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Closed Vivid Requests [mxf edition | Sub seeking Dom | NSFW]

Closed - no longer seeking

Which plot ideas intrigued you the most?

  • Euro Trip

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Team Player

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A Working Girl

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trouble in Paradise

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stranded in Bangkok [new]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tricked Out

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Jul 20, 2022
pm me if you’re interested

💜Introductions —

Hello! You can call me Violet.

I am looking to play a submissive female character opposite a dominant male character (your actual, real life sex/gender isn't a deal breaker). The scenarios I have in mind (that I'll list below) tend to involve extremely dubious consent or noncon and may involve BDSM elements. I am also looking for semi-lit to lit replies. NO ONELINERS, but otherwise you don't have to worry too much about word count.

As a warning, I sometimes go through phases where I reply a lot and times where I might take a bit longer to reply, so I would kind of like the RPs I do to be episodic and to the point.

When you PM me:
  • Please tell me what you want, I'm not here for small talk or to chat about the weather.
    • Did you like a specific plot? Which one(s)? Did you have thoughts about the character you want to play? Etc.
  • I would prefer that you approach me out-of-character.
    • I'm interested in discussing RP ideas, not getting a cold call RP that I didn't agree to do.
  • Don't PM me just to advertise your request thread.
    • If you clearly weren't interested in actually reading my request thread... then why would I read yours?

💜 Kinks and Anti-Kinks

Kinks —
  • Non-Con
  • Dubious Consent
  • Kidnapping
  • Sex Slavery
  • Gangbangs
  • Bondage
  • Sex Toys
  • Maid Kink
  • Penetrations
    • Anal
    • Oral
    • Vaginal
  • Multiple Penetrations
    • Spitroasting,
    • Double Penetration in a single hole, etc.
    • Literally stuffing every orifice with something.
  • Forced or Arranged Marriage
  • Forced Body Modification
    • Piercings, Tattoos, etc.
    • Forced Plastic Surgery
      • The Bimbo Makeover™
  • Forced Prostitution
    • Either as an actual money-making method OR
    • For added humiliation.
      • Like the money isn't important, the goal is to embarrass MC.

Never, absolutely not, don't bother asking —
  • No Underage (all MCs will be 18+)
  • No Scat, Watersports, Toilet Stuff, etc.
  • No Snuff
  • No Bestiality
  • No Necrophilia
  • No Cannibalism/Vore
  • No Biological Incest
💜 Misc. Information
  • I don't want to RP offsite, I am okay with RPing over PM onsite or in a thread onsite.
    • I like having a PM conversation for out of character discussion and one for the RP itself.
      • Like {OOC} Plot Name and {RP} Plot name is the convention I've been using.
  • I prefer to handle the starting post for my plots.
  • I'm okay with animated or realistic images for characters.
    • I do have realistic images linked in my plots.
      • Sometimes I'll include YC suggestions based on what I envisioned, but ultimately YC's look is up to you.
  • If it has been a week or longer of radio silence, I'll probably leave the PM conversation.
    • This is mostly to keep my inbox tidy and organized.
      • If I didn't reply to you I may have forgot or my inbox got flooded, feel free to bump the message if you think this happened.
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M x F
After School Special

Frat House Whore
Jade (MC - 18) accompanies her boyfriend (YC - 18) to a party hosted by the most popular fraternity on campus after he was accepted. However, unknown to Jade, there is an initiation phase of one year that requires her involvement. Arriving at the party, Jade and her boyfriend have a great time and the fraternity (18-21 year olds) seems very welcoming to both.

However, Jade starts to feel unwell and loses consciousness. Waking up, she finds herself in the basement of the frat house, naked and surrounded by the entire fraternity. The guys take turns raping Jade while forcing/coercing her to say yes and beg for it. Off to the side, Jade's boyfriend* is filming the whole thing with the intent of the video being used to blackmail Jade.

After her gangrape, her boyfriend is tasked with explaining that she will be spending the year as a communal sex slave. Jade is given a list of rules, expectations, and a dress code. The only silver lining is that Jade is still allowed the privilege of attending classes and this will only be for a year.

