tragic twist of fate. She could’ve said something or anything to comfort him but for now her silence was all that filled the room along with the sounds of the popping fire.

Aria knew there was nothing she could say or do to comfort him or take away the pay that he felt all she could do was reach out and placed a hand on top of his if he allowed it. Though before he could do so he placed his hand on hers. It caused her to pause for a moment as her gray eyes fell on him. Her hand took his return to comfort him silently.

“I know you mean well but if something happens to me please don’t blame yourself. I appreciate everything but I don’t wish to cause you pain.” Her voice was soft and caring as she tried to alleviate some of the pain he felt but she wasn’t sure if her words would reach him. He wish to protect her and not let anything happen to her but the last thing Aria wish to do was to make them feel that pain again. “You save that girl. Her name is not coming to me right now but you saved her. That counts for something doesn’t it?” Perhaps her words of comfort him but it didn’t cross your mind that he wanted to protect her just as much as the innocent because she didn’t see herself as innocent.

This time her eyes locked with his trying to read his emotions and for a few moment she did not blink at all. “It’s also my job to protect you as well. That burden is not fully on your shoulders.” Before she could say much else Christoff Lost his composure and asked for forgiveness and this time she pulled him into her arms and back and him to lead his head on her shoulder. It was now her turn to comfort him. “I know what it’s like to lose everything let it out I’m not going anywhere and I hope you won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. You aren’t alone anymore…. You have nothing to be forgiven for and it’s alright to cry. I’m sure I’ve cried 1000 tears before and my shoulder is here to catch all of yours…” Aria’s past was still a mystery but now is not the time to share especially with Christoff letting out his emotions and all she could do was try her best to stay strong for him and keep him close while they rested at the sanctuary of the old man’s home.
Though he could not bring himself to say so aloud, Christoff would lean into the shoulder of the kitsune for some time, shutting his eyes as he attempted to block out the painful memories which led him to break down and weep in front of this similarly-wounded woman. There was a softness to her, and her words were genuine and comforting, and it seemed strangely appropriate that so many nights ago, he had been the one holding her, but now, she was doing the same for him. If he were ever to have believed in fate, this was the very moment that would make Christoff a believer, and when Suzume announced that dinner was ready, he could hardly tear himself away from Aria.

Dinner would pass somewhat more normally, the knight drying his tears and attempting to engage in "normal" conversation with their host. Eventually, after a good meal and some idle conversation, it would finally be time for sleep, and though the two had been told to take separate bedrooms, Christoff found himself wishing the entire night to have Aria by his side so that the darkness didn't seem quite so foreboding.

When morning at last came again, Christoff awoke with a yawn as he sat up, remarking once again that he was in a strange place, which was a fact that never seemed stop being incredible to him. Even so, he rose, the sunlight peeking through the window of the room. He stood, his many muscles flexing as he stretched in nothing more than his undergarments. Slipping on his simple tunic and leaving behind his armor in a neat pile next to his bed, he opened the sliding door of the room and walked out into Hajime's yard, where he spied the old man tending to a winter garden.

"Good morning, warrior," the old man said.

"The same to you, kind stranger."

"You've caught me at a good time. I've actually got something to show you. But first, I've readied the bath for you so you can clean up the mess from yesterday. Speaking of which, some of the daimyo's men came by earlier this morning asking about the situation, but when I explained that the man you slew was a gang leader, they were happy to leave us alone. Now, go ahead and bathe; I've got some heated water in a tub just past these vegetables."

Christoff nodded a few times, unsure of how to properly thank the old man for his kindness. "I... thank you," Christoff said. Then, he went to the bath in question, which was secluded behind rows of plants and walls, creating natural seclusion. Looking around first, Christoff eventually began to strip, his lighter skin having lost most of its sheen due to the dirt which had accumulated upon it from his time traveling with Aria. Due to the cold, he quickly slipped into the heated water, sighing not only as he felt relief from the cold, but also felt his muscles loosen and relax as he sat down in the water, which in his position went up to his neck.

