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Fx Female looking for girl on girl fun-non con

Jul 10, 2021
Hi everyone :)

Currently looking to do a girl on girl roleplay where one of the character's get molested. If you want to be the dom or sub position please let me know. I was thinking this could be a high school type of scene, or could go college, or at a job. Would much prefer this to be non con, that can lead into con over time if we wish.

I'll be keeping this a bit short, as I much prefer to brain storm with my partners. I'm very much open to a lot of things, in regards to plot/smut ration I tend to go for a high smut low story though if you want a certain ratio I'm always eager to do so if the prompt is interesting enough.

As for writing I tend to write about 300-500 words a post if we RP over BM. On discord any amount is fair game. If you want to RP via discord feel free to share you add handle with me :3

I'm open to a lot of different pairings , though when Rping with other girls I tend to be more flexible. When rping with Men I always prefer to be the younger character.

As for kinks , a small sample of what I like:
BDSM elements

As for limits, nothing that breaks site rules, and if your a male, no romance(with other girls I am more than ok with romance). All characters must be 16+

I do love to brain storm ideas, so please be ready to discuss the scene a little bit before getting started. Also please consider OOC to be brainstorming chat. Saying "No" to an idea is more than ok, we are both sharing ideas, we won't match up 100% on everything so please don't be nervous to do so.

I enjoy dark tones, and even comical ones as well. I also love cute things as well, so I'm a bit all over the place really :3

When messaging me please respond with pairing ideas, age range of characters, type of setting, and a few kinks that you enjoy so that I can get a good sense of what your after and use that as a basis to start swapping ideas back and fourth.
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