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Swear to God I ain't never gonna repent
Staff member
Apr 3, 2022
Ever since childhood, Morgan Fonias had been told epic tales of her father and mother battling monsters to keep people safe. Rescuing nobles and commoners alike that would fall victim to the growing menace of demons. Of course, at the time, she didn't know these tales were true. When she was old enough, she followed in her older brother's foot steps and began training to become the next generation of Fonias demon slayers. Her brother, Matteus, was five years her senior and had fallen into the role of golden child with ease. He was strong, fast, and showed no mercy to any demon he faced. How was she ever to compete? When she was of age to complete her training, she decided she couldn't compete, and opted out of finishing her final hunt with her father. Were her parents disappointed? Maybe, but she loved her brother too much to despise him for getting trapped in his shadow. Besides, what good was she going to be with slaying demons if her heart wasn't in it?

So she took a back seat to hunting to focus more on research. Being a master of demonic knowledge was an achievement of its own. What good was fighting a demon if you didn't know how to destroy it or where it came from? Who it served? Why they had chosen their prey? Their true name? There were so many intricacies to demon slaying that even some hunters didn't know or care to learn. Those hunters usually didn't last very long in the field before another was taking up their weapon.

Morgan was happy to research as the years rolled on. Her knowledge had saved several of her kin and that gave her a sense of pride in refusing the title of slayer. Though sometimes she did wish to go on hunts with her family, it helped knowing her knowledge contributed in keeping them safe. Until the eve of her twenty-first birthday, where she found herself waking in the dead of night to a blood curdling scream and her house engulfed in flames. She had grabbed the silver dagger she'd kept underneath her pillow and threw her door open to be bombarded with smoke and the stench of sulphur. Morgan made her way down the stairs to see flames climbing up the walls and her parents' mangled bodies strewn across the floor.

"Father! Mother!" Morgan brought her hand up to cover her nose and mouth, the only protection she could think of to slow the smoke from invading her lungs. Her parent's bodies were eviscerated. Slash marks were marring their flesh and their eyes were wide with fear. "Matteus." Morgan went to go back up stairs to check on her brother, but they were already engulfed in flames and the smoke was starting to sting her eyes as she made her way to the door that was already wide open, her brother standing in driveway staring up at the sky. "Matteus!" She coughed as she sprinted towards her brother.

Before she could reach him, Matteus turned to face her, causing Morgan to skid to a stop. A sinister smile was plastered on his face that was so covered in blood she couldn't tell the color of his skin. Black trails traveled down his body like rivers cutting through the forest and ended at blackened fingertips that were sharpened into claws. Morgan inhaled slowly as her brother faced her and before she knew it, her throat was burning from sulphur and she was being hoisted into the air by her neck. His hand scorched her skin and his eyes were a black void that was swallowing any bit of light around them.

"Matteus..." Morgan gasped as she clawed as his arm. "What-"

"You're quite obnoxious." The voice that mocked wasn't her brother. It was gravely, harsh, and unnaturally deep. "Here I thought his family was all hunters. I suppose I skipped you." Morgan struggled as the creature tightened its hold on her neck. "If you would've stayed quiet, I would've let you live, but the specifics of the deal are clear. The whole family must perish."

"D-deal?" Morgan clenched her teeth and glared into lightless eyes. "My brother would never make a deal with a demon!"

"Yet here I stand." The demon flourished his arm theatrically and grinned. "Your brother had secrets that would keep you up at night, slayer, but I suppose that doesn't matter since you're about to die."

The woman scowled before raising her hand that was clenching the silver dagger and buried it into her brother's forearm. An otherworldly screech pierced Morgan's ears as she hit the ground with a heavy thud and rolled to her feet to see a black, tar-like substance spilling from the wound. It had been a few years since she'd last fought, but she readied herself nonetheless as she watched her possessed brother closely. The demon roared as the silver burned its flesh and for a moment, Morgan thought she heard Matteus through the guttural, monstrous noises.

"You can fight it, Matteus!" Morgan shouted as she desperately tried to reach her brother. "You're stronger than this!"

"M-Morgan." The void disappeared for a moment and Morgan saw the green eyes of the brother. Though instead of fear or desperation, they were brimming with anger. In the momentary lapse of lucidity, Matteus pulled the dagger from his arm and threw it at his sister's feet. "Don't follow me." With a cry of agony, black, leathery wings burst forth from his back and blood rained down on around him. "Don't look for me, sister. I have made peace with my decision." With a great flourish of the wings, Matteus lifted himself off the ground and into the sky.

Five years had passed since that night and Morgan had spent them tracking Matteus across the country, but she was always a step behind. Villages and cities burned in her brother's wake and she had killed countless underlings from the following he had accumulated over the years. He was known by the slayers, and many had fell victim to him. That's how Morgan now found herself traveling to Isonvale, the capitol city of Focet, where the High Priestess and her Enlightened ruled from their gilded towers. This was a last ditch effort to get help in tracking her brother, not to mention the Enlightened had a specific branch of priestesses that specialized in demonology and exorcisms. If Matteus could ever be caught, the demon would need to be expelled.

Isonvale was an enormous, pristine city. The streets were clean and its citizens were always dressed in flowing garments in shades of white. The purer the white, the higher up in society you belonged. The epicenter of the city was the Alabaster Temple, where the High Priestess resided as well as her counselors. This was Morgan's first venture into the holy city, and as she made her way to the temple, she couldn't help but feel like she stuck out like a sea urchin in the desert. Her black suit and tie were in stark contrast to the white and off white shades of cloth. The Alabaster Temple was decorated as one would expect. Vaulted cathedral ceilings, pristine white stone walls with gold accents and a white marbled floor that was polished like a mirror. Dark wood pews were on either side of a golden rug that ran the length of the floor in uniformed rows facing an alter. Her black dress shoes echoing off the walls of the almost silent temple before a man dressed in a ivory robe approached her.

"May the light cleanse you, traveler." The man bowed his head and Morgan watched him carefully. "How can I assist you?"

"I'm here to speak to High Priestess Lenora." Morgan answered as she shoved her hands in her pockets. "It's about a demon I've been hunting recently." The man's calm smile slowly faded from his face as he tilted his head.

"You're a slayer?" Morgan just nodded and man sighed heavily, the welcoming smile faltering on his face. "I will go speak with her excellency, if you don't mind waiting a moment?" She nodded and the man bowed once again, before disappearing through a door behind the alter. Morgan moved to sit in one of the pews, her arms resting on the back as she stared up at the ceiling that had a mural painted of the sun and stars. It was strange for her to be somewhere that was so bright and immaculate. The Enlightened of the city of Isonvale were a different breed. They believed so heavily in their High Priestess and her power to purge demons, though she had never witnessed an actual exorcism. She was on the gorier side of demon extermination.

