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Heart of the Wild (Soldier X BlindedByTheLight)


Jan 20, 2009
Years for him had passed. The war had ended, his family and friends had moved on, the world of the on going never forgiving city had continued as if nothing had happen. War changed men, old and young alike. It drove them to go places that normally they never would have gone or even do things that they never think they would have.

Icy- blue eyes glanced forward as he trotted due north according to his small compass on his watch. With a small pack on his back, a black tight tank top that shown his moist form , cargo shorts and boots, as well as a knife on his ankle he was set for this lush jungle. After finding life was not the same in his home town or any place for that matter Roderick ran off. It was in forbidden forest that no man dare enter he roam. Not for riches, findings or even fame. The true reason was that he loved nature and the serenity that it gave. As the sun started to dive down past the lush canopy above he made his way to a cave he spotted by a water fall the night before. It did not take long to get there and lay in its coo mossy embrace. With a sigh the explore lay his head back. a tired hand wiped the moisture from his short buzzed blond hair. Within moments he was in a light slumber that was filled with peace and calm all over his body.:
A few hours had passed when he awoke. The icy eyes where near blind in the dark as hes stretched and fumbled around." Damn.. Still night." He grumbled stretching his neck and back. He smelt something. Something feral but did not see it just yet. There was no inclination that there was danger in his mind. Yet the hair on his neck had started to stand:
:Roderick gaped as he was taken to the ground hard. In a daze he looked about to see the animals face. OR what seemed to be an animal. Stunned and confused eh struggled until he found it worthless." Wha.. what is this!" eh growled in slight pain as a rock under his back pushed in to im hard enough to cut in to him the slightest bit.:
:" Dear God you can talk!" He said softly stunned he glanced closer and took in what he could get of her. " I was passing through. I just need a warm place to stay.. IM.. Im sorry" He whispered going limp as not to anger the creature that was poised over his body:
:Na- Name is Roderick.." He whispered caught in her eyes like a bug in a trap. For one small moment he sigh and felt tranquility fall over him. The fear and slight pain had ended for a short while. " I meant no harm. I promise I am not here to hunt or take.. I just like the land" he whispered trying to explain himself so hed not lose his life on this odd star filled night:
: He looked at her then away." I don't have any place to go or any one to tell." He whispered moving up. He rubbed his bleeding back before he moved on to the opening of the cave." Thank you for showing yourself.. you are the beautiful thing that i longed to see." He whispered before stammering from the cave blindly inn to the night. The jagged cut was much worse then eh gave credit. Where he was pinned a nice thick puddle of blood could be scene by him:
I.. Im an outcast. No home no family.. I travel the jungle to see things animals ruins whatever. But you easily top all of it.. " He whisperer leaning on a grand oak tree tiredly" I thank you deeply." He said gazing over her body once before he took her eyes once again. The scene with her and the moon seemed all to perfect. As if it where that good thing he was going to see:
:He was lost in her touch. Though most everything was happening in a blur. On accident he moved in to her causing him to stain her fur with his blood. Hazed eyes closed to rest as he let her do what she pleased for now. Once he was rested hed question her and why she was being so kind to some one moments ago she was going to kill. Or if he could hed ask how and what she was. It was all a test of time for now:
With weak hands he striped of his shirt and tied it around him and the wound so hed not stain anything else."Thank you goddess" He whispered before he fell in to a fevered sleep. As time went on he got better.. His blood replenished itself. The wound had dried. He would be fine so long hed not get hurt again:
:He awoke confused to find what he needed. With a sigh he ate softly of what he needed . It was then he felt alone again. In the odd bed and room without any one to share it with. "Was it a dream. Was a goddess really here. She had to be she.. She hast to be real" HE grumbled closing his eyes. Remembering every fin curve of the creature. It was real alright. He would give himself if he had to for payment of her kindness:
:Much.. Thanks to you I am in your dept. if there is anything i can do for you that is in my range of ability I will do as you wish" He said bowing his head slightly. Once more the sight of her form took him by surprise. The shear amazing and majesticness of her form before him nearly gawping in awe over her. It was a shame to him he never had lain or loved with any near as majestic. :
I don really want to leave but if that is your wish. I willl leave your home yes. But I will linger in the land until some one does gut me. I have no other reason in life. Or so it seems. If it is you who kills me so be it. Though I also offer myself for whatever you could need. " He said sanding and stretching. his strong tone body once again looked well and fit thanks to the rest and food. He came to stand before her glaceing in to her eyes deeply. They too are tantalizing" Roderick whispered caught unable to move from before her:
The touch the speed the grace of how she moved shocked him. But the question put it in dead set." How do you mean ?" he whispered shivering in awe from all of the wild touches that elf this body tingling oddly." I do you mean sexually..?" He whispered blushing a slight bit. If that where what she meant he knew he was at least equip to deal with it. " well im good with my hands and um.. I am used to pampering woman.. or used to be" he whispered referring to all the foreplay he used to get in to :
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