He closed his eyes, sighing as he at last seemed to be able to calm himself for the first time in what felt like ages. Of course, his thoughts would wander to Aria and how her morning was going by comparison... if she had even woken up yet, he mused.
Aria would let him let it out since he understood the pain that he felt even though she would not admit it. It felt like time stopped as she comforted Christoff. Petting his hair and holding him as close as she could before Suzume interrupted. Dinner itself was very quiet and Aria ate, but I’ve been engaging in very simple conversation she was quiet there was like a cloud hanging over her head.

Once the meal was over aria went to bed alone and it was lonely but these were the rules of the house and she was not going to break them. With her knight in another room she cried softly to herself as she went to sleep a part of her wish they could stay in the same room since having him around Eased her pain and suffering as well as sadness

The morning could not come soon enough and when she woke she took a soft robe to cover herself properly for breakfast as her clothing was out to dry. She would be that soon enough but making sure she was fully covered from ears to tail before she would leave her room.

When she left her room the daughter pointed her in the way to the bath that she used which was next to where Christoff was but they couldn’t see each other. The only gift so they could hear each other she would drop her robe and climb into the warm bath knowing that breakfast would be soon after. She wasn’t sure if she should talk to him but she would call out from the other side.

“ are you there? Christoff?” She asked not sure if it was the old man or her night but for now he could hear the splashing of the water as she would wash herself off and see if it was the man she wished to talk to you. The bath was much needed but she didn’t get the news about the gangster that was slain and if they were going to be left alone but for now he’s going to enjoy the bath and relax since she had not relaxed For a very long time and her body really needed this moment of silence and peace but she’s still worried about her night especially after the night before and she had no idea if you would even mention it or would forget about it when the talked again. He had no idea that she slept really poorly only because she was worried about him and other things but this bath and read you read her in ways that he probably understood in the bath next door.He had no idea that she slept really poorly only because she was worried about him and other things but this bath would read you read her in ways that he probably understood in the bath next-door
It seemed that just as he began to think of the fox-woman, she was calling out to him. A mixture of emotions washed over him, as he was delighted and also felt his heart flutter at the musical sound of her voice. He leaned his head back, looking through the wooden fence separating them and wondering what things were like for her. More pressingly, he began to wonder what she looked like in nothing but her natural shape: the long tail leading to her shapely butt, the inviting hips and her flat stomach that was interrupted by the gentle mounds on her chest. All of this, in steam, her eyes begging him to come hither. The very thought of it had him aroused instantly, though he was ashamed—after all, she was a kitsune. Sacred to some of these folk, and mysterious to him as well.

"Aria?" He called back. "I don't think we're supposed to be talking at one another through the fence!" He laughed, playfully. "All the same, it gladdens me to hear your voice. Did you sleep well? Did you have any bad dreams? I fear despite how close we slept to one another, that I missed your embrace throughout the night and the comfort of your gentle touch..."

He wondered if he was saying overly much; on the other hand, part of him wished he was saying more. What it meant exactly, he wasn't sure, but he could no longer contain the nearly instinctual feeling that had overcome his heart...
“I’m fine just tired. I’m glad to hear your voice as well” she didn’t speak very loudly she kept her voice pretty quiet. They probably should not have been talking through the fence but they were. “ I did sleep and luckily nothing too bad of a dream I don’t remember much of anything I think I was just exhausted.” She said truthfully since she was still tired but she at least slept and got some rest even though she could use more.

