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Fx M or F Vi's Wondrous Requests

Vivienne Venus

Aug 14, 2022


She / Her XXXX status: openXXXX ☑ Seeking: long term romance/ sexualXXXX ☒ PM's Only

Bonjour, Hello, Greetings!
Welcome to my Request Page.

So whom am I?
I'm Vi or Vivi, I go by both. Some call me Venus. I'm an avid roleplayer with four erotic years of experience, seven in total with nonsexual roleplaying, and who has a love for the smutty goodness erotica has to offer. That being said, I'm seeking a sweet blend of smut and story as, in my mind, you can't have one without the other. Though I know that's just a matter of opinion. Dedicated to more long-term roleplays, I love to sink my teeth and mind into expressive and detailed roleplays. There's nothing better than a compelling story to read, except for being one of the ones that wrote it. I adore writing, I love to create, love to have experiences with fellow enthusiasts and friends. It should be mentioned here that I'm a huge Romance nerd, so I'll be seeking such literary motifs in my writings.

What do I have to offer?
On top of my experiences as a roleplayer and as a writer, I offer a creative mind, a love of romance and an appetite for salacious smut. From my own experiences, I'm open to a great many story genres which I'll summarize into four distinct groupings: Fantasy, Futurism, Historical and Contemporary/ Modern. The last one is the one I'm more acquainted with, though I desire to expand my writing horizons and improve in the craft and art of storytelling. If a story is intriguing enough, I'd love to entertain it and see where it takes us.

F-List: F-list - Warning

Divided into three subgroups: For the Fellas, For the Ladies and Group Stories

For the Fellas is basically my MxF ideas.​
Popular, intelligent, physically adept in sports, confident, gregarious, easy on the eyes, attractive, foxy-red-haired and turquoise-blue-eyed, Bayleigh was the irresistible cutie of the senior class. One of the most beautiful girls in the school, Bayleigh was well known as a model student by her teachers and the rejection queen by the boys in the school. Over the course of three years, she had been asked out four hundred times and, except for one time, she rejected all of their advances. He was indistinct and nerdy, lacking in confidence and inept at being sociable, the designated class wall flower and equally as talented in academics as Bayleigh. Her cordial nature had made her very popular around the school and he could easily mingle with most groups. She had a close group of long-time friends that she spent time with and he didn't have many people he talked to. It was understandable, Bayleigh had been in this neighbourhood for all of her life and he transferred to the school because of his father's work reassignment and he hadn't been able to efficiently make friends. The only connection they seemingly had was that he sat behind her in the classroom, by the windows that overlooked the local river. A few times they talked to each other. To most, they looked like normal classmates, perfect strangers.
They had started dating before the end of the summer. Bayleigh had found him asleep at his class desk and she was surprised to see him without his glasses. She left before he woke up, but left a snack and drink for him. During one of her walks around the neighbourhood with her younger brother, she had run into him. They had been classmates for a year at that point and she didn't know that he had moved in only a few blocks away. Over the summer, they had spent more time around each other and soon he was welcomed into her house, not as a quest, but as family. Her hard-to-please younger brother had taken a liking to him too. They warmed up during the days of summer, getting to know one another and talking about their hobbies and passions. Before the start of their senior year, their second year in the same school, they both silently fell into being a couple. No words were spoken, they simply started holding hands, stealing kisses, and snuggling up. Both knew they were a thing now, both didn't want to ask about it if they were, actually, a couple. Though they wanted to keep whatever they had a secret for now. A couple of months, and the beginning of the class year had passed.
Knowing that their houses were closely situated, they had started to walk home together most days. They walked to his house, finding his parents away with their friends and wouldn't be back until nighttime. Up in his room, she was snuggled up close to him under a shared blanket, as they watched movies together.

