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Brothers Property [Chesire Smirk]


Jan 9, 2009
Maria sighed heavily as her step brother brought her to this party. It was like he was intending to make her get drug or whatever. Biting her lip she looked up seeing him dancing with other girl and it grossed her the hell out. Shaking her head some she looked at her brother and glared some as he came over to her. Whimpering some as she could tell he was drunk and tell he was in the mood for sex she wasn't going to let him take her willingly.

Getting up she went into the kitchen were a few guys were and she got a water to drink. After they called her a chicken she had had enough of this shit and enough of this party. To bad she didn't have her drivers lisence yet and she couldn't just walk home the streets were more dangerous then this party. Whimpering some she shook her head and decided to go up to one of the rooms and sleep for the rest of the night.

So she did going up the stairs she could hear and see people having sex and going at it. It did gross her out and she felt like she was going to puke. Looking at her brother as he followed her she shook her head and growled deeply "bro fuck off I can handle myself for one". Her step brother always kept a close eye on her no matter how many times she tryed to get away he was always a few feet behind her.

Maria wore plain simple black jeans and a red tanktop. Her eyes a blueish grey and her hair a silky thick black. She looked back seeing a few more guys head up the stairs then she grabbed her brother pratically dragging him across the hall and she pushed him into an empty room then slammed the door shut clicking the lock closed.

Her brother was part of the mafia, Mabye thats why he went to all these parties and sometimes even killed people. He was a fighter for the mafia fighting people by himself then killing them in the end. Whimpering some as she went over to the window she saw there were more Mafia people outisde. She had never been a witness to a shooting but she had called the cops on her step bro to get him in jail but in the end there was no evidance against him.

Still looking out the window she saw the second in hand of her brothers Mafia shoot someone and she screamed some as she saw the guy go down. Whimpering hard as the guy looked up at her then started to head towards the room they were in she got a terrifed look in her eyes "bro please don't let him kill me..I didn't mean to see the guy get shot..I was just looking out at the moon".

Her brother being half drunk and half not drunk she knew his fighting would be a little off. Right now even he was laying on the bed passed out. Hearing another gun shot at the door she whimpered hard then saw the door slam open. Shaking her head she looked at the guy then at her step brother "Val wake the fuck up they are either going to kill me or fucking rape me". When he didn't wake up she then was slammed against the wall herself letting out a scream of pain.

Looking at the guy she glared some and shook her head "VAL!! WAKE THE FUCK UP". Seeing the gun lift the gun and cocked it at her neck she got a terrifed look in her eyes then she looked at him then at her step bro "VAL I SWEAR TO GOD THIS GUY IS GOING TO KILL ME....WAKE THE FUCK UP". She sighed some and looked at him as he stirred some but still didn't move and she growled as she felt the cold steel against her neck/

The sound was sudden, Vallios' hand jerked slightly as his beloved 18-c did it's work. The would be assailant crumbled, blood blossoming forth from his shredded throat. A soft chuckle escaped Vallios' lips as he pushed himself up off the bed. He shook himself out and then moved gracefully over to Maria. He reached up and wiped the blood from her face, sighing quietly as he did so.

Vallios hadn't been half as drunk as he'd been acting. No, he'd known just what was going down. He'd been informed that one of the pathetic street gangs would be crashing this party, and knew just who they would be targeting. Dante was dead, just as Vallios had wanted.

Sure, he'd been an employer...But, the man was incapable of running his dealership, and he dealt with the worst customers. It'd be dishonorable and result in terrible backlash if the Alivari family severed connections with Dante personally...So, they'd commissioned Vallios to set things in motion.

And he had. A few sabotaged shipments, several butchered runners, and the Fangs had did exactly what they were supposed to. And now, it was time to go back to the car. Vallios reached into the pocket of his longcoat and retrieved a long black leather leash attached to a black leather choker. He fitted the choker around Maria's neck and then gave a vicious tug.

"Come. We have other matters to attend to."
Maria was calm when the gun went off no screaming not even a flinch. She knew not to do that when her step brother was taking care of buisness. Biting her lip as he gave a chuckle she looked at him and glared some "Asshole". She didn't like how he did that no she didn't. She had blood all over her clothes now even though it somewhat matched her clothes she still didn't want to risk going out in public knowing that the police would be watching this place.

