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Not Quite the Parent Trap (small package & Mythological)

small package

Jun 19, 2014
Sam had decided long ago that her mom had three operating modes. There was "military mom", nobody messed with "military mom" or at least they didn't do it twice. There was no crossing the line with "military mom" and "military mom" knew if you were even thinking about putting a toe over the line. Then there was "weekday mom", who was very supportive and caring and the best friend you could ever want. With "weekday mom" you could occasionally cross the line but if you went too far or did it too often then "military mom" would turn up. Finally, there was "vaykay mom", she was just fun. "Vaykay mom" didn't worry about things like being anywhere on time or even being where she planned to be, with "vaykay mom" you didn't have to worry about crossing the line because the line didn't exist anymore. It was clear to Sam that Kelly had been in full "vaykay mom" mode for the last four weeks and it was great.

The past couple of months had been filled with all kinds of changes but that her mom was in such a good mood made it easier. It had all started when seemingly out of nowhere Kelly had announced that she was leaving the Army for a job in the private sector, which was odd as whenever the subject came up in the past Kelly seemed to be committed to staying in the service. The announcement came with news that they'd be moving, which wasn't a surprise to Sam as they'd changed base more times than she could remember but Sam also realised it would be different this time as there wouldn't an instant community to slot into. Then the news from Kelly changed, the job she had originally lined up had fallen through but there two great alternatives that had come up. However, because of the timing Kelly wouldn't be able to visit the companies before her time in the Army was up and she wasn't going to make a big move before getting the job dealt with. The upside was that while they were on opposite sides of the same state, at least it was the same state, so the decision was made that Sam would go off to summer camp while Kelly finalised the job situation and found a place for them to live while Sam enjoyed herself.

So here they were in an F150 Kelly borrowed for their week long mother\daughter road trip on the way to the art camp where Sam would spend the summer. Because it was "vaykay mom" driving they were running late, registration had opened 2 hours ago and the joining instructions from Camp Kumoni made a point about being prompt, but those strict instructions were about to run up against Kelly, they didn't have a prayer.

They pulled into the car park and Sam climbed out of the truck wearing a pair of army fatigues that had been turned into a pair of baggy knee length shorts along with a grey t-shirt topped by a flannel shirt. Looking around at the parents who departing and getting one last goodbye hug from their kids, Sam felt she didn't meet whatever informal dress code they had going on, but that was nothing compared to Kelly, who's shirt left more skin on display that the rest of the mom's combined. Sam grinned as she saw a few of the dad looking at her mom for a few seconds longer than their wives were happy about, it happened everywhere they went when "vaykay mom" was around. There was no arguing that her mom was a MILF, plenty of Sam's friends had told as much so she was used to it, what really confused people was how much "vaykay mom" leant into that MILF label, especially if they'd ever had a run in with "military mom". Sam spied a couple of unaccompanied dads in the car park who were obviously getting ready to leave, Sam was now trying to decide how many were now working out ways to delay their departure so they could try to get Kelly's digits.

Sam grabbed her bags out of the back of the truck and waved away the help offered by her mom, she was going to have to carry them up to the cabin after checking in, might as well get used to doing it now. The mother and daughter made their way into the reception area, where there were a couple of members of staff one of which looked like he'd been sucking on lemons for hours.

"This must Samantha Brown our last arrival." the man spoke with a heavy emphisis on the word 'last', Sam almost felt sorry for him as she picked up her welcome pack from the table. Kelly approached the man and spoke in a soft, calm voice "We got a little behind schedule, but it's our first time in this area and there was really pretty spot by the river that we stopped at. There was some really interesting wildlife that we got to look at, and it's so important to learn about and appreciate nature, don't you agree? Then we got talking to this local couple who were saying how welcoming and friendly everyone was and..." the man had two problems, firstly he didn't know exactly where to look and secondly Kelly was being so calm and reasonable; if the man disagreed with her, he'd look like a complete asshole. Kelly kept talking at the man as Sam found a "My Name is.." sticker with her name on, she hated those things but knew she'd have to play along but only on her terms. Sam picked up the marker pen that was on the table and crossed out 'antha' before sticking it to her shirt. Kelly hadn't taken a breath and was still being calm and reasonable at the man in a way that was starting to make him sweat.

The man finally managed to find away from Kelly's reasonableness as he spotted one of the female campers, "Andrea, Andrea." he called across to the girl as he squirmed free of Kelly. Sam looked around to see a brightly smiling girl wearing a buttoned-up polo shirt turn and walk across to the man "Andrea, why don't show Sam.." he paused as he looked at Sam's name badge "to the cabins? Actually, I think you two are sharing a room, so you'll be spending plenty of time together." The girl bounced across to Sam "Hi I'm Andrea but everyone calls me Andi. First time here?"
Rob Brown had actually arrived before the rest of the counselors at the request of the adult staff. Rob was in his senior year and a counselor, and one of his students this year was transgendered. Rob wasn't sure why this was a big deal. While Camp Kumoni was rather traditional about gender roles, they had trans campers in previous years. Two cabins had been refitted with private showers to accommodate them, and prospective campers and their parents had to indicate if they would be willing to bunk with a child that was of a 'nonconforming' gender. Despite all that hoopla, there had been no issues that Rob was aware of. He knew who two campers who were transgirls were and while there had been a couple of incidents, all in all it had been pretty tame. So, he had no clue why the staff had requested that he read up on transgendered and particularly counselling them. Nor why there had to be there early for a special meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Wendell, the Camp Leaders.