Lilyana had been with a substantial quantity of sexual partners throughout her life and had experienced the brawn of men and the serenity of women. There were far too many to estimate, far too many that she'd consider mentioning to the man that now accompanied her in her bed. She wasn't some escort, selling her body for a few hundred dollars, though her job was close to it. Her body had been seen by plenty, no part of her body remained a mystery as every inch of her was photographed or filmed for one's viewing pleasure. Lilyana was a well known starlet under the name of Alexa Lust, an actress of the carnal screen and had many titles under her belt from over her four years in the business. She had started off small and by herself, an amateur among countless other amateurs that sold the mystery of their bodies for fame and pay. Fortunate enough for her, a company took notice of her growing popularity and signed her up as a permanent cast in their productions. Her voice was sweet and her moans were satisfying. An attractive face, a tight body, perfect bodily assets and untamed stamina that shocked even her male counterparts, Lilyana was a phenomenal model. With the backing of the company, she was cast in a larger production, even starring in a full-length smut movie that interlaced story and sexual satisfaction. Lilyana loved the cast and crew, she loved having sex, loved being on film, she loved it all. Yet she tried to keep it out of her personal life, the life she was living with her romantic companion.
Laying in bed together in the yellow glow of morning, she looked at his sleeping face in delight. Even though Lilyana had had many sexual engagements, this was her first romantic relationship. To her, it was funny that she was very sexual throughout her life and the one lying in bed with her took her relationship virginity. In her opinion, out of all of her partners, he was the best in bed.

They had met on an online dating website, paired up by the website's enigmatic matching algorithm based on an extensively complex questionnaire that inquired about dozens of personal details that made up a person's character. Their profiles were coupled, having an exceptional match rate and his profile was at the top of Aniya's short list of prospective suitors. It was her that reached out first to establish a connection and they started to have daily conversations even with the twelve hours of difference between their respective time zones. How they were matched up was a mystery to Aniya considering the time difference, though it came to her attention that the two of them were open to long-distance relationships. They chatted in the mornings and evenings, the only times both were around. When she was crawling into bed, he was just waking for his day. As she woke up, he slept. The window they could chat in was limited and she tried to make the most of it. What really impressed her about him was that he continued to talk to her given their circumstances. She'd thought he would've ended contact with her weeks into it like she had experienced with other men in similar situations as he. Their appearances were on their profile, a series of photos requested by the website so partners could see who they were talking to. They engaged in some friendly and anticipative photo swapping. Aniya wanted to video chat and have more vocal exchanges, to see one another in real time. They continue to talk day by day as video chatting replaced their text-based interactions, getting closer, getting to know each other. They voiced excited pleasantries, hearing about the other day, talking about their dreams and desires. Having a singular language helped with their chitchats and she was quite fluent in English.
After a few months of back and forth online communication, Aniya articulated the desire to advance their online rendezvous to a far more serious relationship. She was elated that he expressed that he wanted to move their relationship in the same way as her. They harmonized their accounts, closing the chances for other suitors to contact them now that they were officially dating. It would be a year later that she had the opportunity to fly to him, to meet who they were dating for the first time. She had travelled to meet him, to be by his side. The weeks leading up to the day she was going to fly to him, she was delighted.
The flight was far too long in her mind and Aniya was trying to keep herself from getting too giddy. For more than a year she had waited to see him in person and she had the chance. They planned everything out before hand. She'd stay with him for her vacation, using her own money to support herself so she wouldn't be a burden on him. They'd have to make up for lost time, something that she expressed that she was interested in.

Being one of a few girls that work-out this late at night, Adelaida knew that having many lecherous eyes on her was an eventuality that she had to acknowledge and tolerate. The gym, thankfully, had zero tolerance for harassment and she had seen her fair share of guys being kicked out for their crude behaviour towards gym members of the fairer sex. Some had even made passes at her, though their advances were promptly and coldly ignored by her. Most male gym participants knew they should play it safe and just admire the show. Adelaida was attractive and she recognized it. She was unquestionably irresistible to the eyes with her youthful face and nubile facial characteristics that veiled her age, making her look years younger than she actually was. She had to laugh at the few times adolescent boys tried asking for her number or which school she was from. It had only been a few years since she graduated, in a way she was pleased. At the same time, others had their eyes on her, she had her eyes on another. A guy that had started at the gym around a year ago that Adelaida found was very peculiar. Where most guys would stop and stare mostly at her most visible features, much to Adelaida's discomfort, this guy preferred to keep to himself. Whenever he and Adelaida crossed paths in the gym, they slowly got to know one another and she concluded that he was an exceptional guy who sincerely wanted to work out. Though she couldn't admit it to herself, her interest in him was awakened.
They started an idiosyncratic relationship only after a few months, much to her optimistically friendly persistence. A straightforward transaction formed between them; both would get someone to exercise with, she got someone that would provide a hindrance to would-be pick-up artists and he'd get a free private workout trainer. The more she socialized with him and the more they hung out at the gym, the more she began to be charmed by him. There was a growing physical attraction between them. She had spotted him looking at her, tempted by her corporeal assets. It took a fair amount of time to convince him that exercise wasn't just about going to the gym, but it was also about increasing testosterone levels to maximize muscle growth. One of the best ways, in her opinion, was to relish in some carnal bliss. On top of working out together, they started to enjoy one another on a more intimate level, discovering new things and finding new ways to exercise without leaving bed.