Setting: A College Town, US
Start: Jade is about to be gang raped by a fraternity.
End: Jade is freed and goes on with her life as a new girl is brought in the following year.
Footnote: Assume Jade's boyfriend is kind of a jerk who only sees her as an easily replaceable commodity.

Style Points:
🔥Jade is whored out to teachers (who are in the know) to boost the guys' grades.
🔥Jade is degraded and humiliated by the guys' girlfriends for their entertainment.
🔥Jade's (now ex) boyfriend gets a new girlfriend and the two delight in Jade's torment.
🔥Jade is required to take daily nudes and send them to the guys' group chat.
🔥Jade is forced to perform one sex act with every guy in the house on a daily basis.
🔥Jade is forced to act as a maid when she's not having sex.

Jade Laurent
Sex/Gender: Female | Cis
Age: 18
Hometown: Seattle, WA
Location: University Park, PA
Orientation: Bi-curious
Relationship Status: Single, but ready to mingle.
School: Penn State
Academic Year: Freshman | 1st Year
Major: Biology | Pre-Med
Extracurriculars: Track & Field | Prospective Sorority Girl
Goals: Join a sorority, make friends, date around, and maintain a 4.0.
Fears: Being ostracized by her peers, failing, and public speaking.

Jade has lead an ordinary life with her parents and younger brother in the greater Seattle metro area. She graduated top of her class and was eager and dreamed of getting into an Ivy League university. One day she hopes to become a doctor and eventually open a private practice.

After receiving an acceptance letter from Penn State, a university on the other side of the country, Jade packed up her life and left everything behind. Undaunted by the move, or the isolation, Jade made an effort to meet new people and make friends as soon as she was settled into her dorm room. Before classes were even in session, Jade had managed to make a few friendly acquaintances. One such acquaintance was...[if sorority this is a sorority girl she befriends, if frat this is her new boyfriend, or both].

Plots: Sorority House Whore (FxF) | Frat House Whore (MxF)

Teacher’s Pet

Madi (MC - 18 year old) is an overachiever and prospective valedictorian at her school. However, one of her teachers (YC ~30-40 years old) resents her greatly for being a bit of a know-it-all and interrupting him in class to correct him. Further, several of her classmates (18 year olds) hold a grudge against her for all the times she’s reminded forgetful teachers about homework, projects, quizzes/exams and made them look bad in comparison.

On the first day of Madi's senior year, the teacher has decided he has enough and hatches a plan to handle Madi. That evening, after class, Madi heads to the after school study club she participates in, but before she can get there she's grabbed by a co-ed group of YC's favorite students.

Gagged and restrained, Madi is manhandled into YC's classroom by the male students while some of the female students laugh, jeer, and tear her clothes off. In the classroom, Madi is greeted by YC as she's tied down to his desk and gangraped by the teacher and boys while the girls film and offer various items to shove into Madi's holes. After the gangrape, Madi is taken home by the teacher her tells her what she'll have to do to keep this incident quiet.

Astoria, OR
Start: MC is grabbed, tied down to the teacher’s desk, and raped by her teacher and classmates.
End: MC is blackmailed/extorted into prostituting herself even as she leaves for college.

Style Points:
🔥Madi is kept as a pet at the teacher's home in the evenings.
🔥Madi is forced to wear slutty clothes (crop tops, pushup bras, mini skirts, high heels, no panties) to school.
🔥Madi is forbidden from speaking out of turn in YC's class (she only speaks when spoken to).
🔥Madi is forced to masturbate in the bathrooms between classes, record it, and share it with YC(s).
🔥Madi is rented out to YC's favored students during the weekend.

Madison Dawson
Sex/Gender: Female | Cis
Age: 18
Hometown: Astoria, OR
Location: Astoria, OR
Orientation: Bi-curious
Relationship Status: Single
School: Astoria High School
Academic Year: Senior | 4th Year
Major: N/A
Extracurriculars: Robotics
Goals: Get into her dream university.
Fears: Failing or falling short and being stuck in her hometown.

