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Winter and Spring (Modesty & MacCloud)


Mar 22, 2021
East Coast USA

Today was Friday and he was going to the Campbell house. Braden Wulfe enjoyed those days, Chloe, the daughter of the owner was a nice girl. He liked her, maybe at his age more than he should. Braden was 43 this year, he didn't feel that old and he was in great shape. He could still keep up with guys half his age and than some. At 6'3" and 210 pounds he had little fat on him still. No longer a six pack abs but his stomach was still flat. He had broad shoulders and long limbs, sort of a runners build. Running was something he enjoyed every morning, not jogging mind you but running. He normally ran a twelve minute two miles every morning. That was mostly habit, after twenty years in the military he had developed a strong exercise routine. He had been out of the military going on five years now.

The landscaping business he had started when he retired was as much an money making effort as it was to keep him busy. It allowed him to be his own boss, to be outside, and to meet people. He enjoyed every aspect of his new profession. Mostly he cut grass, trim hedges, took care of flower beds and the like. He also put in fountains, waterfalls, ponds, and cleaned pools. He was a bit of a handyman as well and often fixed things for his customers. Braden was mostly well liked. He was always polite and courteous. No one had known him to lie. If he made a mistake he fixed it. He had seen more than enough violence and hardship for several lifetimes already. Now he just wanted to spend his days in the sun helping people. Making some extra money as well was just a bonus!

Now he knew Chloe Campbell was only 19. She was a pretty girl and she always made time for him when he was working in her yard. She lived with just her mother, and Chloe always had something inside for him to fix. He was not sure if she was flirting with him but he enjoyed thinking she was attracted to him. It was sort of a thrill for him to think she was attracted to him. Today he would be cleaning the pool to start with, sort of hoping to see Chloe outside sunbathing!
"You were absolutely right as usual, Mr. Wulfe. We do need a new pump to boost the water." Chloe was testing the lack of power in the outside shower in the yard when the thickset gardener arrived as punctual as usual. She offered him a hearty smile as she always did whenever she saw Braden but preferred to call him more formally by his surname as a mark of respect for his age and the service he had given to the country. The afternoon sun partly blinded her as the water cascaded down over her long, lean frame. She knew he liked her as she did with him but she wasn't sure if it was more as a daughter he never had or something that they ought not to be getting involved in.

It wasn't often that the brunette offered so much of her skin on show to the retired military man. Wearing just a bikini in front of him was uncommon, tending to dress more modestly. Though as time went by Chloe overcome her inherent shyness to be more casual towards him as she began to trust and rely upon him more and more. She had wanted to show him the lack of thrust from the power of the shower. The problem had gradually become worse and worse over the last couple of week that made Mr. Wulfe recommend that they may need to replace the pump with a more modern unit. She had left it to him to identify which kind would be best as she was not that technically minded even if she behaved as if she was.

"Yesterday I tried to fill the bath upstairs in the house but it took an age. It would have been quicker carrying pails of water up a ladder through the window." The picture of the brawny gardener doing it for her made her giggle, thinking also she would have to hide her modesty under the frothy soapy bubbles. Not that she would ever dare. The chill of the shower made her wince a little as she spoke. The teen was happy she was overcoming some of her reservedness after all Braden, who she remained reluctant to call him, was far from being a stranger. She wasn't sure who he represented. Not really a substitute father, at least it didn't seem that way.

"My mother is away for the full weekend and I was wondering if you could replace the pump while she was not here. It would be more convenient, that is if you have the time?" Chloe had stepped out from the intermittent gushing stream coming from the shower head. Taking a nearby towel that she had brought, she dabbed the excess water trickling down her face and dripping from her soaked hair before looking up and offering Mr. Wulfe another of her distinguished smiles, Was there also a little plea from the glint in her emerald eyes?
"Sure Chloe, Once I get done here today I will run over to the building Center and get the pump and some other things I might need. How about if I come back over about 7PM? You'll have had time for dinner and I won't be in your way long. I imagine a pretty little Lady like yourself would not want to miss a good shower before bed!" He teased her "we guys could use a basin in the sink but you ladies have greater needs!" He had watched her in the outside shower running her own hands over her slim sexy frame. Her nipples standing out though the thin material of her bikini. He was surprised she was wearing so little. In face he didn't even know she had a two piece swimsuit. Let alone one as skimpy as what she wore. He picked up her towel and wrapped it around her shoulders while standing in front of her. He put his hands on both her arms under the towel and gave her a light friendly squeeze. "You best dry off before you get a chill Chloe."