When he wiped the blood off her face she growled and stayed were she was knowing if she did something bad would happen. She did not want to risk that right now at all since her brother treated her like she was his bitch. Looking at him as he reached into his pocket she shook her head and growled soem "bro don't you even dare please not here are the party were everyone can see".

Whimpering some as he brought the leather choker to her neck she sighed some and let him do what he wanted. Yelping as he gave a vicious tug she glared at him then started to walk "self centered bastard". She knew she would be in trouble for that but she didn't give a shit. She growled some as they walked past all the people and she looked up at her step brother and everyone smirked or laughed some knowing who the bitch was in their family.

When they got out to the car she growled deeply then slammed him somewhat up against the car "damn just had to do everyone who I fucking belong to didn't you..your a fucking asshole with no feelings". She looked as some people came out then she whimpered some and grabbed the keys then started to get into the car.
Vallios raised his hand, but didn't strike Maria. Instead his long fingered hands curled around her jaw and forced it shut. He pulled her out of the car and forced her to look him straight in the eyes. His gaze was withering, those thin lips curled back into a snarl. This form of dominance seemed to be much more effective. Striking Maria would do nothing but instill fear and suffering in her, not respect. A scared submissive was as worthless as a rebellious one, and an unhappy submissive provided sub-par service.

So instead, Vallios held Maria's mouth shut as one would do to a naughty dog who barked too much, or barked at the wrong people. He waited for her to stop struggling against his grasp, just keeping that forceful stare trained on her eyes. When she calmed he began to spoke, his voice a deadly whisper.

"You are the only bitch present. Remember your place and we won't have this type of problem."

And with that Vallios pushed Maria back into the car. He moved around to the driver's seat and settled in, taking ahold of her leash as he turned on the car. A black '08 infiniti m-35, with an upgraded 400 horsepower engine. It was a fancy, but not excessively expensive vehicle...One that Vallios had bought entirely with his own funds. Sure, the Xiloscient family had money...But it didn't have enough to throw a luxury car at the first born son. Vallios simply smirked when asked about his cars, responding slyly "I have my ways."

Oh, the rows Vallios and his father had had about his "lack of a job"...Until Vallios showed his nosy father just how much money he had stored in a third party bank account. Right now, $15,000. Of course Vladric, the Xiloscient patriarch had wanted to know just where his son was making that kind of money. Naturally, Vallios had told his father that his personal finances were nobody's business but his own. And, after pointing out that Vallios paid his own expenses, Vladric had resigned all control over his son.

And that, had been 2 years ago. Now Vallios was Eighteen, in school only because he didn't feel like starting a record for something as pity as school. After all, it'd be horrible to escape from a botched job just to have his name come up due to remarks on behalf of state attendance laws...

But, Vallios had solved that problem by enrolling himself in an online school. One which he paid off each assignment, and as such did nothing towards and still met state requirements. However...Those spare hours went straight into his gritty line of work. Between running drugs, collecting money, and even carrying out hits for various syndicates around the city, Vallios was a very busy young man.

And his poor step sister, only 3 years his junior was being forced to come along for the ride. it'd all started with a minor crush she'd had on him back when their parents had first married. This crush was something Vallios had employed heavily in spinning the webs that had snared Maria in her current lifestyle.

"We're stopping back by the house, and you're changing into something more suited for the occasion. You'll be entertaining, so dress appropriately."

And of course, as always both parents were out on business trips. For 7 months out of the year, Vallios was master of the Xiloscient estate. This was month 2...And he'd "Graduate' On the 7th month, sign to his own apartment, and take his dear little sister completely away from the shred of sanctuary their parents offered.
When he grabbed her chin she yelped some and struggled alot as he pulled her out of the car. Seeing that gaze she got a scared look in her eyes and she struggle tons more even with people coming out and looking at what was going on she struggled. Whimpering some as she calmed down she looked at him then away and growled some and stopped moving or growling, Sighing she looked at him and glared at him some.

When he said she was the only bitch present she growled and yelped loudly as he pushed her back into the car her head hitting the top of the car. Growling some as he slammed the door shut on her she looked at him as he came over and grabbed her leash then whimpered some leaning over against the other side of the car "fucking asshole". She growled soem and looked out the window.

When he took off she looked as his friend glared at her and she glared back at them and flipped them off. She knew that first crush on Val was the reason she was in this situation now. She had become his slave only at the age of 14 and now she was still his slave at the age of 16 and she was still defiant as ever but still she wouldn't put up much of a fight since those deadly stares scared the shit out of her.