Madison, or Madi, is a know-it-all overachiever who, despite her good looks and excellent grades, has few friends. While most of her teachers enjoy having her in class, all would admit she's a bit too enthusiastic to the point of being annoying. Other students, generally, consider her a bit of a buzzkill, a prude, and overall not very fun to be around. None of that matters to Madi, because she has no plans of sticking around a small town filled with small minds.

Madi plans on attending MIT (or CalTech) and after graduating high school. She has an avid interest in robotics and computer engineering. Her parents are supportive, though neither are around much and both often travel for work and thought a nice, quiet small town was the safest place for their teen daughter to live alone. All things considered, her collegiate plans may be in peril when her overachieving puts a target on her back.

Plots: Teacher's Pet

Team Player

Shari (MC - 19 year old) is a college cheerleader and, on the night of the homecoming game after her school's team wins, the rival team grabs her and drags her off to their visiting team locker room. It becomes quickly apparent as MC is catcalled, groped, and passed between various football players, that they intend on using her as a consolation prize for losing.

A college locker room, US
Start: Shari is grabbed from behind and dragged into the locker room.
End: Shari is left naked and alone in the locker room with an open ending.

Style Points:
🔥The coach appears near the end and Shari thinks she's about to be rescued but she's forced to have sex with him also.
🔥The team push Shari's body to the limit with double penetrations.
🔥The team takes Shari into the shower and make her clean their cocks off with her mouth.
🔥The team force Shari to clean herself up and wash away any evidence.

M x F
Sight Seeing Sexcapades

The Ambassador's Daughter
Ana (MC) is the young (18 year old) daughter of an Ambassador (40 year old), who is good friends with the Sultan (YC ~35-45 year old) of Qurac. One evening, Ana and her father have a disagreement and she storms off angrily. The Sultan happened to overhear the conversation and works out a deal with the Ambassador to tame his unruly daughter.

In the middle of the night, palace guards drag Ana out of her bed and take her to the harem quarters. Once there, she's stripped by the other women and, while held down by the guards, the Sultan appears.

The Sultan tells Ana of the deal he made with her father and that for the summer she's nothing more than his sex slave. The Sultan then takes his time raping Ana while the other harem women taunt her. After that, the summer is a haze of rape and humiliation as the once haughty girl is broken and rebuilt into a submissive, obedient sex slave.

Dhabar, Qurac
Start: Basically Ana is dragged out of her bed in the middle of the night and brought to the harem quarters where she is given a rude awakening.
Ideal End: Ana is returned to her father as a polite, obedient daughter, with the awareness that she will return to the harem the next summer if her behavior is less than perfect.

Style Points:
🔥Ana is chained to the sultan's throne and shown off to visitors.
🔥Ana is forced to engage in throne sex with the sultan.
🔥Ana is forced to publicly service the sultan's guests.
🔥Ana is placed in the barracks to service the palace guards as a form of punishment.
🔥Ana is (sexually) hazed by the other girls in the harem.
🔥Ana is forced to learn how to belly dance and provide entertainment in the evenings.

Anastasia Albrecht
Sex/Gender: Female | Cis
Age: 18
Hometown: NYC, NY
Location: Dhabar, Qurac
Orientation: Bi-curious
Relationship Status: Single
School: Oxford University
Academic Year: Freshman | 1st Year
Major: Anthropology
Extracurriculars: International Travel & Travel Vlogging
Goals: To one day become a doctor in anthropology with a specialization in Quraci culture.
Fears: Very little, she is fearless and confident to a fault.

On the surface, Ana appears to be vain, selfish, and spoiled, which is true, but expected given that she is the only child of a wealthy family. Despite these perceived flaws in her personality, she is passionate about traveling and has been accepted at Oxford University and plans to study anthropology.

Ana has it all, a charmed childhood, money, looks, and intelligence, but under that she has a strained relationship with her parents. Her mother supports her, but thinks Ana should prioritize marrying into (more) money over pursuing education beyond a bachelor's degree. Her father also supports her entirely in her goals, but is disappointed with how Ana's mother spoils and enables her while he's away. In an effort to curb Ana's behavior, her father brings her with him to Qurac one summer.

