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The Paper boy and the Princess |Angelic And Banshee|

Jan 24, 2009
It was early in the morning when Heinne started his paper root. He went door by door, placing the paper down on the door mats then just moving onto the next house. It was really a boring job but he managed to live long enough till the end. Heinne had moved here from Germany and it seemed almost instantly his father lost his job and his mother fell ill. He felt his life becomming like a story book. He had to find a job, any job, and do it quickly to get money for his family. That's how he ended up being paperboy. It wasn't a great pay but he was just doing this until he could find another job or so his dad could. Either way was his ticket to a better life.

He looked at his brown handbag which was filled with newspapers, grabbing one and walking over to his next house. He carefully placed it on the door mat before standing straight. He was about 6'5", fairly sized, and charming. He had almost what seemed platanium blonde hair and sky blue eyes. He always carried a smile on while doing his job in case someone were to greet him. He wore an outfit fit for a paperboy, except he wore trousers and a white button up shirt instead of shorts and a jacket. it just goes to show how poor he was. He managed to keep good health. As he looked at the remaining papers, he took a glance at one of the dates. He was getting too old for this job.

Just three more houses he had to go to and his shift was over. He quickened his pace through the first two houses before coming up to his favorite. It was an upperclass house, very elegant and definatly was something he'd never be able to afford in his life. Compared to his house this was a castle. A forbidden castle he wasn't allowed in for being poor. it just wasn't the house that made him favor it. It was a girl that lived there. Unlike other houses he hand delivered it to the people directly instead of torturing them by making them lean over and getting it. He opened the gate and walked up the path and up the stairs. He took a deep breath, looked down his cloths, hoping he looked fine. Then he knocked on the door and waited for a reply.​
Bianca didn't know what she was doing up so early. It was only 9 AM. And yes, that was early. Her parents had left for work. Her chestnut hair hung from her head in soft waves as she bounded down the stairs. She was so tired. She yawned, she had just leaped from bed, hearing the bell ring. She didn't understand why the paper boy insisted on ringing the bell. It disturbed her parents, and frankly, it disturbed her. What she didn't realize was that he wanted to see her. On the way to her door, she poured herself a cup of coffee. The housekeeper and maids had gone home for the weekend. She left to fend for herself. She poured herself a decent amount of milk, cream, and sugar. Her bright brown eyes looked at the time, and yawned. She was so tired. She just wanted to just curl up in bed. She sighed, unlocking the door and opening the door. She hadn't dressed appropriately, to see other people.

She dressed in what she went to sleep in. She couldn't remember what she fell asleep in. She looked down, and finally realized she was dressed in a white t-shirt with black boyshorts. But her t-shirt fell at her mid-thighs, and so, it looked like she wasn't wearing anything underneath. She hadn't worn a bra, she didn't like the restrictive feeling bras gave women. Since her white t-shirt was thin, one could see the skimpy tight panties underneath. Opening the door, she gazed at the paper boy. She smiled at him, and couldn't help but stare. She loved blondes, and if the blonde just happened to have beautiful blue eyes, it just made it even better. Her parents wouldn't be home all day. She stared at him again, blushing. She was kind of turned on. Forcing herself to look past his face, she looked down at his uniform. Clearly, she shouldn't associate with him. Her servants could, but she couldn't.

"Is that today's paper?" Suddenly, whatever irritation she felt towards the young man who stood before her washed away. He was so hot. She placed a hand on her hip, sipping her coffee. Usually, when someone rang the doorbell, it was common courtesy to invite them inside. But, he was a paper boy. Neighbours could see her! Still, it would be a shame to let him walk away without playing with him. She bit her lip, fighting with herself in her head. She waited for him to hand over the paper, wondering if he would come in if she asked him. She didn't know how he felt, and he probably just wanted to find someone within his own social class. Yes, that would be for the best.
Heinne rocked a little on his heels as he waited. He was debating on whether or not anyone was home when he heard the footsteps coming from inside. He smiled and his grip tightened on the paper. He was confused when whoever it was didn't answer the door right away. It was worth the wait to seeing Bianca answering the door. it was a shocker to see her in her pajamas. He blushed a little, eyeing her when she was distracted.
He had always liked this girl. He also tried to keep it a secret but it was obvious it did no good. He would let so many things slip out that there was no chance it was going to be kept a secret. He loved everything about her, and would continue to love her until it killed him. He couldn't really do anything because of these rules that go on but he wasn't used to them with being new and all. It made him awfully depressed just the thought of the rule. He wish he had one chance at being rich cause then, just maybe, he could tell her his feelings.

