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Fx Any Looking for Longterm Incest Plots (Sub for Dom)


Sep 16, 2020
Alright I'm gonna try and set this up to waste as little of your time as possible! First let's speed-run the basics:

Overview: A situation that at least starts off non-con involving my teen character ending up in a sexual relationship with a dominating family member--Any gender, preferably older (but definitely within site rules age-wise). I'm looking for something long-term and would love to throw in seasonal events.

Rules & Expectations:
  • I'm in Pacific time. I reply throughout the day but tend to get up around noon and go to bed around 11 pm.
  • If you care what's in my pants please don't message me.
  • You can use whatever you want reference-wise but I will only use drawn.
  • I'm looking for replies at least once a week but can go up to multiple times a day if we're doing a fast-paced Discord rp with short responses.
  • I don't do post length requirements. I average a good hundred words or two in PM rps. I can go all the way down to one-liners in Discord rps though I won't go that short if you're giving me paragraphs of detail--I try to match.
  • I'm ghost-friendly though I do prefer you message me and let me know it isn't working.
Kinks That Need To Be Included:
  • Choking
  • Clothing play
  • Coercion/Blackmail
  • Corruption
  • Crying
  • Forced clotheswearing
  • Photography/Videography
  • Risk of pregnancy
  • Semi-public
Click here to see my entire F-List for more--If it's in the faves and yeses, we can add it without any conversation just let me know. If it's not listed or listed as a maybe, ask about it! The worst that can happen is I'll say no and we can continue plotting without it. Nos are, of course, nos.

About The Character: Naomi Deering is between the ages of 16-19. She's her parent's favorite child, does well in school, and religious as all hell. The kind of nice that seems genuine until you realize what a superiority complex she has, her hypocrisy, and her willingness to manipulate others to get what she wants without concern for the costs to others. In short, a massive bitch. Despite all this, she's been raised on some concepts that make manipulating her not all that hard: A need to listen to the men in her family, a terror for the concept of losing her virginity and becoming worthless as a result... The WorksTM. She and her twin brother are the eldest of four kids to two married parents that everyone in the large extended family knows something is wrong with but are too busy projecting the image of a Picture Perfect Family to investigate. Relations would be on the father's side. The main facts about his side of the family is it's big, they present a good image at the cost of fixing internal issues, they do tons of stuff together, and most of the family is heavily religious. Everything else is up for discussion if there's any details you really want to squeeze in.

If you want to play a direct family member, message me and we can work it out.

Alright! Basic premise dropping is over! If you're still here, apologies for the curtness I simply don't want to waste anyone's time introducing myself only for them to realize halfway through that there's something involved that is a big fat no before we even get going. I'm Hocus and have just finished revamping this thread as I return to roleplaying.

As you've read, I want to play my character Naomi Deering against a family member who would be your character. I'd rather sort out the exact details of the relationship in PMs but I'd like to start the roleplay off with the snap of your-preferred-brand-of-tension-here between the two. In my dream world, this would be at some kind of holiday gathering the family's holding. I'd really like to play with the fear of getting caught for this rp and would prefer, if your character's the right age for it, they be married and/or have children of their own though that is by no means necessary and I care more about you playing your character in a way you enjoy.

I will state now that this wouldn't be a plotless rp. I really am looking for drama with this one, specifically in the veins of being discovered. Things like pregnancy scares, someone in the family who for some reason or another suspects what's going on, struggles to avoid being caught, that kind of thing. I'm open to other kinds of drama but I'd prefer to keep it in that kind of semi-realistic, semi-grounded, family-focused sphere. I'd want to build up the world around them with both of us taking on side characters but I'm not asking for doubling levels of commitment to them.

If you've made it this far, thank you so much for your time! If you're interested in rping with me either here or on Discord, please message me here and tell me whether you'd like to roleplay here or on Discord, any kinks you'd like to include, basic details for your character like a name, age range, the concept you'd like to run with for them, as well as anything you'd like to include right off the bat plot-wise. And of course if you have questions of your own please let me know! I look forward to hearing from you :)
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