Plots: The Ambassador's Daughter

Euro Trip

Aria (MC - 22 year old) and her boyfriend (YC ~22-25 year old) have decided to travel through Europe for a few weeks during summer break. However, a rift develops as they disagree over money with Aria trying to be frugal and her boyfriend wanting to make the most of the trip and not worry about money.

By the end of the argument YC pretends to apologize before they go out for the evening. Later that evening, however, Aria finds herself dizzy and disoriented at a nightclub where she passes out. Unknown to Aria, YC had drugged her.

Later that same evening, now early morning, Aria wakes up to sore, aching, semen filled holes and tally marks in black sharpie of how many men she'd been fucked by that night. Her boyfriend makes a reappearance with a video of everything that had transpired that night. He tells her, in no uncertain terms, that unless she wants the video to end up on the internet she'll do everything he says for the rest of the trip.

Various EU Countries
Start: Aria wakes up the morning after the first night.
End: YC sells Aria as a sex slave before leaving for the states without her.

Style Points:
🔥YC forces Aria to work as a stripper some nights.
🔥YC uses some of the money to give Aria piercings (belly ring, nipple rings) and tattoos reflecting her status.
🔥YC uses some of the money to give Aria a bimbo makeover (tits, ass, lips, etc.).
🔥YC sells Aria as a sex slave by the end of the trip, officially breaking up and leaving him with a small fortune.

Aria Rousseau
Sex/Gender: Female | Cis
Age: 22
Hometown: Nowhere
Location: ???, Europe
Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Has a Boyfriend
Profession: Model
School: University of Notre Dame
Academic Year: Graduated
Major: French Language and Literature
Extracurriculars: N/A
Goals: Find a job as a translator or teacher.
Fears: Unemployment and abandonment.

Aria has never had a place she could call home for long. Born to military parents in Arlington, VA, she has never lived anywhere for long before being packed up and moved again. As such, Aria lusts for adventure, new horizons, and new experiences, though she worries about being discarded and struggles with forming attachments.

Lonely childhood aside, Aria excels at languages and took a liking to French in high school and ran with it through college and beyond. However, while she loves the language, she discovered much too late that her options for employment were far from glamorous. For now, she works various modeling jobs and while she's making decent money, she would like to put her skills and passion to use. Thankfully, her boyfriend seems supportive of her and she's thankful for the stability their relationship provides.

Plots: Euro Trip

Lot Lizard
Cady (MC) is a young (18 year old) hitchhiker from California who left home after an argument with her parents. After storming out of her parents house she takes a bus to the edge of town to hitchhike to a relative's house. Soon after reaching the interstate she sticks her thumb out and is picked up by a trucker (YC ~ 25-30 year old).

With Cady in the car with him, YC decides to take advantage of her. As soon as they're far enough from prying eyes, he forces Cady to undress at gun point. Naked and fearing for her life, Cady them obliges when YC forces her to give him a blowjob while he drives.

As soon as they arrive at the next truck stop, YC takes Cady into the back of his truck and rapes her. After he's done, YC decides he's not done with Cady and as they travel across the country he makes Cady whore herself out at every truck stop and small town they encounter.

Various States (think CA to NY and everywhere in between), US
Start: Cady is forced to undress in the passenger seat while YC prepares to force himself on her.
Ending: After a year of constant whoring Cady comes to accept her lot in life, but YC finally dumps her off at her relative's house.

Style Points:
🔥YC makes Cady wear skimpy outfits and bright, garish makeup.
🔥YC forces Cady to work herself to exhaustion while taking all the money for himself.
🔥YC only allows Cady to have condoms, plan B, etc. if she’s obedient.
🔥YC loans Cady out to local law enforcement to look the other way.

Cady Caldwin

Sex/Gender: Female | Cis
Age: 18
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Orientation: Bi-curious
Relationship Status: Single
School: UCLA
Academic Year: Freshman | 1st Year
Major: Political Science | International Relations
Extracurriculars: Model United Nations
Goals: Focus on school, intern for the UN, and see the world.
Fears: Her parents and feeling trapped.

Cady has a rocky relationship with her parents, both of whom have been neglectful at best and outright abusive at worse. In spite of her difficulties at home, Cady does well to maintain her grades, hold a part time job, and even volunteer. Due to all of her effort, she manages to get accepted into UCLA as a political science major. She hopes to one day break into international relations, but understands the road ahead is long and difficult.