The den was illuminated in warm orange light from a single lamp and fire, producing soft shadows that danced sporadically. The room had strong aromas of a fine Cuban cigar, expensive Scottish Whisky, the smokiness of smouldering apple-wood charcoal and the citrusy-woody richness of her favourite cologne. The lavish scent of vanilla, exotic citrus and sweet-smelling tropical woods. From wood-panelled speakers played the soft tones of Spanish Guitar ambience that soothed the soul. The cracking sounds of burning wood popped and sputtered to the heat in the room's brick fireplace. A heat Melanie felt licking at her bare, slender back, it was warm and comforting and put her mind at ease. She was making an obeisance, kneeling at the feet of the man that sat in the chair in the middle of the room. Her face rested on the man's left knee and she felt his large hand brushing through her hair in an affectionate way. The warmth made her nakedness tolerable. Her bare legs supporting her on the otherwise cool wooden floor. Melanie enjoyed it. His hand in her hair and the atmosphere he envisioned for them. Her being naked and on her knees was indelicate and servile, yet it was liberating as she was with one that she adored, the only one that had the right to see her like that. With her eyes closed, she could feel his movement by feeling the motions of his leg muscles and hearing audio clues. The clink of glass on the wood suggested that he had placed his whisky glass down after having a drink of it. There was an intensity in the smell of burning tobacco moments later, telling her he was having a puff of his cigar. They had performed like this desire for little more then a half an hour already, enjoying the atmosphere and the company of the other. This was a weekly effort, to set some time away for them doing something both seemed to like. For Melanie it wasn't the act of being at his feet that she enjoyed, she liked his tenderness.
She felt him take the leash lying across his lap and wordlessly pull on her leather collar around her neck to move her between his legs. Melanie looked up at him and a smile subconsciously appeared on her lips. He had let go of the leash once she was in the position he wanted her, picking up her chin with his hand to look at her. He told her to service him and she nodded in submissive. Adeptly she undid his belt and pants, moving aside his undergarments and revealed his manhood. Slowly, she serviced him with her mouth for twenty minutes, enabling him to have long periods of pleasure. She took her time with his manhood, using a myriad of techniques, showing off a level of expertise that only he had the pleasure of experiencing. Her right eye closed once his hand was on top of her head, brushing her hair, and he let her satisfy him. Melanie glanced up at the man, her man, her husband and her open eyes were smiling up at him. She was enjoying herself.

For The Ladies

Settled on her back, Ayleen's blue eyes ambled in the direction of her best-friend from the comfy futon on the wooden floor. Her best-friend was lying in their bed, positioned on the very edge of the bed, her arm down off the side of the bed. The luminescence from the full moon cast silver-blue light through the bedroom the two were resting in. She made out the features of the face she'd seen so many times before in almost crystal clear detail, her half curled lips in a joyful grin, her pert nose, the prominence of her hair lightened under the moonlight, the exceptionally lovely eyes that were peering back at Ayleen's freckled face. They laid their in the quietness of night, only their breathes to be heard. Ayleen cracked a tender smile, her arm close to the bed rose and her soft knuckles stroked her friend's cheek in a kindhearted demeanor as she whispered in appreciation. The day marked a month's anniversary of her friend's family opening their house to Ayleen and welcoming her in out of the rain with warm hugs and affection. They asked no questions, saying that she'd tell them what happened when she was ready and called her house to say that she was fine. Ayleen had opened up and said that her heavily religious parents had seen it proper to kick their daughter out of the house for her sinful lifestyle. Ayleen was eighteen now, an adult that was going to be true to herself; so she came out of the closest and was met with hostility. For her bravery in the eyes of her conservative parents, she was cast out of the house but discovered Eden with her best-friend.
Her hand brushed her friend's hand and Ayleen hesitantly interlaced their fingers together softly. Her friend didn't seem to mind the action, even acting cooperatively with Ayleen. For a longtime, they just relaxed in the silent glow, observing the face of the other, holding the other's hand. Ayleen timidly brushed her thumb against her friend's slender fingers slowly. They had held hands before, yet this time felt different. There they lay until her friend moved her hand away and offered a place in her bed to Ayleen. Sleeping together in the same bed wasn't something weird for them, many times they had shared a bed. Ayleen rose and chambered herself under the warm bed sheets. They cuddled up to one another, facing each other, foreheads pressed together in the moonlight. Her friend had always accepted her and even after Ayleen had confessed she was into the same sex, her friend welcomed her in. It pained Ayleen a little as her best-friend was her first ever crush.