He realized his cock was growing hard, it was too large to keep hidden to begin with and once hard it would be even more noticeable! He turned away to cover his growing cock and knelt by the side of the pool. Checking the chemical balance he nodded "PH is a little high, I will add some chemicals with the chlorine. Just don't go swimming for like a half hour till the stuff spreads enough to dilute." He glanced at her over his shoulder and winked "you know the drill." He had been cleaning their pool for a while now and he warned her about swimming right away every time. He would go about his tasks with an efficient waste no movement skill that was so smooth it was noticeable. He would glance at her whenever she was near, if she noticed he would smile and wave or act silly to make her laugh. He loved to see her smile and hear her laugh. Being mostly alone all his life little things like that were important to him.

There was a good bit of guilt when he looked at her. She was so young and he was way too interested in her. He could not put a finger on why though? He was normally not attracted to young women like her. Innocence was not something he thought was sexy. He felt strongly young people should be with their peers and learn together. Forming that bound that would last them through the years they could be together. He did not feel he had anything to offer someone so young. Maybe twenty viable years and than he would be rather useless to a young wife with all her vitality. He had seen that and it was not for him. One of two things normally happened. One was the woman wasted her best years taking care of her husband, the other was she cheated on him when he was unable to perform. There was divorce of course. It did not end well in his opinion. So why was he so enamored by Chloe? He just felt a chemistry with her that he had never noticed before.
He took off his shirt as he moved around the pool, as he often did when cleaning the pool.

The grass did not need cut today, it had not rained for a few days and it would hold till next week. So when he finished with the pool he gathered the tools up "I will be back about 7 than Chloe. So don't panic when I knock on your door! I know I can be a bit scary looking outside a door!"
"So soon, I thought it might be a long job. How long will it take to do? Just a few hours?" Chloe was surprised by the bury guys offer. She was expecting it could take most of a day or even be without water overnight that was why she was suggesting getting it done over the weekend. She never thought it would be relatively that easy from what he was proposing. It would hardly be any inconvenience at all though depended upon how late he may take to finish the job. The joke about showering before going to bed did not entirely go amiss but maybe he was keeping an open timetable in case it took longer than he envisaged.

"Oh Mr. Wulfe, you're teasing. You know so well I prefer a long soak but in a bubble bath not any basin. You know everything about me better than myself though just before bed a shower is much easier." It wasn't just his words that enchanted her but his wandering eyes that made her aware of her protruding nipples that made her bite her bottom lip. So courteous he could be too though the feel of his rough hands on her wet shoulders caught her by surprise as he helped her with the towel. Was he hinting again about a back massage that he often alluded to whenever she took the chance to lie for a few minutes in the sun. Was it a touch of her delicate skin he was hinting at. she wondered.

"I'll take your advice which I always do. I know you have my welfare close to your heart. I'm such a good customer to you." The teen turned tables on him as he cautioned her to ensure she dried herself properly before return to deal with the swimming pool. It wouldn't have been out of character if he insisted she stripped off her bikini then and there though no doubt behind the towel held high to protect her modesty. Whether he would peep she was unsure though she believed he may be tempted knowing his flirtations thar had the best of intents if a little mischievous. As she turned around before going into the house to change, it was he who had began to undress first but in a way fitting for his employment.

"I've forgotten what time does it get dark. It won't be by the time you come, will it?" She had returned outside wearing a black minidress by the time he finished up early to leave. The teen was already starting to panic, still unsure if it wasn't late to start replacing the water pump. She wasn't even sure if it was a job in the outer house or he needed access inside to the loft but contented herself sure he would know best. "It was on the radio that a storm could be approaching, will it make any difference?"
He chuckled at her comment about how well he knew her. It was true she talked to him at length quite often. He was not sure why she did not have more friends, or any friends? he had never seen her with anyone but her mother since he had known them. She was a nice person with a warm personality, shy but he had not thought it crippling? He nodded "I remember the scent from when I cleaned all that hair from the drain for you." he shook his head "then you have beautiful hair, you really do. In fact you look really nice, are you going out? Having friends over perhaps?" He had an almost hopeful tone, he wanted her to be happy. He felt young people had life tough enough, a little fun was due them.

