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Pet Project

Jan 28, 2009
It had been another routine day in the life of this young scientist. A experimental prodigy in the arts of gene splicing and manipulation. The technology had been around forever; it was the reason they Anthro’s as part of society. People who had been spliced with different animals. They made up about half of the worlds population now. But there had never been a perfect splicing. It was almost more just ears and tail. Claws, fangs, and eyes. No perfect fully anthropomorphic being had ever been seen. This young reasurcher; locked away in his large home/lab has been trying to create such a being. He was finishing up some last rather painful experiments on his best subject. His first complete fully Anthropomorphic creation. A female bear anthro.

The only problem with this bear anthro was he couldn’t find any female bear DNA to do the initial test with so he spliced her with male DNA The result had given her male genital as well as a powerful, almost animalistic sex drive.

Rever was the researchers name and he was a prodigy of this science. You may ask why he wasn’t doing this all in home made lab instead of a government funded facility. Well, his methods weren’t exactly legal. Not many test subject wanted to be Spliced anymore; most ones now a days were just the offspring of the previous generations of splicer’s. None of his subjects were there by their free will. He had kidnapped them all. Sure it was illegal; but what was he supposed to do.

It was getting late and the 19 year old science wiz was tired. He had a very young appearance; His body thin with some curves to his hips. He was down right girlish really. He sighed, shutting down everything and going upstairs to rest. Little did he know he had left the keys with reach of one of his experiments cages. Little did he know that tonight his life would forever change.
The bear was laid out on the table, her arms bound along with her ankles. She shifted, tried to pull away from him, yet she couldn't. Her teeth were showing, bared out as he pulled a needle from her arm. It was full of the crimson blood, her own. It would let him know her DNA after the experiments, the only thing he seemed to care about. "Get away from me! I will have my revenge Doctor, you can't keep me here forever!" She said, straining against the bars as he walked away. Her penis pointed upwards, aroused at literally every point of the day.

She had been under his care for about half of year, ever since he took her and put in the DNA. She watched as Rever left the room, yawning as he left. Every night he left her on the table, just an experiment for him to come back to. But she was done. She continued to pull and tug against the restraints until a creature came into the room, jingling keys in its hands. The bunny, or some twisted version of it, popped open her restraints, freeing her as it ran out. As she got off the examination table she peeked out, seeing the numbers of creatures run. They were escaping, all of them leaving at once.

So great. The girl slid off, her hands rubbing her wrists when she walked up the stairs. She knew the lab was in the basement. She climbed the stairs, her fur bristling as she stepped up the long staircase. When she finally reached his room she kicked open the door, laughing as she came into the male's room.

"Hello Doctor Rever..." She whispered, closing the door with a slam once she found the room. Oh yeah. She was getting her revenge tonight. She turned away for a moment, locking the bedroom before she looked over at him.

[I'm sorry it sucked....]
The young doctor had cleaned up and gone to bed; sleeping in little more than his boxers. He slept in his twin sisters room. She moved out for work when he had taken up residence in the home. The reason he slept here in this room filled with girls clothing (( all around his size; they were twins )) was his room was filled to the brim with research notes and lab samples that he couldn’t do anything in their but work, hell he even had a few of his chains and collars that he used to move his experiments about from cage to cage safely. What he didn’t know anything about was the large chest in the corner that he had never looked into. His sister had been something of a sex fiend; in that box was massive collection of sex toys and just about any erotic device conceivable. He had been curled up and asleep for a good 15 minutes; unaware of the chaos outside of his room. He had always been a rather heavy sleeper.

He gasped as the door to his room was opened forcible; he rubbed his eyes and looked up to see the Bear woman standing in the door way glaring at him with a rather dark smile. He could hear the chaos of large group of experiments running away just down stairs. At first he panicked thinking all of his research was getting away. But then he realized that she wasn’t running away…No she had searched for him for some reason.

