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The Therapist! (Jack Stalker and Drunk poet)

Dec 26, 2011

Naomi Watson sat at her desk in her office. On the other side of one door was the reception area to her high end counselling service, manned by a nondescript elderly woman. Through another door was a more relaxed room, where she would do couch sessions with clients from her curved low level leather chair, while they made use if the infamous psychologists couch. Past yet another door was the en suite she used to freshen up in between meetings, some gruelling interviews and listening sessions could go on for hours. Below her, though, was a different matter. She watched as she pushed down with the toe of her boot into the carpet, and saw the wetness squelch to the surface, as though someone had dropped a glass of wine onto it.

But it wasn't wine that stained the floor beneath her brown calf length boots.

Naomi sat with her normally knee length skirt drawn up to her waist, her white lace panties had been dragged aside and her inner thighs were slick with the juices which had squirted forth from her creamy pussy. She'd rarely come so hard outside of actual sex, her pussy lips almost quivering and her chest rising and falling beneath her loose fitting white blouse, as she sucked her cum drenched fingers clean, tasting the froth of her own wretched climax as she tried to pull herself together.

Panting heavily she closed her laptop, removing the picture of her latest client, Rufus Sommersby, from the screen. He'd made her come, hard, just thinking about him and imagining what it would be like to feel him pounding into her. He was a giant of a man and, in truth, she had been wanting to fuck him for more than two decades. Like her, he looked at least a decade younger than his forty something years, but she still thought of him as he had been back in college. They had been in the same graduating class, but she doubted that he even knew she existed back then. She'd really come into her looks after leaving school, and though she had wanted, desperately, to fuck him back then, there had been ample numbers of hot girls queueing up, eager to have him fuck them on prom night or at any other time, and she hadn't made it to the front of that line.

Which was why it was so amusing to her that he was visiting her, to help with his so called 'sex addiction'. So what if he was addicted to sex? That wasn't a problem, except if you were in a relationship and your partner wasn't up to it. In which case that was their problem. Regardless of her beliefs she accepted his request... It was not only free money, but it also afforded her the opportunity to get close to him, so she could help him with his addiction in her own twisted way. She wasn't sure that he even recalled her from school, she would find out soon enough, she supposed.

Rising from her seat she moved into the en suite and attended to her sweaty dishevelled appearance, then finished off by sliding her glasses onto her face. Now she was bac to looking respectable, discrete, professional, as she snatched up her traditional note book and pen to complete the expected look of a psychologist, and moved out into the meeting room. It smelled of pot pourri and lavender as she took her seat and waited to be informed of his arrival through the intercom. Seven minutes to go, she had managed to finish herself just in time, after spending an hour edging herself. She was buzzing with energy, her nerves on fire, her swollen pussy lips still damp as she squirmed in her seat with anticipation.

When he finally arrived and was shown through she stood up to offer him a greeting and a handshake, while gesturing to the long black leather couch. "Rufus, pleased to meet you. I'm Doctor Watson, as you know, but please, call me Naomi." she did not call attention to having been at the same school as him, unless he wanted to bring it up himself. "So, why not have a seat. If you'd like something to drink, to help you relax, then please help yourself from that cabinet. We have soft ad alcoholic drinks.... and I promise I won't judge you on your choice, or anything else within these walls. You should rest assured that this is the original 'safe space' and you are free to talk as frankly, and is as much detail as needed, within these walls." she reassured him. He was even more powerful and handsome looking on person, and her gaze wandered all over him, before finally resting on his face. "When you are ready, just tell me what you would like to talk about." she added, sitting back down and crossing one knee over the other. She removed her glasses, holding them in one hand as she chewed on the temple tips. She only really needed them for close reading... and she wanted to have a clear view of him.

"Or, if you are unsure of where to start, perhaps you could inform me of why you think you are addicted, as you mentioned in your request for a session. You look like a strong, powerful man, clearly in your prime, why would you consider your escapades as an addiction, please.... tell me." she smiled, relaxing in her chair as he watched him.
Rufus Sommersby had once been a man who had every available opportunity at his disposal. Joint heir to the famous Sommersby empire who owned virtually everything in the town and it had been hoped that he would follow in his father's footsteps, taking on the family business.