It turned out the issue was the camper wasn't a transgirl. He was a transboy. Which still didn't seem like a big issue to him. Eric, the boy in question, had been on puberty blockers for years and had never gone through female puberty. He had only started taking male hormones a few months ago when he turned sixteen and was barely beginning male puberty. He had no facial hair yet, and only stood out because he looked like he was fourteen. Regardless, the adults were all fidgety about it. After the adults spent a long time talking around the issue, about how they were afraid Eric's cabinmates would pick on him. Rob finally clued in on the issue after they started talking about sleeping arrangements and asking Rob to be extra vigilent in checking on the cabin - the counselors were afraid his cabin mates would rape him.

Really? Apparently it was okay to put a transgirl in a cabin with five other girls, but because Eric still had a vagina, they apparently thought that all his roommates would be unable to resist the allure of available pussy. They would lose control and just gangbang Eric, unconcerned about going to jail or even simple human dignity. Granted most of the adults were older than his father, but running Camp Kumoni was basically their entire job. Rob wasn't LGBTQ himself, but he considered himself an ally, and even though they were in red state, how could the camp leaders be so out of tune with the times? It wasn't like there wasn't a lot of sex going on at camp already. It really wasn't that hard to sneak round at night. He was currently between girlfriends and hoping for a camp romance himself. Now that he was a senior he only had one roommate, which would make it a lot easier to find some privacy. He had made sure to smuggle in condoms so he'd be prepared.

Rob promised the Wendells that he would be extra vigilant and check on his campers often during the day. He'd planned to do that anyway. While it wasn't a full-time job, he'd been coming to Camp Kumoni for years. He felt obligated to mentor the younger kids and pass along camp traditions. As he walked away, he relaxed a bit. The Wendells couldn't help it that they were old. His own father was even worse. He had said some judgmental stuff about trans kids before. Really, it was a sign that the Wendells trusted him that they put him over the cabin with Eric in it. He put it behind him as he returned to the reception area. He was a senior this year and looking forward to seeing who he knew from last year and who was new. Campers paired up surprisingly fast, especially seniors. He didn't want to come on too hard, but he was curious who would be there. He also had to pick up his luggage. He hadn't even gotten to unpack due to the emergency meeting. He hoped he would still be rooming with Andy. He was laid back. Sometimes very laid back. He knew for a fact that Andy had smuggled in at least a little pot in the past.

At the reception area he gathered up his stuff, gave a nod to the deputy and started to head to his cabin when he noticed the new girl. Hey, was that Andi she was talking to? Damn, Andi had dropped a lot of weight. The new girl was still hotter. He gathered up his things and headed to his cabin - Rembrant this year. Hopefully, he'd find Andy there. It had been so obvious that Andi had a crush on Andy. He wondered if Andy still had a girlfriend back home. He gave the new girl an appreciative glance without being pervy about it as he carried his belongings to his cabin.
"Yeah, just moved into the state actually so it's all new. Look I gotta ask, the polo shirt and khakis, is there some kind of uniform I don't know about?" Sam asked the girl who'd just introduced herself. There was a slightly puzzled look on Andi's face before she looked round the room and noticed that 99% of the campers were wearing the same thing, "No, not all." the answer seemed almost apologetic "But I guess it's just one of those traditions, you turn up the first time and everyone looks like this so next year you do to. But you look great as you are, actually it's cool when someone turns up looking different." Andi finished with a smile.

Sam looked back over her shoulder where she could see Kelly still be pleasant and reasonable at the staff member who liked he was just about to melt, she sighed to herself and decided to give the guy a break. "Mom!" Sam called over to get Kelly's attention, Kelly finally relented and came across to her daughter. "OK so we're going up to the cabins no so if..." Sam didn't get to the end of the sentence as Kelly gave her a hug that crushed the air out of her. "You have a good time and call me if you need anything and" Sam could tell that her mom's voice was just on the edge of starting to crack, taking her up to see the cabin would just mean lots of tears, "Mom, mom. It's fine, it's just summer camp. I think I'll survive and anyway I've got Andi here to look after me so.." As Sam mentioned the other girl's name, Kelly released her daughter from the bear hug and hugged Andi instead. "Now you two girls look after each other, yes? And if you have any problems, you can call me as well, you can get my number from Sam." the catch in Kelly's voice was a little more obvious now. "Mom, you can put her down now. Look we'll be fine, how much trouble could we get into out here anyway?" Kelly finally let go of Andi. "Well then" said Kelly who straightened herself up "if you're running behind, I'll go now and not hold you up." Kelly started to walk away "See you in six weeks." she added "Love you," came with another look over shoulder "Call me tonight!" Kelly finally added before leaving the reception.