He felt his heart beat in his chest as she locked the door and turned to face him once more; he scooted back against the head board of his bed. “What do you want? Why aren’t you running off with all the others?”
"Revenge." She answered rather easily, for she had been dreaming about this day for years. It was going to be a fun life, for sure. She had always wanted to control this Doctor, to make him regret what he had done. And now that he was in this girl's room, barely wearing any clothing, she had a cruel idea. Actually, she always had the plan in her mind, but this room was flawless. "I am going to make you relive every moment that you put me though. You are going to be my pet from now on, and we are going to do our first experiment..."

She looked over at him as she walked along the room, going to the drawer. She flipped through before she found exactly what she was looking for. She threw a pair of thin white panties at him, a small teddy-bear face on the back. "How adorable you look in girl's clothing? Let's try these and...This."

As she said that she found a tight corset and a skirt. The skirt was almost embarrassing, a the lace only a few inches long. Barely three inches long, so it didn't bother covering anything. She threw it on the bed before holding up her hand, the small claws out. "Put it on, or I will kill you here. The only reason you are still alive is because you need to be taught a lesson. Now come along Rever."

With a small grin she brought her hand back down, finding a seat to sit upon. The chest looked rather comfortable for her, sitting about ten feet away as she watched. If he didn't put on the clothing she would put it on herself, which would end up with much more bruises on his thin figure.
“Look what I did wasn’t personal…It was all for science…” he mumbled as if that excuse would save him from the rage of the bear woman that he had created. As soon she said Revenge; he thought of her beating him and hurting him till he was nothing a bloody pulp of what he used to be. Though she may not quite look like it but she had the monstrous strength of a bear. He was a very small and not quite the type to win a fight with anyone; much less a genetically altered supper human. Though she then mentioned something about experiments and he found he was quite confused

He blinked as she walked away from the door to one of the dressers and watched her going threw the clothing that belonged to his sister. He flinched when she suddenly turned and threw something to him; but it wasn’t anything that hurt. It was a pair of his sisters panties. He blushed deeply as she said what the experiment was and what she wanted him to do

Rever held up the panties his jaw dropped slightly. He was speechless at what she wanted him to do. She couldn’t be serious…He looked from her to the panties. He remained speechless as she gave him more and more clothing to wear. “I…I can’t…” he whimpered out but she threaten to kill him. He bit his lip and whimpered once more.

He stood up on the bed and dropped his boxers and slowly pulled up the soft panties that gripped tightly about his plump ass. He pulled on the skirt and corset soon after. His face bright read with blush. “There…I’m done…can I take this off now?”
The bear did not accept his excuse. Instead she just watched him, the way he cringed as she mentioned his new outfit. His shock was worth it. The way he hesitated, the blush on his face. He was practically shaking when he slid off his clothing, putting it back upon his hips. The woman's underwear hugged him in the wrong places, making him look like a slut as he put on the corset along with the skirt. The lace did nothing to hide, the corset hugging his curves. "You know, you almost look like a woman. A slut, really. Maybe that was what you were made to do?" She asked, starting to stand.

Yet as she did she knocked the top of the chest, exposing the inside. Her eyes widened once she saw the toys, the hundreds of things she could use. It was a treasure trove of ideas. Of punishment. She let a hand shuffle through some of the supplies, though she didn't grab anything at first. Instead she just took mind of what she saw before she turned, looking at him once more. Reven's red face was priceless, for it was the humiliation she had felt, the pain she had lived through. He didn't even cloth her. Ever.

It was payback. "You will not refuse any of my orders. You will never say can't, won't, or no." She said as she moved closer. She was circling him like a predator, watching him as she moved forward. She moved closer to the bed, and as she moved closer, she pushed over Reven. The bear pinned him down on the bed with one of her hands, her other pressing against his nose. "Listen. I haven't cum in at least three weeks. So you are going to get on your knees and spread that ass out, or I am going to rape you till you start begging for it."
(( now you’ve given me a rather tough choice…I do love to be raped <.<;; ))

He saw himself in the mirror. He did look like a woman; a slut if a woman at that. Between that, his embarrassment, and the feel of the soft, tight panties about his manhood; he slowly felt an erection forming; peaking out of the short skirt and tight panties. This made him blush all the deeper. He quickly sat back down and put his hands in his lap to hid his sexual excitement. He didn’t want he to see. But he noticed she was soon distracted by something he hadn’t expected. The chest opened up when she stood.