For Rufus however it was not to be. While he had not necessarily struggled in school, he had no flair for business but had excelled in sporting events and much to his parents disappointment, had joined the military.

One fateful accident had seen this powerful beast of a man returned homesite little prospects of returning to his beloved career. Of course he had options but the military had been where he had transitioned from a wild teenager into a regimented and responsible man.

Without the responsibility of the military however, he had lapsed back into old ways and it was this that had brought him to Naomi's door today. Even as he had sat in her waiting room, his thoughts had drifted to her receptionist and had conjored up an image of tearing her blouse and sensible skirt off, his hands teasing her younger body until she was a quivering wreck beneath him, the counter slick with her combined juices. From how she had blushed when he came in it was clear she had noticed his eyes roaming over her.

When he met Naomi as well, Rufus began to wonder whether he was making a mistake. He needed to be well again if he was going to be a useful member of society, and in all honesty the blonde, with her conservative blouse and sensible skirt triggered him, even as she shook his hand he couldn't resist giving her the once over, his eyes moving from her face down to her breasts and down the contours of her body. She was sexy but there was something about her that seemed familiar, even above his own thoughts that he would like to get far more familiar with her.

"The pleasure is all mine Naomi, I can assure you" he added, unable to resist having another look at her as his eyes lingered over her body. "Do I know you from somewhere?" He enquired, curiosity getting the better of him as he took a place on the sofa. Even as she crossed her legs he couldn't help the tell tale signs that he was interested in her, his tongue worrying his top lip nervously, suddenly aware his mouth had become dry. He could imagine doing naughty things with her; things he knew he would not be proud of.

After a moment to gather his composure, Rufus settled on a beer and talk turned to the business of why he was there.

"So I guess if you've done your research on me, you'll know I was in the marines" he began, watching her face for signs of affirmation from her. "The official reports and the papers will tell you that we returned as heroes but the truth of the matter is that my fellow soldiers and I returned as broken men. The shrinks they hired - no offence to yourself of course, did what they could for us, but their qualifications were not half as impressive as yours. If you don't mind me saying I always thought it was the less attractive ones who did well in college, but being here I can see I was wrong" the compliment came out before he even realised he was saying it."

Clearing his throat a little he continued on with his story, aware that she had asked him to state why he was here rather than on her appearance. "So I guess it all began with Jessica," he added as he began his story. I was in a bar in New Orleans when in walks this group of girls almost half my age. They buy a few drinks and sit close by me and before long they're chatting and giggling. One thing leads to another and one walks over to me, says she's a big fan of the troops and do I want to join them for drinks and so it begins."

Rufus closed his eyes, remembering the first night he had spent with her as he took a long pull on his beer. That first night after a little coaxing on Jessica's part he had taken her roughly in a cheap hotel room, Jessica biting her lip to keep from screaming as he had taken her hard and unrelenting against the almost paper thin walls, the curtains open for any voyeur to see the frantic but amazingly stimulating sex they had given each other.

"So Jessica was unlike anyone I had ever been with. I was concerned about the age gap and wanted to go slowly with her, but she had other ideas and started teasing me and encouraging me into more and more things, I mean this girl was into some really kinky stuff. She introduced me to things I never thought belonged in the bedroom, amd at times i even had the scratches on my back to prove it, but what surprised me was that I liked it, I craved her and the things she had turned me on to."

"That was when her friend started getting interested. I told her no but she had seen the things that Jessica did to tease me and before long I was working my way through her friend group, their mothers and even at one point her horny maid, I dunno but there's something about the Spanish language and culture that just really gets me hot under the collar."

Again Rufus took a break, aware that even talking about his former adventures was having an affect on him. "The truth is Naomi, when I came out of the marines I had purpose and structure. I don't have that any more and the only thing that makes me feel anything any more. It's the only thing that gives my life meaning. Even when I sat in your waiting room, I was looking at your secretary and my mind went to what underwear she was wearing, then what she'd look like naked and before long I was fantasising about having her there and then over her desk, regardless of who could walk in."

