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Dangerous Games

Jan 22, 2009

Adrastos "Eos" Aingeal

It took about 0.2 seconds for her to rip through town and steal ever bit of jewels, gold and money, from the small town of Abraxos. True, the place didn't have much to begin with but in this day and age a little went a long way. Eos hadn't thought twice about taking the sword from the sleeping man and wandering out, bags packed, horses loaded. If she had known who he was and what he did for a living she wouldn't have been so quick to antagonize, either that or she would have had a bit more restraint.

The next morning the town awoke in a furry of screams, angry yells, neighbor blaming neighbor before everybody came to the conclusion that a thief had taken everything. Namely a thief with exceptional night prowess, silent footsteps and sticky fingers. Eos had obviously knew what she was doing because she only took things of greatest value and had not meandered.

When he showed up angry, unarmed and obviously suffering from a grave hangover Eos thought it would be a piece of cake to take him down. She had thought wrong. After about twenty minutes of sparring (her new friend had jerked the sword from her hand much quicker then she expected any human to do), they came to a halt with the blade of his weapon resting on her shoulder, just close enough to strip away a slip of fabric and let it drop down her pale skin, revealing a firm round breast, a decent amount of skin. Eos didn't look as though she cared or noticed (elven folk did not like clothing and tended to wear as little as possible anyway).

A girl of her know how, immediately seen his hungry eyes and went to work persuading. First she fell upon her knees melodramatically and claimed to be defeated, the shake was enough to jar him awake in the nether regions. Then when he retrieved his property and lifted her up off the ground she couldn't help but disagree to going back so soon.

"We could have so much fun. You are so strong and brilliant. Please stay with me, for just one night. Lets have a drink and go back in the morning."

It went without saying that no man could resist her smooth puppy dog, pouting expression, especially one who had not seen so much of a women in so many decades. Eos was fairly talented at turning even the most saintly into womanizing assholes. The pure need in her eyes and seduction in her tone could move mountains, among other things. And she had some pretty strong spirits to boot, enough to put down a full grown elephant. A little sex and alcohol never hurt anyone.


She lured him into a facade of dreaminess, lacing his beverage with enough muscle relaxer to kill a normal man. What she hadn't anticipated was that he was far from normal. He had been downing drinks since he was twelve, and while most men would have died within the first few minutes he simply drifted off into a deep sleep, the last thing he sees is the firm body of the heartless bitch who had purposefully got him all hard just to leave him unable to move or do anything about it.

Arrogant as Eos was she never thought to put him out of his misery. Elves had a tendency to not plan ahead, anyways, she was simply too distracted to care and moved onto the next city without further thought about the talented stranger. In the next few days to come she made a killing off of selling the small towns belongings and came to rest in a great city, awaiting word from a friend who planned to buy up a very rare, well crafted samurai sword.

Little did she know that she had been tracked and at the present moment was being followed through the city streets, on her way to a small inn.
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