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/Kitusne's Mate/ -Me and Dready-


Jan 11, 2009
Star sighed as she stared at the shrine ahead of her. It had been twelve years since she had been here. Now she was a grown woman of over twenty-three, she was nearly twenty-four. It had been almost twelve years, and that mere thought made her wonder on many things. Her head titled back as her eyes stared up at the sky. That weird dream had started again, as soon as she made her plans to come to this Shrine to paint. Her hands tightened on her bags as she approached the Shrine.

She was a slim woman, only about five feet and five inches in height. Taller then most of the women around her, but shorter then the men where she came from. At the door was Tenshi, the Shrine Maiden of the current time. Yukina had passed on, Yukina being the one from her childhood. Now Tenshi would help guide Star through the times ahead. Star was definitely going to have an interesting time here.

She walked into the Shrine, and kicked off her shoes. Then she picked up her bags again and followed Tenshi to her room. Once there she put all her things away and slipped intot he traditional yukata that Tenshi had found. It had once been Yukinaâ??s and all of Yukinaâ??s things where passed down to Star. She smiled as she slipped into the green yukata, and then tied the darker green obi.

She stretched a little, and then put on her own socks. Wandering around the house. When she came to the garden doorâ?¦ the one that lead to the forest as wellâ?¦ she slipped on sandals and then walked outside. Her form was sleek and had filled in quite nicely. An athletic sort of runners build, that held just enough curves to be generous. She had indeed become a very beautiful woman as well.

Her eyes where of a pale blue tone, one that matched the sky around high noon. Her hair was a rather dark, almost rich earth toned brown. Usually it was braided and allowed to fall towards her waist. Now it was pulled up in a tight bun, and even had a pair of black chopsticks crossed through it. She looked, she looked at home, is what she did look. She crossed towards the edge of the woods and just stared.

Was it all just a dream?
It had been twelve years since he came across the girl at the shrine and had given her a pact between the two of them. When he appeared to her he was with longer hair, wavy and a silver color which dropped down to his shoulders and curled slightly at the tips. During the time that she was gone from the shrine he went into a magic slumber, set to when she returns to the country. One morning he wakes up and his large mane of tails slowly wravels to allow him vision to his surroundings, stretching and then shaking off the dirt and moss which coelesqued on his tails and body. "She's here," he whispers to himself and after fixing his clothing and then dashing off to see where she would be.

His hazel eyes with green chisels at the bottom of his iris', glancing them back and forth as he explores his forest first to see whether anything has changed. The only thing new is that the spring broke open to a pond to flood it and make it a lake. With that new area of interest in his head he heads to the shrine, spotting her in the distance before stopping, his tails unwraveling as he feels his magic course through his body causing his fur to be standing on end before he shudders at the feel. With that aquired, he begins to run again, circling around and perching on a stalk of bamboo and watching her prepare for the day, even though he can see her from such a distance.

When she began to make her way to the shrine he dashed to it, quickly changing to be mostly human with his long white hair, though clawing off the waves so then it would be shorter. Within seconds his hair curls to be like it was twelve years ago, just a little shorter. When he smells her nearing the shrine he hides inside, his tails swaying slightly as he watches her look around and wait, smiling softly as she explores it again, though wondering what she was thinking about.

With a soft step and short dash, he seems to appear on the pathway to the shrine from the house, letting his tails free again and feeling them move almost at their own will. "I'm glad that you came back," he whispers to her, the small comment wafting in the wind and poking her on the shoulder for her to turn around, being that he's about twenty feet away. "What's on your mind?"
Star had been a little startled when a poke landed on her shoulder. She spun around at the voice and her eyes widened. The wind kicked up and snapped at her Yukata. She stared at him, and just shook her head. Had to be another dream, but she had been poked. She swore she could feel the spot stinging on her shoulder. She stepped back and watched him, frowning lightly then as she shook her head harder.