Rufus stopped then, conscious that he was obsessing again and that he was hot under the collar. "I'm worried that if I go any further down this road It's going to stop me from forming meaningful relationships later on and it's going to take over my life. I'm already doing things I never imagined I would and of course you can imagine the media field day that would follow my family around if this ever got out. Can you help me get things back on track?" he asked, nervously changing the way he sat to relieve the tension on his aching groin.
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It was wrong, but Naomi was already creaming hard. Her recent minor orgasm had left her simmering with lust and while she didn't attempt to overly emphasize that, she made little attempt to overly conceal it. She supposed it might even be more telling to try to conceal it, since most women, she assumed, would look upon someone like Rufus with a underlying gaze or arousal.

As he came in and began some pleasantries, she idly picked up her phone, checking the text which her receptionist had sent her, before placing the phone on silent, on a small table which separated the couch and her chair. Sharon, the receptionist, was an elderly and nondescript woman, who had instructions to text Naomi whenever a category one client came in, category one referring to the fact that they showed some sign of arousal at the sight of her, despite her drab clothing and grey hair, she was a advance benchmark test, to see just how sexually craven the client was. It wasn't demeaning at all, since Sharon knew she was close to retirement... if anything she found it flattering and amusing all at the same time.

Rufus was clearly a severe case.

"Sorry, we won't be disturbed again. Now, to address your comment..." she gave him a smile, as he fucked her with his eyes before turning to get a beer. "I believe we went to the same school together. I doubt you would recall me, we didn't mix in the same circles." she politely explained. "I do recall you though, you were always someone who attracted attention from the opposite sex. Adulthood hasn't affected you in that regard one bit it seems... although now you seem to have grown tired of it?" she added, questioningly.

She adopted an attentive pose as he continued. "No Mr Somersby, Rufus, I don't actually do research on my clients. I am simply here to listen to what you want to tell me. Research might taint my opinion or make me prejudicial in some way. I need to hear your perspective on things, then offer help where I feel it's appropriate and only if I think it's needed. I only want to hear the secrets that you wish to reveal to me, and in any case, they won't be spread beyond this room." she nodded reassuringly.

Naomi showed no outward signs of it, but she found his back handed and ill thought out comment, about less attractive students, to be slightly offensive, even if it was true. She had been one of the less attractive ones in school, that's why she had excelled. Had she been as attractive as her friend Nicole, or the school slut Natalie, then she would have been out fucking on a Friday and Saturday night, instead of at home studying. Although she was thankful that she blossomed later, escaping the early social paralysis caused through marriage and children. Still, it wasn't like she wouldn't have ample opportunity to punish him, in her own way.

Nodding along she interjected occasionally. "So you fucked a girl who was an army man groupie? I see nothing wrong with that. You were single and she was asking for it." she replied. She smiled as he continued with his confession. "The entire family and the maid, interesting. Still, it's just the misadventures of a young handsome virile man, nothing to be concerned about on a professional level. You like sex, so does everyone else, you are simply fortunate to be handsome and powerful enough to get it whenever you want it." she grinned.

She raised an eyebrow and nodded at the mention of her over sixty receptionist. "Yes, that is unusual... but still not overly concerning. There are many women who appreciate a man who has an interest in older women. Mature women, Women in their prime who know what they want and how to get it." she smiled, leaning forwards a little. She slipped her glasses back on, made a show of writing down somersetting on her pad. "However, this isn't about my opinion, it's about how all of this craving for sex makes you feel. Clearly it makes you uncomfortable and you want to change, correct?" she stated. She tapped her pencil against her lips as she considered her options. "I don't think traditional methods can be applied here. You are attempting to deny natural urges, for an unnatural reason. Something unorthodox is obviously required." she paused in thought.

"I don't believe in wasting time Mr Somersby, so let's try this. Negative and positive reinforcement are techniques that have been successful over decades of use. From what you have told me, you are quite sexually active, I am assuming you seek out opportunities for sex at significant intervals. Perhaps daily, certainly weekly. What we need to do is prevent you from doing that, with the promise of some reward at the end of a period of abstinence." she nodded. She wasn't sure how successful she would be, considering that he was horny enough to be thinking about fucking her secretary... if that was the case, she doubted he would make it to the next evening without finding some woman to fuck. "You did say that you wanted a chance at a meaningful relationship? If that's true then you will need to place yourself in my hands, so that I can effectively guide you." she insisted. She raised one foot, digging the low arch of her boot into the edge of the table between them. Her skirt rode up just a little above the knee, providing a tantalising glimpse of thigh. She chewed her pen, then tapped it against the pad.