"Slayer." Morgan looked forward again and instead of the acolyte that had greeted her, a woman wrapped in the whitest fabric she'd ever seen was standing in front of her. It was so bright, Morgan's eyes squinted and for a moment she thought she'd have to shield her eyes. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" Morgan was almost in awe as the High Priestess of Focet walked towards her. Hands folded delicately in front of her and golden locks were plaited back neatly, draping over her left shoulder. She cleared her throat when the woman reached her and she stood, adjusting her suit jacket.

"Your Excellency," Morgan bowed her head and inhaled slowly. "I've come to ask for your assistance in the acquisition of a demon that has been terrorizing the countryside." She straightened up slightly and looked into the priestess's blue eyes. "He calls himself Arvug."

"I've heard of the devastation he's caused over the years." The High Priestess turned and motioned for Morgan to follow. They exited through the door the priestess had entered, leading to the belly of the temple which housed her devotees. A staircase wound up to the bell tower and Morgan's sight was turned upwards, almost causing herself to get dizzy. "The demon you seek has been out of our scope of expertise for some time. At this point, we assumed the slayers would take care of him."

"That's why I'm here." The dark haired woman stopped in the middle in the threshold that led to a large room that could only be compared to a throne room. An immense, open balcony carved from the same marble as the floor overlooked the city of Isonvale. "The demon must be expelled."

The High Priestess stopped, the last step of her heeled foot echoing loudly off the vaulted ceiling and stone walls. "You want an exorcism for this demon? Why?"

Morgan sighed heavily, running a hand over her face as she turned away from the priestess. "He's my brother." It had been a long time since she had called Matteus her brother, but he was. Whether a demon possessed his body or not, the only reason she pursued Arvug was to retrieve her brother, or what was left him. "I'm trying to save him." The priestess's eyes grew wide, but only for a second before she closed them.

"I see." The woman hummed softly as she continued on to the balcony with Morgan in tow. "You know there is a very slim chance that your brother is even still alive with how long that demon has occupied his body, right?" Morgan just nodded before standing next to the priestess and looking out over the bustling city. "You must be very loyal."

"He's the only family I have left." Morgan's eyes scanned over the cityscape. "I want to do what I can to try and save him."

The High Priestess hummed again before tapping her chin in thought. It was strange, Morgan had only ever heard rumors of Hight Priestess Lenora. How benevolent she was and the passion she had for keeping her people safe against the demons that plagued the land. "I think we can come to an agreement of sorts." The priestess turned to face Morgan with a smile. "Some of my Enlightened have come across a few cases of demonic possession that they could not purge. We know that slayers have their own way of...expelling demons. Perhaps you could team up with some of my priestesses to earn my trust."

"You want me to help you?" The slayer asked with a raised eyebrow. "I've never performed an exorcism in my life. How could I possibly help your priestesses?"

"All will be explained if you agree." The High Priestess smiled before extending her hand to the slayer. "Do we have a deal?" Morgan looked at the proffered hand and then up at the woman. Deals were tricky, whether it was with a demon, or a human and Morgan was wary either way. She'd been hunting alone for so long, she didn't know if working with someone else was a good idea, but she was getting desperate.


"Excellent!" The High Priestess clapped her hands and walked away from the balcony. "Please, have a seat. I will make it known that you are now affiliated with the Enlightened and inform the priestesses they will have some help."

Morgan sighed as she sat down on a plush loveseat that was sitting off to the side. Her head was spinning as she thought about the deal she had just made. Was she even going to be any help to these priestesses? The most she could do was vanquish a demon, not expel one. She'd hoped that the High Priestess would enlighten her more before she was put to work.

The impeccable needlework crafted by the Oculist, lace sewn and inscribed with angels and clouds guarded Melizaโ€™s light-sensitive eyes. A month seemed an eternity to experience the world around her without sight. She wandered, aimlessly at times, without her walking stick to tap furniture legs and heaven forbid, someoneโ€™s shin. No longer would she witness the death and depravity instilled in the hearts of the cities by the demons and ghouls, nor the derelict activities and dysfunction in the cobblestone roads. One could drive for hardly a mile before encountering works of the underworld, though the creatures tended to run amok in the night, and hugged close to the forests and abandoned farmlands. Her recent blindness was a demon-made hex, her unbelievable punishment perhaps for too many demons slain, or prayers answered.

โ€œMan created the world, and demons were born into this beautiful world as a result of manโ€™s mistakes. Their obsessions, their dark rituals.โ€ Melizaโ€™s head lowered in prayer, palms together, ballerina shaped nails gently poking her demure chin. Lustrous white gold sprouted from her scalp, voluminous waves rivaling that of the rising tides off the pier, skin that absorbed the sunโ€™s rays on more than one occasion, smooth and without blemish. The whites of her painted nails and clarity of her skin wasnโ€™t unlike the beauty and cleanliness expected of an Enlightened priestess. A sheer canopy adorned her crown, fluttering wistfully about her svelte waistline, the shape of a pretty vase, and with the appearance of frailty.

โ€œDemons were not all to blame for the bloodshed and chaos; humans played a part in their creation and the desires which they fed on, kept them strong and terrifying to us, mortals.โ€ The declarative word spoken for only her ears, in the sanctity of the prayer room. Had the world outside of what she could react to with her fingertips truly existed? These days, she wondered if it was fact or fiction? Faith and belief were at a crossroads, and Meliza bowed her head so that her chin hung low, obscuring her visage behind a veil as someone knocked once for courtesy.

โ€œSister Meliza, there is a guest waiting with High Priestess Lenora. We request your presence.โ€ Meliza visualized Dinora, orโ€ฆwhat all she could remember about the priestess: Stark red hair, eyes the color of a stormy sky. She was her best friend, before Melizaโ€™s accident the budding young women were inseparable. These days Meliza was in charge of tour guides and played harp accompaniment for the daily sermon in the cathedral. Her eyes failed her, but her hands worked well enough to play instruments and sew the wear and tear on the pews. Purpose found her, or rather, she found a sense of living and responsibility in the small tasks that needed taking care of.

The groaning of the old church and the scraping within the walls was louder than ever. Though everyone was dressed like a lamb for slaughter, every one of the priestesses defended the city in some form or fashion. Visitors often stopped by inquiring about how to receive an exorcism, or specific blessings that would serve as a boon for the remainder of their day. Magic and witchcraft were forbidden, but it existed the same as the air Meliza breathed into her lungs.

โ€œHigh Priestess Lenora, Iโ€™ve brought Meliza as youโ€™ve requested.โ€ Dinora rapped on the door with her fingertips, upholding the integrity of peaceful silence. She lifted her hem and dipped around a corner, down the hallway, leaving Meliza to the high priestess and particular, new figure.

โ€œHigh Priestess.โ€

โ€œSister Meliza, a daughter of Varatos, approaches seeking help from within the divine and holy. Her brother is lost to the dark forces of nature, but I want to propose that we help her and her brother. Her spirit is yet bright and unwavering. There is a special, sibling bond that should not be lost, but respected. We should not shun her, because her brother was weak to the influence of these beingsโ€ฆโ€ Lenoraโ€™s chipper demeanor and giddy hand clapping was no more than a facade. โ€œIn the promised lands, she and her brotherโ€™s spirit can be redeemed, and your sightโ€ฆโ€ The highest of priestesses in the cathedral cupped Melizaโ€™s quivering chin, regarding her as an unbroken egg, a chick ready to take flight from the nest. โ€œThe Promised Lands hold all you seek, but Meliza - I ask you to do this, but do not feel obliged.โ€ It was true, Lenora saw a beneficial experience, an opportunity for growth to take place.

