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Fx F or NB erika's General/Kinky/Taboo Request Thread


Hair Flip Specialist
Nov 24, 2021
~~Welcome to my Request Thread!~~

Basic Info:

-I am a queer, transfeminine, demigirl. If you are bothered by this, it's probably best for everyone involved for you to move along. No hard feelings, just trying to enjoy my little slice of the internet without having to deal with things I already deal with every day.

-I mostly write fem/transfem/nonbinary-fem characters, although if the story requires multiple characters, I can do just about anything. That doesn't mean I just write "traditional" feminine roles (because screw traditional gender roles), this is just my personal gender preference for the characters I write.

-If you ever call me a shemale or any other word that is specifically derogatory to trans women I will report you without a second thought. If you use derogatory words for trans women in your roleplays as a "kink," we won't get along.

-I don't believe in ratios and I'm very flexible in how much plot vs. smut we have in our story. The scale could tip greatly in either way!

-If romance should occur, my preference for the other character would also be for them to be fem/transfem/nonbinary-fem. This is also true for solo erotica settings. I don't particularly care about the gender of the writer provided you play a convincing character!

-Typically, the stories I write occur on celestial bodies that are not named "Earth" if they occur on a celestial body at all. This also isn't a lock, but most of my ideas are very far flung. That said, fantasy, space fantasy, space opera, and science fiction feature heavily in my brain regions. I love exploration and adventure so that goes rather hand in hand.

-I'm flexible when it comes to post length and post frequency, but the more in depth the posting, the less I will be able to post. I have to be able to manage my time. Considering I do the vast majority of posting at work between Mondays and Thursdays, please be aware that this might occasionally cause slow downs and pauses in my posting schedule at random times. I apologize for the inconvenience but I am dedicated to writing stories with you and will be happy to be as accommodating as I can be.

-I'm comfortable with posting on the forum, via PM, or on discord depending on the nature of our roleplay.

-I don't believe in censoring myself or my kinks to make you feel comfortable. It's ok if you're not into the things I'm into, but please don't completely disregard me because we disagree on some things. And definitely no kink shaming. That said, not every kink I have has to be included in every rp I do. So if there's something that bothers you, we can leave it out and you won't hear about it again. Simple as that. I will never force someone to do something they are uncomfortable. That's not cool.

-I'm not going to bug you. If we're talking and I send you a couple of messages and they go unanswered, then consider the conversation dropped. Things happen, and I'm drop-friendly, no hard feelings! But I am also not going to put in a ton of work if that isn't reciprocated or talk to an empty room.

-At the moment, all of my posting occurs while I'm at work. My time is limited as a result. Please be understanding of this if we are to start anything and respect that, if we are writing together, I am doing the best I can to post. I will share my schedule with you so you know what to expect. Additionally, because my posting occurs at work, I won't follow any link that you post. I can open any image (including NSFW!) but only if it is posted directly to wherever we are writing. And, sadly, I cannot search for any of my own NSFW imagery but I am highly appreciative of anything you might send me relative to our story for inspiration.

  • Large insertions/size queen (fisting, toys, etc.)
  • Lingerie and fashionable clothing
  • Public/risky sex and exhibitionism
  • Bestiality (either anthro or not). Not interested in writing as or with a nonsentient, however.
  • Incest (especially mother/daughter, sisters, cousins, and aunt/niece)
  • Romantic/wholesome/happy sex (maybe to the point of hedonism)
  • Group Sex/Gangbang/Sharing partners/Open relationships
  • Casual Nudity/Sex (as in being unbothered by sexual encounters or coming across them)

Please keep in mind that there is absolutely no requirement for all of these to be elements in our story. If there are kinks that bother you but you think we might still be good partners, please let me know and I won't bring them up for discussion. I tend to line up with my partner's interests for the most part. Just keep in mind the following:

  • Heavy BDSM: This isn't to say that I don't mind some things to some extent. More just that this is not generally something that I seek out. We can discuss to more extent later what is on and off the table. But if this is a significant part of what you want to do, we might not work. This includes D/s relationships, by the way.
  • Jealousy: I love saying the word cuckoldry. I don't like its connotations.
  • Slavery: Unless we're liberating or fighting back against the powers that be.
  • Excessive death/gore/vore: Heebie jeebies.
  • Not so interested in writing a ton about gender identity. Though I often play trans characters and it often comes up, I'd rather it not be a focus of the story.
  • Mary Sue/Gary Stu: Just don't. Also, don't speak for my character or write out any action my character would take.

***If you didn't see something on the above lists, ask if it's something I'm interested in writing. I'm typically extremely open-minded and all kinks, no matter how taboo, are worthy of discussion!***​

How about something more specific? Here are some story ideas I've had lately that I'd love to jam on:


  • Mother x Daughter
  • Sister x Sister
  • Aunt x Niece
  • Cousins
  • Farm girl x City girl
  • Roommates (could be just 2, could be a group)
  • Best Friends turned Lovers
  • Athlete x Fan
  • Coworkers
  • Random strangers at the park (or any similar chance encounter setting)

Fandoms: For the vast majority of my writing, I tend to do original worlds/settings. I will make some exceptions, though, which are listed below. Even within these contexts, my preference would probably be to play original characters, but those exceptions are also listed below. I'm comfortable with extent characters being NPCs, of course.
  • Suikoden (have been craving this a lot recently)
  • One Piece
  • Sailor Moon
    • Willing to write as Mercury or Neptune. Willing to write against any of the girls except for Usagi or Chibi-Usa.

And, as always, I'm open to hearing any ideas you might have! I also just like making friends so feel free to reach out and just say hey, even if we don't end up writing together :)
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