"This is what I propose. You are an advanced case, Mr Somersby, one who requires definitive and radical action. I will need to see you each evening, until the end of the week. Each evening I will check with you to determine that you have not had sex that day... then, at the end of the week, I will provide something to reward you for your diligence and restraint." she grinned, leaning forwards a little more, closing the distance between them slightly as her blouse shifted enough to provide a glimpse of her Lacey white bra. "You've already said that you find me attractive Mr Somersby... and from the way you are looking at me, from the way you look at every woman it seems, you want to fuck me, correct?" she didn't really wait for an answer.

"Your reward, for abstaining from sex for long enough, will be not simply to fuck me, but for me to fuck you, Mr Somersby... and believe me, all those nasty things that Jessica and her friend did to you are nothing, compared to what I can do." she said in a low teasing tone. "First, though, I will need to see it. I will have to know what it looks like when you've been using it... how else would I be able to check to see if you had been fucking with it?" she told him. "So, what I would like yo to do right now, Mr Somersby, is take it out and show it to me. Show me what it looks like when it's been flogged, stroked, used... and your balls have been drained through it." she leaned back, "Now, take it out and do as you have been ordered, Marine." she gave a slightly crooked, but confident smirk as she leaned back. "Take it out and then tell me what you would like to do to me with it... come along Mr Somersby, don't keep your Doctor waiting." she finished.
"Hmmm... sorry about that" Rufus conceded as Naomi explained how they knew each other. "I usually don't forget a pretty face, but then our school was pretty big, and as you mentioned I didn't do too badly out of it then, also I was younger and less worried about the consequences of my actions. I still enjoy sex, but I'm worried that I'm using it to anaesthetise myself from the things I saw in the war. I've been using it indiscriminately to stop me from confronting other things in my life. Although I'm not a part of the business at the moment my actions are scrutinised a lot more now I'm fully grown and the media circus would almost ruin everything my sister has built up while I've been away. I don't want that for her as I think she may be the only woman I've ever truly had a real connection with." In all truth his mother had been distant and the help had brought him up. His sister had been kind and caring though and the thought of getting her into any trouble genuinely scared him.

Rufus listened attentively as his therapist explained the unique situation he was in and her initial proposals for treatment, although his eyes followed the subtle motions she was making, allowing himself to be drawn to her features, firstly her striking eyes as she put on her glasses, then her soft supple lips which he would give his left nut to feel on his body or better still, wrapped around his cock,then down to her feet, along her knees and to her thighs. In his early life, his home room teacher had noticed his attraction to authority figures and he had spent a few happy hours under her desk pleasuring her orally under the guise of detention, now, in this supposedly safe space he found himself wanting to return to that position, between her slender legs where his tongue could work it's magic on her.

By the time Naomi flashed him her bra, the registered therapist had Rufus's full attention in more ways than one. In fact it was almost as though all the blood had rushed from his body to more greedy organs. His cock was as hard as a diamond and pushing rather uncomfortably against the sensible slacks he had worn for his first visit. The treatments she had suggested certainly were unorthodox, and had he been thinking straight, he may have walked out under normal circumstances, dismissing it as a bad idea, but the idea of being able to fuck Naomi, to feel her beneath him as they ravaged each other was a powerful draw. It overwhelmed his senses until there was only one solution that would cure his misery. Of course the reminder to follow orders also triggered something deep and primal within him.

"As you wish" he replied, trying to remain cool, distant and clinical about the whole thing despite his voice being thick with lust. Standing he undid the leather belt that held his slacks up, nervously pulling the zip down before slowly removing them, sliding them down his muscular legs, his eyes never leaving hers as he did. Because of his arousal, the boxers he wore were a little more difficult to remove smoothly, but after a little wrangling, they joined his slacks on the floor, his manhood standing stiff and proud in front of a virtual stranger. God this was so strange but at the same time not at all uncommon for the former marine. It had been less than 24 hours since he had funked with a pretty barista in the back of a Starbucks, but if she had asked him to, Rufus would have taken Naomi without a seconds hesitation.

