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Fx Male …and suddenly I was a lilac sky


You were red & I was blue …
May 4, 2022

Hi there! I’m Lilacskies, Lilac, or Lila … honestly, I’ll probably answer to just about anything! Welcome to my request thread (This is definitely going to be a work in progress), I hope you find something here interesting at the very least.

Firstly, I’m female RPer in my late twenties - as a rule of thumb I usually play females of a similar age range to my own, that can be discussed based on the specifics of stories. I’ve been very active in RP since around the age of thirteen, I’ve taken several breaks over the years but always seem to find my way back. I work a very hectic and time consuming job, my hours change by the day, but I try to make myself available as much as possible… but this is just a hobby, I don’t want it to also feel like my job.

As far as the types of characters I like to play: I am most comfortable playing submissive ( or bratty) female characters. Playing dominant woman is a bit out of my wheel house, but if the plot line is good enough I may consider it. I can and will play NPCs - this includes makes when necessary.

**for kink specific questions feel free to PM until I have time to get a full list together**

Some potential pairings: [Just some quick examples to get me started while I work on actual plot lines]
* Arranged marriage
* Boss X Secretary
* Mafia Boss X Enemies daughter
* Master X Slave

Some fairy tales I’d love to put a dark twist on:
* Alice in wonderland
* Peter pan
* The little mermaid

Some general things I wouldn’t mind incorporating into potential stories:
* Witchcraft
* Vampires
* Werewolves
* Faires/Elves

Some character art I would love to build a story around

If you’ve made it this far: Congratulations! Thanks for sticking with me!

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