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Mx Any MxM or MxF original/fandom RP Thread!


Feb 13, 2022
Hey and welcome to my RP Thread! I'm currently reworking the whole thread so things might look like a little messy but feel free to contact me when I invoke your interest!


I am look to set up an RP. This RP can be original or fandom. I'm generally okay with using ocs in this RP as long as there's a reference to it and the character fits into the RP! I'm generally pretty chill and I love brainstorming with my partner's, speaking of I'm okay with any sort of partner be it male or female, everyone's welcome here!

As for the RP I'm actually pretty flexible meaning I can adapt to any role preferred be it a dominant guy or a submissive guy. I don't have an exact preference and I mostly adapt to your preference.


So you're interested in fandoms? That's awesome! I'm generally okay with any of the fandoms listed here and I'm okay with any pairing. Here are some fandoms I'm familiar with:


League of Legends
The Legend of Zelda
Genshin Impact
Final Fantasy
Persona 5
Silent Hill
Resident Evil
The Elder Scrolls
The Evil Within
Hogwarts Legacy


The Boys
Law & Order SVU
The Society
Gravity Falls
Umbrella Academy
Star Trek


Harry Potter
Star Wars


Original Ideas

You aren't a fan of fandom character and instead prefer to create original settings and characters? That's okay for me. Here are few themes we can RP and set our rp around it. I can play any role here be it the good guy/bad guy, dominant or submissive it's up to you!

Sci Fiction
Murder Mystery
Modern Life
Sci Fiction Western
Scream type of RP (1 killer among a friend group)


The Story and Setting in my RPs

I love a good story this is probably (aside of smut) the best part of roleplays. I tend to focus a lot on the story. That's why I tend to put a lot of effort into creating a fitting and amazing story for our RP. The setting plays a great part here too, that's why I love creating and playing as multiple side character to bring a little life into the RP!


The characters

I love creating unique and likeable characters for the RP. I love creating different kind of character sheets for the RP and sending them to my partner to choose the best character. I don't expect my partner to do the same but it's always fun to create good characters in a RP!


The End?

Thank you for your interest I hope I could catch your interest in the RP! If so, feel free to hit me up with a nice message and I'll get back to asap!​
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