"I can't help it doc" he admitted as his eyes drifted over her body once more. "What with the glasses, those boots, the way you talk about sex so freely, I want you... I've got this urge to slide your shirt up those sexy thighs, part your legs and eat your pussy until you're soaking wet and begging for more. I want your soft lips on my cock, driving me crazy as you look into my eyes or maybe in a 69, exploring each other with our tongues and fingers. The aching in his cock was almost too much and soon he would need the release of his hand to help him keep composure as he told her the effects that her subtle movements had had on him.

Unconsciously he began to stroke himself, his fingers teasing his hard shaft as he continued his confession. "Most of all I want you right there on that sofa, your smooth legs wrapped round my waist as I thrust in and out of you, neither of us letting go until we're exhausted. I want to fuck you and I want you to fuck me in return. I want you, but I also want you to use me, hard and unrelenting, in whatever ways our bodies desire. His hands had sped up of their own accord and he had suddenly become acutely aware that he was rubbing his dick in front of his former schoolmate, but she had said she wanted to see what it looked like used.

"Oh God" he growled as he let his inner demons run, confessing his need to someone was both terrifying but also a little bit liberating at the same time. His eyes never left Naomi's for a second, anxious for any form of acknowledgement or assent that he was doing as required of him and still just a little conscious that maybe he was taking things too far.
Normally Naomi knew that her suggestions would have brought forth a call to the police, plus the loss of her credentials and reputation. However she could see that Rufus was a craven bastard, a beast and a sexual animal with no moral compass, someone who was happy to shove their cock into whoever they could get their hands on. Well, if he was so intent on fucking hot women, or any women, then he could bring that thing between his legs to bear on her. She wanted it, she'd wanted it since school... and now, decades later, she was finally going to have her fun, get her shot, find herself in a position to fuck and be fucked by the school stud. It was, in a twisted way, sort of exhilarating to her.

She reached to her side, snatching up her phone and training it on Rufus as he exposed himself. Her right hand she left between her legs, pushing down on the seat in between her thighs as her skirt rode up a little as she slid forwards. She could feel her pussy beginning to weep heavily into her panties, and knew that they would be translucent almost, if they could be seen. Her pussy lips were puffy and her slit was creaming up and frothing her secretions into the material as she squirmed in place, her keen eager eyes sparkling behind her glasses, as they flashed between his cock and his face. He was so hard, hard for her, it simply remained to be seen if he could fall in line and take some orders now that he was outside of the Marines.

His comments about his mother and sister, and even about the war, were of less interest to Naomi.. although she wondered, briefly, if he wanted to fuck his sister. She wasn't particularly compassionate when it came to PTSD, her unofficial attitude was for a man to grow a pair and deal with it, while officially she had to present a sympathetic and understanding attitude, which she hated. Here Rufus seemed to have selected a useful method to help him get past his issues, whatever they were, by fucking. "Hmmm... sure, that sounds like a difficult situation you've found yourself in. I would suggest focusing your problems into one. Much like people, in general, can replace many problems with just one... alcoholism, you are in a position to drive this craving for multiple women from your mind... by focusing on one." she insisted.

She saw him thinking about her suggestions, the cogs in his male brain slowly turning as they considered her proposal. "I wanted to fuck you so bad, all through school. All the girls did. This is less of a curse than you might think, Mr Somersby... however you are right, you do need to alter your modus operandi. In my opinion you need, desperately, to focus on just one woman, just to see if it can be done." she told him. "I suggest myself of course, a trained professional, who can evaluate you accurately and help you achieve your goal, achieve your freedom." she grinned, "And the fact that I used to soak myself after gym, and sneak away to hide beneath the bleachers when you were out on the field, to touch myself come while watching you play some sport. I remember one time I came so hard I almost passed out. God, you were the first man to make me sqirt and I hadn't even felt your hands on me." she chuckled a little. "Anyway, you shouldn't let any of that influence you, should you. This course of action should solely be determined by logic, reason and your certainty that I can make you come harder than you've ever come in your life... as soon as its time for your reward, of course." she noted.