Looking at him as he said they were going home and she was going to be entertaining and to dress appropiatly she shook her head "no I'm not entertaining agian bro no fuck no...I've done that to many times and you've let the guys fuck me like I'm some slut..I'm not your property and never will be so just fucking foget it". She growled deeply and looked as they stopped at the house. Whimpering a little she got out slamming the door shut then ripping the leather collar off.

She was done with this shit she was going to be free and not even fucking deal with anything her brother threw at her. Actallu he was her STEP BROTEHR thats what it made it all the more twisted. He wasn't her real brother and he wasn't the same blood so her parents didn't give a shit and they were gone most of the time not to give a shit. When she went into the house she slammed the front door infront of her brothers face then she went over to the couch and sat down not about ready to budge.
((>.> No gang bangs. Not somethin' Val would do.)

And Vallios moved with surprising speed. In just seconds he had Maria by the collar of her shirt. He swung her around and ripped her off the couch, pinning her up against the nearest wall. He tied the collar around her neck, and then gripped her by the jaw once more. He pushed her chin up and leaned in, biting down hard on her throat. He made sure to draw blood..Jerking his neck backwards to tear a small V-shaped wound on her neck, one that would scar permanently. He reached down and ripped both her skirt and her panties from her body, tossing the tattered garments aside.

"You know exactly what this means..." Vallios growled.

Now, Vallios wasn't one to strike a female. However, whipping a misbehaving bitch was something totally different. He forced her over the back of the couch and then reached down, quickly unfastening what seemed to be a thick corded leather belt from around his waist. In truth it was a nasty triple lashed whip. He cracked it once and then brought it down viciously across Maria's back.

"Now, I ask you again. Will you be entertaining tonight?" He growled.

Vallios began dragging the tendrils of the whip along Maria's pussy, making them dance and twitch against her most sensitive of parts. Surely a threat like that would make the girl reconsider her stony resolve against following his orders. Meanwhile, focused on Maria's tender, vulnerable pussy he found himself growing hard by the second. But no...She'd offer that to him. He'd gain his final triumph, his true control over her when she willingly yielded her innocence.
[sorry forgot Dx..still waking up and getting carried away..this roleplay is awsome]

Maria looked as her brother was right behind her then she yelped as he grabbed her by the shirt and slammed her against the wall. Whimpering some she looked at him with a scared look in her eyes as he put the collar and leash back on her. Growling some as he grabbed her chin and moved her head to the side her eyes opened wide and she whimpered hard screaming loudly as he bit into her neck and screamed once again even louder when he ripped the skin. Biting her lip tears came down her cheeks and she looked away.

When he pushed her over to couch she looked back seeing the belt but then she saw it was a whip she whimpered even harder and struggled to get free "Val I understand please don't do this I don't need to be whipped I will entertain for you". Whimpering some as he cracked the whip she flinched and jumped a little then she screamed loudly once again as he cracked the whip against her back. Looking down at the couch she saw the blood dripping down onto it and also her tears making the couch wet.

Noddng some she looked at him then away "Val I will entertain just please be easy on me". Looking back at him her eyes were filled with tears and she looked at him straight in the eyes "why do you do this to your little sister??". She got up then ran towards her room getting into a short skirt and a short top. She put her hair into pigtails with red ribbons and she sighed soem looking at her neck in the mirror. She was his for the rest of her life and she wasn't going to be free ever again. Slamming her fist into the mirror it shattered onto her had and she screamed some falling back and grabbing her hand "damn it Maria". She cursed under her breathe and got up going into the bathroom and starting to wash the blood and glass off her hand.
"You are no relative of mine...You are weak willed and incompetent, fit only to serve." Vallios said as Maria began to walk away.

And of course Vallios heard the mirror shatter, and knew exactly why it had happened. He merely shook his head and settled on the couch, closing his eyes as he waited for Maria to come and verify that she was presentable for the night. Vallios leaned his head back, slowly opening his eyes to stare at the vaulted ceiling above. He shifted slightly, noticing that the fit around his crotch had become rather uncomfortable. A sigh of slight frustration escaped from his lips as he peered into the kitchen, wondering just how he'd calm his mood.