Melizaโ€™s heart weighed in her chest, yet fluttered freely all at once. The prospect of stepping out on her own two feet, trusty cane at her side. But, there was a catch, another entity that hadnโ€™t been weighed into the equation. โ€œAnd we will go to the promised lands, to save her brother, and restore my eyesight?โ€
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Morgan wasn't sure what she was expecting, meeting an Enlightened priestess, but she wasn't ready for someone so...ostentatious. Pale, flaxen locks cascaded over flawless, tanned skin and for a moment, the slayer caught herself staring a bit too long. She almost didn't hear the High Priestess keep speaking of the Promised Lands and, as Morgan stood, she rubbed the back of her neck. The Promised Lands were in the center of Focet where the great city of Avadena stood before demons overtook it in a shrouded massacre. Possessing and slaughtering the people of the city before turning it into decrepit ruin and scattering across the land. There are rumors that the first demonic summoning had taken place in the temple at Avadena and that was the beginning of the dark era and the birth of the first slayers. Now, it was a place of pilgrimage for slayers and holy people alike. A place that was told to hold some ancient power, whether it be light or dark, Morgan wasn't sure. She had never been, nor had any of her kin.

As the High Priestess continued to talk, Morgan's attention was pulled away from Sister Meliza as the subject moved to Matteus. She tried to hold her tongue as she spoke of her brother, but she was overly protective and perhaps had a hero complex that was pushed deep in her mind. Matteus, weak to a demon's influence? That didn't makes sense. He was the strongest, most successful slayer she'd ever met. To hear someone, anyone, who didn't know him, speak of him like that was infuriating. Of course, what could she say to the ruler of Focet? Especially since she needed the High Priestess's aid in this quest that she was set on. Morgan should just be happy that she was getting the help she sought in the first place and the possibility of her brother being saved. Until she heard that the priestess had lost her sight.

"She's blind?" Morgan was not proficient at being tactful when it came to interacting with other people. She was very straightforward and to the point when it came to anything. What was the point of dancing around a subject if she wanted a definite answer? There really wasn't time for her to worry about hurting someone's feelings. Her eyes shifted to the High Priestess and then back to Sister Meliza. "How is she going to be of any help to me if she's blind?"

"I assure you, Miss Fonias," Lady Lenora glanced at Morgan with a disapproving eye that the dark haired woman returned. "Sister Meliza is one of our most efficient priestesses, even without her sight. Perhaps you should take some time to tell the priestess about the situation involving your brother. I'm sure it would be helpful." She smiled kindly at the slayer before turning back to Meliza and gently touching her shoulder. "I'm sure she could give you some excellent advice on extracting that demon from your brother."

Morgan raised an eyebrow and then looked at Meliza who, to anyone that wasn't part of the white city, almost looked like royalty herself. More so than the High Priestess, even though that was. It was hard to believe that this woman could be an exorcist or dealt with demons in any way, shape, or form. She looked like she was more suited for a public figure or in the entertainment industry. Morgan brought a hand up to massage her forehead before the High Priestess left Morgan and Meliza alone. The demon slayer wasn't used to working with anyone. For years now she'd been traveling and hunting on her own, she wasn't sure how Sister Meliza was going to be of any help in finding Matteus. Not to mention, years of hunting have stunted her socialization skills and she didn't really want to relay the story of the destruction of her family to anyone.

"So," Morgan delved into her pants pocket and pulled out a small silver cigarette case. A bad habit she'd picked up along the way, but her likelihood of dying by the hands of a demon were higher than that of a cigarette. So she didn't hesitate to retrieve her lighter from the other pocket and opened the case with a soft click. The spring loaded door swung open to reveal eight perfectly rolled cigarettes securely held by a silver strip of metal. She retrieved one before placing it gently between her lips and lighting it, taking a long, even drag causing the red embers to creep up the paper. "How long have you been exorcising demons?" A cloud of smoke crawled out of Morgan's lungs and past her parted lips as she exhaled slowly. It rolled up towards the ceiling of the temple before disappearing completely and Morgan saw the acolyte with a very disapproving look on his face. She offered him a smile before taking another drag and releasing once again.

"I would appreciate if you didn't smoke in this sacred place, slayer." The High Priestess appeared again with her hands folded delicately in front of her as she approached. "I've got some news that will involve the both of you." Lenora smiled as she glanced at Meliza and then Morgan before gently plucking the cigarette from the slayer's lips, dropping it on the floor and snuffing it under her toe. "We've caught wind of a demon within the city walls. I'd like Miss Fonias to help assist you, Sister Meliza, in dealing with it so she can see how the process works."

"I'd like that." Morgan sighed as she rubbed the back of her neck and stared down at the smothered cigarette on the marble floor before barely licking her lips.
"Perhaps I can learn something from the blind priestess."

Meliza's delicate shoulders tensed, and her jaw muscles locked up upon hearing High Priestess Lenoraโ€™s voice intermingle with an alien one. It would stand to reason that the person High Priestess Lenora addressed would stand up in defense of their blood kin, and there was certainly fire behind it. The crystal clarity and smoothness betrayed the hint of rasp masked by a well-tamed nature. Meliza deduced easily that this person smoked, too often to call it social - the smokiness emanating around Morgan was a dead giveaway. Peculiar scenarios such as being spoken about, but not directly to, when one was standing front to front with a person were a new occurrence. A daughter of Varratos meant that Morgan spent her free time slaying demons rather than the normal route, which most civilians happily fit into their small role to keep the giant wheel turning. The slayer lacked social skills, and social cues too; better Meliza didnโ€™t witness the shenanigans with her own eyes, or witness Morgan staring mouth half-open at her holy figure. But priestesses and slayers had one thing in common - tax exemption! Other than that similarity, they were on opposite ends of the rope, but kept the harmony in balancing good and evil. To call her blind was sheer disrespect spoken as a question. Blind, but not invisible. Silent, but far from mute! Melizaโ€™s free-hand bunched the diaphanous satin flowing freely at her hips, where the gold and ivory twined with gold chain links encrusted in more gold. The priestesses were a proud sort, but there was no true reason Meliza was so beautiful, except that she was blessed and well-endowed by the gods.