Andi offered to help Sam carry her bags up to the cabin, but Sam was firmly of the opinion that if she couldn't carry it, she shouldn't have brought in the first place. As they were walking together Andi brought up Kelly "Well your mom is..." there was a pause as Andi wasn't exactly sure how to continue without seeming insulting. "A hot mess?" Sam offered with a grin "just hot? a great hugger?" a smile crept across Andi's face "Well yeah. You're right about the hugging, although with that shirt she was wearing I did end up getting buried in her, well..." a slight flush started showing on Andi's cheeks. "It could have been worse" Sam didn't want the pause to be awkward "if you hadn't been there and they picked a boy to show me to the cabins, mom would have given them the same hug and now I'd have to walk with someone who was trying to hide a boner." Both girls started laughing loudly, which drew a few looks from the other campers who wondered what the joke could have been.

The girls continued the walk up to their cabin, Andi explaining that it had taken until this year to get the name changed to O'Keeffe. Sam noticed that Andi spent at least half of the walk talking about the boys cabins and how they were off limits to younger campers but as seniors they were safe to visit them before lights out. The way Andi was talking Sam suspected that Andi had designs on visiting one specific cabin, although because Andi was being so nice about it Sam didn't have the heart to change the subject. The pair made it through the front door of the cabin into a large common room, off to one side was a small area with a fridge and a kettle. "And this is our room" Andi announced as they walked into one of the bedrooms at the back of the cabin "It's got the best view of the lake, but that does mean we're meant to keep a special eye out for anyone sneaking down there after dark." Sam took in the room and noticed that Andi had obviously been here a while as one side of the room had already been decorated with lights and there was large toy dog on the bed. There was a loud thud as Sam dropped her bags on the floor and she sank onto the bed, Sam decided that she really had packed too much and didn't have the energy to do anything else. Andi sat on the opposite bed and picked up the dog "Oh this is Bennie, he's harmless but he's gone everywhere with me forever so it wouldn't really be camp if he wasn't here. Do want to unpack?" Andi asked, Sam just shook her head "or we could yer know go visit the boys cabins?" Sam wasn't entirely sure what was going on but could see Andi was stuck between showing the new girl around and desperately wanting to meet one of the boys. "Sure, let's go do that then." there wasn't much enthusiasm in Sam's voice, the unpacking could wait and Andi's not so subtle hints about the boys cabins were going to keep coming until she relented. Sam peeled herself up off the bed "OK, so which cabin are we going to first?" Andi tried to act like she was unsure, but it was obvious she knew exactly where she wanted to go "I think the senior boys are in Rembrandt this year."
Rob made it to Rembrandt cabin to find that everyone else had already chosen their bed. Fortunately, Andy had held a spot for him, so he would be bunking with him.

“Andy!” he shouted in greeting before exchanging a high five with him. “Thanks for saving me a space. Senior year, it’s going to be cool, yeah?”

Andy shrugged. “I guess. I’m not sure art is even my thing anymore. I might not have come, but the ‘rents are taking a cruise. I was pretty much told to come.”

Rob began unpacking, and continued talking to Andy as he went. “Giving up on art? Really, but you’re good.”

He shrugged. “Maybe, but art doesn’t the bills unless you’re really good or really lucky. We’re seniors. Time to start thinking about our future.”

Rob blew a raspberry. “Loosen up. Even if you decide to do something boring like engineering in college, you not in college yet. Do something impressive this summer. Something you can be proud to hang on your wall even if you’re some boring computer jockey. Something to point to and say, ‘I did that’.”

“Yeah? You think so?”

“Hell yeah, and maybe get laid, too.”

They both broke down laughing at that.

“Now, that’s the kind of plan I can get behind,” agreed Andy.

“So you’re not still with Jennifer then?”

“No, we broke up. I found out she cheated on me all of last summer.”

Rob winced as he put away the last of his clothes. “That sucks.”

“Yeah, but I’m long over her.”

“So… you seen Andi yet? She’s looking damn good. She dropped a lot of weight.”

“Did she?” While he tried to sound nonchalant, it was obvious Andy was trying interested.

“Yes, she did. You know she really had it bad for you last year.”

Andy nodded. “Yeah, I know. I think everyone knew, and I did one dance with her at the final formal.”

“Mmm-hmm,” Rob agreed. “Hey, do you know anything about the new girl? Now, she’s very well put together.”

“New girl?” asked Rob sounding interested. “What new girl?”

“The hot one and back off, I call dibs on her.”

“Rob, you can’t call dibs on girls.”

“Oh, so you’re fine if I hit on the newer and hotter Andi?”

Andy laughed. “Now I didn’t say that!”
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