Well I better get going, I find what I need and I will be back sooner rather than later." He started to turn away to leave but stopped "If I am very early or know I will be late I will call you so no need to worry." He left with the picture of her in that dress locked in his mind. What was worse was he knew much of what was beneath the dress!. That wet bikini had not hidden much of anything form his eyes. He flat stomach and nice curves. Her nipples had been almost perfectly outlined. He had to stop thinking about her or he was going to give himself a heart attack! Lucky for him his heart was strong as the rest of him! He had never smoked nor drank, never liked smoke or the taste of alcohol. he had never been a follower and no on had ever been able to convince him to do anything he did not want to do. He had an iron will as they say. Which was good because Chloe deserved much better than an old warhorse like himself.

He found the parts easily and was going to head back straight away. Chloe had seemed nervous about the late hour and he figured he could work as she ate anyway. he would eat his own dinner after the job instead of before. So as he neared her home he called at a stop light. "Hey Chloe I will be there real soon Honey. Decided to get the job done before your bedtime!" He laughed, he seldom teased anyone but he loved teasing her. "Fill a jug with water and you should be able to make your dinner while I am working. I am here! Pulling into the driveway now. Will come to the backdoor, I will be in the basement for most of this job. You might not even know I am there. Unless I slip and swear!" She would hear his truck door close as he hung up. It was not even 6 PM yet!
"A jug with water? Oh yes. My mind was not working, just you're so early." Had he known her concern about his plan to come so late. Was this the reason why he was so quick in returning? Chloe had cooked but she hadn't decided what she would wear. She had changed three times, wanting to look all grown-up but none seemed quite right and now he had rang telling her he be there any moment. He had complimented her on the black mini she had earlier warn after testing the garden shower but it seemed too girlie than adult to her.

"Did you miss me that much that you came straight back. If you're going to be that fast in doing it, why not have some dinner with me, there's plenty of food." She had left the backdoor open so she could see Mr. Wulfe from the kitchen as soon as he arrived. She still wasn't entirely happy with the red spaghetti strap mini she was dressed in when she called out to him but it would have to suffice for the evening if he came in later when he finished to eat with her.

"You can always have a quick wash in a basin before you come in. I might have a comb to lend you too for your hair." She had heard him utter previously under his breath but she never listened carefully if he actually used swear words. His grumbling just made her laugh, it was part and parcel of his personality as was his general roughness and athletic body. She could always imagine him being a marine.

The dinner she made was a Mexican meal consisting of mainly a cheesy taco casserole and spicy chicken taquitos with several side dishes. It would have been a shame to eat alone with her mother away but thought it be nice if the gardener-cum-handyman joined her for a change. While waiting she decided that she may as well open a bottle of wine and nurse a glass wondering how long he would be.
"Well I got to thinking it might seem improper for me to be inside the house so late at night. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable." She would hear his laugh when she asked if he missed her. "Well there was that too I suppose. Seeing you in that sexy black dress was hard picture to get out of my head!" He had meant every word, even if his voice made it sound playful. An old guy complimenting a young person safely because they were young. "Are you sure, I wouldn't want to intrude. I don't often eat a home cooked meal, I don't think I could refuse such a kind offer."

His laugh was closer! Just outside? She had heard it not just over the phone but from near the back door. "I can use the sink, I won't have to turn off the water till I start working." Combing his hair would not make much difference on his unruly locks. They would soon be a mess, but he combed it regularly anyway. It did remind him he needed a haircut though. he knocked as he hung up the phone "Chloe, It is me. Coming in so I hope your decent!" Actually he would have loved to see her standing there naked, but he squelched that thought with a ruthless effort. None of that now, you old fool. A fantasy like that might show in your eyes and you don't want to scare the poor girl. She is too nice to be so crude.

He saw her in her dress and smiled "you changed again. Well you look sweet enough to eat. Speaking of eating, all right if I wash my hands and join you." As he stepped to the sink he added "whatever it is it sure smells great." He took a paper towel to dry his hands and tossed it in the waste basket. "Or is that you that smells so nice. he stopped beside her and pretended to take a sniff of her shoulder, he tilted his head and made a small 'mmm' sound. "Nope, you smell nice but it is the food that I am drawn too. he held a chair for her to sit at the table and sat next to her once she was seated.

