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The Chaining of Hart [LJBxStaine]

Lady Jace Beleren

Ugh, Susan...
Jul 2, 2014
United States, East Coast
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! This was so incredibly, intensely, unreasonably stupid! He was going to murder her and make her disappear. That was it. One hundred percent. This was way too good to be real.

Standing in the stall of the airport bathroom, Elly felt her fingers slip again as she tried to tie the bikini string behind her back. He hadn't even asked for this, so why was she going out of her way? Sure, she had never slept with a guy before and the one time she tried he had lasted ten seconds before making a mess of her hand. But, this was more than necessary right? She just needed to do what he asked and collect her money at the end of the week. Shit... he was totally going to murder her.


Graduating high school had been everything Elaine expected. Which was nothing. She graduated without honors, without a boyfriend, and as a fucking virgin nerd. College was for kids who had parents or good grades. Elaine had neither. Living with her aunt and cousin had been fine, nice even, but she wanted to get out of that house as soon as possible. First had been waitressing. That had sucked. Second, fast food. Not enough money. Finally, cashier. Enough to move out with her cousin and all she had to do was fake a smile. She was good at faking smiles.

She had lasted three months before getting the clawing need to escape that job. That had been what led to streaming. Her computer was good enough and the guys who cornered her at parties told her she was really cute. In the end, it had been fun, but she made exactly negative seventy dollars her first month counting the premium OBS and Webcam. It probably hadn't helped that she refused to cam up without a mask on. Still, it was a fun hobby and for once Elly had something to look forward to at work.

That is, until the stupid fucking pandemic. Her aunt refused to let her work at a grocery store, which was fair. No arguments here. Until her cousin lost her job as well. Everything was on the verge of falling apart until a troll had inspired her. "Why no manyfans bb? Show your tits." Elly had banned him, of course. But, he had a point. Why not, indeed? The next morning, Elaine Hart signed up under her brand new username and EllyHeartsU was born.

It was surprising how well a few pictures of her cleavage sold among the guys in her stream. She barely even had tits! It was no fortune, but it was enough to pay for rent and food. Her cousin went to school and helped Elly take a few racy pictures. It was perfect. Until the streaming money dried up and took the manyfans money with it. That was when things had gotten desperate.

There was absolutely no way Elly was going to show her tits on the internet, but she had no intention of giving up her freedom either. The wigs had started around then. It was just what was popular. Anime girl hair, usually in bright colors, became her norm. After that, the underwear shots had started. That was while her cousin was at work. After that, sexy cosplay, skimpy bikinis, even a few nudes with the important parts censored. All of it just so that she could scrape by.

Elly had found herself flopped onto the couch, wearing nothing but a tiny heart bikini from the photo set she just uploaded, wondering if it was better to just go back to the grocery store. Not that they would hire her back. It had been a year already. She was almost twenty one. Maybe a job at a bar. Maybe even... waitressing. It had to be easier than this. She had no idea her saving grace would be hidden behind the little new message icon from her manyfans account.

He started with the normal subscription, just like everyone else. She had barely even noticed until suddenly her account was spammed with notifications. He had bought every single one of her private albums. A year worth of pictures and two months of rent! After that, the private messages started.

He was nice enough, a little thirsty but what could she expect? She was doing sex work. What really caught her attention was interest in buying personal pics. She had started high, hoping to negotiate something decent. He doubled her first offer.

Over the next three months, Elly spent more time doing photo shoots for just him. While she still had no intention of flashing her tits, it was easier showing off for one rando than whoever wanted to pay. Eventually, she was showing everything to him, only a pair of pasties and a little bandage over her pussy keeping her modesty. Hell, for what he offered, she even managed to send one picture of her asshole. She had blushed for days after. Soon, he was buying her toys and asking for videos of her face while she used them. He always pushed, but never too hard.

Right after that was when the contract came. It was fake. It had to be. There were just way too many zeroes. Four hundred thousand dollars for a week of "modeling." There was more to it than that. It was basically a porn contract. But, it was so... conservative. No penetration, only one week. If not for her cousin, Elly would have told him to fuck right off with his fake bullshit.

A quick trip to a law professor at her school had given the pair doubts. It was legit. A real legal document. More than that, it was page after page of complicated legalese that all protected her, not him. He was on the hook for the money, liable for any harm that came to her. All she had to do was go be his personal model for a week. Worst case, maybe give him head? It was too good too be true. And too good to pass up.


The bikini was biting into her more personal areas as she rode in the back of the private car. So far, no murder. The driver had been nice, even had the little sign with her name like in the movies. Elly could feel her hands shaking and forced herself to squeeze the little pink Hello Kitty backpack to her chest. It was the only normal clothes she had. The two suitcases in the back were full of her... work clothes and toys. God, that had been so fucking embarrassing when they x-rayed it. She was going to die of embarrassment before he even had a chance to murder her.

As they pulled into the driveway of the house, she nearly dropped the bag. Holy fuck. It was real. He was really some rich pervert. There was no way. He had to be like... Quasimodo or something. Why else would he pay so much for a girl like her? She wasn't even that attractive.

A few minutes later, Elly Hart stood in the entranceway of a mansion. Like, a legit mansion. She felt silly wearing her zip-up and sweatpants. Felt even sillier wearing a slutty bikini under it. What was she doing?
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