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Flashing Lights [Never Fall & [[black_rose]] ]

Never Fall

Jan 21, 2009
The sound in the area pierced every inch of his ability to hear. The smell of alcohol, sex, and drugs flowed through the air like pollution. The colors that engulfed the area in a form of strobes, rainbows, and glow sticks, could give a seizure to the spartan army. Seth sighed as he looked around at the stampede of dancing teenagers. He had come with his sister, hoping the rave to be blast, but the friends he had intended to meet were unable to be located. It pissed him off just a bit that they had ended up giving in and joining the party instead of being at the meeting place. They had completely ignored the cell phone calls and texts he had sent them. So he was going to be left to the insane crowd with no one but his sister. Not a problem except for his sister. Seth sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

The young man stood at the edge of the crowd. His hair was dyed a blood red color. It was cut into choppy layers that flowed back in long falling points. His bangs framed his eyes in uneven shapes. Chocolate eyes escaped past his bangs, his lips long and clean cut. His jaw held just a fragment of stubble from not shaving the last couple of days. His form was tall, his body slim, muscles rippling under the flesh. He was trim, much like a warrior, more than body builder. His muscles were evident, but did not bulk out like someone who used steroids at a gym. He wore a black shirt with a wide neck, the sleeves reached just a little past his elbow. The material hugged his flesh nicely, showing the broad chest underneath. Upon his neck was a collar, manually made rather than purchased. It was locked by a buckle at the front. Fingerless gloves covered his hands, hiding the clenching muscles in the fists at his side.

His jeans were dark, pitch black. It hugged his thighs just a little but was not too tight. Hanging more loosely around his calf, it bundled on itself at his ankle where they rested over his steel toed boots. Set had come out hoping to have some fun, yet it seemed he would be on duty watching his sister. Not something he had completely minded. Other than being a jerk to her, he had always though she was attractive. His mind had even fantasized about her at times. She was sexy, attractive, hot, whatever you wanted to call it. But she was his sister, and eventually he had tried to push the thoughts away.

Seth decided that his friends could go to hell for now. Turning to his sister he held his hand out. Wanting to do something to get rid of the rage that was boiling inside of him.
"Come on, let's dance." It seemed more like a demand than a request. Seth had always been a little meaner to his sister. Simply because he acted that way to everyone, or perhaps because it was natural for siblings. Whatever the reason he was giving her a chance now. Offering a dance with her, hoping that maybe they could have some fun. Save the night from turning into a bust just because his idiotic friends had gone off to get high and look for the latest ass to tap. His mind shuddered at the idea of finding any of them locked in a position he didn't want to see. Though he knew tomorrow, he would hear all about. Looking to his sibling, he wondered if he could make a story of his own.

Looking back over his shoulder he wondered if they would have to force there way in. Part of him wanted to, a good mosh was always fun. Then again, as her brother he would need to take care of her and that would be a bad situation. Lowering his eyes he smirked a bit, debating the possibilities of the scenario before him. The current song was able to be felt through your body. As most would be. The thick thumping of the percussion vibrated through the area like an earthquake. Seth brushed his crimson locks aside, searching for any of his friends for one last time as he awaited for the confirmation from his sister.
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