Alice shifted through the lines of old leather-bound books in the vacant aisles of the Academy's third floor and seldom used library, far from the grand splendour and normally crowded main library. The quietude of the library had attracted her to the rows of old bookshelves, the smell of antiquated paper and dry, archaic leather. Only now and then was the calmness disrupted by another one of her schoolmates coming in and looking for some obscure text they needed for a class project. On most occasions, they wouldn't even know that Alice was in the library. That infrequency allowed Alice to get lost in the hundreds of bookshelves and the many hundreds of books that lined their shelves in relative peace. Thursdays were the best as she had a two-hour break before classes. In no hurry, she glanced through the titles on the spines of the multitude of volumes, her soft fingertips brushed over the engraved lettering. She perused her own time, reading some five different languages presented on the spines. The books ranged from historical writings to philosophy to mathematics. Alice had taken up an interest in philosophy. Surprisingly, she had stumbled onto literature she had thought banned within the walled courtyards, gardens and dormitories one day in one of her weekly perusal that deepened her interest. Literature she kept in the library, hidden away so no one would remove it.
The affluent Sainte Catherina Private Academy was a girls-only religious boarding school that accommodated daughters of wealthy families from all around the country. Founded two centuries ago, the academy was committed to providing a world class education, inculcating important qualities such as femininity and delicacy in an effort to yield debutantes. Matriculated into the academy at a young age, they were secluded from the outside world and only had a single month for vacation once a year to be with their family outside of annual religious occasions. Much of the students' time was in prayer, in class or wandering the courtyards, concert halls, libraries, study rooms or other upper class functions the academy provided to enlighten the young minds of their students. Most of the day was strictly regulated by the school, with only after dinnertime. Most students spend their evenings in the dormitories, either in the large community room or their smaller two-person bedrooms. Some spent their time with the dorm partner, the unofficially named Duo system.
From the far end of the library around the location of the main door, Alice heard a soft whistle and whistled in return. Moments later, a girl peered around the end of the bookshelves and called her name. Alice looked at the voice and saw the face of her dorm mate. In the quietness of the library, they met and embraced in a passionate hug. For Alice, the girl she embraced was not only her dorm mate, but her secret lover.

There was nothing more Danielle wanted to do than to be home and in the loving arms of her girlfriend, who was most likely asleep. The local hospital, in which she worked, was short-staffed again for this reason or that and she was required to work another double shift for the fourth time in a row. Thankfully, because of her involuntary commitment to her job, she was given the entirety of Friday off so she could have a day of rest. The hospital was running everyone ragged and burnout had become a hot issue around the country, so the healthcare administration tried to balance maximizing effectiveness with rest. Though one was more important than the other. Danielle was going to get a fat bonus at the end of the month and she'd go take her girlfriend somewhere nice to make up for her missed time. She wasn't too worried about it, they had been dating for a couple of years now and Danielle had laid it out on the table that her work would be demanding of her some weeks, so both parties knew before hand. Her girlfriend didn't seem to mind, though if she did or not, Danielle didn't know, and Danielle was thankful that her girlfriend had more stable hours. It didn't really matter until something was said, they had built up the oh-so important element of trust in their relationship and Danielle would've been more upset if she had been told her job was a negative influence between them. Unwinding during the long taxi cab home, she tried to push away any pessimistic thoughts as she knew it was just her exhausted mind playing on her own nervous vulnerabilities. She glanced through the last dozen text messages from her girlfriend, reading that she loved her precious Love Bunny and that she was going to bed, waiting for Danielle to arrive home in safety. Knowing that it was minutes to midnight, Danielle knew that her darling honey bun was sleeping soundly and that was enough for her.
After being dropped off at the front entrance of Parkview Plaza, the apartment building that she and her girlfriend rented a unit out of, Danielle headed inside and out of the chill of night. She unlocked the door to her apartment on the fifth floor and walked inside to a dark apartment. Flicking on the kitchen light, there was a note on the island that stated that Danielle's homemade dinner was in the fridge. Trying not to wake up her girlfriend, Danielle attempted to keep the sound to a minimum. As she heated up her dinner in the microwave, hearing a yawn and a sweet voice call out her nickname behind her, she turned to see her girlfriend standing there in her white silk robe. She looked like she had just woken up and, in Danielle's eyes, she looked like a sleepy angel. An apology began to escape Danielle's lips before her girlfriend closed the distance, kissed her and welcomed her home.