Dream, had to be a dream. Like the ones that had started to haunt her over three years ago. The highly erotic ones that had taunted her for over three years of her life. She shook her head again and then tilted her head back. Her hands tangling in the fabric of her yukata's pants. She bit her lip hard and then watched him. He hadn't changed much, his hair was shorter though. She shivered and backstepped.

What was she thinking of? Him... him and many other things. "I thought it was a dream..." She commented lightly. Her hands staying tangled in the yukata's pants. She shivered faintly and stepped back again, to get a much better handle on herself. She tilted her head back and stared up at him, much taller then her. He was over six foot probably, she wasn't sure. But he had been over six feet, the last time she had seen him.

"You're really real?" SHe commented lightly.
When she asks he steps forward, his foot making contact with the ground before it shifts him torwards her. "I don't see a reason as to why i wouldn't be a dream," he smiles and continues to close the distance, his other foot causing him to sort of skate torwards her before he stops and splays his tails, wraveling them again and unwraveling them. "Do you believe this would be from a dream?" he asks her and softly takes her jaw in his hand, scooping it back to her neck.

His lips meet hers after his hand rests on her neck, his tender lips pressing to hers softly while his body begins to carress hers, his other arm wrapping around the small of her back and pulling her close. As if wanting to join, his tails unwravel from each other and wrap around her body, his soft white and silver fur pressing into her body to keep her closer.
((If you could, could you try to type in third person a little more XD And past tense would be appreciated. :3 ))

Star shivered as he stepped closer. She found herself watching him even more as he approached. She stopped stepping back when his hand slid along her chin. It cupped the back of her head and her eyes widened as she shivered. Her lips parted faintly as she watched him pull even closer. Then he was on her, his body against hers.

His lips on hers, and her body enfolded in his fur. It was warm, and almost stiffling. Her eyes closed and her hands gripped his waist. Pulling herself closer to his quite a bit taller frame. It was such a stretch, and she was on her toes bending back just a little to make this as easy for both of them as she could.

Goddess did he taste good... SHe found herself wanting more of this fox. The one from her dreams, from her memories.
(um... that is in third person as well as past tense, or i think it is.)

When her lips parted his tounge pushed past her lips and began to tease her tounge into a dance, running along it and then leaving it to brush against the roof of her mouth lightly at the tip. His body against hers warms up slightly as he turns his head while pulling her up higher along his body, lifting her from the ground while they begin to slide torwards the forest. With the slow movements he begins to run his hands up and down her body, massaging slightly under his fingertips before squeezing her buttocks to lift her up a little more, his groin pressing into hers and giving off his own sexual heat.

The kitsune male presses her against a small grove of bamboo, grinding his hips into hers while leaving her tounge and mouth alone for a few moments, petting her hear back. "I've been waiting for this day," he whispers before kissing her on the lips again, his tails holding her up as well as against the stalks of bamboo. "Have you been looking forward to this moment while you were gone?" the kitsune asks, his other hand cupping her cheak and jaw.
((If at all possible would you mind putting your post through spellcheck as well? XD ^_^ You are doing much better :3 ))

Star sighed softly against his lips and shiverd as her tongue pressed against his. She danced the dance with him, her tongue tangling with his. She would win this battle, she damn well would! She wouldn’t let him overcome her this easily, this soon! She shivered as her hands gripped his shoulders now. He had moved her so he was carrying her almost. She wrapped her legs around his waist to make it easier on him. She could feel him pressing against her through the fabric of her yukata.

Her arms wrapped around his waist as she shivered and sighed softly. He had her now somewhere else, having moved them while she was occupied kissing him. He then pressed her against bamboo stalks, holding her in place. Her eyes widened as she glared at him playfully. He was pinning her to a plant, and teasing her still. “mmmm waiting? Really… I was till a child when you first met me…”She commented lightly.

He kissed her again, and now his tails where holding her up. “mmmnnn … I was only twelve… but I have been looking for this for a few years now…”She commented lightly.
(oop, keep forgetting to do so)

The kitsune smiles before leaning in closer to her face but diverting at the last centimeter and nipping her earlobe playfully. "I have been planning how we would do this for those long years, even if they feel shorter now," he whispers softly and then nibbles on her neck before returning to the tongue battle with his and her kissing again. His groin is already hardened fully, pushing up against her yukata.