It was usual for the paper boy to know who was on his route. He got a letter with all the houses and the peoples names. It was like a formal letter. It was just so that if he had to greet someone he could greet them properly. He had already gotten in alot of trouble though, mainly cause of his accent. His accent was so deep most people thought he was mocking the way they pronounced their names when he merely couldn't pronounce them right. He remembered the one time he called Mr. Barkli, Mr Brocoli. Or that's how it came out of his mouth. He had to go to the police for that day. Not only that but he had several burns along his skin from when he mistaken other times and they dumped coffee onto him or some other hot thing. Just seeing the coffee in Biancas hand made him take a small step.

He realized he totally forgot his good manners and he took a small bow before handing her the paper. "Yes, Miss Bianca. It's today's paper." ,he said in his heavy accent. The blush was still faintly on his cheeks but it was slowly fading away as it felt he was being watched by the neighborhood. He didn't want to have coffee poured on him. When she took it he straightened a bit and smiled wryly. "You look lov'ly this mornin' Miss Bianca." he said. Knowing his time was up he cocked his head to the side. "Well, I ought to go, Miss Bianca. Gotta tell my boss I delivered all the papers." he said, giving a short bow as he started to talk again. "Auf Wiedersehen, Miss Bianca." he was an old style boy and will always be one. He smiled and turned to leave for his bosses office.
Biana leaned against the doorway, and watched him leave. When he was all but a speck in the corner of her eyesight, she closed the door. She headed back to the comfort of her bed. She groaned, he had woke her up. Stupid parents. Not answering the door. Usually, her maid, Dorothy got the door. But, she had to get it today. It must hard to be poor. She laid in bed, covering herself with the mountain of blankets as she fell back into the comfort of her queen sized mattress. She didn't know when she would be seeing him again, and decided for the best of society that she must not think of him. He wasn't even middle class! Of course, there were other, better fish in the sea. That's what she kept telling herself as she drifted off to sleep. She didn't awake until three in the afternoon. The phone rang. She dismissed it, having being used to the maids picking up the phone. It rang. Again. Again. She groaned. Her parents. Who else? She picked up the phone, and nodded, "Yes, Mother. The paper did come. Yes, it's not drenched like last time. Yes. I'll see you soon."

She sat up, looking at her blankets. Her bed sheet had shifted, half of her blankets had ended up on the floor. The maids will get it. They were coming in a few days. They could pick it up and wash it then. It wasn't like they had anything better to do. She combed her hair into a preppy, neat ponytail. She slide on her favourite beige blouse and black dress pants. She talked into the phone, booking an appointment in 15 minutes. She was going to get her nails done at the salon. Usually, you had to call months in advance, but of course, once they heard her name, they made room. That's how important she was. And, she wasn't ruining what her parents had worked so hard for a nobody. She didn't even know him. All she knew was that she wanted to do him. That's it. And, was sex really worth it? Not really.

Picking up her keys, and stuffing them inside her jacket pocket, she closed the door behind her. She walked ten minutes, and the first thing that greeted her was a cup of hot chocolate. She grinned up at her hairdresser, "Claire! It's so nice to see you." Kiss, kiss. She kissed her cheeks, and was slide into a chair, right across from Claire. Even though she did her hair, Claire also did her nails. "Yes, I've been very busy. Quite. You know, it's hard to have spare time when you have a million things you have to do. I woke up at 9 AM this morning. Uh, someone woke me up." No one ever mentioned the poorer classes, and especially not their names. Claire was smart enough not to ask.
Heinne had rushed to his bosses office, filling out the 'trustworthy agreement' before receiving his pay. He only rushed to get out of there and to his family. He wanted his free time too. It took him a long time to run all the way back across town and to his home but he managed to get there in less then a half hour. He gasped as he moved inside the poorly structured woodpile of a home. The whole house was just one large room. Once you stepped through the creaky door you could see everyone that was inside. He smiled at his mother who was sleeping on the only bed they had before looking over to his dad who was, as usual, sitting at the old table, his head in his hands.

"Vati. Ich habe das Geld." He spoke in his tongue. His dad knew only enough English to get him from point A to point B. His mother knew no English and he knew the whole dictionary as best as he could. He moved over, placing the money on the counter and giving his old man a pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry dad, I'll find a better job as quick as possible. Then I can get Mum to a hospital." he said, sighing and looking over his shoulder at his mom. Just seeing his dad in his state of depression and his mom dying in the bed made him give up the plans of messing around in the town and to find a job. If he was lucky, it would pay good. Deciding it'd be best to not bug his dad, Heinne moved out the door after saying a 'see you later' and 'be back for dinner.'

