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H a r r i e t

Jan 26, 2009
Your most hated fairytale.
Drawing out a sigh, and shifting awkwardly within the train's seat, Rayne leaned against the armrest closest to the window and peered outside. It was all a blur of course, but it was better then looking at anyone sitting in her part of the setting; the three males looked rather creepy. And staring at them might give them the wrong impression, that maybe she liked them. That wasn't something she wanted. It was bad enough her Mother and Father were insisting that she spend the entire summer locked away in her Brother's college dorm. Honestly, who the hell did her Mother suck off to get that to happen!? Sixteen year old's weren't meant to be in college, not even if they were just there to check things out. You did that when you were like, eighteen, right? "God only knows . . ." She grumbled to herself, giving a soft roll of her eyes afterward.

The train stopped rather slowly, the noise of the brakes against the chatter in the train only caused a head ache to form. Grabbing her luggage, Rayne stood up after everyone else had left and she started to make her way to the end of the cart. Pushing outside, she stepped down the metal stairs and onto the platform. Swallowing, and raising her free hand against the sun's light, she shifted her weight and looked around, searching for her Brother's familiar face. Not seeing him quiet yet, she moved towards one of the benches, hauling her suitcase with her. Reaching one, she set it down and slipped the green leather bag off her shoulders before sitting down, resting the bag at her feet. Pulling out her ipod, she pushed her hair from her ears and pushed the earphones in. Turning the music device on, her painted black finger nails moved over the circular pad, choosing a random song and pressing "Play." Closing her eyelids against a small gust of wind, her hair blowing slightly into her face. Tapping her green converse against the pavement under it, she chewed on her bottom lip, getting more and more nervous as the time excelled. Where was he?

After the song finished, Rayne grew impatient and stood up. Fixing her tight jeans, ignoring the holes in the knees, and grabbed her leather bag again. Pulling it onto her back, she turned around to grab her luggage and stopped with a small smile. There he was, standing there late like he usually always had been. "Ryuu, you asshole." Motioning for him to grab her luggage, since he had made her wait and she was too tired to carry it herself, she pushed her lips together. "Where'd you--" Cutting off mid-sentence, about to ask him where he parked the car, when she saw someone with him. Clearing her throat, trying not to stare, she raised an eyebrow at her brother. "Uhm . . . Ryuu, who's this?"
Ryuuichi walked back and forth impatiently at the train station, waiting for his sister. His nerves were wrecked. He hadn't seen her since college! And she was being sent here, where there were all sorts of guys who frankly wouldn't care that she was underage – hell, they would relish in the fact! He was completely utterly worried about how he would do. Pacing back and forth, he frowned as the train opened up, arriving, and.... she didn't get off. This worried him. And Ryuuichi worried was something of an amusing sight. He was only 5'4”, a short, unassuming-looking Japanese man, with a single blue eye and a single brown eye. Wearing a large white scarf around his neck to cover up a wound he received as a small child when a gun went off in his neighborhood, he started to panic until...

“Ryuu...what are you doing?” he asked, glaring softly at his roommate who crashed into him. Ryuu jumped a little, before relaxing. “Oh, it's you. What are you doing here?” he asked. Bartiel frowned a bit. “I came because you left your cell phone and your mother called. She said that they had to change your sister's ticket and she's now getting off at platform five,” he commented. Ryuuichi's eyes opened wide. “What? Why didn't you tell me?!” he asked, lightly beating on his taller friend's chest pathetically as Bartiel glanced away. “Maybe because you're an idiot...c'mon, let's go,” Bartiel said, shaking his head a bit as the two went to platform five.

Once there, Ryuu smiled as he saw his beautiful sister. It'd been so long and she'd matured into a fine young woman. Now if only he'd mature into an actual man mentally. “I'm sorry, sis, I got lost,” he said slightly pathetically as he took her bags, lifting them with no problem. Small of stature, small of focus, but Ryuu was pretty strong. As Rayne asked who Ryuuichi's friend was, Bartiel merely raised an eyebrow. He was unique looking, certainly. Bright green eyes in an almond, chinese shape, bright red hair in a short ponytail. Pale skin just barely dotted with freckles, and a pair of glasses over his eyes. His clothing style was somewhat interesting, too; he wore only a V-neck T-shirt which showed off his muscular arms, a pair of loose, white pants designed not to absorb a lot of heat, and a pair of thong-toed sandals. He also stood tall; much taller than Ryuuichi, at 6'2”, almost a full foot over the slightly younger man.

Ryuuichi smiled. He trusted Bartiel. No other college boys, but he and Bartiel had been friends since they were children. “Rayne, don't you remember Bartiel? Or were you too young?” he asked. Bartiel had been a pen-pal of Ryuuichi. They met when Ryuuihi ten, when he was being bullied by some eighth graders while Bartiel's family was in town and the older boy was in the park. There was one picture of Bartiel that Rayne had seen of the ten-year-old self, and an eleven-year-old Bartiel whose hair was down to his waist at the time, and he was covered in bruises and abbrasions, having attacked the boys who were picking n Ryuuichi.