"Wow this is quite a spread. I am jealous Chloe. I am jealous of the young stud who steals your heart and gets to enjoy all this. He will be one lucky fella." Braden touched her arm and added "he don't treat you right you call me and I'll set him straight."
"The temptation was too great, I see. I didn't even finish my first glass of wine and you're here." He never made her feel uncomfortable. It was more the reverse back from when he first started to work at the house when she was just out of pigtails. It may have been an exaggeration nut he always seemed to flatter her. Not that she minded. Her main focus was building up her own business and not guys anyway. She wasn't that type of girl though she didn't quite know which category she fell into.

"Couldn't resist being without out. Couldn't start work until you get your fill than you be too full." The giggling soon came as she turned her attention to making final preparations. Chloe still could not quite get it out of her head that he asked her if she was naked. She knew it was a joke but was it also a Freudian slip that he wanted to really see her wearing nothing? The only thing she could think of was her surprising him testing the garden shower in a revealing swimsuit. After all he was a redblooded male despite his natural charms.

"Did you decide yet if I am 'decent'? Does that imply that I am sometimes indecent?" This time it was more a roar of laughter in suggesting she could somehow be licentious or even raunchy. Perhaps it was the midriff cut-outs in her dress that bared more skin than she thought. The back was below both shoulder blades but not too low. The spaghetti straps was a give away that she had no bra underneath but against bosom support was offered from within the making of the dress.

"I changed again because I thought you might take me out clubbing to dance the night away providing you don't get me too drunk first. But then again what will happen about the pump? Would you have to stay the night and fix it in the morning?" It was her turn to tease. He so often bewildered her with his double talk and she was showing she had learned the game they plated from him.

"Yes I have a long line of studs waiting for me so you better whisk me off to NeverNeverLand and live happily ever after, do you think?"
Braden was about to answer her decency question when she mentioned him taking her out to a club for a night of dancing! Than she suggested he spend the night and his jaw dropped open. He recovered quickly and laughed himself. "You really had me going there Chloe. I was not sure how to answer those questions to be honest. I mean if you were really to ask me to take you our dancing I would be honored. Than you suggested I spend the night and I figured it out. You were playing my own game against me." He shook his head and continued talking but now a bit more subdued. "You know you can play games with me Chloe, I like you too much to ever hurt you. You do know suggestive talk like that could get you in trouble though."

He leaned back in his chair "I mean you are here all alone for several days. What would you do if I was not a decent person. I could ravish you for a few days and what would you tell people? It would be your word against mine. A lot of people know me, but you seldom go out and few people know you. I am not trying to ruin your mood Chloe, but your too beautiful a young lady to be offering men to spend the night as a jest." He finished eating a few bites later. He stood and put his hand on her shoulder. "Just give it some thought, Like what would you have done if I had said yes to all of that. Could you even imagine being in bed with me all night?" He bent down and kissed the top of her head. "No harm done Sexy. "I know you have better things to do than spend the night with me."

He went toward his toolbox and was glad his back was to her. ~Damn, I sure bit the bullet that time! What would you have done? Yeah, I was afraid of that. You would have said yes and you would have taught her many things. Than what, she would have hated you and her mother would ruin you.~ He picked up his toolbox, he had a job to do and he would not like to have to make such a decision for real. He doubted he could refuse Chloe anything, after all he really did like her.
Could she imagine being in bed with Mr. Wulfe all night? What a question. Chloe thought it was more he who have the furtive imagination much more than she. One comment she could say and he could run with it and write a book. And how peculiar and bizarre it would be being often so unpredictable and illogical. It was the way his mind must meander. But it fascinated her being so erratic and frequently going off on a tangent.

"In bed? With you? The same one? And what would I be wearing? Or not wearing?" It was fanciful but portrayed perhaps more than he realised. Was this the revelations of his secret dreams. Did he truly want to have intercourse with her so much? Was this one of his primary aims in life? Perhaps when the teen joked he would take her off on a magic carpet ride to wonderland, it was much more to the truth than she could ever guess.

"Mr. Wulfe! Braden. Did I invite you to have a night of unadulterated pleasure with me? Where did that come from? It's not quite the same as spending it in the guest room, is it?" How she kept a straight face she never knew. Chloe did love drama at school and was still a member of the local amdram society. But this was Oscar nominated if not award winning quality if she said so herself.