Once she was accepted at UCLA, Cady started packing, intent on moving into the doors and never speaking to her parents again. She's generally well-liked by her peers, though with all of her work she hasn't had time to really bond with her classmates nor has she had much interest in dating. Thankfully for Cady, she has no real interest in friendship or risking getting held back by romantic interests when she has aspirations for something greater.

[If Girl on Girl, assume her disinterest in romantic interests leads into the plot. If Lot Lizard, assume she flees her parents house after a particularly harrowing argument about her going to college.]

Plots: Girl on Girl (FxF) | Lot Lizard (MxF)

Stranded in Bangkok new
MC and her boyfriend are backpacking through Thailand when they conclude their trip in Bangkok. They had a great time, but are on their way home when MC’s boyfriend is suddenly pulled aside. In his carry on, and their luggage, there are several kilos of cocaine. MC is in disbelief as both her and her boyfriend are arrested. In minutes MC’s life is turned upside down as her boyfriend is carted off to prison and she is left in an interrogation room awaiting her fate.

YC is a powerful Thai businessman who doesn’t take no for an answer. Unknown to MC, YC had made a pass at her several nights ago at a ritzy nightclub, but was turned down (MC was drunk and her boyfriend rudely interfered). On principle, YC decided he was going to have MC one way or another and arranged for her boyfriend to be framed and arrested for drug smuggling. In Thailand, the penalty for drug smuggling is “up to life imprisonment and a fine of 100,000 – 5,000,000 Baht, or the death penalty.”

While MC is panicking in the interrogation room, YC steps in and makes her an offer. His offer is one of sexual servitude, so either MC becomes his sex slave or she can join her boyfriend in prison. With all of MC’s belongings in evidence and with no way home, she begrudgingly agrees. Taken to her new master’s manor, MC is given expectations and a warning that her boyfriend will suffer if she disobeys or disappoints YC.

Bangkok, Thailand
Start: MC is taken to YC’s home where the details of her enslavement come to light.
Ending: MC is given the option of marrying YC (her boyfriend will be freed and sent home), or remaining a slave (her boyfriend will spend the rest of his life in prison).

Style Points:
🔥MC is made to sit under YC’s desk and keep his cock warm during the work day.
🔥MC is also made to edge herself while performing her cock warming duties.
🔥MC is only allowed to cum from vaginal sex and she only gets fucked vaginally if she begs for it.
🔥MC is expected to offer anal to YC before bed and upon waking (figging is the punishment for failure).
🔥MC is allowed to visit her boyfriend in prison, but only while nude and after being paraded around.
🔥MC can only eat if she gives YC a blowjob (and swallows) first.


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M x F
Sex Scandals of Suburbia

Step Whore
Josie (MC) is a young (18 year old) girl who has it all, looks, money, and popularity. The only not-so-perfect thing in her life is her step-father (YC ~ 30-40 year old), an entrepreneur and social climber who (mostly) has Josie's mother wrapped around his finger. For the most part, Josie has always been protected by her doting mother, only all of that will change soon.

Days before Josie's 18th birthday, and her high school graduation, her mother is called away on business. With her mother overseas and traveling Josie is left at her step-father's mercy for the remainder of the summer before college.

On the evening of her 18th birthday, Josie arrives home late after being out with friends. YC is at home, waiting for her, and as soon as Josie walks through the door he grabs and restrains her before dragging her up to her bedroom. While raping Josie, YC makes it clear that because she refuses to act like his daughter, then she'll be his whore until she learns humility and respect.

Malibu, CA
Start: Josie comes home from school after her last day and is immediately assaulted by YC.
End: Josie is much more polite to their step-parent by the time their bio-parent returns.

Style Points:
🔥YC has a small get-together where Josie is forced to serve and sexually service YC's friends.
🔥YC forces Josie to dress up as a maid while cleaning the house.
🔥YC films Josie's various humiliations to blackmail her into keeping quiet.
🔥YC makes Josie attend graduation nude under her robes and with a plug and vibrator in her holes.