High Priestess Lenoraโ€™s regal wrist extended and laid flat on the gentle slope of Melizaโ€™s partially exposed shoulder; toffee and gold glistening behind a grecian white gown. That gentle expression of comfort relaxed Meliza, and she angled her head a fraction, the blindfold tied around her head shifting with the subtle movement of her brow bone. The High Priestess would only call Meliza for significant matters, and Meliza had it in her to refuse, because she was adjusting to life without her sight. She liked the walking cane too, and earlier she was all too eager to be called upon. Tracing the etchings on her cane, a craneโ€™s beak allowed her hand to rest. โ€Yes, Aunt Lenora. I will see to it that she is shown the way.โ€ High Priestess Lenora was matron to all, and had a personal hand in raising Meliza up from childhood. She aimed to be amiable, and to keep the peace between slayers and priestesses - the true exorcists of demons. It wasnโ€™t unheard of for slayers to find their way back to Isondale seeking the sage advice and enlightenment from within the walled city. But, what about the promised lands? Meliza parted her lips to inquire with the queen, and the queen moved her hand. Melizaโ€™s frosted eyebrows pinched in confusion, but her retreating footsteps made quite the statement. Her jaw dropped in awe, in perfect timing with what Meliza identified as a lighter. She ignored it, for whatever reason, and answered the question.

โ€œTwelve years.โ€ Melizaโ€™s tall nose wrinkled, and her attitude changed as the foul fumes entered her vicinity - her lungs! She loathed to be the wet blanket in this scenario, and thankfully wouldnโ€™t be, as High Priestess Lenoraโ€™s footsteps were heard echoing off the marble floors. She lowered her head bashfully, a tinge of red appearing on her caramel complexion. The sound of Lenoraโ€™s toe meeting the floor was secretly satisfying. โ€œAhem.. Wellโ€ฆโ€ Was her response after the queenโ€™s light scolding, and she tuned in fully for the minor briefing.

โ€œY-Yes. I see.โ€ The priestessโ€™s throat bobbed, tongue felt thick in her mouth. โ€œWe will investigate the matter promptly. I will teach her all I knowโ€ฆโ€

โ€œThere are certain requests that Morgan needs to fulfill before she can be allowed to enter the promised lands, this is one of those.โ€ High Priestess Lenora reluctantly admitted, her lips flattening in regret. It was true that she wanted Meliza to venture to the promised lands to receive the great healing, but Morgan was an unworthy contestant. โ€œTake Morgan to the Heavenly Gardens Apartments - You remember it, donโ€™t you?โ€ High Priestess Lenoraโ€™s inviting voice was able to pacify, even though Meliza could not see her face any longer.

โ€œI vaguely recall that faraway place.โ€ Meliza said, but her upper lip lifted in pure disgust. โ€œBut, I feel I can not show her anything if she continues referring to me as blind priestess.โ€ Meliza grumbled, gripping her cane before swiveling around with surprising accuracy. She was facing the double doorway, shaking her head impatiently. โ€œLead the way, all-seeing, slayer. And it's Meliza.โ€

Heavenly Gardens apartments, or Paradise Penthouse towered over the other residential buildings in the area. Like much of Isonvale, everything was carved out of white stone, hard like marble, and durable like rose quartz. The peaceful city was both a bountiful quarry and holy location. Isondale's clean exterior matched the lighter neutrals most civilians opted for, the deserts and hot sun calling for loose linens and layers to block the harsh sun. Heavenly Gardens was a gorgeous dwelling place of socialites and moguls; models and moms. Retired slayers had called it home, too. Meliza focused less on what the building looked like as they rolled up on Morgan's bike, and more on the sounds she perceived. She swallowed hard, heart thumping like drums, and her face tingling from the air flowing over her face, waves whipping behind her and settling over her arched back.

"This is it."
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Morgan was still lamenting the loss of her cigarette as she heard Meliza call High Priestess Lenora 'aunt'. She blinked a few times before furrowing her brow and glancing between the two women. If she stared hard enough and long enough, there were similarities between them. The next thing she heard was that there were 'requests' that the ruler wanted her to complete before they traveled to the Promised Lands. Of course she would withhold that information until they were about to leave, but Morgan supposed that witnessing a 'professional' exorcism would be a learning experience. Perhaps there was something she could actually take away from these priestesses.

The slayer sighed as she moved and opened the doors for the priestess before mounting her motorcycle. She took the direction from the blind priestess with caution. She wasn't sure if she was born blind, or if she had befallen some regrettable fate. Morgan thought about asking for a moment, but the woman probably wouldn't be able to hear her over the roar of the engine. The ride to these, Heavenly Gardens wasn't terribly long considering how many turns she had to take and the influx of people randomly crossing the street the deeper they ventured into the city, which caused her hand to cramp from hovering over the break lever. Maybe six minutes from the temple and it wasn't what Morgan was expecting at all. She'd heard the High Priestess mention this was an apartment complex, but it was actually a singular building, a very tall building akin to a tower. It was set back from the main street in a large, well kept garden with topiaries of animals and surrounded by a tall white stone wall. It wasn't hard to see that the people that dwelled in a place like this probably didn't struggle with money.

"Is this a retirement home for former priestesses?" Morgan asked as she silenced the motorcycle and flipped the kickstand out with her foot. She forgot for a moment that Meliza was blind and gently took the woman's hand to guide her off of the bike. The tallest building she'd ever seen in her hometown of Aresset was maybe four stories tall. The slayer almost got dizzy staring up at the skyscraping structure. As she held the priestess's hand, she felt a chill that ran up her spine to the back of her neck and she quickly released the warmth in shock. Her eyes flicked to a window on the sixth floor of the building that was radiating a very dark and heavy energy. "There's undoubtedly something up there. The demon the High Priestess wanted us to take care of must be in that apartment."

Being in the presence of a demon was different for everyone. Most normal people didn't notice anything. Their closest friends or family could be possessed and they would never know unless they were sensitive to energy. To a slayer, it felt like a weight that was slowly encasing their entire bodies and the pressure grew as they got closer. Sometimes it was just the pressure and weight, sometimes it was almost suffocating, as if they were breathing in a thick miasma. Right now, it felt like there was a cellophane bubble around her body, causing tbe air to still around her. She could barely feel the breeze on her skin, even from this far away. Her eyes stayed trained on the window on the sixth floor that was facing the east. Morgan wasn't sure what the presence felt like to an Enlightened Priestess, but assumed they must've felt something.

"I have a feeling this isn't going to be an easy encounter." She glanced at Sister Meliza and tilted her head, not that she could see the gesture. "Can you feel that from down here?" Morgan couldn't help but wonder what the priestess was experiencing or if she felt anything at all without her sight. Most of the time, people that were around a possessed person would feel some side effects, whether they noticed them or not. Usually, it would manifest as a feeling. Most commonly, it would be depression or anxiety, or just a sense of dread whenever they were around the possessed individual. "We should probably talk to some of the people in the building to see what sort of situation we're dealing with."

A doorman was waiting in a pristine off-white suit with polished gold buttons to open the door for anyone wishing to enter and tipped his hat as a woman who was dressed in a long ivory dress with silver accents. Morgan had never been to a building that had a doorman or any sort of service that was similar. She had grown up in a smaller town where the main source of income was slaying and farming. So homes and buildings were modest and people weren't afraid to get their hands dirty. As Morgan moved towards the apartment, she paused and glanced back at the priestess.