Group Stories

My characters will be played by me.
In the busy small, functional kitchen, two of the three occupants were cooperatively cooking breakfast for themselves for their other tenant. Wearing an apron that covered her pink wool sweater and black-laced panties, a dirty blonde-haired girl, Evalyn, was standing in front of the kitchen oven, frying scrambled eggs with onions and spices on a pan on top of the black Induction stove top. With a wooden spoon in one hand, she kept the eggs from sticking to the pan and stirring the mixture to make it nice, rich and fluffy for breakfast. The sausages and bacon were done already and the hash-browns were baking in the oven below the stove top. The enchanting scents of breakfast were everywhere within the apartment; the meaty smell of the sausages, the smokiness of the bacon, the richness of the seasoned hash-browns and the sizzling sweetness of the egg. The upbeat sounds of electro-swing played from Bluetooth speakers connected to Evalyn's cellphone and her body moved to the tones of her favourite genre. Standing near to Evalyn was a brown-haired beauty, Taliyah, who was a friend from college and second of the three occupants. Taliyah wore a sultry set of a black silk cami top and complementary short shorts. She was in the middle of preparing a bowl of various types of fruits for the three to have during breakfast. Optimism was in the air, both girls were excited about being able to cook together again. All three tenants had different work schedules, so having a meal with the three of them was uncommon. They promised to have meals together on the weekends to make up for it and thus Evalyn and Taliyah were preparing breakfast. The three always tried to make up for time lost during the weekdays, spending time in the company of each other. Once the eggs were cooked, the two girls cleaned up and set the attached island with the dishes they'd need for breakfast. Taliyah took out a bottle of orange juice and set it in the fruit bowl and Evalyn prepared morning coffee for the three of them. It didn't take long for the oven to beep loudly, indicating the hash-browns were done baking and Evalyn took them out to let them cool. Taliyah walked to one of the two bedrooms to wake up the third member of their household and the only guy living there. Moments later, Taliyah emerged from the doorway leading to the two attached bedrooms with the sleepy guy. Evalyn said good morning and once the guy was near her, she moved to him and kissed him on the lips. Taliyah went to the guy afterwards and passionately kissed him as well, before the three sat down for breakfast. They talked about what they wanted to do for the weekend. They had three days off with Monday being a national holiday. The three of them had started out as friends from college and moved into a two-bedroom apartment to share in living expenses. They would split the cost for anything big for the apartment and anything small would just be personal purchases. The guy got a bed for himself and Evalyn and Taliyah shared the bed in the other room. Throughout college, the set up they all agreed on was a life saver as each tenant had an apartment for a third of the price. The living arrangement was strictly for the functionality of it, yet soon feelings started to rise and they agreed to share one another.