“And what about you hopefully nothing bad played your dreams hopefully you got some rest rest is always needed” It was nice to at least hear his voice and hear that he was doing alright. He was quite interesting character it was nice to hear that he missed her and brace though it was still something she wasn’t used to. “ i’m surprised to hear that I thought I would take up too much of the space to sleep to have you sleep well.” She said with a chuckle.
Hearing her laughter was sweet music to Christoff's ears, and he couldn't stop himself from smiling as he heard it. "I wish my dreams were as pleasant as your company, Aria. I dreamed..." he said, pausing and frowning slightly. "I dreamed terrible things, as I often do. I dreamed of battles, of death and violence, terrible things that I wish I could keep you safe from for the rest of your days. Is that a strange thing for me to say to you? I do not, that is... I have not known you for long, but I feel we must share some common destiny. That must be why I am here..."

In an attempt to get closer to the kitsune, Christoff half-stood out of the bath, leaning against the thin fence that separated the two baths.

"And what do you think, Aria?" he asked. "Is it just a coincidence that I'm here with you now, or do you think something greater has brought us together? I don't know, but... I will see you through to the end of your journey. I swear it..."

As he said this, however, his weight against the fence caused it to suddenly collapse. Christoff shouted as he suddenly fell forward, his naked form rolling and landing near Aria at the water's edge, the front of his body and his manhood now on full display for her. He was athletic, and certainly not lacking in his natural gifts, but in a second he would realize what just happened. Before he could move, however, his eyes rested on Aria's nude form in the water, where he stared for just long enough to forget where he was, but not long enough that he didn't suddenly sit up, diving for a nearby plant and hiding behind it as he shouted "I'm sorry!" at her.

"I'm so sorry," he said. "Forgive me, I did not mean to look upon your bare form..."
“That’s kind of you to say. What did you dream?” Aria Asked curiously wondering what filled his imagination at night. she honestly didn’t have to ask when he began to tell her what he had dreamt about and it wasn’t very nice. “It might be a bit strange to say since you are right you don’t know me that well but I guess since we’ve been stuck together it does kind of make sense.” She was trying to offer him a kind ear. “ The gods and goddesses can be very strange with what they want and the messages they send I still don’t understand them.” Innoway she was trying to offer her own comfort but she wasn’t very good at it though she did try.

“ Coincidence or fate I have yet to figure it out. Luck? I can never tell these days.” She spoke the truth since it was still confusing and hard to understand why they met but it was good that they did at least they have each other for now and she had no idea how long it would last.

They talk about the fence between them when he leaned on the fence and it didn’t hold his weight and toppled it terrified her and she jumped back. She wasn’t covered but she did scramble very quickly to grab a towel or anything nearby the high herself and she made sure to turn away from him since it wasn’t right to look at him at all. She made sure not to make any iContact and keep her back to him and she scramble to cover herself very quickly it wasn’t right for him to see her or for her to look at him so she made sure to keep her eyes away from him and not even look at his body.

“ it was an accident I’ll go get dressed…” she spoke matter-of-factly especially since they weren’t supposed to be like this as possible between them. She excepted his apology but she wasn’t gonna let him look at her for that long and she wasn’t going to look at him at all and the fence would now need to be fixed.
Christoff bit his lip, turning away in shame from the kitsune as she removed herself from the water, only deigning to leave once she was fully out of sight. He cursed under his breath at the mistake he'd made, especially considering how close they had been the previous night, now worrying he'd made a terrible mistake he couldn't take back. Even so, he got up again, going back to his side of the wall and taking a towel, drying himself off and eventually returning to his room, clothing himself and then waiting in the dining room for breakfast.

He wondered quietly to himself if Aria would join him or not. In truth, he didn't know just how much he'd truly offended her by falling in. Perhaps she didn't even understand that it had been an accident, that he had tried to look at her naked form intentionally, and the thought made him sick to his stomach. While she was beautiful, it had never been his intention to look upon her in such a way. She was sacred, precious, and it was unchivalrous of him to have done it.