It wasn't that the young brunette did not appreciate his concern for her Coming from a man more than twice her age and more world experience that she was unlikely to match, she felt exalted, put on a pedestal she believed she could never deserve. His care for her welfare was genuine. The 19 year old had no doubts at all about that. His sentiments were of the highest order and was indeed a man of high principle. She was certain she could not be wrong about that.

"And what if I was not joking? Would you still rush off to keep your pledge and fix the water tonight?" The thought of the burly gardener carrying pails of water up a ladder to fill her bath again entered her mind and made her titter. Her hand met his when he placed it on top of her shoulder, tripping her spaghetti strap to slide down onto her upper arm. The kiss on the forehead was the bonus from an honorable gentleman.

"What about sleeping downstairs on the sofa? I don't like brewing storms." She let his hand go so he could go to collect his equipment. It hadn't been her intention to ask him to stay the weekend as much as it hadn't been in her plans that he would be returning that night. It was his offer. Chloe was only building upon it. Many tings she did was spontaneous, it help to bring much variety to her life.

"I'll save some wine for you after you finish so we can both get drunk. Then it wont matter about what we get up to since we won't remember." It was a habit which she could not get out of, it was Mr. Wulfe who was her inspiration somehow. Perhaps it was a kind extrasensory perception between them.
Braden was laughing with her at first. "Well now some men like t see women in thin nighties but not me. I always thought a beautiful woman like yourself should have everything on display." He raised and eyebrow "makes everything more accessible." However he stiffened when she suggested she was not joking. She covered his hand and he froze like a deer caught in headlights of an oncoming car. Than she added about him sleeping downstairs on the sofa, also mentioning the expected storm tonight. When she mentioned the wind and getting drunk he shook his head. That was going too far. At least for him. he turned back to face her and lifted her and her chair by the seat of the chair. "You really should not say things like that Chloe. I might be old but I am still a man. Teasing a man like me is a bad idea. Not many men would even try to resist you. That last comment... Well just be glad I don't drink or you might have woken up naked beside me. More likely on top of me cuddled against my chest."

He set her and the chair back on the floor as if neither weighed anything at all. He touched her face. "I like you very much Chloe, but you probably don't have much experience with men. We are not truly trustworthy when it comes to sex." He smiled "might as well think of men as dogs, they are likely to hump any female that stands still too long." He stepped away to his toolbox and started for the basement. He stopped without looking back, the memory of her firm breast revealed when the strap fell with him standing over her still on his mind. The idea of sucking and playing with that nipple fresh in his mind and not allowing the thought to be squashed. "If you want me to stay on the sofa tonight I will. Only as long as you are not drunk though. I would not want you to have regrets in the morning."

He went downstairs and set to his task. He suspected a half hour to an hour. As he went to work he shook his head "why had he offered to spend the night on the sofa? She was in an odd mood and he had just put way too much temptation in their path. He liked her, he liked her too damn much to not say yes. Which meant not enough to say no. As he worked he kept thinking of her pose Hand on her neck, a leg lifted so only her toes were on the floor. That sultry expression belonged on a woman with much more experience. It was a good thing he had done jobs like this many times because his mind was far from the task at hand.

It was a dirty job as well. He decided he would go home and shower. Only come back if she asked him to. Maybe she would forget his offer to spend the night on the couch? Maybye she would realize how deep the puddle was she had just stepped in and welcome him giving her an out.
There was no doubt about it that Chloe was well out of her depth in trying to flirt with Mr. Wulfe. She had convinced herself that she was only trying to outflank him in his own game that he was playing. But they were chalk and cheese. The contrast and contradiction between them, whatever gloss she put on it and however well they seemed to get along together. Even physically there was no comparison and it wasn't worth thinking about how incompatible they would be if, God forbid, they ever ended up in bed together due to her teasing. There was no other word for her frivolousness. He had repeatedly tried to warn her off the path she was on but she was so pigheaded to listen.

It came as some relief when she heard his car drive off after he had presumably completed his job in hand. His own work ethic would allow him nothing less to match his high standards/ However could she have invited him to sleep on the couch regardless of how well they normally got on during their weekly encounters. The storm that was closing in was no excuse especially when he was honest enough to admit his yearning to bed her. The way he lifted herself up with the kitchen stool only emphasised his pure frustration with her blind dalliance. What more did the burly gardener need to say than his confession of his longing to see her naked.