"Do you need me to guide you, priestess?" She asked as she turned to face the woman fully. "You seem to find your way around fairly well, but if you need assistance it would help to let me know."

Knowing where she was, but not visually seeing it with her own two eyes hit a sore spot for Meliza. But the priestess' sixth sense, so to speak, slithered down her spine like cold ice. A demonic presence in the Heavenly Gardens - Meliza recognized the bone chilling sensation anywhere. Morganโ€™s warm hand encasing her own snapped her back to reality, lip twitching to frown at the unexpected contact. Stripping her sight and wandering around Isonvale with a rude slayer was not Melizaโ€™s definition of a good time, but there was no choice in the matter. Melizaโ€™s reply to Morgan was a dull, unthinking nod. As much as she craved to see the blue in the sky, and her gorgeous people; Meliza meditated on the fact that she was not ready to exorcize demons again.

The slayer hit the nail on the head, that this very building was used for centuries as a rehabilitation center for slayers and demons, but was converted into luxury apartments for prestigious and highly decorated slayers and priestesses. โ€œYes, and no.โ€ Melizaโ€™s wispy, monotone tone was intentional; she hoped to convey to Morgan that her questions were unhelpful to the mission. โ€œAnyone may live here, but not all are welcome.โ€ Melizaโ€™s chin lifted as she gazed up at the towering building, unsure of where she was staring, but knowing a dark presence lurked there.

โ€œI am spiritually intune, would I be a priestess if the same feelings youโ€™re experiencing didnโ€™t come naturally to me?โ€ The pitch in her voice lowered, and she peered to the side; making it evident by turning her head to face Morgan. Her skill in locating where a person stood by distance and volume of their voice was far from mastered, but like all new talents - practice makes perfect. Her perceptive nature manifested in other ways, though she couldnโ€™t see anyone. She registered the distinct sound of Morganโ€™s shoes and maintained a steady pace in following behind the slayer. The deeper they went into the hotel, the more intensely Meliza sensed the demonโ€™s presence.โ€I was once a discerning priestess, now I have slayers asking if they can guide me.โ€

The burden of seeing should not fall on Morganโ€™s shoulders, and she wished Morgan would refrain from being so helpful. Regret clouded her visage, and Meliza entered the elevator behind Morgan. Meliza calmly navigated along the edges of the interior and stood in a corner, facing the doorway and close enough to Morgan that her elbow brushed into her waist. Was there a need to apologize? The goddess knows her intentions were pure.

โ€œI didnโ€™t have the opportunity to ask about your brother.โ€ It wasnโ€™t the strongest ice breaker, but Meliza was often straight and to the point.โ€œIt was bold of you to come here, to try and help him. I canโ€™t believe that Arvug was once a renowned slayer.โ€ Meliza leaned her cane on the rail right beside her, and pleated her arms over her chest, then dropped her hands to her lap. โ€œI would do the same thing, if I were you. It is a selfless thing.โ€ She confessed, imagining the possibility if she had a sibling.
When Meliza didn't respond in regards to Morgan helping her, the slayer rolled her eyes. Not that the priestess could see it, and began making her way toward the towering structure. The closer she got to the building, the heavier the air became and she glanced over her shoulder when the priestess answered her question in a very sideways manner. Morgan could already tell that traveling with Sister Meliza was going to be a feat all on its own. She didn't know how to communicate with people anymore. Years hunting and slaying by herself had left much to be desired in her conversation skills. Still, her even offering to help the blind priestess was something of a marvel when it came to Morgan. She didn't offer assistance often when it wasn't asked for. Though she'd never met a blind woman before.

"I'll leave you to it then." Morgan could hear the light steps of the priestess behind her as the doorman opened the door with a bright smile. The slayer nodded and continued on her stoic path to the elevator, the doors already open as if expecting her. She inhaled deeply. Her lungs feeling like she had been holding her breath under water as the elevator climbed its way up to the sixth floor of the complex, very slowly, she would note. The pressure grew mildly and Morgan shut her eyes, focusing on her breathing and the mark of protection that had been branded on her chest when she was ten years old. Though it primarily offered spiritual protection, it also offered some physical relief to the effects the demons could have on her. She was only drawn from her focus when she felt the priestess's elbow graze her waist and Meliza mentioned Matteus.

"There isn't much to tell about him." Morgan wasn't keen on reliving the past, or retelling the story. Her brother was an enigma to the world. A slayer possessed by a demon, possibly by choice. Who wouldn't want to hear about it? "If I had been stronger then, I might have killed him. It would've been the smartest option, but back then my emotions were stronger than I had thought." That was true of her naรฏve self a few years ago. She wanted to make her family proud, her brother proud. If she had followed through with becoming a slayer, perhaps Matteus wouldn't have been possessed, or at least she could've put him out of his misery. It might have been a kindness in a way. "I'm not even sure if it's the smartest decision, trying to save him. I should be prepared for the worst in case Matteus is too far gone to save or he can't survive without the demon."

Deep down in the dark corners of her heart that had been contaminated with death, she wanted to believe her brother could be saved. She wanted to believe that some part of his goodness lived on and that the demon could be expelled from his body. The logical side of her, however, forever kept the facts on the surface of her mind. The fact that no one had lived this long while being possessed by such a powerful demon. Usually the human body would decay and rot from the inside slowly over time. Being possessed for five years was unheard of...and it was time for a subject change.

"How long have you been a priestess of the Enlightened?" Morgan couldn't deny her curiosity at the mystery that surrounded the Enlightened. Where had they come from? Were they all spiritually gifted or was anyone allowed to join the ranks if they pledged their loyalty to the High Priestess? "Are you born into it or are you recruited?" Was it like being a slayer? Did priestesses follow the paths of their families or were they sought out? Was Sister Meliza born with her gifts or did she have to learn? It was honestly a bit strange how separated slayers and the Enlightened were from one another. Surely they could've worked together all these years to efficiently deal with the growing demonic presence. Though, after meeting the High Priestess and now Sister Meliza, she was pretty sure that all of Isonvale saw slayers as miscreants or ne'er-do-wells. As Meliza had said, it was brave of Morgan to seek out aid from Isonvale at all since slayers and Enlightened had no real record of joining forces.
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An undeniable guilt plagued Morganโ€™s confession, and Meliza gulped harshly - disturbing the teardrop jewel choker wrapped around her neck. So, Morgan needed to make amends with her brother - whether it was liberating him from the demon curse over his mortal body, orโ€ฆ slaying him. Meliza belatedly connected the dots that her aunt believed their best chance at saving Matteusโ€™s soul waited in the promised lands. That was probably their last and final option. It was an ambitious promise to restore her eyesight, and the fact that the cure lies in the promised lands of all places. Lenora paired them together for this mission, because she saw a beneficial gain in the partnership. Traditionally, slayers and priestesses combined forces to take down the decrepit beings known as demon - Eldritch monstrosities born from human desires and nightmares.