He moved swiftly back into the town in fifteen minutes, his sky blue eyes lootle for any help wanted signs or anything that looked like they needed to hire. He'd need a job first of all with something he was good at, like helping people, or farming. He hadn't found any special talent yet so he was going to try his best and find it. He checked a few places but they either shoo'd him out or said they didn't want anything to do with Germans. He frowned. What had he done or what was possibly wrong with him? Sighing, almost about to give up, he moved over to a bench and sat down, running a hand through his hair. This wasn't going to be easy. It would take a very big miracle for him to find a job. It was almost like he had holy vision when he looked back up to see Bianca sitting in the salon. His eyes widened and he instantly got up, forgetting about his stress. Well, most of it at the least.

He stayed where he was, admiring her from a distance. He smiled sweetly and slipped his hands into his pockets as he watched her getting primped up.
"She's just... so beautiful. Like an angel has been dropped down from God. " He said with a day dreamers sigh. "I would do anything for her...." he murmured. "Miss Lov'ly Bianca."

"Hey you poor trash! Get out of the way! Your blocking the sidewalk!" A old lady screeched. Heinne jumped and looked over.

"Oh! Mrs. Conners. Sorry about that. " he said, moving out of the way for Mrs. Conners to pass. He watched her for a moment, hearing her growls and curses, before looking at the sidewalk.

Did he really look like trash? Sure he was poor but he had nice looking clothes on and a good enough to pass as at least the bit of handsome. Or at least he was in Germany. Now he was just getting plain homesick. The only thing keeping him here was the lovely lady in the salon.​
Bianca was just sitting there, and finally, after an hour, she was done. She was so tired, it was as if she had done it herself. She finished sipping the hot chocolate, and handed the cashier a crisp bill. The bill paid for the tip, and for the service. She pushed open the glass door, hearing the bell jingle for her as she went out. She hadn't grown accustomed to actually doing things herself, so she just stood in front of there for a while. She squinted, it was still early and the sun hadn't gone down. She saw Heinne there, looking at all the job ads. She frowned, about to walk away. Well, there was no one in sight. And, she had the time to spare. It wasn't like she had a job. She walked up to him and cleared her throat. "If you're looking for a job, I have one. Be my maid." Maids were usually females, but it looked like she was serious. "They have the weekend off. Something about a break. Anyway, the job pays well, and you'll just need to clean up after me and my parents. Just laundry, household chores. Think you can handle that?"

Her palms were starting to sweat. Her parents would kill her. She wasn't nervous because of him. She didn't want to be caught talking to him. She handed him a business card. It said her name, her address, and her cell phone number. "Don't call my house. Call my cell phone. If you're interested, I mean. Otherwise, I'm sure Mr. Adams would love to have you as a.. factory worker?" She giggled playfully. She waved goodbye, as she started to walk down the main road back home. Her nails were freshly primped, a classic french manicure. They were dry, and she was admiring them as she walked home, taking her time. This time, it took her longer to reach home because she kept looking at her beautiful nails. She must go out more. It was almost too much fun to spend money, knowing that you had it of course. And at the back of her mind, she wondered what Heinne had decided. Whether he wanted it or not.

Actually, she knew she had made him an offer he just couldn't refuse. Finally, after twenty minutes, she reached home. She grabbed the gold metal knob, and turned it open after unlocking the door. It was spring, and while she could admire all the beautiful flowers that bloomed, it was rather humid. She stepped into the cool area of her home, sighing. It was a relief from the hot humidity. She hung up her jacket and began to fish around in her refridgerator for something decent to eat. She found it. She found a bar of chocolate, and sat on the sofa, began to enjoy it to her heart's content. Her cell phone sat on the kitchen table, and she knew he would be ringing her almost instantly. Of course, the salary was up for grabs, and if he was good, maybe he could become a permanent employee. She was sure she could persuade her parents. Something about putting the poor in its place.
Heinne probably would've fell asleep right there, bored to death wondering how he was going to keep his family alive. Apparently something happened because Bianca walked up to him, in public, and spoke to him. He was almost in shock. He totally missed the fact that there was no one around and she could get away with it. It was just the fact she had spoke with him... and about a job too. Instantly, his eyes were glowing with delight as he listened to Bianca. His heart felt like it was going to explode. He also loved the idea that even as a 'maid' he could get to see his family AND spend time with Bianca. When she asked if he could handle that he smirked.

"I can take care of my fam'ly, keep them alive, and manage to do my job without losing it. I think I could manage that." he said, raising an eyebrow before looking down at the small slip of paper she handed him. He looked down at it curiously, reading every word on it like it was a drug. He heard what she said about the factory worker but shrugged it off within split seconds. He rather have the first. He obviously would've taken the first anyways. Any poor boy would've taken the first job. He looked back up to Bianca as she started talking to him about phones. Great, one problem, he didn't have one... or one that worked. When she saw her begin to head off he waved back. "Auf wiedersehen, Miss Bianca...." He said quietly with a smile. When he realized he forgot to tell her about the phone, she was way gone. He lost track of time too. He moved over to a pay phone, deciding to call as soon as possible to accept the job, then he'd run back to his parents and tell them. He shifted the card into his other hand before shoving his free hand into his pocket, picking out a few coins then shoving them eagerly into the phone.