“Anyways, Bartiel is my roommate,” he said, smiling softly to her. Bartiel simply shrugged. “It's my fault that you don't get a room to yourself,” Bartiel commented, since all the college dorms were doubles, even the ones with only one person in the room.
"Lost? Leave it to you . . ." Rolling her eyes, she stuffed her free hand into the right pocket of her pants, giving a soft smile to her Brother. He was still as short as she remembered, still as shy and innocent. Rayne had been expecting someone different then what she had seen leave the house for College, not the same Brother she remembered. Wasn't College supposed to change people? Eh. Giving herself a mental shrug, her eyes moved their focus to Bartiel. He did look a little familiar. Though she couldn't put a certain memory to his face, or voice, though that was to be expected. She had some thoughts kicking around, about where she might've seen him before, but nothing that really stood out enough to actually be the answer. But hey, what'd it matter? He was obviously her older Brother's friend; she didn't need to remember him. Wasn't like she was out here, looking for someone to "woo" her, or anything.

Besides, any male that showed any kind of interest in her, her Brother would pretty much flip out on.

Shifting her weight again, Rayne pushed a hand into her grayish coloured hair. She had grown a lot since the last time she had seen her Brother. her hair had grown to the center of her back, some layers in the front that created bangs around her eyes. Her skin had become a little more fair, making her look more pale. Her height had changed a little bit as well, but nothing to the extreme. She now stood at five five, an average height for a sixteen year old female. Along with her other changes, came the definition of her body. Her hips and stomach were a lot more curved then before, not exactly being that active to get a six pack or anything, but her stomach was certainly toned a little bit. Her chest had become more busty, instead of being in an A sized breast cup, she was now in her C, and praying that they remained that way. Rayne's legs had more shape to them, her thighs smooth, and her calves more rounded nicely. All in all, she had grown into a fine woman, even though her personality was a bit rocky and her dressing style wasn't normal.

"Most likely don't remember because he wasn't a friend to me . . ." Giving a small smirk, she pressed herself into her Brother's shoulder and shifted her weight into him playfully. "So what piece of shit are you driving now, and where's it parked?" While she was playing around with Ryuu, her eyes moved over Bartiel, her eyelids narrowing as she took all of him in. Maybe being here for the summer wouldn't be such a bad idea . . .
Bartiel had to check Rayne out. He told Ryuu that he'd 'play nice', but that was Ryuuichi-code for 'Don't start insulting people', not 'Don't ogle my sister'. She was rather beautiful, and incredibly sexy, for her young age. He was an older women kind of guy himself, but for a girl as curvy and beautiful as Rayne, he might make an exception. “Well, I took the bus here...” Ryuuichi said, giving his sister a grin as Bartiel rolled his eyes. “...My motorcycle has a sidecar,” he said, as Ryuuichi nodded. “Alright, you can ride in the sidecar, Rayne,” before Bartiel cut in.

“Eh, you can, Ryuuichi.” “What?! Why not...?” “Because Rayne's cuter than you, and you grab my nipples when you ride behind me on the bike,” he said, causing Ryuuichi to pout. “I do not!” Bartiel just smiled at Rayne.


A week had passed since Rayne had moved into the dorm temporarily. Ryuuichi seemed the same as when he left the house at first glance, but Rayne would notice that he'd become a lot more assertive, he just hadn't shown it very much. A man who was well-known to be a player had hit on his sister, and Ryuuichi subtly pulled the man aside...and when he saw Rayne again, the man flinched, looked away, and refused to look straight at Rayne.

As for Bartiel... he wasn't around very much. He seemed like a player at first glance, flirting with Rayne quite a bit, being rather physical and allowing himself to brush into her, and flirted almost shamelessly with her when Ryuuichi wasn't paying attention(And a little bit when he was paying attention). Yet, when there were other girls around, he didn't quite give them the cold shoulder, but he was almost utterly stoic towards them. For his mostly not being around, he worked at a nearby dance studio, spending most of his time working or practicing.

Actually, he was stoic towards Ryuuichi too most of the time. They sort of acted like a little bit of a comedy duo, with Bartiel being the straight man.

As for the moment, Bartiel napped on the couch. He had been practicing martial arts with Ryuuichi, so he was wearing a japanese style hakama which wasn't split like trousers, as well as a black headband and...that, frankly, was it. Since he practiced alone with Ryuuichi, he never bothered to put on underwear, not caring about if he was flashing his younger male friend. As for now, though, he grumbled, simply laying there, his finely chiseled chest shown off as his body was glistening with sweat, although he didn't smell bad, having worn deodorant.

Bartiel grumbled, rolling over just a little bit, long hair framing his face and his form as he lay splayed out, sleeping beautifully.
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