His jaw dropped at the countless toys of every shape and size and type in the large chest. He couldn’t believe he had missed that for all this time. He had been so focused on his tests and studies that he never really inspected the room much; he just came here to sleep the went straight to work after he woke up. Just what he needed; for her to have more things to use on him and abuse him with. How did it come to this. How could he have been so careless to let all of his precious research subjects escape.

He shivered in fear as she began to lay down the rules and tell him what he could and couldn’t do. She slowly moved closer and closer; suddenly pinning him down and and covering his nose; so he had to open his mouth to breath. His eyes widened at what she said and he began to struggle under her; though had little luck breaking free. “N-NO! You can’t do that! I made you! A creation shouldn’t raise up against the creator!” bad choice of words.
Very bad choice of words. The bear's eyes narrowed angrily, her entire body showing the fury. Her hand pushed harder on his chest, almost painfully so as she leaned her face down close to his. The smell of her meals, the fortified diets he had given her, slipped from her mouth as she looked down at him. The cuddly bear she could have been was not so anymore. Her hand slipped off his nose, rising in the air before she gave him a harsh slap upon his cheek. "You are not the owner anymore! What is done is done, and I do not care to believe that you have created me!"

And, while she said that, she knew what his decision had been. Rape it would be. Just leering over him made the rather large member grow larger, the member poking against the man's stomach as she sat atop him. With her weight atop him she moved both of her hands, catching the struggling boy by his wrists. He was oddly cute, but because of his feminine figure, he was weak.

She pushed both of the wrists above his head, switching the grip so she could hold both of the weak arms with one of her strong hands. The other moved lower, pushing the corset down to expose the small nipples. The bear actually moved her mouth down, flicking one of them with her sandpaper like tongue. It would be an odd sensation, but one a slut like him would enjoy. She lapped at it, suckling on the right nipple to arouse her new pet. Nothing was better then embarrassing her slut to have his poor penis stick out before she fucked him.

Why just fuck him when she could mortally wound his pride. While she worked on the nipple she let her other hand move, sliding under his body to pull down the underwear from behind. It still was on his member, but the elastic had slid so far down on his ass that her finger could move towards the hole, teasing it. "Gosh...You're so tight!" She cried, her smallest claw reaching out to tease it while she continued to lap at his nipple.

[....Rape in the next post. Swear. I just have to get him warmed up first.]
The doctor gasped as she pressed harder on his chest; making it even harder to breath. As the powerful slap cause pain to shoot across his face he whimpered out helplessly as she began to yell at him; releasing countless weeks of rage and hate on him. He was starting to understand how little he could do about this situation; he had to be careful or she really would hurt him. But still. He didn’t want to give in to being her slut just like that

He felt her large cock pressing against him now; the hard throbbing length rubbing along his body. He began to struggle again; but he couldn’t even free his arms with both of them being held in just one of her hands. He couldn’t do anything to free himself. The more he moved about the more energy he wasted and the more helpless he became.

He felt the corset being slipped down; revealing his bare chest. He gasped and shivered as the animal like tongue ran along ran over his every sensitive nipples. It felt, much to his shock; rather good. His heart began to race and his already stiffening manhood began to quickly grow to it’s full length. It was now quite visible bulge in the panties and skirt peaking out form the skirt. He moaned out as she continued this action.

He felt her hand slide around; running past his plump ass cheeks as she pulled the panties down; so that his lovely rear was revealed and his cock was hugged tightly by the stretched out panties. He cried out softly and arched his back as she pushed a finger at his hole. He bit his lip as he felt the claw poking at it as well. “N-no! Stop Please!” he begged in vain.
"Stop?" She said, laughing slightly. No, that wasn't going to happen. Instead she pulled her tongue away from the nipple, looking down at him with a grin. "I don't think so."

She flipped him upon his front, practically slamming him on his face. She let his wrists go, her hands instead going to his hips. She pushed him down, the small hole exposed. She let her large body move down upon his thighs, holding him while the large member pressed against the tight anus. The bear looked down, her hands moving down to the cheeks so she could spread apart his cheeks.