He quickly picked up the phone then dialed the numbers to her cell phone in. He listened to the reciever quietly, waiting to hear the sound of her voice again. His body was trembling and his free hand twitched a bit, denting the card. He was just really overly excited and thinking this was too good to really be true. Before she could ever pick up, if she does, he clasped his hands together and smiled at the sky. "Thank you God." he said then placed the phone back to his ear.​
Bianca smiled, playing with a loose strand of her hair. That was fun. There was another more selfish reason why she wanted to be in such close quarters with him. She wanted to have more control over him, more than she did right now. Of course, that didn't take much effort on her part. He, technically, worked for her as a paper boy but she only saw him for two minutes tops. And, sometimes, her stupid maid answered the door. And, she wanted him. In her bed. And, yes, she was losing it. She wanted to have an affair with... someone who wasn't of the upper class. It was disgusting to think about it. Dirty even. But, she got a thrill of taking advantage of someone who couldn't even complain about it even if he wanted to. He couldn't quit, his family depended on his income, and he couldn't complain to the authorities. He had no power. And this, just made the idea of seducing him more enticing. It was sick. But, she didn't really care. She wanted to run her fingers through his blonde locks, wanted to press herself intimately against his body, she wanted to make her mark. And, he was only filling in for the maids for two days. That was plenty of time.

She was in her own world when she felt a vibration at her side, which didn't help matters. She flipped her phone back, and grinned, speak of the devil. "Hello? Yes, it's me. Hello." She made sure she was alone, and just as an extra precaution, she didn't say his name aloud. "You know, I'd prefer if you started right away. I might even consider a bonus if you came right now. Do you know where it is? My house? Right. You delivered here before. Anyway, I'll see you in a half an hour? Yes, that'd be great. Just wear whatever you want. You don't have to wear anything too fancy. You are working, so.. something suitable. Okay, ciao." She ran her fingers through her hair, and flipped her phone back, sealing the deal. She giggled. She was having so much fun, but she had to be cautious. She checked her watch, and quickly walked back home, avoiding the stares that she usually received. When she grabbed the doorknob, she closed all of the curtains from the windows hastily, making sure no one could see what would happen, or what was going to happen.

Even if he was merely cleaning, or washing clothes, she wanted to make sure no one could see that she had hired him all of a sudden. It would be rather strange. And, she still didn't feel comfortable mingling with him in public. She didn't even feel comfortable saying his name. He was just here to fulfill a need. First, she didn't want the house to look like the pig sty that it was without the maids, and second, she had a more carnal need. Besides, it wasn't like the feeling wasn't mutual. She had seen the way he looked at her, the way he blushed, and stuttered when she was around. Of course, that was the effect she had on most males around her age. So, technically, she wasn't taking advantage of him when he wanted it too.
Heinne wanted to stay on the phone longer but shortly after she said bye the phone hung up and said he'd need more money if he were to extend the call. Thinking it was pointless now he rushed over to his home to tell his parents, pick out some nice clothes if he had any, and then start his job. He burst through the door, almost knocking the door straight of it's hinges, then smiled at his dad who looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Vati! I got a job!" He said, happily. His dad smiled a bit but kept cautious to what job he had gotten.
"So what is it? Janitor, factory worker, what?" he asked, looking over from him to his wife then to Heinne again.
To him, it didn't matter if they said peoples names. In their case they were SUPPOSED to. So he put on a bigger grin and moved over to him.
"I am working as a 'maid' for Miss Bianca. You know the girl I deliver papers to. Well, you could say it was a servant..." he said, drifting off into thought. His father gave him a even more shocked look.
"Son, you know it's a bad sign for poor people like us to hang around rich people like them?"
"Yes, I do but I don't care right now. She said ti pays well, I still get to see you, and I have to start now..." he was about to go on when he remembered she said she wanted him to start as soon as possible. "Oh god!"

He moved over to his dresser and opened it, rummaging through the clothes he had for something nice. He ended up picking out some black tux pants and dress shirt, then a crimson vest. He quickly stripped off the clothes he had and put the clothes he picked out on. After that he moved quickly over to their broken mirror, brushed his hair to make it look less messy. He kept really good hygiene for someone so poor. So he was never as dirty as rich people or other people in general assumed he was. The last things he did was brush his teeth and wash his face before heading for the door.

