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The Circus ( LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

"my home or your brothers" Caleb wouldn't force her to stay with him as he knew she was still upset about how everything went down

"that is all I ask and I am proud of you" Lucifer walked over and gave her a hug before asking if she wanted to try a spell on his office
"I should get back to Kadyn, least he continue to worry." Kiara was commenting after a moment in time.

Sielle was just giving a soft smile before she was just tilting her head when he asked if she wanted to try a spell on his office. "Umm.... I...I'll try..."
"then to your brother it is" Caleb then opened a portal so that they could head there

Lucifer wrote the spell down for her and then offered it ot her so she could try casting it
Kiara was nodding her head and just grabbing on so that she didn't fall.

Sielle was just looking at the spell for a moment before she asked, "What does the spell do?"
"it prevents people from seeing and hearing what I am doing or saying in this space" Lucifer looked at her and waited he didnt mind explaining

Caleb moved quickly so that they could get her home
Sielle was just commenting, "I can try to cast it anyways." No it couldn't be too difficult if he was trusting her to try it. Although it would definitely take back those that tried to spy on him through magical means since it wasn't his magic that they needed to try and break through this time.
the spell its self was simple but the strength was directly related to the person who casted it this would be a good way to see how strong she was
Sielle was just reaching the words softly, being careful with how she was pronouncing them. No at the moment she wasn't actually channeling magic to cast the spell, just making sure that she was saying the words properly.
Lucifer listened to her and nodded over her pronunciation. if she miss spoke a word he gently let her know and told her how it was said correctly
After a moment Sielle was letting out a breath before she was channeling magic to actually cast the spell itself. Sadly she didn't really have a good grasp on how much magic she was actually using as of yet - she just felt for it. That and she was assuming that this was a spell that just used what was needed - not knowing that it was something that could use up everything to make it stronger.
Lucifer watched as the spell was cast and he felt how strong she truly was which meant she would most likely be passing out on him some time soon as she had no real training but it was a good way to learn her limits before training
Sielle was casting the spell just feeling the magic like Lucifer had told her to do when they were practicing using it - drawing on the magic within her to cast the spell. Although sure enough after the spell was cast she seemed fine at first before the light headedness struck and she was just swaying on her feet a bit.
Lucifer moved fast and caught her before she fell and scooped her up "well done the spell is rather strong i doubt anyone will get past it right away"
Sielle was just falling into his arms and chest, seeming a bit startled about what had happened. Yet while she heard his words it wasn't long before darkness was overtaking her and she seemed to be passing out in his arms.
Lucifer then carried her back to his room and settled her on the bed making sure she was comfortable before settling in next to her and reading over some documents while she rested
A number of hours went by and Sielle still seemed to be unconscious, yet that was to be expected with the amount of magic that had been used and not having a body that was adept to using magic at all. Not to mention she was still working on recovering fully from being a former slave to the Crimson Lord. Although while she seemed to be sleeping peacefully at the time, that was interrupted by the Crimson Lord seeming to show up in her dreams. A dream that turned into a nightmare quickly, and it wasn't one that she seemed to be able to wake up from. And at the time Lucifer wasn't even in his room, having gone to deal with something else briefly - but he would definitely be back quickly with the screaming from Sielle as though she was being hurt, the noise having the maid who had been checking on her running to the throne room. "Lord Lucifer! It is Lady Sielle!" the maid gasped, which would be enough to tell him that something was wrong.
Lucifer stood up and then rushed out of the room heading right for his chambers knowing that the staff wouldn't have come to get her if everythign was ok
When Lucifer did get to the bedroom he would enter the room to see that Sielle was still laying on the bed although seemed to be almost thrashing as though struggling against something. There were actually various scratches on her arms from where she had scratched at herself, hard enough to draw blood in some spots. No in her dream at that point in time she was begging the Crimson Lord to forgive her for running away from him, swearing that she would never do it again. But in the dream she was being punished. Her punishment - fifty lashes from a whip and he wanted to hear her screams of pain - or the strikes would only get harder if he didn't.
Lucifer rushed to her side and gently shook her "Sielle wake up Sielle wake up" Lucifer could tell it was bad and she would need some medical care but it wasn't anythign he coulnd't handle and he would rather not bother Kiara if he could avoid it
Sielle didn't seem to wake at all from his shaking her, if anything it only seemed to make things worse at that point in time. She was just speaking out loud.... begging for forgiveness and there were tears falling down her cheeks at that point in time.
Lucifer sighed and then placed his hand on her chest and shot his power through her disrupting any Magic that was in place causing this to happen
The manipulation magic that seemed to be cast on her was vanishing away and the nightmare was seeming to vanish, Sielle floating in darkness in her own mind. Which was terrifying enough especially already being so afraid... she wasn't sure where to even look for the light at the time.
"Sielle listen to my voice and follow it your safe there is no need to be afraid" Lucifer could tell something happened and now he was more certain that she would need protection
Sielle heard the voice and at first there didn't seem to be any reaction from her - but after a few minutes she seemed to be rousing some, and her eyes were fluttering open some. No she was waking with a sudden start, sitting up rather quickly and about collapsing all over again, her head ringing and spinning.
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