The bear looked down, the underwear barely covering any of the boy's bottom. She pressed the tip of her large member against the spot, almost just to tease him, before she thrust the tip into him. Immediately she felt his short body squeeze her, a grunt escaping. It was incredibly tight, making her eyes rolling back as she pushed into him. "Amazing!" She cried, pulling back. There was a lewd pop as she pulled her tip out again, just so he had to feel the intense pain for a second time. She thrust back into him, this time an inch or two inside him. It was like heaven. The pleasure made shivers run up her back.

But he was rough. The friction ran along her member, stronger then the pressure was. She knew how incredibly painful it was for her slut, but she didn't care. He deserved it. And, he was asking for rape.
The helpless researcher yelped as he was violently flipped around onto his front. The force of his face hitting the soft bed nearly hurt from how forcefully she had flipped him over and pinned him down; making him glad they weren’t on the floor. His nose would have probable been broken on contacted with the marble floors; and he knew that wouldn’t have stopped her advances on his helpless body in the slightest. He gasped as he felt his body adjusted so he was on his knee’s his ass up in the air and the strong hands of his creature spreading apart his lovely ass cheeks.

He whimpered as he felt the thick girth of her cock press against the tightly puckered hole. He felt her push against the tight entrance harder and harder till it began to force it’s way into his warm insides; He cried out as she trusted the tip right back into him; causing him to grip his sheets to the point of ripping them as she just took his anal virginity. He gasped as she suddenly pulled it out; he could already feel his entrance had been stretched a good deal from her unwanted entry. The she pushed in for the second time; He felt her probing him deeper; the thick cock pressing slowly deeper and deeper into him.

He was in tears now from the pain; his back arched and his cries filling the room. He tried to relax his tight ass; knowing it was the only way to make it hurt less; and any iota of relief he could get would be would be worth it.
"That's right. Scream for me." The bear whispered as she started to slowly put her cock into him. It would feel like she was shoving something huge into him, but in reality she only put her massive member about halfway in before she stopped. While she wanted to rape the man who had experimented on her for months now, she didn't want to destroy him. She would be using his ass for years. Instead she left her girth inside him, seeing him writhe and scream. "You know you like it. Dressed up like a whore, practically begging for it."

With that said she started to create a rhythm to her fucking. The friction and tightness was amazing as she pulled out her cock, slamming it back inside. The tip of her penis never left him, instead she just pulled back as far as she could before slamming herself in again, spreading the walls of his small anus. Occasionally she would grunt or groan, the intense feeling making her mouth open, the creature taking ragged breaths through her mouth. She had wanted to do this since day one! Now, she finally could. As much as she wanted.

Her member was already throbbing from his attention, for he hadn't let her orgasm for sometime now. He would be able to feel the penis twitch and thrust of its own accord inside him, the bear biting back and orgasm for as long as she could. N-Not yet. She thought to herself, her hand moving down to grab his pointed member. It was poking past the skirt as well, rubbing against the soft panties. She begun to rub it with her fur covered hand, teasing him as she roughly fucked his ass.
"That's right. Scream for me." The bear whispered as she started to slowly put her cock into him. It would feel like she was shoving something huge into him, but in reality she only put her massive member about halfway in before she stopped. While she wanted to rape the man who had experimented on her for months now, she didn't want to destroy him. She would be using his ass for years. Instead she left her girth inside him, seeing him writhe and scream. "You know you like it. Dressed up like a whore, practically begging for it."

With that said she started to create a rhythm to her fucking. The friction and tightness was amazing as she pulled out her cock, slamming it back inside. The tip of her penis never left him, instead she just pulled back as far as she could before slamming herself in again, spreading the walls of his small anus. Occasionally she would grunt or groan, the intense feeling making her mouth open, the creature taking ragged breaths through her mouth. She had wanted to do this since day one! Now, she finally could. As much as she wanted.