"I'll see you guys later okay! I love you and if mum wakes up tell her I love her too." he said, smiling at his dad before leaving.

With the clothes he had one he looked at least like he could be middle class so he didn't look that bad. He used to wear this alot when a spy movie came out cause it reminded him alot like when spies disguised themselves as servants. After taking a few steps out the door he realized he forgot something and rushed back in, getting a red tie. Ties were always worn by gentle men of the upperclass. his dad only worn it when he had a job. He rushed back out the door and put it on on his way there. He hoped it hadn't taken him long to get there. It probably didn't knowing that he ran like it was the end of the world. He couldn't let people get too good of a look at him because it was like mocking them for a poorer person to be wearing nice clothes. When he got to Bianca's house he smiled and moved to the door. He noticed all the curtains were down. Well that made him more calmer knowing that people wouldn't be able to see that he was working for a rich girl. He straightened himself out and took a deep breath then knocked on the door. He had so many emotions building up inside of him that he couldn't stand still. He had to at least move his hands or he probably would've started to pace.​
Bianca opened the door with a bright smile. Almost too bright. She let him in, and said, "My parents aren't home yet. So, just go ahead." And, she wanted to hasten his pace, not wanting anyone to see that she had hired him. He was dressed pretty fancy, and she had just changed into a white t-shirt and gray sweatpants. She rummaged through a linen closet, and gave him the a broom, and other cleaning supplies that the maids used. "You can start with my bedroom. Upstairs. First door on your left. Laundry room is downstairs. Basement." She had a master plan all worked out. She led him to her bedroom, and pointed out that her blankets had been on the floor in the morning, and were dirty. There was a basket of dirty clothes out in the hallway. "Oh. Let me show you how the washer works." She led him downstairs, and showed him the various buttons on the new machine, and proceeded with the dryer. "I don't need you to cook for us, so.. just cleaning, and housework. That should be it." She nodded.

"And, I'll be in the shower. So, just knock if you need me." She grinned, and about to ask him if he just wanted to screw around instead, but refrained. Damn her self control. She grabbed a clean pair of underwear and a bra, and headed back inside the washroom. It was already being heated. She closed the door, not locking it, in case he needed her. She retreated inside the bathtub, and proceeded to wash her body. She was dirty from being out all day, and because it was hot, she had sweated. She had began to sink her fingers into her damp hair, squirting a generous portion of shampoo in her hair, massaging it through her scalp and washed it out. Slyly, she began to finger herself over and over again, hastening the pace. She gripped both ends of the bathtub for balance, hoping that this would have some kind of an affect on Heinne. She panted, leaning her head against the wall, until she let out a passionate scream, squirting her juices all over her finges that were soaked in it. She had imagined it was his cock pressing against her cunt, and making her scream with each deep thrust. She laid her head back, soaking in the warm water, washing her body off after that incident.

She laid in the shower for a few more minutes, wondering how big it was, and wondered if he had ever masturbated and thought of her. She giggled at the thought, and if she could help it, she could make it happen starting from today. This motivated her to get out of the bathroom, tieing a pink towel around her small body, and walked out back to her bedroom, forgetting that he was in there. She giggled, "I'll just be a few minutes." She turned to pretend to grab something from the closet, and accidently dropped her towel on the ground. "Oops.." She didn't seem like she was ashamed of dropping it, and instead, walked over to him, pressing herself against him, her bare breasts with her perky nipples pressed up against his chest.
"Hallo, Miss Bianca." he said, giving a small bow as she opened the door to face him. He was going to ask what he were to do today but was rushed inside before he could get anything out of his mouth. He tried to make a mental plan of what he was going to do as she said it. So he had to start with the bedroom first, okay, so he would start by making the bed then folding clothes. Then he'd go downstairs and wash whatever clothes he needed to and the old sheets and blankets from her bed. He looked around her room when he was brought up to be pointed out where everything was. He also set the cleaning supplies down. He didn't say one word, he just nodded to everything she had said. then he was shown how to work a washing machine. He was glad she had showed him otherwise he wouldn't know how to work it. He listened to her say she was going to be in the shower which made him blush a deep red at the thought.

"O-okay, Miss Bianca." he said, nodding as she grabbed some clean clothes and left to take a shower. He heart was pounding. This house was overwhelming, the job was a little overwhelming, but Miss Bianca topped it all off. Heinne grabbed some cleansheets and blankets before placing them in an empty clothes basket and carrying them upstairs to her room. He didn't bother to shut the door as he moved over to her bed. He took out the clean bed stuff then set them aside before taking off the dirty sheets and pillows. He replaced the dirty sheets and pillows with all the clean stuff, making the bed look fresh and clean. Then he tossed all the dirty sheets, pillows and blankets into the basket and moved it aside. He quickly moved back downstairs to the washroom to pick up all the clean clothes and take them upstairs in her room so he could put them away. Once he was upstairs in her room again he set the basket down on the bed so he could start folding the clothes. First though, he went around and collected all the dirty clothes and put them into the dirty clothes basket.