Maria needed more lessons in obedience. She simply didn't learn that acting the part wasn't enough. Eventually, if he broke her down and rebuilt her life enough...Maybe she'd learn. And this learning would start with her fixing what she'd disturbed, and that certainly didn't involve a mirror. Perhaps a massage and a glass of wine before he left for the party, that would probably calm his nerves.

Vallios shrugged off his coat and stretched out across the couch, waiting patiently for the return of his darling servant. Seeing her so vulnerable had gotten him horribly aroused...And he knew just how to make Maria resolve that little issue. Vallios chuckled quietly as he peered down at the whip, stroking it's lashes lovingly.
Maria whimpered and closed her eyes tightly as she cleaned the bloodnad glass from her hand. Looking back out at her room she saw how much of a mess she made and her parents wouldn't be back in time to see what had happened. Whimpering some she also put a washclothe on her neck trying to make it heal back up so she could live her life free without that mark her step brother gave her. Growling deeply she shook her head and threw the washclothe against the mirror in the bathroom and she felt like punching that mirror out but she didn't feel like going through the pain of removing the mirror or blood.

Sighing some she wrapped her hand in a towel then started back down the stairs. Once she knew the bleeding stopped she threw the towel in the hamper then started towards her brother. Glaring deeply at him she looked away when she saw his hard on. Shaking her head she went into the kitchen and grabbed a beer then slide down the fridge door and started to drink some of the beer. To calm her nerves she drank beer, smoked or did drugs and her brother had gotten her all into this there was no other easy way to calm herself besides those three things.

She sighed some more then when she was done with the beer she got back up then started towards her brother. She could easily get drunk and right now she was just as aroused as him. Biting her lip she went over to him and sat down his legs grabbing his crotch tightly "you dare bite my neck or make another mark on me you will be dead". She left go of his crotch but then her hand went switftly across his face she wasn't scared of this dipshit anymore. Smirking some she looked at him as he looked at her then she got up and started towards the door.
Crack! Crack! Crack! Three times Vallios snapped that whip, striking Maria across the shoulders, back, and thighs. It was amazing how talented he was with that whip; he'd literally hit her at the very end of it's reach, which would make the blows much more painful. Vallios stood up and moved over to Maria, gripping her by the back of the neck. He held her in place as he looked her over, smirking at her revealing clothing.

"No, this won't do..." He whispered.

And so Vallios first started with the front of her shirt. He tore it almost completely open, leaving her breasts covered by not but the smallest shred of fabric. His hands then glided down over her front, long fingers working across all the nerves and hotspots with arousing force.

Next his hands found their way onto her skirt, and he proceeded to rip another jagged line up the center, almost to her pussy. Vallios then slipped his hand under her skirt, and pulled her panties away. He chuckled softly and pressed his lips against her earlobe, sucking ever so gently as he spoke.

"You won't be needing these..."

Vallios then pressed Maria's front up against the wall he'd pinned her to before. He forced his hips against her rear, making sure to get under her skirt. Vallios left his throbbing strength resting against her ass as his hands moved up to cup Maria's breasts. He worked his fingers over her nipples through the shirt as he spoke softly to her.

"Oh dear, you've got me all worked up. This means you can either relax me...Or I'll sate myself." As he spoke he pressed his hips harder against Maria's ass.
She screamed loudly as the whip striked her three times and she fell to her knees then started to get back up again "what the fuck is your god damn ass problem??". She looked back at him and glared some hoping he would just leave her the fuck alone. That didn't happen the minute she was up he had her by the back of the neck and she knew she was in trouble once again.

Whimpering some as he grabbed her shirt and ripped some of it she shook her head and struggled some "Val stop this shit's not going to get you in my good graces and you know that". She growled deeply and struggled as he started to rip her skirt then she closed her eyes as he ripped her panties away. Her body trembled when he whispered into her ear and suckled on her earlobe.

When he pushed her against the wall she whimpered hard trying to push his hips away with her hands "Val stop it please I don't want this just stop it". Whimpering some as he got his hard on against her ass and under her skirt she shook her head and pushed hard on his hips "STOP IT". Looking at him as he talked she struggled some against his chest and his body and she looked down "Do what the fuck you want...just not to me damn it".
"You're so pathetic..."

Vallios pulled his hips away smirking all the while. He continued nibbling on her neck as he ran the whip slowly along her back, making it dance and twitch. When he next spoke, his words were pure venom. In each motion and each breath there was the promise of soul-shattering pain, and heavenly pleasure. He knew all of his sister's vulnerabilities, knew how to make her knees weak with arousal but her stomach knotted with fear.