Her member was already throbbing from his attention, for he hadn't let her orgasm for sometime now. He would be able to feel the penis twitch and thrust of its own accord inside him, the bear biting back and orgasm for as long as she could. N-Not yet. She thought to herself, her hand moving down to grab his pointed member. It was poking past the skirt as well, rubbing against the soft panties. She begun to rub it with her fur covered hand, teasing him as she roughly fucked his ass.
(( GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Hell! T.T I type up my stuff in a Word document; I must have forgoten to copy it >.< Now I have to type it all over again. That suks T.T ))
Bound To Pleasure said:
(( GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Hell! T.T I type up my stuff in a Word document; I must have forgoten to copy it >.< Now I have to type it all over again. That suks T.T ))

[You'll get better. Sorry.]
Screaming was just about all the poor boy could do as his creation began to thrust the thick cock slowly into his tight, formally virgin ass. Stretching him out like he couldn’t believe. It was no shock that she was of such impressive size. Her Male DNA was that of a fully grown male bear. They were by no means small creatures. He shivered as he felt her furry pelvis pressed against his plump ass; her thick cock throbbing inside of him; making his body adjust to her size so she could fuck him easily next time.

He gasped as she began to pull out slowly; his ass was griping so tightly about her cock that he was surprised she could even pull it out. He cried out with her every thrust in; the sound of her pelvis slapping against his bare ass again and again as she abused his poor asshole. He wanted to try and pull himself free as she pulled back her hips and he could feel the cock just almost leave his body. But he was practically paralyzed by the intense sensation of her raping his ass.

He felt it twitch; thinking she was about to cum, he wasn’t sure if that was reason to be happy or sad. If she came that meant she would be done, but the humiliation of this animal woman cumming inside of him…He gasped as she felt her shift a bit and felt her hand warp about his hard member and starting to stroke him. He arched his back and moaned out loudly; he hadn’t had any kind of sexual stimulus in years; always working never playing you could say. Between the silky panties and her soft fur the stroking felt amazing; After a good 11 strokes he came hard; the front of the panties growing quite wet and sticky from quite a while of built up jizz

(( there we go ))
As soon as she pressed her hand against his member she heard the glorious cry. It was adorable, beautiful compared to what his usual voice was. It actually made her harder, the bear knowing it was time. She shoved herself in as deep as she could before letting out a grunt, his moan of pleasure being too much for her. It was the shutter throughout his body that was the final straw. She poured her own jizz into his ass, continueing to pump into him through her own orgasm. The tightness of his body felt amazing as she rode him, a lewd squish every time she pushed her member into him. The juices slipped out the tiny hold, staining his backside and slipping down his thighs as she rode him.

Yet even the bear could not keep up for long. She only pumped into him a few more thrusts before pulling her member from his backside. His small anus was spread wide from the torture, the juices dripping out if he dared tip himself over. Yet her hands still held him up, one of them resting upon the wet panties. His nasty juices were practically leaking through, there was an amazing amount inside.

"Looks like you really are a slut." She mumbled, her hot breath drifting over his back as she leaned over him. He would be able to feel her now dormant penis between his plump cheeks, her breasts against his back as she leaned over his body. Her hands moved down, a claw extending. The claw ripped the small straps on either side of his hips, balling the messy lump before she pulled it out from under him. "All this cum just from me sticking my penis is your ass? And I am not even human!" She said, moving the small panties in front of his face. It was easy to smell it, the way she carried it holding all the jizz inside.

Her fingers moved from his member to his face, spreading his lips apart with her sticky fingers before shoving the pair of panties into his mouth, making fabric gag him while he fed on his own cum. "Now suck on that for a moment. Don't dare move from that spot, I don't want any of my precious seed slipping from that gaping ass of yours. If anymore drips on the ground there will be hell to pay for you."
The boy cried out a second time as he felt the bear woman starting to fill him with her hot cum. The Months of build up flowing into his body; He felt the warm cum flooding his ass till it was nearly overflowing out. As she thrusted harder while pumping in the thick jizz he nearly came again with how hard she rode his lovely young ass. He felt it splash on to his back and dripping down his ass and thighs. How much could she possible release? Was this due to the nearly a year with no orgasm or due to his experiments?