The room seemed fairly in a good enough shape that he would't have to do too much stuff. He smiled and decided to enjoy his time here. To him, it was impossible not to enjoy yourself when your in a rich girls home. To him all he cared about was that he was in the same place as Bianca and able to help her. Everytime he came across a pair of underwear or bra he'd blush and quickly fold it, setting it to the side. His hands twitched every time he touched one knowing they were Biancas. She was definatly small compared to some of the sizes he saw on the shirts and such. She was perfect though. He didn't care about her height at all. Heinne was just about done folding all the clothes and putting them away when he heard the scream from the bathroom. He froze and set the clean clothes basket on the ground before swiftly moving over to the door and pressing his ear against it. He was about to knock but was so overwhelmed by the thoughts that came rushing into his mind that he instantly moved away and put the rest of the clothes away.

He moved over to grab the broom and began to sweep her floor. He kept murmuring things to himself and trying to rid his face of the blush and Miss Bianca didn't help with it at all. He raised and turned around when he heard the door open. He had managed to get the blush away just to have it come rocket back to see her in her towel. His gripp tightened on the broom and he turned around, shaking. "M-Miss Bianca...? " he stuttered, trying to finish the sweeping. He set the broom down because he couldn't focus and turned around just in time to see her drop the towel and come swooping over to him, pressing herself against him.

"Miss B-Bianca!" he gasped, feeling himself getting an erection at the sight and touch. He was fighting against wrapping his arms around her and kisisng her. It was so tempting but he would get in so much trouble. Then again, there was no one around but him and her so he slowly wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.

Bianca grinned, sliding her arms around his neck, pulling him close. She ran her fingers into his silky locks, and inhaled his scent, sighing. When she felt something poking at her stomach, she looked down at him, seeing a tent form in his pants that she wanted to rip off his legs. She thought to herself, how yummy, he was absolutely delicious. When he pressed his lips against her mouth, she could only part her lips, slipping her tongue inside his mouth to taste for he was all hers. At least for 48 hours, and she was going to use that time to the best of her ability. She took her time, rubbing his shoulders, her fingers exploring the expanse of his body, breathing heavily. She let go of him briefly, and led him to the bed once she had settled on her queen-sized bed. "As a servant, you have certain obligations to fulfill.." She whispered huskily, and as soon as she said the word, she squeezed his erection through the barrier of his pants.

Honestly, she thought his German accent was to die for. She wouldn't admit it outloud, but it was so sexy on him. She kissed him again, and again. Just a few pecks just to get him going. She kissed him roughly, bringing him down on top of her, straddling his hips now. She dug her nails against his skin, and whispered, "Don't worry. You're still getting paid by the hour, except this time, if you do an even better job, I'll double your wage." And, she was going to pay him generously. She couldn't help herself anymore. She yanked off his belt impatiently, and unzipped his pants, the barrier that was blocking her from receiving the ultimate pleasure. She kissed down his neck, not knowing if this was his first time with a woman. And, if that was the case, she was going to make him a very happy man. She tugged off his boxers, and gasped at the sight. It was so erotic, and if she thought she was wet minutes ago, she was now drenched with her juices. God, he was so hot, and as his shaft stood up straight, she realized it was so big and so wonderful.

She stared at it in awe, looking at bright pre-cum oozed out of the head. She licked her lips, pushing him against the bed, now getting on top. She wasn't going to wait for him anymore. She pounced on him, rubbing her soaked cunt over his hard shaft. Never mind protection. She wanted him so much. "Uh!" She cried out, when she grinded against his head. She panted in his ear, "Who knew that underneath that ordinary uniform, you had such a big cock to fill me with.." She suckled on his tongue erotically, and now, slipped it all inside her with one slick thrust. "Yes!" She gripped the bedsheets, bouncing on him hard, up and down.
||Shes so evil. xD||

Heinnes grip tightened around her as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. She was like a drug he couldn't refuse. When she pulled away he let his fingers trace along her sides, looking at her with quiet, misty eyes. He watched as she moved to the bed then followed, being sucked into her little plan. He listened to what she said about him having to fulfill some obligations. Then suddenly she had gripped onto his erection, causing him to moan... a moan begging for more.