Enlightened priestesses and demon slayers both were proficient in slaying demons, but demon slayers evolved to be more than devout seers and vanquishers of the goddess which governed Isonvale. That was a part of the reason the two entities rarely interacted. Legend foretold that the day the slayers and enlightened stop working together is when the chaos will be unleashed, and here Meliza was - working side by side with Morgan. Trying to restore peace. Melizaโ€™s aim to create small talk was a success, the tension in the air mellowed to a breathable space. Their relationship was on the mend, no thanks to Morgan. A careful balance was necessary to maintain, to keep the evil at bay and the two forces working in harmony. Slayers adopted some customs from the enlightened, but their methods for luring out and dealing with the demonic vermin differed. Melizaโ€™s task, entrusted by the high priestess, was to show Morgan the value of taking oneโ€™s time to draw out the demon. If they were going to best a powerful demon like Aurvug, then patience was a requirement. She pondered, if addressing Morganโ€™s brother by his hell-given name might be easier to digest for Morgan.

On one hand, being associated with any slayer was not on the top of her priority list, but Meliza acknowledged that getting to know Morgan would help. In turn, Meliza lowered her defenses, put aside her prejudices and baseless assumptions. At least the slayer attempted to get to know her at all, and the questions about the Enlightened priestesses were easy to answer.
โ€œA long time, Morgan. I donโ€™t remember if I dreamed it first, but your voice is eerily familiar now.โ€ Deja vuโ€™s nostalgic pull baffled Meliza, like this conversation occurred once before. Meliza shook her head in a tenuous motion, smirking.โ€œThe high priestess may scry for new light if she deems fit.โ€ But, plenty of enlightened priestesses were aware of their calling in life, their spiritual destiny, as early as three years old. One may be connected to their path, but not ready to trek it until after completing years of training and isolating oneself from the world.

The spark of an enlightened soul was blinding to the scryer, but a soul that sparkles like the ocean is only the first step to being noticed by the church. A series of special tests to define one's inclination to commit crimes, to hurt others, or an impulse control issue is a red flag to scryers. Any attachment to material, earthly belongings is forbidden, including the bonds forged by blood. The only family Meliza knew was Lenora - the sister of one of her mysterious parents. โ€œIt is rare that two siblings join the church of enlightenment, but you and your brother are both slayers.โ€ It is a shame that only one of you was pure of heart enough to not be turned to the dark side. โ€œYou and your brother arrived here through your mother, but the temptation that the evil offers is a test that all mankind must face.โ€

The elevator shuttle skipped along the cable lines and rattled like a snake lurching at an exposed ankle. Melizaโ€™s gloved hand shot forth, gripping Morganโ€™s forearm and stabilizing her. The hiss of the pressurized elevator doors parting prompted Melizaโ€™s white boots and cane leg to rise, and like tendrils snagging her neck - Melizaโ€™s sightless gaze was forced in the direction of the sun-lit hallway - gorgeously decorated in a floral wallpaper and velveteen furniture posted in the corner with elephant-ear plants and peace lilys.

โ€œThere is something worth investigating down that way, but letโ€™s play it safe.โ€ Meliza progressed past the lobby room. โ€œWe are going to tell whoever lives in that apartment that the church of enlightened has mandated a spiritual wellness check. There is a noticeable dark aura coming from your room, maโ€™am or sir, and we need to access your apartment. So sorry for the convenience.โ€ It was rather straightforward, especially as a residential building for retired enlightened. There was no need to dress up in trench coats and stand on each other's shoulders - this was official business.
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The priestess's answers were cryptic at best, veiled in a way that the slayer could almost understand what she was saying before slipping through her grasp of comprehension. Had they ever met before? That would've been impossible. "It must've been a dream, priestess." Morgan had traveled to Isonvale one time other than today when she was a child, maybe six years old, and she and her father had purposely avoided the Alabaster Temple. So there was no way that she could've possibly met Meliza before. It was rumored that priestesses possessed different skills that helped in their endeavors with spirts and demons alike. It was possible that the blind priestess had seen Morgan coming before the slayer even knew her next move. Perhaps they had met briefly in a dream, but Morgan never put much stock in dreams.

"Slayers usually are expected to follow in their predecessor's footsteps." Morgan muttered as the elevator carriage jolted lightly. "I didn't start out as a slayer, I was the first in my family to not complete the ritual. I decided to focus more on the research of demons and how to identify them. When my brother was possessed, that was the first time that I ever used my weapons." Morgan had never thought before what a demon could offer a human. She had been raised to think that demons only brought destruction and one sided deals. Of course a demon could offer your greatest desires, but at the cost of your life, usually.

The carriage jolted again more violently and Morgan reached back to brace herself against the brass bar while Meliza lurched forward, grabbing her arm. The slayer was more focused on the touch on her arm than the quaking of the elevator. She wasn't used to being in such close proximity to people, and now she had this priestess accidentally invading her personal bubble. When the doors opened, Morgan could feel her sigil on her chest buzzing and the weight around her body increased slightly.

"Play it safe?" Morgan glanced down at the priestess with a quirked eyebrow. "This is your operation, priestess. I'm at a loss when it comes to excavating demons. I just know how to destroy them." The fact that Sister Meliza had a well thought out dialogue for the inhabitants of the apartment was impressive in an...odd way. "I think perhaps I should just be your protรฉgรฉ on this endeavor." Morgan looked down at herself and then at the priestess dressed in her ivory white dress and golden accents. "I think they'll be much more responsive to you than me."

Morgan reached down and gently took the priestess's hand to lead her down the hall towards the dark aura. It was much larger than Morgan realized now that she was only a few feet away from it. She stopped in front of the door, polished brass numbers reading six-one-six. The slayer inhaled slowly, not realizing that she was still holding Meliza's hand before she raised her fist and rapped her knuckles gently on the door. It only took a moment before it opened to reveal a middle aged man with receding blonde hair and gold rimmed glasses. He wasn't possessed, but he did look confused as his green eyes analyzed Morgan slowly.

"C-can I help you?" A former priest maybe, that was the only explanation. A slayer wouldn't be shocked to see her attire and they would've been a bit rougher with their greeting.

"Uh," Morgan cleared her throat and side-eyed Meliza. "We are here to inform you that you there is a dark aura that is coming from your apartment so we need to investigate. Sorry." It was a bit more direct and to the point, but he should've gotten the gist of things. So Morgan didn't waste time moving past the man and dragging Meliza along with him.

"So you're both from the Temple?" He asked as he shut the door and Morgan looked around the living room. It was well lit, plenty of natural sunlight from the sliding glass doors that led to a small balcony. It was decorated with beige colored carpet and forest green curtains. It had minimalistic furniture and a few pictures of other people, family, Morgan assumed, hung up with golden frames. It was all too light. Morgan wasn't used to such rich colors. Aresset was under a merciless shroud of clouds that would allow limited light from the sun. Not that it ever bothered her. "I've had this feeling on the back of my neck for so long now. I-I thought it was my neighbor."