He gasped as finnaly the bear pulled out of his ass; the once small hole now gaping and twitching from having been raped by such a massive member. He was on his knees, his ass up in the air, his head and chest were resting on the bed. He couldn’t hold himself up; his entire body shaking and quivering from the indescribable intense sensation of his creation raping him. He gasped as he felt the large cock between his two luscious cheeks. Blushing again as he felt her ample breatsts resting against his back. He found himself confused as she cut his panties away from him then balling them up and holding them close to his face. He could smell his cum soaking in the panties.

He gasped, not even able to get a word of protest out before she forced the jizz soaked panties into his mouth. He let out a muffed moan but she put it to far into his mouth for him to really get it out with out the use of his hands. He felt the strong taste of his cum filling his mouth; it driping on his tongue and down his throat. He had to stay like that; mouth gaged with the cum covered panties and his ass up in the air to keep any cum form escaping him. He could feel the still hot goo sloshing about inside of him
"I really do love that expression. Keep sucking on those panties, it makes you so cute." She whispered, admiring her new pet for a moment before she went to the chest. It was still open, the toys practically begging to be used. She shuffled through it, seeing most of it was not going to be of use to an virgin ass like his. But at the very bottom she found what she needed. It was a black dildo, a rather small size. It would be his toy. She also picked up a cock ring, twirling it around her finger as she walked to the door. She knew where he kept the leashes, for he had always went back to his room before coming out with leashes to transport her to the room with. She had figured it out.

The bear looked back at him before she unlocked the room and left for about five minutes, searching the house until she had found the leather leash with a collar. Once she came back the bear locked the door once more, seeing that he hadn't left the position. If he had...Well she would have known. The cum would have spilled into a bigger mess on the bed.

"Wow, you really do love cum, don't you?" She teased, seeing him in a position. His ass was bared, still stretched while he sucked on the panties. She moved towards him, moving to the bed before she extended her soft fingers, attaching the leather around his neck. She tightened the leash, just to keep him tightened. "But let's see those panties, hm? Let's see..." She whispered, sticking her hand between his lips, pulling out the still soaked panties.
Rever whimpered out as she teased him and told him how cute he was. He watched he walk away out of his sight; he stayed in that positions; The taste of his own cum filling his mouth; the thick jizz dripping from the panties into his mouth, on his tongue, down his throat. He heard her rummaging threw something; he assumed it was the toy chest. What was she looking for? Wasn’t she done with him yet. She had raped him; what more did she want. Couldn’t she just run off with the others and leave him alone. Seems the mad scientist wasn’t liking being experimented on by his creation. This is what one would have to call irony; or perhaps it was karma.

She heard her leave. He was tempted to move; but she probable hear or smell him if he made a run for it. He would have to wait for a better chance if he wanted to escape. So there he stayed; dressed in woman’s clothing; sucking on panties soaked with his cum; his body covered and filled with the cum of the bear woman. And he was completely helpless to do anything about it.

She returned soon enough. He wondered where she had gone and for what reason; though he would find out soon enough. He let out a whimpering moan as he felt the leather collar wrap about his neck. He now knew he should have ran when he hand a chance; she had a means to keep him close by now. Escape was becoming less and less likely. He gagged slightly as she pulled the panties out of his mouth; he took a big gasp; some cum still dripping from his mouth.
"Don't worry, you will learn to love all kinds of cum. After all, it will be your favorite snack." She whispered, kneeling on the bed in front of him. She noticed that he had barely moved, the cum dripping deeper and deeper inside him. And now he would find another way to enjoy her cum. Her hand moved down, starting to run her hand along the bottom of her shaft as she looked at his form. It was not long before her member slowly begun to rose, its end dangerously close to Rever's lips.

"Here is your next lesson for my pet. I want you to give my me a blow job. I know you can do it, you're smart." She whispered to him, yanking the leash as if to drag him forward. But he would have to be better, not spilling the cum in his ass while moving forward to lap at her large member. It smelt of bear, cum smeared on the tip and along the length.

The panties were thrown aside, cum dripping along the floor as it sat, the smell practically intoxicating. She would adore making him cum again, for the look on his face was so...Perfect. His whimpers, his cries. They all amused her so much. She may never get bored of him. Her new pet. Her hand reached out, taking the back of his head to push him towards the cock. He would have to work to get her to cum again, but he would eventually love it.