Resigning herself to thinking he wasn't coming back that night, Chloe started to get ready for bed. Ironically she did put a negligee on, purple with black frillings. |She sighed as she went down to the kitchen to make herself a hot cocoa. Looking out the window it was pointless hoping he was coming back. But to do what? Surrender herself to him? It wasn't her style. Somehow she found it difficult to believe how tender he could be making love. She could only envisage him as a bull in a china shop. Would she like rough. She wasn't experienced to know. The teen could cope with the storm even if it shook her and would again see the gardener the following Friday presumably.
Wulfe went home and took a shower. Avery cold shower! He got dressed and prepared to watch television that night. Although he kept thinking of Chloe and worried she might actually be afraid in the big house in the storm. The wind outside was howling and the thunder and lighting was making quite a show. On the news he saw the storm was closing in on the neighborhood, just before the lights went out. A power outage. No telling how long it might be out with the rain on its way. He tried to call Chloe to make sure she was all right but there was no answer. So he drove over and parked in their driveway. He went to the back door out of habit. He had a couple battery operated lanterns for her so she would not have to be in the dark. Each lantern should be good for about four hours. He knew people often were scared in the dark and she would be alone.

He knocked on the back door but there was no answer. No lights on along the entire street, so he knew her power was out. Lighting flashed nearby lighting up the sky and loud crack of thunder made even Braden jump! He tested the door knob and it was not locked. He went inside just closing the door as the rain began, It was like the heavens had opened up and dumped buckets on the whole area! The wind was blowing hard driving the rain ahead of it. The sky lit up time and time again with the sound of the thunder like it was right overhead! He called out "Chloe?" Several times as he walked to the staircase. he had not heard her and it was not even 9pm yet so he was pretty sure she had not gone to bed already.

He started up the stairs wondering why she was not answering him. Her headphones would need.. Batteries! She was likely wearing her headphones. He walked to her bedroom door. He kept calling her name as he did not want to frighten her. He expected she would see his light. So he wanted to let her know he was in the house.
It was a night to go into temporary lockdown mode. The house wasn't secured against hurricanes but it wasn't needed completely. It was a matter mainly for closing down the shutters on the windows and ensuring fortified doors were firmly closed if not padlocked.. Chloe would seek her own refuge with her steel reinforced under-the-bed unit in her own room even if she rarely ever had to use it. With the current storm it was more precautionary but she decided to do so because she was home alone. She had ended up cursing Braden for all his fancy talk but she supposed he had his own gremlins to deal with. She tried not to have any hard feelings to anyone.

Her mother warned her against men and never to become involved. Her daughter largely obliged wasn't, focusing on building up her bric a brac business, making crafts and trinkets that she sold online with her sketches and paintings, sculptures and pottery. At 18, she opted leave school altogether rather than going to college, which significantly changed her life style, becoming much of a hermit at the expense of her socialising with friends and become a nonconformist. It contrasted with her free spirit attitude that had been much of her character after having her wings clipped.

The storm shelter under the bed was probably rather extravagant bought before the burly gardener was given most maintenance tasks for the house. Chloe wasn't even sure if he was aware of it as she could never remember him coming into her room. He was right though she was wearing ear plugs, but to listen to audio books rather than music, after making herself comfortable inside her bolstered unit. Inside she had a torched but was switched off as she dozed in the background of Robin Niles narrating the spellbinding magic tales of Binti written by Nnedi Okorafor.

Intermittently she could hear toned down noises of the storm as she fell asleep but to be woken by cries of her name that seemed so distant. It took her a while to come out of her semi-unconscious state and realise where she was. Eventually she replied when recognising it was the voice of Mr. Wulfe before realising that he probably could not hear her dulcet tones. "I'm in here. In here." She tapped on the side of the steel box she was inside under the bed hoping that the noise would travel wherever he was.
Emily?" The tone in his voice was getting worried as he checked her room and did not see her. He walked away, began checking rooms and than closets. He checked the entire second floor before returning to her bedroom. He checked her room as he called her name. The sound as he called her name seemed to have a growing panic as he could not find her. he sounded genuinely scared not to be able to find her. Which of course he was. She had been playful and teasing and he had been afraid he would act on her suggestions. So instead of being an adult about it he had put the blame on her for flirting. It was wrong, he teased her often, maybe too often now that he thought of it. Sure he had justified it by saying to himself he was trying to bolster her confidence, that it was innocent. If it had been innocent for him than it was for her as well and he had reacted badly. All because when the shoe was on the other foot he knew he wanted to have her.

