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Mx F or NB The beauty and the beast idea. Though with completely reversed roles and a completely different plot we'd have to brainstorm yet. Come have a read!

Jun 9, 2021
(Writing sample below.)​

It's only that memory that allowed her to keep going. That gave her the strength to try and find him again. To go back to the old days. When everything was so much easier.

In a lush green valley of Azdir a shallow river curved around willows in bloom. Wind trailed willow petals as they tapped the water's surface with gentle ripples. From the swaying tall grasses a figure emerged, aged no more than twenty. Lithe and beautiful, yet she couldn't truly remember how he looked like. Whether was he a spirit of the forest, a satyr, or perhaps even one of the few remaining elves. Did he have brown fur along his forearms? Or was his skin pale like the moon? Did he have ram-like horns adorned with a pastel flower each or were they entangled in his long braided hair? Perhaps it was kept short? Once more the memory was foggy, it's been so long since they were together. Since the world separated them. Yet like a comforting dream, the memory chose to repeat itself. Give her the strength she needed to find him. Her lover stepped down the hill to the stream. His feet (Hooves?) sank into the grass with each step, a white robe left his chest and light musculature exposed, hooked around one shoulder and hung over his legs.

Her partner made his way to the riverbank and set a basket down next to him.

"Good morning friends," he greeted the wildflowers, gently turning them to face the sun. "I need to bring a few of you with me for a gift for my love. You will? You're all so lovely this morning, thank you."

The satyr? plucked white and red flowers, collecting them in his basket. He hummed a song to himself, admiring the petals of each wildflower he chose before placing it with the others, careful as to not fold the petals.

The memory began to shift here, the river was no longer full of crystal clear water, it was doused in crimson thick oil...No, not oil...Blood.

A sharp hiss frightens him, hiss she should remember so well followed by an ugly snort from the waters behind him. He spun to find a large scaled beast in the river, stalking its way towards him. He felt his heart beating in his ears, found himself unable to breathe as he froze, only able to snap himself out of it by shouting one name. Her name.

He cried out, dashing across the shallow stream kicking up water. Flowers fell from his form as he sprinted, the beast splashing behind him.

That's when it was her time. When she remembered that day so clearly.

There was a fierce bellow and a hulking shadow burst from the trees atop the hill. It barreled down at an incredible speed for its size and crashed into the waters between him and the alligator.

It was her as she hulked over the scaled beast, over eight feet tall or even more. The thick muscles of her arms and body were marked by partially healed scars, a great pink branching scar from a lightning strike trailed down her neck and back. Her garments were simple: a set of fur wraps around her hips and chest, with her midriff and abs exposed. The wraps around her hips held with three belts, around her chest a fourth belt fixed to keep her full breasts secure as her chest heaved with each breath. Her bestial eyes stayed fixed on the beast, and she loosed a powerful bellow as the alligator charged at her.

The jaws snapped shut as she pulled its head in one arm, forcing its jaws shut. As the beast flailed she pounded its belly cracking ribs. The alligator rolled, breaking free with the force and sank its jaws into her arm. She stomped on its tail hard enough for its jaws to reopen, twisting out of the way of a second bite as it glanced off her back leaving twin gouges. Pain lit her senses, and her eyes filled with rage with a powerful snort, an emptying of her lungs as her head spun.

It lunged again, this time the beast woman caught its jaws in her hands. As it forced its jaws closed she struggled to hold them apart. The alligator flailed below, twisting back and forth. She snorted back, and with a fierce bellow pulled with all her might, and pulled the beast's jaws apart with a sharp crack.

The carcass hit the water. Her breaths came shaky and deep, staring at her bloody hands as violence flooded her senses.

Her muscles felt too tense, her mind impatient as it demanded more gore from her.

This is not how she remembered it, before the crimson curse took hold of her, before the bloodlust forced her hand, he was there, to bring peace. Love. Care.

He dashed out in front of her as she loosed another bellow, stomping in the stream as she tossed her head. His image was still so unclear, how long were they been apart?

He shouted her name, his name. Showing that it was him. Him. To try and calm her down.

She tossed her head again as he entered her vision. A massive foot stomped into the riverbed, her wild eyes stayed fixed on him. The urge to rip and tear. To spill blood and conquer all of it was-

Then he began to sing.

It was a soft song, a prayer in a storm as his voice filled the air.

There once was, a prince who, desired so the sea.

The sea who, as he knew, was sweet as could be.

Though storms and crashing waves, and any kind, of weather.

He loved her, adored her, and wished to be, together.

As the melody reached her ears her thoughts began to clear, the strain in her muscles receding. The demand for more violence melted, her legs buckled, and she fell back on her ass. Her lover strode forward to the beast, unafraid as he climbed into her lap, stroking her neck affectionately.

His soft voice still there, carrying on with the song. The song that was now like a prayer, which allowed her to remember. To follow those that had taken him. Just so she could find him.

The sea who, was untamed, fell for a prince as he.

And now as, she roils, for he calm will be.

Her love is, strong and good, as good and strong as she.

Protect him, she will, and she protected by he.

Her eyes fell on his face as her thoughts cleared, then she beheld her lover's face. Thick arms wrapped around him as she drew her love in for a kiss, blinking away wetness from her eyes as she treasured him. The two held each other in the stream, willow petals parting around them as they drifted downstream.

Yet it was nothing more than a memory. Memory that she now treasured just as much, separated, almost killed, she swore to find him. No matter the cost. No matter what it would take.

* * *​

Thanks for reading.

Wanted to have a story where the usual stereotypes of the beauty and the beast are reversed but we're also not borrowing the plot from disney's actual story. (Or the book written by the French Novelist.) So I chose to go with a fantasy spin alongside it, so we can both play fantastical races on top of that.

I suppose it's nothing unusual when I'll say I'm imagining you to play swole behemoth that's just big everywhere. Perfect for cuddles and for bringing down castle gates or even walls and entire village houses if she's pissed off.

For my guy, I left the bits with his appearance left out as there are few routes for this. He can be bland, boring meh human. Or he can be...Anything else. His physique can be changed as well so if you don't want him to be lithe and muscular just let me know.

For you. I'd say up to you. Eight feet tall Orc? Minotaur? Some, Elk/Deer-beast creature? Werewolf? Anything that would just fit with the theme of you being big. You can even be just an enormous woman that has really strong skin it's fine by me. I just want you to love cuddling (And if you're also fine playing with that bloodthirsty side of her great! But if you're not into DoomGirl mode that's also fine we can cross that out from the story.) After all there's still the part of all the sweet stuff that can happen. Sure it's borderline lovey-dovey but it doesn't have to be, if you want it doesn't have to be as romantic either. Really it's all up to discussion.

Now I said it's a memory but I'm more than happy to play their day-to-day life's or even how they met. If you want to continue where my prompt left off though we'd have to plan out stuff. Who took him away? How long were they separated? Did something else happen between them? Etc. People that like to worldbuild or just enjoy building the world alongside me (So we're both GM's in a sense.) I hope you're interested in this!

I'll gladly share my F-list via private messages, also if you have any questions make sure to PM me too! My other post with all the idea is still open as well.
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