Here eyes went a little wide behind her glasses as he exposed himself, and she let out a small gasp, from the sight of the massive fuck tool that he had jutting out fro his groin. It was big enough that she knew he would have to get her lubed up good, or he would be have to force it inside her and risk literally tearing her apart. She's always been tight and she hadn't gotten enough good cock over the years to cure that issue... one look at his cock though, and she knew that after a hard fucking from Rufus, she would never be tight enough for any other man ever again. "Very... very nice." she managed to force the words out, tearing her eyes away from the engorged member to stare into his eyes. "I can already tell that you have used it today. I'm right, aren't I? That will have to change... particularly for out next session." she told him.

She brought her right hand to her mouth, feigning a look of shock as he began to tell her what he wanted to do to her, while she continued to film his cock as he stood there and stroked it in front of her. She smirked as he commented in her glasses, taking a moment to adjust them, then returning her and to her knee, letting her fingers stroke a little up her thigh as he poured forth his depraved confessions. "You're sick. Perverted." she shook her head. "Bit a deal's a deal... provided you can do as you are told." she then nodded. "Now, stroke it, faster and faster. Imagine that you are fucking it into me, stretching me out, making me man in pain as you force me to accommodate that monstrous cock." she told him. She reached out across the small table, wrapping her small delicate fingers around his hand. Helping him to stroke his enormous shaft without touching it herself. She pumped up and down a few times, then dug her nails into his hands, prying it away from his cock, leaving the rigid erection to bob and twitch by itself.

She rose up, leaning in as though she were going to kiss it, then SPPPTTT! she spat onto it, warm spittle slapping against it, dripping down its length to his balls, before she brought his hand back to it, resuming the flogging of his huge rod, up and down, smearing her spit along its length with his own fingers. Then she released it, and moved to the side of him, looking down at it as she continued to film it with her phone. "Now, finish. Come. Orgasm. Spurt your thick seed all over the table. Show me how much cum it can shoot in my name. I want to see it." she told him. "Imagine that you are draining your balls into my mouth for the first time." she smiled, "Or forcing it balls deep in my tight pussy. I'm practically a virgin, after all this time, when it comes to fucking a cock like that." she commented, before raising her gaze fixing her eyes on his. "Come on, you sex crazed bastard... fucking come for me. If you want to get well, if you want me to help you... then come." she hissed out her commands in a stern impatient tone.
Rufus paid little attention to the phone in Naomi's hand. His eyes were trained on the hem of her skirt and the hand placed strategically between her thighs. He had already told her how much he wanted to be inside her, and as he listened to her response it was unsurprising that he wanted her. Most women had wanted the young athlete and many still wanted the former marine he had become. What surprised him however was that Naomi was prepared to wait despite an age of longing. Her strength was impressive and this had him decided. If she could wait he could at least try.

"I fucked a Starbucks employee..." he admitted as he rapidly flogged his hard member for her like a perverted supplicant in a confessional. "....can't even remember her name" he gasped as he continued to watch Naomi as she allowed herself to stroke her smooth thighs. "I want to get better Naomi, if that means focusing my energies on you then I will do my damndest to get there. Your fantasies of fucking me all those years ago will be my goal. Perhaps the next time you squirt it will be my rock hard cock you're coating with your cum.

Taking instruction from Naomi he slowed down to a stop, allowing her to spit on his hard member before resuming, the spit mixing with his pre-cum and creating a foam over the tip of his uncut tool. He was close now and even as the suggestions from Naomi became more lude, he could feel his cum boiling deep within his balls, threatening to burst forth from deep within him.

It was her comment about practically being a virgin that sent him over the edge. When was the last time he had been with anyone that tight? Most of the women he knew were hardly shy, otherwise one night stands would not be acceptable to them. Virginia were completely off the table as they found him attractive by and large, but his sexually aggressive attitude scared them off. Although her pretty mouth excited him it was the promise of her exquisitely tight, slick little pussy that set him off.