So he had left her here alone when she was frightened, now she was missing! If anything happened to her he would be at fault. He could never forgive himself if he had left her down. He was miserable. His own perversions had caused him to let down his young friend when she needed him most. He sat on the bed, her bed and dropped his face into his hands "Chloe where are you girl. I am so sorry I left you. I should have told you it was not your flirting but my own desires that made me behave as I did. Damn Girl where could you be?" Little did he know she was under the bed listening to his admission of guilt.

He stood abruptly "well Braden Wulfe enough feeling sorry for yourself, that young woman might be in trouble and by heaven you will find her. Chloe would hear footsteps leaving the room and heading down the steps. She would hear him moving about calling her name as he searched the first floor. He was quick but careful, it would not do to break her and her mother's belongings. His voice had a new determination as he called out her name. His dedication to finding her was very evident.
"There you are. You came back. I heard you. I was looking for you." Such an endearing smile she gave him when he appeared in the semi-darkness of the kitchen. Such a struggle Chloe had getting out of her secure shelter under the bed. Not only did she have difficulties first locating her torch, but in switching it on. There were also the issues of unbolting it from the inside to unlock the opening and eventually clamber out. It was such a relief with the storm seemingly moving away though it was likely to be back. In the background there were the yells she could hear of Mr. Wulfe and sounds of him frantically searching for him.

Perhaps it wasn't quite kosher but upon seeing her white knight acting as her saviour, the 19 year old brunette could not help herself in greeting him with a big hug. It was totally out-of-character not only for the normally reserved teen but also in the behaviour between the odd pair. Hitherto their relationship had been quite formal apart from the exchange of banter better the two. Any signs of physicality had been strictly taboo and certainly inappropriate. What made it all the more risqué was that Chloe had but her purple negligee on and nothing on underneath as she pressed her petite body against him and his damp clothes from all the rain.

"I was just wanting to say thanks for looking out for me. It was so considerate of you." She felt a little embarrassed when realising she had been so forward towards the burly gardener. She was even lightly blushing after detaching themselves but there was a certain glint that appeared in her eyes. A flash of lightening and rattle of thunder temporarily distracted the moment. It sounded more in the distance but broke the temporary silence.

"You ought to get out of your damp clothes or you may get sick. I'll put the kettle on and make a hot drink." Chloe was still feeling a little awkward from their intimate encounter but felt she needed to do something as she went to the other side of the kitchen before realising there was no electricity that caused her to giggle then laugh out loud at her foolishness. She had even early stopped herself inviting him to have a shower when realising the power was off.
When Chloe flew into his arms he hugged her back, his unfounded fears eased in the warm embrace. Braden hugged her back pressing her almost naked body tight to him. His hand on her ass lifting her into him. As she moved away he saw the pink in her cheeks and was torn. He had enjoyed the embrace but he thought maybe he had embarrassed her by his hand on her ass. He just saw the glint in her eyes when a flash of lighting and crash of thunder sounded in the distance as the storm was moving away. He removed his jacket and hung it over the back of a chair. He removed his shirt next revealing his powerful chest and flat stomach. He took a step closer to her and raised an eyebrow. "Should I continue to remove my clothes?" He stepped out of his shoes as he mad the next step his body almost touching hers.

"I think we have pretended long enough Chloe, I do desire you. I came over here to apologize for my actions earlier today. I have played far too many games with you trying to hide my interest. "If you kiss me I will spend the night with you. If you do not I will stay there on the couch till morning and not tease you any longer. I would understand you see. That your interest in me is only my own wishful thinking." This was his effort to offer himself to her but leave her an out with dignity and grace. He had never felt so vulnerable. If she rejected him he would feel the fool. If she accepted though, how would he explain this to anyone. She was far too young for him. The die was cast though for better or worse he had laid his cards on the table for her.

He wanted her, he had left no doubts in that regard.