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Heart of the Wild (Soldier X BlindedByTheLight)

:Oh but who came first. And i Am most sure i can go again!" He called after her as he moved to follow here with ease. The muscle under his soft skin shown its contures and crests as he walked" Where are you going goddess?" He said softly being more kind then he had been:
:I told you friend. I have no place to go. And well being under or near you just feels right for me. You don't have to provide a thing for me. I ----well im in a way attracted to you i guess" His voice started off strong, yet as he rambled on he started to go in to a sort of a whisper. His shoulders sagged as he turned to go get his clothing" But i understand" He almost whimpered. Not one had wanted him near in the past. For what he once was. The explore knew he was no anthro god or the sort. He was just a lone human with no cause but to drift aimlessly.
:He looked to the attractive feline." Just walk around. Like I was before, And hold this memory deep in my mind until I die." He said reaching down to rub her ear. " You gave me a love and feeling I have never felt or been given the chance to feel-- and I thank you will all of my heart." HE said softly smiling in one of the somber and sad half raised expressions. " My bet is my life is as complete as it could be now thanks to you." He whispered as he went to his boxers which he fumbled with. His back to her as a wet sensation left one of his eyes. Crying-- was a battle hardened soldier of death and assassination crying. He sat there in disbelief staring to her bed confused with a thousand yard stare:
: "It im not.. I have something in my eye" He whispered nuzzling back in to her" It will Kill me the day you find a mate and I am no longer needed or desired." He murder in to her ear while playfully reaching to pinch one of her nipples ever so slightly. He was most definitely happy, Though he had no idea how to show it except be playful;
:Maybe one lays before you" He whispered turning her to face him with a kind hand on her maw before his lips took hers passionately with meaning care and love. This was no fake kiss. Roderick meant every bit of emotion that he pour in to it. As though he where giving his soul to her threw it:
:Once breath was an issue he pulled back and smiled " No I will be the mate of the goddess " he murder softly in to her ear scratching behind her ear. There where many things they could do for years to come or moments not far off. To him this felt perfect. Life completing. " Hmn Shame though I made you come first love" He said softly while pining the end of her ear hotly with a playful demeanor:
:How could I not want to be your mate. friend do what you have to do. Make me yours for eternity." He whispered softly laying dhow back beside her. Still nude and so so comfortable in the warm cave and on the soft lush furs beneath them. It would be a fantasy come true for him, He would have meaning, and she would be with some one that would care and love her for as long as he lived:
"I do. I have nothing else and want nothing else" He whispered softly while stretching out flat before her. The ex soldier had been tortured many times and many ways in the past. Once past the initial shock he was for sure to get over the pain, or at least block it out. " Please do what has to be done. " With that he shut his eyes and ready his body for any pain or pleasure that may come with this commitment:
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