"You fight and you fight...But, you only fight to fight. You don't want freedom...You just want affection."

Vallios took a hold of her shoulder and turned her, tilting his head slightly as he peered into her eyes. He reached up and stroked her cheek gently, still caressing that whip over her back. With every twitch of his lips his fang-like canine teeth showed, giving him that devilish presence that made so many people fear him.

"Surely you realize that the ties between us are feeble. Because of this, you want some strength...Strength you may find in obedience."

Vallios jerked the whip and flicked the barbs against Maria's exposed rear, before pulling it away. He raised the whip and started to let go of it, allowing his gaze to linger over to the whip. He worked his nimble fingers in what was almost a fondling motion, causing the whip to jerk and twitch in his grasp, almost falling away.

"If you'd just behave...I'd never have to use this again."
She growled deeply as he called her pathetic.

She shook her head as he stepped away then she looked at him as he ran the whip along her back. Whimperng some she looked away and trembled some he knew all her weaknesses and it pissed her off. Biting her lip her body trembled as he kept on running that whip across her back "bro please don't do this please". She was afraid he was going to take what he wanted and she didn't want anything right now nothing but to go to the party and get everything over with. Then she could go back home and go to sleep in her own bedroom...Hopefully.

She looked at him then glared deeply "just fuck off you damn know nothing about me and never will".

When he turned her shoulder and crassed her cheek she growled and glared at him bringing her hand up swiftly and smacking him hard across the face. She didn't care if she got hurt or if he gave her affection "I want nothing from your ass..nothing at all". She growled and looked at the whip then glared at him shoving him to the floor. Getting the door open she looked back at him then grabbed a jacket not wanting anyone to see her breasts. She was going to run and run far and get away from him she didn't love him she didn't care for him she just wanted away.

"Bye bitch".

She started down the steps and saw the neighbors looking at her lusting after her but there was only one place she could go. One place that she hoped and hoped that would be safe..The police. Biting her lip as she heard some noise behind her she didn't think it was her brother because he was still on the floor but she also knew it could be him cause of how fast he was. Biting her lip she looked back not seeing anyone then she turned off the steps and started to run as fast as she could. The high heels were making it hard to run but still she could get used to them only if she didn't get her ankle broken or twisted by running.
Vallios sighed and collected his whip. He pounced out of the living room window, moving swiftly across the lawn. With one swift movement he was up over the fence and onto the street, just feet behind of Maria. He raised the whip and cracked it, aiming for her legs. It was rather fortunate that night had fallen, and the streets were empty. Again he cracked it, making sure that Maria went down.

Unfortunately for Maria...Three rather familiar motorcycles rounded the corner. They screeched to a halt and their riders hopped off, forming a blockade right in front of the only escape route. One of the three removed their helmet and let out an amused laugh. The blond hair and long goatee of Vallios' right hand man, Sazz.

"We figured something was up. You're never late for a party! Fortunately it was obviously just a little trouble with your bitch!"

Vallios snarled and threw himself at Maria, determined to take her down. The anger was obvious in his eyes, burning with more intensity than the sun itself. This time, Vallios just might lose his restraint. Maria had now humiliated him in the worst of ways...He'd have to teach her. Vallios caught her by the throat and began to drag her towards the alley, his constricting grip surely tight enough to choke her.
Maria looked back at her brother and whimpered hard not wanting to get caught she just wanted to be left alone. Biting her lip as he cracked the whip luckily it didn't get her legs at first. When he cracked it a second time she then fell to the ground and yelped some as she fell down and twisted her ankle something she really didn't want to do. She danced for the guys and this wasn't going to make it easy now.

Looking as the motorcycles rounded the corner she whimpered some and she looked up at them knowing that it was his brothers right hand man and a few other guys. Growling some as the one took his helment off she looked away and sighed some really hoping her brother didn't get mad at her for embarassing him so much. Biting her lip she looked at them then looked at her bro and knew he was pissed.

She started to get up but only fell bad down onto the ground when her brother attacked her to the ground. Growling deeply she shook her head and looked at him then yelped as he grabbed her neck. When he started dragging her to the alley she looked back at the guys knowing her brother wouldn't let them join in. She knew it her brother wouldn't allow another guy to touch her sexually. "bro come on please I will behave..I'm sorry..seriously".
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