As the old man's daughter walked by, Christoff asked her politely: "Excuse me, have you seen Aria?"
Aria luckily was at leastxe finished bathing. She saw too much and embarrassment took over. Once in her room and dry she dressed in a simple pale green dress provided. Brushed her hair and instead of going to get breakfast the red haired fox woman decided to sit outside in the garden. She didn’t go far but needed quiet. Just to think. Her growling stomach could certainly wait a bit couldn’t it. Sitting on a rock hiding herself among the plants. She was very good at hiding herself as she listen to the birds chirping she just took a moment to be alone. Did he purposely try look at her in the bath? He seemed very apologetic. Aria really just needed a few moments alone. She would eventually join them but if they did come to look for her she was easy to spot since the garden wasn’t very big and there wasn’t many places for her to hide.

If they did go looking for her they’d spot her meditating. She looked so peaceful. Tranquil even. She looked very much like she belongs right there in that moment. Aria was still a bit in shock but she was just thinking about everything and how she wasn’t at full strength. She could not put on her disguise she needed a bit more rest and maybe meditating could help her. If they did they would find her among the morning glories and shrubbery. That beautiful red heart of hers and ears were still damp. That fluffy full red tail dipped with white at the end was swaying drying off and she had to put a hole in the back of her dress just so it would fit. If Suzume or Christoff decided to look for her Spot her playing with the flowers looking like she belonged over there.

It didn’t go unnoticed that the kitsune didn’t join breakfast as Hajime watched her only to make sure she didn’t get too far or get noticed.

“If you wish we are strong strength to get better you should eat.” Hajime spoke up and startled her and she nodded before she said anything or you continue to talk. “What’s on your mind? you look like the world is on your shoulders you should be relaxing here.” He told her and she let out loud sigh.

“Just something that happened in the bath…” she didn’t elaborate before the old man decided to continue. “I heard the crash. It really wasn’t very sturdy and I’ll get someone to fix it later. You didn’t get hurt did you?” Hajime asked as she shook her head no. “Well In that case you better come eat that man with you is quite large I’m sure he won’t leave much if you skip breakfast. A tiny thing like you had gotta eat. That and I’m not an inn. Come now….eat..” he’d motion for her to follow and even grab her arm lightly like a father who wanted his child yo listen and he did. There was no way she would refuse him and would join the others in the dining room.

She did sit down across from Christoff Who she was too shy to look at especially after seeing him in the nude. How could she look at him again? She wasn’t even sure what to say other than a very soft “Good morning….ummm breakfast looks good…” she was so nervous to talk or look up but at least they were both dressed now.
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Suzume shook her head at Christoff's question. "I have not, mister. Not since you and she were in the bath. By the way... what was that noise earlier? It sounded loud..."

Christoff's face grew as red as a tomato. "U-uh, well, I had a little mishap in the bath," he said. "Nothing to worry about, though, just..."

He heard the door to the house slide open, thanking his luck that he didn't have to continue explaining himself. Unfortunately, it seemed that things were going to get more awkward anyway, as he watched Aria and Hajime step through the door, the old man practically dragging the fox-girl by the arm. Christoff's heart fell into his stomach, pursing his lips as he watched Aria come closer to the dining table. She was just as beautiful dressed, but even the slightest look at her shape had him remembering the flash of a moment when he'd seen her bare. He was ashamed, and yet, he was unable to deny her beauty, either.

"It is good to eat breakfast together," Hajime said. "Suzume, I assume you've made us all something?"

"Yes, grandpa," Suzume said. "I'll return with it shortly."

Suzume walked into the kitchen, returning with bowls full of rice and vegetables. Christoff's nose sniffed the air a few times, still unfamiliar with most of the food in this strange new land and wondering what sort of dish they would be eating this time. The young woman gave everyone at the table a bowl, and Christoff adopted the same sitting posture as everyone else at the table as soon as he noticed he was sticking out. He looked up briefly at Aria again, his cheeks turning pink, but then focused on his food as soon as it was placed in front of him.

Attempting to break the ice, Christoff spoke first. "This looks good," he said, not really knowing what the food was. "It smells good, anyway. In my homeland it is common to pray before eating; is that true here in this land as well?"
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