"No," Morgan was looking around, similar to a bloodhound that was tracking its prey and released Meliza's hand. Moving slowly into the kitchen and then down a short hallway where the aura was getting thicker. "It's definitely coming from this apartment." As she made her way down the hallway, she ducked her head into a bedroom where another man was sitting, looking out the window. He wasn't much younger, but his hair was darker and he bore less wrinkles on his face. "Excuse me, sir." The slayer took a step into the room and as soon as her foot crossed the threshold, she froze. The aura was spiraling from the man and Morgan faltered slightly as the air around her froze.

"Can I help you, young lady?" The brunette man turned to look at her with an eerie smile on his face that didn't reach his eyes. "I didn't know we were expecting company."

"I found it." Morgan called to the priestess without taking her eyes off the man. She wasn't sure what type of demon could be in this man. He didn't look malnourished or obese, there were no signs of self harm that Morgan could see, but the aura. It was thick and it hung heavy in the air like fog in the early morning that hung on the dew soaked grass. The fact that he couldn't hide his aura meant that this demon was low tier at best. Still, better safe than sorry. Best to wait for Meliza in this situation instead of taking the reins.

The most unpleasant trait about Morgan, thus far, was that she expected Meliza to lay the demon out, to expose it and have all the answers simply because of her role in the church. Honestly, it wasnโ€™t just Morgan. From her proximity to other slayers, the rumors were true. They like to smash, slice, and destroy. Investigate? No! Scout an area fully? The lazy, narcissistic lot preferred to charge in head first. Say a prayer for the soulโ€™s sake? Blasphemy! She wanted to ask if Morgan was taking this seriously, or only cared to save her brotherโ€™s soul. That would make sense, seeing as Lenora found her unworthy to enter the promised lands.

The knock on the door kicked her from her ruminative thought. It impressed her when Morgan took initiative, following the protocol as a man with a drawl answered and his weight shifted from left to right foot. He was twitchy, Meliza sensed it from the erratic heart rate, which was amplified by her lack of sight and strengthened hearing. A potent aura of demonic energy danced and wavered around the man, and Meliza stiffened in her tracks. The evil energy surrounding him was attached to a bedroom down the hallway. There was no effort to suppress the aura, which explained why it seeped out the apartment building. Thatโ€™s why they were summoned to this location.

Meliza wandered behind Morgan; guided by her hand with a careful touch. The darkness emanating from the man stemmed from another source entirely. Something, or someone nearby. The demonic influence was like a canopy expanding all over the apartment. Meliza trailed behind Morgan - a weight compressing her chest and constricting her airways. She sucked in a relaxing breath, stealing as they encroached on the territory of the presumed demon. A quick succession of breaths - what was known as angel breathing to reach a tranquil state in the oppressive energy of demons. It showed the demons for who, and what they actually were.

Meliza elongated her cane in the direction of the man. The slayer calling out that it was a demon affirmed Meliza in her belief. She cocked an ashen brow, pinching her shoulder blades together confidently. โ€œThere is no fighting it - We have come to collect you, demon, for questioning by the Alabaster temple.โ€ The Alabaster temple was a safe haven for the holy, and a prison for the forces of hell. The golden sun motiff on her gold belt was proof enough. โ€œDeny it if you must, but we will witness the sigil burned on your soul.โ€ Well, that line even shocked Meliza. Months out of the demon exorcism game, and she still had the snazz and pizazz.

โ€œWho died and made you God?โ€ The chestnut haired man, hiding a demon underneath his skin growled and jumped up to his feet. Low tier demons not only struggled to hide their auras, but were impulsive creatures. The little sentience they willed was an extension of their host's personality, creating an unpredictable and volatile person. They also have the ability to influence weak-willed humans, except in the case of special charms and incantations. Melizaโ€™s brow lifted, as she overheard a keyboard clacking in the next bedroom. The super speed typing fueled the demonโ€™s power, causing a surge in its essence.

โ€œDo you see, Morgan? This demon has possessed this household - using these two to do their bidding.โ€ If Morgan was smart, then she knew that this was the same thing happening to Matteus. "We can save their souls, but we have to destroy whatever has bound them to the darkness. Apprehend him." Meliza pivoted on her heel and reached with her cane for the doorway, or where she thought it was. The faint clacking of the keyboard was all she needed to hear to hunt down a likely piece of evidence in the investigation. " It's not right."
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Morgan wasn't sure if it was because Sister Meliza was blind, or because she was Enlightened, but she barely heard the priestess approach before she spoke. She kept her gaze locked on the man and when he stood, it took every fiber in her body to keep herself from drawing her weapon that was tucked carefully away in a leather holster under her suit jacket. The longer she looked at the man, the more she noticed his lack of muscle and overall mass on his body. He looked like an emaciated dog who had been tossed out on the streets to fend for themselves. The luster in his hair was gone and his skin almost appeared translucent from the lack of sunlight.

When the priestess gave Morgan the command to apprehend the demon, she was more than ready and reached forward to grab the man by the collar of his shirt. Ignoring the fact that she was basically just an assistant on this endeavor. It wasn't until she grabbed the man that she felt the pull of a darker aura from the other room nearby. She glanced at the man before dragging him with her into a room where the only light was emanating from a computer monitor. A social media page was scrolling relentlessly as the keyboard was typing on its own at a rapid pace. Morgan's brow furrowed as she got closer to the computer and released the man to see the keyboard typing out messages on a forum.

"Really?" She looked over her shoulder at the man who was staring glossy-eyed at the computer, like he was entranced by it. "You're trolling people on the internet?" How was the computer typing on its own?

"Roger has barely gotten off that thing since we bought it." The blonde man appeared in the doorway and adjusted his glasses with a frown as he stood next to Meliza. "I thought it would be helpful to have so we can keep up to date on current events, but he's been obsessed with social media. He barely gets off to eat."

"That's because he's possessed." Morgan answered with a raised eyebrow and scowled at the blonde man. "Demons can lie dormant in inanimate objects and possess a human when they find one weak enough. Have you tried turning it off?"

As Morgan moved to pull the plug on the computer tower, she heard Roger let out a panicked shriek and she turned just in time as the man's spindly fingers attempted to wrap around her neck. His eyes had been flooded with darkness and his teeth were bared as he crashed into her. The slayer reached for the silver dagger in her chest holster, debating on if it was worth getting in trouble with High Priestess Lenora when they didn't bring the possessed man back alive as her back hit the floor. Roger was on his knees straddling her waist before Morgan slashed out with her silver dagger, the tip grazing across the man's cheek. The cut began to blister and burn almost immediately, causing Roger to fling himself backwards with an otherworldly screech.

"Good heavens!" The older man shouted as he stumbled back against the door frame, knocking his glasses askew and Morgan jumped to her feet. "Roger! How could this have happened?" Roger huddled himself in the corner, holding his cheek and whimpering softly.

"Peter, how could you let them do this to me?" Roger's voice was meek and pathetic as Morgan straightened her suit jacket and looked down at the man. "I need your help."

"Don't listen to him." Morgan glared down at Roger and moved between him and Peter. "We need to take him back to the temple for questioning." Her eyes flicked to the computer before sheathing her dagger back into the holster. "And we will need to take that as well."