His hands run along her body, though pulling on her clothing softly before his claws begin to tear at the weak points and helping him undress her without ruining the entire outfit. The kitsune's lips and tounge continue to play with hers, tilting his head from one side to the other every few minutes to keep her guessing on what he'll be doing next. she's mine... she's my mate... and i'll take her like one. he thinks to himself while one of his tails rubs under her clothing and along her spine.
((most past tensed words will end in ed XD … just a note… and thank you. By the way, what are you going to name him? ))

Star shivered at his actions, pouting when he pulled away from her at the last moment. He continued to do this constantly, and nipped her ear. Causing lust to spiral through her body as she gripped unto his arms and ground against him a little. A shiver of ecstasy racing through her as she bit her lip harder.

He was nibbling her neck now, and she wanted to moan from the feeling of it. She shivered and he was kissing her again. His erection pressing against the crotch of her yukata and making his arousal obvious to her.

His hands where traveling her body now, and he was pulling the yukata from her. She shivered faintly and felt cold caress her flesh as he freed her from her clothing. His lips played on hers, and she continued to play the game back with him. He would tease her, and she would do just the same to him!
(i don't know... can't remember the japanese term for 'earth')

His claws retraced and his tails pushed his bottoms down, his hips moved forward and pressed his member to her body. "Have you saved yourself for me?" he asked her with his member rubbed against her folds while he exercized patience for her answer to respond.

After her answer, he pressed his member into her folds slowly, his cockhead dissapeared between her thighs with the rest of his shaft close behind while he teased her. His member throbed as he began to push deeper, his lips meeting hers while his tounge danced with hers again, making attempts to pin her tounge to the roof of her mouth.

(this is mainly why i don't post in full past tense... more present)
((Past tense is what I am more comfortable with. I believe it was Mamarou? ))

Star tensed when he spoke to her, his body rubbing against her. "mmm I am still pure..."She whispered softly. Her breath leaving her in a rush as she gasped softly in pleasure, cheeks coloring darkly. Her hands gripped his hips lightly as she pressed closer. Then he was sliding into her body, and she felt the feeling of stretching overcome her. Odd it was odd.

She shuddered and then gasped lightly as she arched into it. Kissing him was such a wonderful feeling, one she wouldn't mind doing all the time. He tried to pin her tongue, and she fought the pin. Battling him with her tonue, and his mouth. Now this... this was lovely. So lovely that a shiver raced up and down her spine.
(i thought that was for forests... wait, gaia is earth! gaia mamarou... catchy)

The kitsune smiled while kissing her, his member pumping into and out of her body and deepening in depth with every inward thrust. Her body felt tight around his member, and he began to feel her senses triggered inside of her body for some strange reason. With a feel of something blocking his member, and he prepares a few more pumps before pushing past it, not stopping his thrusts as she has her maidenhood taken from her.

His hips continued to thrust in and out of her body, his stomach on hers while he changes his thrusts to a grind when her pain subsides. The kitsune's lips never leave hers, though his tounge retracts when he breaks through to keep her from biting down on it as well as her own tounge, his want for her subsiding as well for a different emotion he's not aquainted with.
Star shifted her hands and tangled them into his hair. Her legs wrapped around his waist tightly now. Making it much more capable for him to enter her. She felt the stretching sensation of him filling her and arched into it. When he stopped and then picked up again, a shudder raced through her. Damn damn… that hu….

He had stopped kissing her and her teeth clenched as the pain lanced through her. Her body arching and pulling him in deeper as she tried to accustom herself to the pain. She shuddered faintly a growl of pain leaving her as she shifted her hands up to his hair and pulled him back down to kiss her. She needed him there, while he took her… while he stretched and filled her.
The kitsune's lips met hers again while he pushed his tounge into her mouth a third time, dancing it with hers before making another attempt to pin it down. His hips begin to pick up speed as well, her hips pushed against the stalks of bamboo when his thrusts increase in strength as well. Hist hands run down her body and to her exposed breasts while his free tails tease her bare skin and buttocks as well.