He climbed up onto the bed, kissing her after every kiss she had given him before going on his own as she began to speak about his pay. He grazed on her neck for a moment before kissing her cheek and lower lip then collar bone. He shifted a bit, letting her remove his clothes to reveal his hard shaft. He smirked hearing her gasp. He took it that she liked what she saw. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt and removed his tie to let her see his whole body. he was going to defiantly get in a lot of trouble if people saw him with her. At this moment it was too late. His body matched perfectly with the rest of him. He had a nice six-pack and yet stayed slender. He looked down, feeling her juices spilling all over and then looked back up at Biancaâ??s face to being pushed up against the bed frame. He kissed her once more on her lip before letting out a moan of pleasure as he felt her grinding against his shaft. He moved his hands along her legs just as she pushed herself down on him. He let out quite a moan then and his hands rested on her hips as she bounced up and down on him
It was driving him wild. He moaned almost every time she hit the bottom. Maybe it was because it was his first time and it felt so good. After a bit, Heinne grabbed onto Bianca and swapped spots with her so he was on top. He kissed her over and over as he thrusted into her as deep as he could get, moaning and sighing with pleasure. Occasionally he gives a few hard jabs, causing the bed to hit the wall a bit. He looked at Bianca and kissed her as he thrusted a little bit faster. He wondered what was going on through her mind right now. He couldnâ??t hide it anymore. He gasped and looked at her with a guilty look. â??Missâ?¦ Bianca! Iâ?¦â? he paused. â??I alwaysâ?¦ loved youâ?¦ you know.â?
|| He's adorable. And being evil is so much fun. ||

He was so willing. Huh. She thought to herself, why hadn't they fooled around before? Oh, right, because she had to take intiative. She was the more affulent one out of the two. Just when she was having her way, bouncing on his shaft and gripping his shoulders for balance, she squealed. He had decided to play a bigger role, and flipped them over so now he was on top. She rewarded him with a deep, long passionate kiss. "Mm.." She moaned in his ear, knocking away the broom he had been working with, and plunged her tongue inside his mouth. God, he tasted so good. And, he looked even better. She looked at the expanse of his body. She paused, almost drooling at this point. She was so glad he was poor because now that she knew what he looked like, she didn't want to stop taking advantage of the man in front of her. She bucked her hips from underneath him, her legs locked around his waist tightly. She wanted him so much, and she made that clear with her loud moans, panting in his ear. "You're all mine.."

She had been fngering herself way too long. As she bucked against him, she grasped his rear, enforcing her power on him. The only sounds in the room were the slaps of skin against skin. "Uh! Yes! Heinne! Uh! More! More!" She didn't even realize what she was saying, all she knew was that she was horny, he was horny and that they were screwing around. What was important was that she got the best sex of her life because she was paying for it. She couldn't even remember the last time she had sex, and she was sure it hadn't been this good. She couldn't help but look down at the erotic sight. His big, throbbing, hard dick plunging in and out of her, her juices coated on him as his own personal lubricator. She hurriedly bucked her hips, knowing how she liked to be fucked. Rough, hard and passionately. And, if he couldn't keep up with her pace, she'd push him off and get on top. She had no problem with being on top. But this time, she just wanted to be dominanted by this sexy man that was fucking her brains out. All she knew was that she loved what he was doing to her. She wasn't sure about loving him as a person. She barely knew him.

Bianca stared at him, surprised by what he had said. He loved her? That was unexpected... She didn't know what to say. She didn't know if she loved him. She loved his dick. She loved his body. She loved him fucking her. Did she love him? She just stared at him some more, and said, "Thank you." And, she was almost positive he didn't know her. He didn't know how manipulative or selfish she was. And those were two traits he wouldn't appreciate. She could tell. If he worked this hard to provide for his family, then she wasn't the one for him. They were so different. And besides, there was the common issue of social class. They were so different. Didn't he see that? Was he so blind? They couldn't even be seen in public together, and yet, he loved her? It didn't even make sense.
Heinne grunted as she joined in. Seeing she must've wanted more made him move harder, deeper, and faster. It was hard t omake this boy break a sweat but he was obviously enjoying it cause his face was flushed. He lowered his head as he thrusted, moving down to her bare breasts and nipping at her nipples for a moment before sucking gently on them while he used one of his hands to massage the other. He smiled hearing her late, yet small thank you. He moaned as he gave a few hard jabs. "Ohh god!" he panted as he instead gave it his all to make each thrust as powerful as his jabs. He could feel her tightening around his thick dick and that just made it more pleasurable.

He totally phased over the fact that he hadn't worn any protection and that he was practically already cumming inside of her with each powerful thrust. He was just too zoned into who it was with. The one woman he ever had a crush on and would always name her his angel in his mind. He used to just keep it private cause of all the rules but he couldn't help but admire her even through all bad flaws she might've had. That was just him though, being too innocent. Most his innocent being taken away right then and there.