"Fuck, Naomi, that sounds like heaven" he panted as his hands punished his rigid man meat, pounding hard and wild as he chased the release he needed. "I want to be balls deep in you... to be... to be..." the sentence ended unfinished except for a deep guttural growl of satisfaction as he climaxed, rope after rope of warm thick cum erupting from the tip of his penis onto the coffee table in front of him, the first spurt clearing half the small table with the remaining efforts landing much shorter. Spent from the session, Rufus remaining standing, his hand wrapped round the base of his cock as he caught his breath. Due to the nature of his addiction he had not gone completely limp, but remained half erect in case further action was needed. He was never truly satisfied with a hand job these days, however the remorse was beginning to creep back in. He was supposed to be getting therapy, not jacking off for his hot therapist. He was conflicted but she was the expert after all.

"So..." he began as he regained his composure a bit, "what happens next doc, what do I need to do to get well again?"
The urges Naomi felt, to slip a hand inside her blouse to start fondling her nipple, or to ease legs further apart, suck on her finger tip, then drive it slowly into her weeping slit? They were almost overwhelming. However she decided to control herself, she needed to maintain the faint charade of being a professional trying to help, when all she really wanted was her fair share of the cock which Rufus seemed happy to share with as many women as he could. She didn't want to cure him, she just wanted, needed, to get him fixated on her rather than anyone else.

"You fucked some worthless whore in a Starbucks? Someone who wasn't even worthy of a second of your time? Doesn't that sicken you? Wasting your talent on some random, when you could focus your time and skill on someone worthy of it? Someone who could actually fuck you as well as you want to fuck them?" she shook her head. "You need to develop a better sense of worth My Somersby... rather than engaging in what amounts to charity work, fucking whores who are clearly unfit for your cock and a waste of your undoubted skill with that thing." she nodded towards his massive rod as he jerked it off in front of her. He must have fucked every female Marine in his unit, assuming is craven needs and wants had followed him through his tour of duty.

"Maybe next time I squirt it will be all over your rock hard cock, though I doubt it Mr Somersby. As a normal, decent woman, I'm not bound by the rules which you will be following. The chances are, I'm afraid, that the next time I have a orgasm that floods me, which soaks my pussy to the point where I ejaculate sinful fluids down my legs, will be when I touch myself later tonight, thinking about you and this session." she smirked. "And praying that you have he resilience and will power to survive until our next session without using that thing, in any way shape or form." she told him, staring into his eyes.

She noted that her teasing and words seemed to fuel his craven actions, and she gasped as he reached his limit. It hadn't taken long, which was interesting for her to observe. "You didn't last long Mr Somersby, did you? That's not very good. You need to be able to fuck for a while to satisfy a real woman, rather than one of these common sluts you use as a cum receptacle. I do hope that this is a one off... otherwise you will most certainly need to work on your stamina... or be forced to at least jerk off before you fuck, in order to help you last a little longer before you get too excited again." she told him with a slight frown.

"I have to say though.... you do generate a pleasing amount of cum." she drew a long fingernail through a streak of his thick seed, watching it dangle from the tip of her nail, she held her finger up and teased her tongue against the stretched out drooping droplet, before sucking it inside her mouth. She then licked her lips. "And you are still semi hard, which is promising as well. It suggests that you might be able to fuck more than once per encounter, which is definitely encouraging when it comes to being able to satisfy your partner." she paused. "I mean if that's what you want to do. Some men just want to jerk off into a warm pussy. Fuck and go, so to speak. Or perhaps your instincts are honed by your military service, where a quick fuck in the trenches, with one of the whores the military employ to service their troops, is needed because of time constraints." She laughed at that last part. Everyone knew that females in the military were there to be fucked, didn't they? All she could recall was the fuss Navy wives had made when they learned female sailors would be aboard their husbands ships for six month tours.

"What's next?" Naomi pondered the question, but only for a moment. "Well, let me check my schedule." she moved back to her office, leaving the door to the counselling room open. She leaned over her desk to open and swing around her laptop, then looked back over her shoulder to wards Rufus. "I'm pretty backed up, but I could fit you in tomorrow evening, say eight O'clock? My receptionist will have left by then, but I'll still be here working on a few things." she explained with a polite smile. She ran her hands down her sides, smoothing her skirt down until it was past her knees again. "I look forward to seeing you then Mr Somersby, don't worry, this is just stage one... you will be well again in no time I assure you. Good evening." she gestured towards the door, while moving back into the room with some tissues, to clean up the mess he had made.
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