His shaft pumped a little harder as well, throbbing faster as his heat begins to rise, images of her giving birth to his children coursing through his mind. The kitsune's hands squeeze both of her breasts while he arches back a little to thrust up at a deeper angle, feeling her heat causing his throbs to become a soft vibration.
Star continued to fight his tongue, as she gripped unto him just a bit tighter. Pleasure was coiling through every part of her now. The pain was gone, completely replaced by the need that he was lacing through her being. In her mind, she didn’t feel he was going fast enough. She wanted him in her, deeper and harder. She shuddered when his hands started to trail down her body, and his tails teased her.

He went in harder now, but it wasn’t nearly as fast as she wanted. She wanted to come to a screaming orgasm. She shuddered as he changed the angle and then he started going just how she wanted it. A moan ripped from her lips as her head tilted back. Her bangs falling over her eyes as her blue eyes turned towards the sky.
"Release yourself on me," he whispers and kisses before he nibbled on her neck, thrusting a little faster because her new angle was allowing him deeper access and he didn't have to worry so much about thrusting so hard. The kitsune smiled as his member began to throb harder in a quicker vibration, his seed soon to be pumped into her body.

"And I will release myself in you," He whispers again while his tails resume teasing her body, his hands pinned hers to the bamboo stalks as his thrusts increase in speed and strength. She should be able to tell that he's going to cum soon, and it will be a big one even though he seems human.
Star's hands where no longer able to be moved. His hands pinning hers to the bamboo he had her pressed against. Had her deflowering really gone thusly? She shuddered as his words trickled into her pleasure ladened mind. That was enough to send her over the edge, her body arching and writhing against his as she came. Her cry was loud, exalting her pleasure to all those that could hear around them.

Bird left their roosting places screaming out their dislike of the situation. But she convulsed around him still, her body prepared and willing to take his seed deep within her. She was a Kitsune's Mate, this was what she was made for. A whimper of pleasure fled her as she slumped against him, her eyes half-closed with spent pleasure.
The kitsune's member throbbed when she came, and even began to pump out nothing for a few moments while he thrusted and slammed into her body. With a yelp before a howl he slammed into her body at the hilt, his seed pouring into her folds and then deeper than his shaft could reach, the last of his seed poured from around his cock and from between her folds as his testicles continued to pump his seed into her body.

At the sound of the birds, and her body slumped against his, the kitsune smiles as he lets her hands down. "My name is Gaia Mamarou, I would like to know yours my mate," he whispers, grinding his hips into hers to make sure he pumped out everything he could though wincing at the pleasure which was still coursing through his body.
(( Response sucks, but I am having a major Writers block ))

Star shuddered her body sagging a bit against his hold and against him. Eyes closed and her body seeming unresponsive as she allowed herself to fully absorb the situation. He told her his name, and her lips quirked into a funny sort of smile. It was interesting to hear his name now, and he had already forgotten hers? She had told him so long ago when she was a child. "Star" She murmured softly.
"I remember," Gaia said, kissing her on the lips while pulling back from the stalks and resting inside of his tails with her on his lap, their juices still pouring slowly from her body. "I just never told you my name before." He shifted the ground below them until he brought her back to his den, which was well kept with a few furnishings unlike where he took his extended rest. "Anything you need just ask me for it, I can get what you need without a moment's hesitation," Gaia smiles and kisses her on the forehead, petting her hair to the side while laying her down on the bed and covering her with the blanket.
(( I apologize, but I just can't seem to get my muse to work for this roleplay. It has been wonderful, but as of this moment, I am dropping this roleplay. I have only a few my muse still seems to be working for... that are amongst me more active ones. {Yours was one of those}, but it has seemed to die now. I apologize, and wish you all the luck in finding a roleplay partner... ))
(tis alright, i'm glad that you at least dropped a message saying so. ^^ good luck in your rp's as well, and i enjoyed playing a kitsune with you in this rp)
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