There wasn't anything that Olivia wouldn't do for her identical twin sister, Kathleen. When she found out that Kathleen wasn't handling the pressures of college and the stress of not having her sibling close by, Olivia made a place for Kathleen to stay with her and her boyfriend. It had taken some convincing of Olivia's boyfriend to let her twin sister stay with them for a time while Kathleen got back on her feet. They weren't in the best situation to house another person, they were living in a single bedroom apartment and Kathleen was going to be another mouth to feed. All of their living expenses would be affected in some way. Kathleen promised she wouldn't be staying for free and had agreed to chip in some rent money whenever she could. She'd help with keeping the apartment clean and preparing meals for her sister and sister's boyfriend. When she was feeling better, she'd look for some work to offset the cost of her living with them. After a week of Olivia consist charming pressure on the will of her boyfriend, it was agreed that Kathleen could stay with them for a while. The more time that passed, the more Kathleen warmed up her sister's boyfriend. At first, she was a little bit stand-offish and Olivia had to play mediator between the two of them. There were some moments of misidentification between the two twin sisters by the boyfriend. After talking, it was okay. There wasn't any harm done. No feelings were hurt, no bonds stained over mistakes. Soon, the three of them were getting into the habit of seeing another and boundaries naturally set themselves, although misunderstandings continued to happen just with less frequency.
Despite looking almost indistinguishable from each other, the twin sisters had opposite personalities. Olivia was sanguine and nonchalant, cordial to be around and was an ebullient tomboy. It was her personality and good looks that brought her and her boyfriend together. Kathleen, on the contrary, was far more withdrawn, bookish, especially around new people she didn't know and she found it hard to talk to others because of her own timid nature. To Kathleen, Olivia was her one and only friend and she hated not being around her sister, even to the point it made her sick. Olivia was her world, a beacon of friendship, a foundation of stability, her first love. As they were in childhood, the two were as close as ever, inextricable.
It was early in the morning and Olivia had found her way to the couch, the place her sister was sleeping and curled up with her. An hour longer, the two sisters were woken up by Olivia's boyfriend. The sisters had started to return to their old ways, embracing one another at night as they once had to share a bed. She had talked to her boyfriend about it and he seemed understanding about it. They were twins after all and twins were rumoured to have weird, mysterious connections. The three prepared for the day ahead.

Humanity had left the earthly womb of mother earth, the cradle of their creation, to journey into the star-sprinkled space of the cosmic void towards designated prospective colony planets. Stationed aboard massive star-ships, the vast majority of the inhabitants sleep soundly inside cryogenic chambers until the ship departs from wrap space into the actuality of real space at their planetary destination. A rotating skeleton crew and collared on board artificial intelligence ran the ship smoothly. For those inside their sleeping chambers, the journey from earth to their new home would seem like a mere second. For those that manned the ship, 20 years of Earth time had elapsed. They're headed to the farthest jump point, the greatest distance from mother earth and a future jump point into the extensive depths of the galaxy's cosmic void. The world they were flying to was an almost mirror image of earth with similar gravity, size and climate, if not more tropical. Fertile plains, dense rain forests teeming with a countless multitude of alien wildlife, azure-green seas and oceans with robust ecosystems, rivers and lakes swarming with an abundance of fish-like organisms and rich deposits of precious metal. The ideal heavenly body for human habitation. The ship had reverted from the wrapped corridor of channelled, condensed space a safe distance from the fourth planet. Vaderia 4, a planet with twin moons.
Generational Ship UEF-14, code-name Venus, had weighed anchored far above Vaderia 4's atmosphere. Synthetic workers began the construction of the planetary outpost, the beginning of a human settlement on the planet. Gradually, the inhabitants of the cryo-chambers were systematically awoken from their deep slumber by importance and ran through a myriad of physical and mental tests to ensure their health. While they were caught up to speed about the situation, the true potential of the Generational Ship began to come to fruition. The biological science labs were the first to become operational, diving into the xenobiology of the planet, and the immunology lab worked to create vaccines against possible hazardous microorganisms. It was several months before humans walked the sands of Vaderia 4, though in specially crafted exo-suits until the population on the ship were immune to the planet's smallest killers. Missed by preliminary scans of the planet, ancient ruins were scattered across the surface of the planet from an unknown origin. at
Designed to carry the future inhabitants of the colony, the Generational Ship housed twenty-eight thousand personnel ranging from administration staff, scientists, security, maintenance workers with thousands of more synthetic workers tasked with all the manual labor. Much like the other Generational Ships, the population bottleneck for a stable and flourishing society would be the lack of women. The ship's population was divided into groups of four people, three women for every one man. All four are partners, preselected before the mission based on the groups' living compatibility and sexual affinity, living in comfortable quarters. All four were young and bright, and like all the others aboard, they were la crème de la crème of their picked professions, the best Earth had to offer. Two of the girls worked in the biology labs, the third worked in engineering. It was at the start of their evening, the three girls preparing an exquisite dinner for the four of them. Their collective male partner, dubbed husband, would be home from his shift at his station so they wanted to surprise him. It was his birthday after all and they had a special present in mind.

On the left is Ayla, Center is Kaylynn and right is Natasha
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