Josie Jamison

Sex/Gender: Female | Cis
Age: 18
Hometown: Malibu, CA
Location: Malibu, CA
Orientation: Disinterested
Relationship Status: Single by Design
School: UCLA
Academic Year: Freshman | 1st Year
Major: Political Science | Pre-Law
Extracurriculars: Interning at a law firm.
Goals: Have fun, excel, and avoid her step-parent.
Fears: Fearless to a fault except when it comes to tests.

Josie's life is nearly perfect. Intelligent, beautiful, and terribly spoiled, she's wanted for nothing her entire life. However, while her parents are affluent, they're divorced and have both since remarried. Josie is far from impressed by her step-parent(s) and is either dismissive or outright antagonistic towards them.

After graduating as valedictorian, she is eager to attend UCLA in the fall as a pre-law student. She is less eager about dealing with her step-parent all summer while her biological parent is traveling on business. Unbeknownst to her, her step-parent has plans for them to spend a lot of quality time together while they have the house to themselves.

Plots: Step-Whore (MxF or FxF)

Coming Soon... (After Some Refurbishment)
  • Skater Girl
  • The Perfect Wife

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M x F
Officers Gone Wild

Tricked Out

MC is a vice detective who has been working undercover as a prostitute for several weeks now. Most of her work so far has involved arresting a few men who had tried to solicit her while gathering information about a growing prostitution ring. It is while chasing rumors of sex trafficking that MC runs afoul of YC(s).

YC1 is a law-abiding citizen during the day who moonlights as the head of a crime syndicate. The crime syndicate deals in everything from drugs, murder, and the sex trade. YC1 heads them all, but has placed his relatives (brothers, cousins, whatever works for you) in charge of the day to day operations of different areas. YC2 is the relative in charge of the sex trade (prostitution, sex trafficking, even a few illicit but legal operations).

Word had reached YC2 of an uppity whore taking business away from his girls. Intolerant of anyone encroaching on his territory, YC2 has MC grabbed off the street one and dragged into YC2's car one evening. During the car ride, MC is punished and told she works for YC2 now before she'd dropped off at another location (with a client) and tasked with earning x amount of money before the night is over.

Detroit, IL
Start: MC is literally grabbed off the street and pulled into a car.
End: MC is given to YC1 as a gift or MC is sold overseas on the black market.

Style Points:
🔥MC is forced to work herself to exhaustion only for YC2 to take all the money she earned.
🔥MC is kept in a boarding house where YC2 keeps all the girls who work for him.
🔥MC is sexually hazed by the other prostitutes, who take her money as "payment" for their services to get her into trouble with YC2.
🔥MC is forced by the other prostitutes to wear gaudy jewelry, obscene outfits, bright makeup, etc. to embarrass her.
🔥MC becomes the subject of a growing conflict between YC1 and YC2.

Coming Soon...
  • Officer Pornstar
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M & F Couple x F
Couples Who Play Together Stay Together

Trouble in Paradise

Claire (MC - 21 year old) is traveling abroad and happens upon a young (YCs ~ 25-30 year olds) couple of newlyweds. The newlyweds seem nice enough and they convince Claire to come along with them as they go sightseeing. While having a good time, Claire doesn't notice her drink has been spiked and in the late afternoon she loses consciousness. The newlyweds, insisting to passersby that they're together, take Claire back to the condo they're renting.

While she's unconscious, the couple steal Claire's ID, passport, and plane ticket, take her money, sell her valuables, and toss her non-essentials. Claire wakes up to find herself naked in the bathtub as the wife hoses her down with ice cold water. The husband makes an appearance and comments that they should warm their new slave up. The couple then take Claire to the bedroom and begin raping her.

Following an evening of being broken in, Claire's nightmare begins as they couple announce that they're keeping her as their sex slave for the duration of their honeymoon. Unable to escape without her documents, and unable to pay for anything, she's dragged along on a tour of humiliation and violation.

Tropical Vacation Destination
Start: Claire wakes up right before the couple begin assaulting her.
End: Claire is sold as a sex slave to another traveling couple and it's implied the cycle continues.

