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(Eshbaal) Adopted (Roilvn)


Jan 15, 2009
Matthias let out a little sigh as he stood there neatly lined up with the rest of the children of the orphanage, not surprisingly finding himself at the far end. Why in the world they insisted on lining them up after age whenever someone came to visit was a mystery to him. Lining them up like they were items, it just didn't seem quite right to him. Not that he counted on anyone ever actually looking his way, much less considering taking him with them. There was a certain rule to these places. Everyone who came were couples who either couldn't or didn't want to go through with pregnancy, but still wanted a kid. They always wanted the little kids. And he had never been one of the ones that you'd want to take, explaining why he was still there at the age of 16.

True, he didn't look like anything special at first. For his age, he was not very tall, standing at a grand total of 5'4'', and he had a pretty anonymous look to him, especially what with the standard white, plain t-shirt and black jeans he was made to wear while he lived here. He was not one you'd notice if you just walked by. But if one were to stop and take a closer look, they would see that he was well built and definately in shape, finely toned and all. His hair, while at first just seeming like a messy blonde, was more golden, seemed to have a gleam to it as it was cut to reach just past his ears. And behind his rectangular, frameless glasses, there were lively, light blue eyes. Handsome in a boyish way, and not even a little aware of it.

"Oh, here she comes now," the housemother said almost gleefully, and put the last few people in place. "Now, everone, be nice to our guest, okay?"
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