But he would need to start. "If you don't get me to cum in five minutes you will be severely punished. I am not afraid to get my revenge in different ways."
He looked up to her as she knelt down in front of him; whimpering again as she told him how he would learn to love all the cum, which didn’t bold well for him; het let out a soft moan as he felt all of her still hot cum sloshing around inside of his ass; slowly leaking into is belly. He blushed as he watched her starting to stroke her shaft right in his face; the cock slowly growing harder and harder till it was at it’s full girth and nearly touching his face. He pulled back his head a bit; not wanting to touch the cum covered cock.

He gasped as she pulled on the leash and informed him of his next job as her pet. He pulled back his head as best he could as she continued to move him closer to her cock; the powerful animal musky smell filled his lungs and overwhelmed his senses. Since she was part human the pheromones affected him; though they had the intensity of a bear in heat but were directed at human senses. It was more than intoxicating; it was causing him to lose focus all together. Before he even knew what he was doing he found himself moving and his mouth open. His tongue slowly extended and began to run along the throbbing cock of his creation.

He gasped, coming back to his senses come back to him as she suddenly grabed the back of his head and foced him even closer to the cock; making it slide into his mouth as he let out a muffled moan of protest. Whimpering once more as she told him he would be punished if he didn’t make her cum; he began to get to work. Slowly bobbing his head along her cock; sucking and slurping at the cum soaked dick as he keped his back arched to keep her cum from leaking from his ass; his tongue ran around the cock and occasional moans escaped as his own cock grew hard once more.
The bear was surprised when she saw him actually move his mouth forward. His mouth spread open, and he actually placed his mouth around it. It was almost as pleasing as feeling it in his ass. She let a groan escape, her breathing becoming faster. The bear had no idea about the pheromones, it was never explained. All she knew was that she adored sex. Before he had separated her in the lab she was placed with the other experiments...And by the next day the cage would be covered in her cum, the beast still slurping from her cock. She was an animal that only loved one thing. Sex.

And she could tell he did as well. The way he moaned, how he was licking her with excitement. He would adore it. The moaning edged her on, making her hips twitching slightly as he sucked the smelly member. She had forced at least two inches into his mouth, just enough to fill him without hitting against his throat. She would do that later. Instead she let her hand run through his hair, coaxing him as he sucked on it.

Yet as he moved deeper into her mouth, cleaning the cum covered cock, she heard the occasional moan, the way he was...He was enjoying this? She let her hand slip down, the soft end feeling how he had grown hard? She laughed harder as she felt it, knowing he liked this more then he let on. "Aw. My Slut is enjoying his treat. Come on boy, get it a little deeper!"

As she said that she roughly took move, the head of her member actually pushing against his throat. It was practically long, and she was shocked that only about half of her member slid into his lips. He would need to take more then that if he wanted her to cum! "Don't make me rape your mouth, suck a little harder."
He couldn’t believe part of his mind was enjoying this; the taste and smell was overpowering and intoxicating. Like a drug or aphrodisiac; fogging his brain and making him crave the pleasure she could give him if she so desired. He was worried about getting to addicted to this; knowing she did have a normal sex drive and could probable fuck him to death if she wanted. And he knew the more he was exposed to her pheromones the more they would have a lasting effect on him

He only hoped she thought he was only being obedient rather than enjoying what he was doing. Though this hope was quickly dashed as she reached down and stroked his now hard member. He moaned all the louder against her cock as she ran her furry fingers along his hard cock. She knew now; and she wouldn’t go any easier on him for it. Her sexual torture will probable become more enjoyed on her part knowing he was unwillingly enjoying being her pet

He let out a loud moan of protest as she grabbed his head; pulling him down and thrusting forward. He felt her member force it’s way deep into his mouth and down his throat; He panicked at first but tried his best to calm down as she threaten to rape his mouth. He whimpered out and began to suck harder; not wanting to endure her raping his throat at all. Relax his throat; he slowly took more and more of the cock into his mouth; sucking hard and sliding his tongue around the member as he felt it going down his tight throat; hopefully he could make her cum before the time limit of 5 minutes were up
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