Bianca growled, moaning loudly as she grinded her hips against his quickly. She was determiend to show him how good sex could be. She had guessed he was a virgin. "Uh! Fuck, Heinne! Yes! Yes!" She was screaming, an indication that she was about to cum. She just couldn't grasp the fact that this was under the poor uniform. Uh, he was just so hot. It wasn't even fair. She couldn't, wouldn't, associate with him in public. She pressed her nails against his back, panting. She kissed his neck, nipping here and there. She bounced with him, bucking her hips hard against his, making them both groan with pleasure. She was sweating like a pig, but she didn't care. She concentrated on both of them, her breasts slamming against his chest, her perky nipples brushing up against his bare skin. She slide her tongue inside his mouth, claiming his tongue, breathing heavily. "Fuck!" She let out one more cry, as she finally exploded onto him. She wasn't done yet, as she began to ride out her intense orgasm, flooding his cock with her juices.

She didn't care that they weren't wearing protection. There would be time to care after the sex. Plus, she was taking pills for a reason. She was so tired of fingering herself and getting off by herself. And, she did have another day with him. But, she wasn't going to risk seeing him in public. And, if she couldn't do that, she definately couldn't love him. She could fall in lust with him all she wanted, but love wasn't an option. He was so.. pure. It disgusted her. Oh, and if she did take his virginity, would that be so bad? She found it kind of thrilling she stripped him of his innocence. She wanted this to be his first time, and not with some other skank. Whenever she thought of him and some other lady banging each other, she grew angrier and angrier. She slammed her hips against his powerfully, finding this fuel, her newfound anger to drive them both to ecstasy. She needed him to cum for her.
||Sorry for not posting sooner, got sidetracked. Dx ||

â??Oh Bianca~!â? he moaned, feeling her cum soaking him. He moved up, kissing her neck over and over as he gripped the bed tightly giving it his all. He looked at Bianca quietly, something, he noticed, wasnâ??t rightâ?¦ He ignored it though. He didnâ??t want to ruin his moment thinking about things going wrong. He couldnâ??t care at all. This was probably one of the best moments in his life. If he were to learn Biancaâ??s side of it, itâ??d probably be his worst. Feeling himself about to burst, he gave one last hard jab. So hard it made the bed jump and hit the wall again before he burst out, cumming deep into her womb. Heinne gasped a bit, breathing heavily as if he had held his breath the whole time. Once he was sure he was done he pulled himself out of her and moved to her side, collapsing there and looking at her with a faint smile. Then realizing his reminder, he looked down at her stomach and placed a hand on her stomach gently and frowned. â??M-miss Biancaâ?¦ Iâ?¦ I didnâ??t wear protectionâ?¦â? he said quietly, obviously worried and blaming it on him. He felt so sore though that the thought didnâ??t last long. He rolled over onto his back, staring at the ceiling with shocked eyes. He couldnâ??t believe his first time he made love was none other than with Miss Bianca. It was surely a day he wouldnâ??t forget. Thinking it over, a small smile went on Heinnes lips. It was defiantly like he was in a dream.He looked back over to Bianca, the smile just faintly on his lips. â??Youâ??re so beautiful, you know that, Miss Bianca?â? he said. He remembered he had just changed the bed sheets too and now they were all dirty again.​
Bianca was so lost in the throes of passion, whimpering when he had thrusted so hard that the bed shook. She continued to moan louder and louder, as he came inside her and after he had kissed her weak spot, her neck. She panted, breathing heavily. She looked up at him, and thought that was so incredible. She didn't know if it was the fact that she took advantage of the paper boy, or if it was the fact that she took his innonence that made her smile. Her thighs and his thighs had cum dripping down it, but she didn't care. Once he pulled out, she smiled and answered, "I'm not stupid, my dear. I am on the pill." It was true, and she was glad he decided to question her after sex. After he had called her beautiful, she smiled brightly, looking up at him. "I did know that, but thank you." Okay, so she wasn't for being modest, but she knew she was beautiful. Nearly every man she encountered had used the word to describe her. To reward him, she kissed his cheek. She was feeling a little guilty that she had stripped him of something so precious, but it faded when she realized that he could have protested, could have screamed for help, anything. But, he didn't. Of course, that wouldn't have done much good, but still. She wrapped a bed sheet around her naked body, her legs were so sore right now. She snuggled into his body, laying her head on his chest. The aftermath of sex did that to her. It made her more affectionate, and she didn't understand why. Still, she grabbed his hand, squeezing it a few times. Lazily, she looked up at the ceiling and back at him. She whispered into his ear, "We still have another day ahead of us.." And yet, she didn't know what would happen after that. If she would come to find him, or if she would just let him live his life.
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