Style Points:
🔥The wife creates an OnlyFans account for Claire and makes her film (faceless/masked) content for it.
🔥The husband pimps Claire out to strangers for discounts (hotel, meals, ground travel, etc.).
🔥The couple dress Claire in skimpy, revealing outfits to parade her around when they go out.

Claire Berkeley
Sex/Gender: Female | Cis
Age: 21
Hometown: Phoenix, AZ
Location: Cancún, Quintana Roo
Orientation: Bi-curious
Relationship Status: Single
Profession: Small Business Owner
School: Arizona State University
Academic Year: Graduated
Major: Fashion and Apparel Design
Extracurriculars: N/A
Goals: Rest and relax, but also focus on her apparel line.
Fears: Giving up her dream career to work a normal job.

Claire's father died overseas when she was very young and for most of her life it was just her and her mother. However, tragedy would strike a second time as her mother was diagnosed with cancer while Claire was in college. Giving up her hopes of studying fashion in places like NYC, Paris, Milan, etc. she settled for attending school locally at Arizona State to tend to her mother. Sadly her mother would pass shortly after Claire's graduation, an event that was bittersweet.

With her mother's suffering at an end, Claire was free to live her life unburdened. Shortly after the funeral she sold her childhood home, her car, put personal possessions into storage, packed her bags and left to travel the world. Before long Claire found herself in Cancún where she emersed herself in the nightlife while working on her online shop where she sells clothes she's designed. However, nothing good ever lasts long for Claire and she finds herself in peril.

Plots: La Puta Gringa | Trouble in Paradise

Our Dear Daughter

Izzy (MC - 18 year old) has gone off to college and is out on her own for the first time. One evening, she is kidnapped by an older (30-35 year old) couple (M & F), who bring her home to their remote (perhaps it's on a private island) mansion.

When she wakes up, Izzy finds herself in an embarrassingly childish outfit and in a bright pink BDSM room. The wardrobe is stocked with a variety of pink/childlike outfits, school girl uniforms, and cheerleader uniforms. At the foot of the bed is a large toybox filled with all manner of sex toys. Horrified by all that she had found, Izzy tries to escape.

The couple reveal themselves just in time to catch Izzy and greet her as their daughter. Izzy immediately tries to fight back and run, but she's restrained and punished for being a bad girl. After Izzy's punishment, the couple lay down the rules, that they are Izzy's parents (they will be referred to only as "Mommy" and "Daddy"), that she can't escape and fighting them will only result in her being punished.

Settings: ???, US
Start: MC is restrained and punished/raped by the couple.
End: MC is informed she's getting a younger sister (another kidnapped girl) and will be expected to help "raise" her.

Style Points:
🔥Izzy is spanked/whipped for resisting or trying to run away.
🔥Izzy has her mouth washed out with soap for swearing.
🔥Izzy is forced to wear this Pacifier Gag as punishment for talking back.
🔥Izzy is "homeschooled" during the day by being forced to watch porn and complete assignments for "Mommy."
🔥Izzy has "father/daughter bonding time" in the evening where she is forced to pleasure "Daddy."


Isabella Shaw
Sex/Gender: Female | Cis
Age: 18
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Location: Evanston, IL
Orientation: Bi-curious
Relationship Status: Single
School: Northwestern University
Academic Year: Freshman | 1st Year
Major: Art Theory and Practice
Extracurriculars: Social Media Influencer
Goals: Build her social media presence and graduate debt free.
Fears: Losing her following or getting caught up in a scandal.

Isabella - Izzy to her friends and Bella to her followers - went no contact with her absentee parents at a young age after running away. Getting by on odd jobs while putting herself through school, she eventually would find success on the internet as an influencer. Capitalizing on her youthful looks, she managed to accumulate a small fortune, enough to put herself through university.

Reasonably intelligent, Izzy had no issues getting into Northwestern University where she has decided to major in Art Theory and Practice. She knows her looks and the success she has found as an influencer won't last forever, but she has aspirations to ensure a comfortable life for herself after graduation. However, her plans get derailed when her presence on social media garners the wrong kind of attention.

Plots: Our Dear Daughter

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