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Fx Female The Princess and the Pirate Queen (NSFW)

May 27, 2020
The Princess and the Pirate Queen
Status: Open
Genre: Pirate Romance
My Character: F
Your Character: F
Kinks: non-con to con, Stockholm syndrome, humiliation, bondage,

Once there was an Isle called Ys that stood in a straight off of the coast of the powerful kingdom of Gallica. Ys was a wealthy republic of traders, where poverty all but did not exist. Yssons dominated the trade of the channel, beholden to no kings and to no law save their own. Fleets would not sail against them for sailors loved the Isle of Ys, and no bank would fund the coin needed to pay an army to go against their shores. In all ways the Isle of Ys was untouchable save one, the sea. The cruel mistress who had made them wealthy was also their greatest threat, held at bay only by a series of dykes and a system of canals that prevented the ocean from fully over taking the land.

Then one day a tragedy struck, a great storm came down from the Northern Sea and overflowed the dykes, splintering the walls and bringing in the tide. Messengers were sent out, begging for aid from Gallica and the return of trade ships to help evacuate Ys. In the dark of the night, the ships were assembled and the people were readied to flee from their homes and take refuge on the Gallican shore. Only the king of Gallica was a jealous and cruel man, who had no intention to allow those who had snubbed their noses at him to enjoy his hospitality. His 'rescue fleet' came upon the fleeing Yssons and instead of rendering aid they opened fire and ensured that they joined their Isle beneath the tides. Longboats of marines searched the wreckage and slaughtered the survivors. All save for a young woman, comely to the eyes and in the bloom of her youth. She was taken by the admiral of the fleet and given to the cruel king as a prize, a secret mistress and slave. A play thing for him to do with what he willed.

She suffered for years, until an unfortunate circumstance allowed the king to toss her out like trash. Discarded, bloody, destroyed and abandoned Nicolette returned to the sea that she new and regained her strength and power. Becoming the captain of a ship, and then the Queen of her fleet she vented her rage on ships under the Gallican colors at every opportunity, until she found the opportunity to enact her greatest coup of revenge. In the grey-dawn of morning her fleet fell upon the Kingdom of Gallica's capital, Merovingia, and laid waste to it with cannon and fire and sword. While the King who had abused her escaped her wrath, he would never forget the name of the woman he had discarded and left for dead. She was Nicolette D'Ys, the Lioness of Ys, the Last Yssone.

Her hair dyed red, rumored to be with the blood of men she'd slain, and tied back into a long braid Nicolette prowled the deck of her flag ship Ahez admiring the captives that her men had brought her, measuring them and determining who would be sold as slaves to the Sharif of Iram and who would be given to other fates. At the end of the line she found a surprise, obviously recognizable as nobility the men who had brought her in had expected a great reward. But they could not know how well they had done, but a lascivious and cruel smile played off Nicolette's lips as her peasant eyes gazed upon the flesh of the King of Gallica's favorite daughter.

Immediately her mind turned to poetic revenge, with no dream of the love that could grow between them in the confined quarters of their journey.


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