"No!" Roger jumped to his feet again and this time, Morgan didn't bother to draw her weapon. This demon wasn't very powerful and inexperienced, making him erratic. Maybe this was the first time it had been to the earthly plane. It must've been feeding off the toxicity on the internet and goading other people to take part. "You can't touch it!"

"Priestess?" She said gently to the priestess without taking her eyes off Roger, who was a bit apprehensive about attacking Morgan again after meeting her silver. "I think it would be best if Peter helped take us back to the temple. I won't be able to safely drive my bike with a demon."

โ€œ...Whatever evil acts have been committed here are likely connected to this computer.โ€ Meliza analyzed the computer for a moment, her index finger and thumb cupping her chin in a scholarly fashion. Being that her eyesight degraded to the point of blindness - only the silhouette of the computer could be seen and that was a result of the demonic energy attached to it. This darkenedโ€ฆbedroom - if one could call it that. It was like a sad cell, and the computer a nucleus to the chaos. Their work was only in its embryonic stages, and the demon in front of them - young and careless. Apprehending the creature of hell and its catalyst were at the top of Melizaโ€™s priority list, especially when Morgan elaborated on what the demonโ€™s preferred method of play was. Meliza firmly nodded her agreement with Morgan, and concluded. โ€œThe internetโ€™s anonymity is perfect for demons who feed from the low hanging fruit.โ€ In this case, the fruit would be the souls of the vulnerable humans. All of the helpful tools to connect with others easily created a dangerous breeding ground for all sorts of depravity - it was almost insulting how effortless it had become for demons to exploit humans.

Meliza pleated her arms over her bust, uncertainty in the pit of her stomach after Morgan suggested unplugging the computer. Call it a premonition or common sense, but the priestess knew the demon would take it as a challenge and possibly lash out on anyone that touched the computer. A guttural growl rasped out from Rogerโ€™s throat and within the same breath he collided with Morgan. Meliza grimaced as the creatureโ€™s screech irritated her eardrums; a retreating step sending her back against the wall. The demonโ€™s wail was a siren intended to alert nearby demons, but thankfully they were covered in this sacred building, which launched the question - what were these two doing here? Meliza logged her queries for a later time, maybe sharing her concerns with Morgan when they hatched a plan to return to the temple.

Roger was a mess - his balding hair disheveled and his collar torn during his scuffle with the slayer. Bewildered, his gaze bounced around the four corners in the room and he saw Peter through the razor-sharp tendrils clouding his vision.

โ€œ...I know. Weโ€™ve investigated the situation, and we should call for pick-up.โ€ Melizaโ€™s hands were clean for the time being, and she wanted them to remain that way. โ€œThe high priestess will be pleased with our discovery and I believe it will be best if we interact with the computer as little as possible.โ€ And who knows what would happen if they transported it away from the apartment, Meliza doubted her ability to even carry the machine down the hallway. โ€œAdd it to the evidence that this place needs to be purified.โ€ She quipped in Rogerโ€™s direction, a saliva-heavy growl her response from the cowering man. โ€œTie him up, and letโ€™s go. You too, Peter.โ€

Seeing as how Morgan was Melizaโ€™s assistant on this mission, she expected her to follow her lead. Melizaโ€™s confident and long strides implied that she didnโ€™t need any help walking. A resident in the apartments was generous enough to lend them a phone call and the arresting priestesses waited for Meliza and Morgan in the foyer. When the demon and Peter were handed off, Meliza extended her hand towards Morgan. โ€œNice work today. Iโ€™m not surprised you handle yourself well when confrontations turn physical.โ€
It made sense that Sister Meliza would need the assistance of other priestesses, she was blind after all. If Morgan had taken a moment to come down from her rush of adrenaline, she would've realized that calling the temple for help was the most logical decision. When the other priestesses arrived, Morgan was lounging in the foyer, a cigarette already nestled between her lips as her lighter sparked into a small flame to ignite the tobacco. She ignored the sideways glances of disapproval from the priestesses as they retrieved what they needed from the scene. Roger, bound and gagged (thankfully) was dragged through the lobby towards the entrance with Peter following behind. For a split second, Morgan almost felt bad for the man, but it was short lived as she couldn't understand how he'd ignored all of the obvious signs of his partner being possessed. A slow drag on the cigarette, thick smoke filling her lungs before being expelled in an exasperated sigh had helped ease her nerves a bit.

Perhaps this endeavor was only meant as an investigation in the beginning. Morgan certainly hadn't expected more than a few interrogations of the building's residents before leaving empty handed. Or, at the very least, reporting back to the temple with what they'd found. It was the first time she'd witnessed the "official" protocol of the Enlightened priestesses and it seemed more like a governed procedure than a holy altercation, but who was she to make sense of this? She knew nothing of the High Priestess or her workings, other than that she only trusted the Enlightened to handle things and rarely left the Alabaster Temple. Who knew if she even knew how to perform an exorcism herself.

When her cigarette was spent, she dropped it on the marble floor and smothered it with the sole of her shoe before Meliza approached. When the priestess offered her hand to Morgan, the slayer just looked at it before gently grasping it and offering a firm shake. Morgan had a hard time getting over how different Meliza's hand was compared to her own. Delicate, soft, the hands of someone who hadn't don't hard work a day in her life, but that was the life of an Enlightened priestess. They weren't on the more "hands on" side of demon slaying. Morgan was very interested to see what an actual exorcism looked like when they got back to the temple.

"I purge demons the only way I know how." Morgan answered as she held the other woman's hand firmly. "I am curious as to how you would have handled the situation if you were alone. You don't strike me as the type to handle physical combat well." This was all based on a first glance. Besides the priestess being blind, Morgan couldn't even imagine her in a combat scenario. And why would she? Most Enlightened were supposedly blessed with holy abilities, she assumed Meliza was no different. Regardless, this wasn't something she wanted or needed to find out. Sister Meliza being able to handle herself in a fight wasn't any of her concern. That's what Morgan was here for, after all. "I suppose once we're back at the temple I'll see what a real exorcism entails."

Without releasing Meliza's hand, she led the priestess back to her motorcycle and they were on their way back to the temple in no time. The ride back seemed quicker now that Morgan had a better layout of the city. Of course, it was hard to miss with how ostentatious it was in the humble city. Upon their arrival, Peter and Roger were just passing the threshold of the temple as Morgan planted the kickstand on the asphalt. The possessed was bound in what looked like, gold woven ropes that crisscrossed his torso and arms and his gag remained secure between his teeth.

"Is there a room where the exorcism will take place? Or do you just form a circle and pray?" Morgan asked as they entered the temple together. Admittedly, she was a bit curious how official exorcisms were carried out. The High Priestess was no where in sight at the moment and Morgan wondered if she would make an appearance, or even take part in the exorcism. She must have some field experience for her to become High Priestess, surely. "So, priestess, will you be performing this exorcism? I'm very curious to see the power the Enlightened wield."
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