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Mx F or NB The Corrupt Trainer's One Shot Prompts for OCs and Canons.

Corrupt Trainer

May 16, 2021

In this thread I put a collection of my short term and one shot ideas. The intent with these is usually to give my writing partner and I something to play when we both have enough free time for consistent back and forths. They also work as a way of helping see how well we mesh before trying a more long term plot that would require a bit more investment.

All of these ideas are fairly short, usually being a single line describing the setup. Then we can bounce off it from there. I’m open to a lot of others aside from the ones listed of course. If there’s one that catches your eye, just let me know!

We’re more likely to connect if we do quite a bit of OOC chatting and if this is done more to supplement conversations and longer term plots.

General Details

Preferred RP locations: My favorite setup is using Discord, since we can make private servers and because it tends to be easier for me to reply on there. I check it much more frequently than BMR after all. I’m not opposed to playing over DMs, email, or google docs. However, I will not RP in threads. Send me a DM on here or Discord (corrupt_trainer#5851) to get things started!

Ghosting/Disappearing/Ending: I’ll try to message if I’m no longer interested or if for some reason I can’t continue RPing or chatting. I get why people may suddenly stop replying though, so if I’m not going to make a fuss about it. Stuff happens and everyone has their reasons. I might send a message or two if I don’t hear from you in a while but if I get no response, I’ll just move on. No harm done.

Length: Honestly I’m more worried about having enough content to keep the story moving and to give a good idea of what’s going on. Whether that be a few sentences or a couple of paragraphs. I wouldn’t want a single line of “It was really sexy” of course. At the same time though, I really don’t like purple prose, and if responses are regularly 5+ paragraph full descriptions, then it’s probably excessive for what’s happening at the moment. This is especially true when it comes to quicker short term stories.

Frequency: For these plots, the expectation is we both will be available for back and forths usually for an hour or two. However, life is full of the unexpected, so if something comes up then no worries. We can always pick up later or start something new.

Other details: The usual stuff applies. No taking control of the other person's characters, remain polite and respectful, be upfront about if something bothers you. One thing worth noting is I do love to chat outside of the stories a lot so if that is not something you care for it may not make for a great fit. If you're messaging me about an idea in this thread, then please try to include any relevant information. Which settings and characters you want to play, kinks you want included, where you want to RP, etc.

Story Elements

Included Kinks: My F-List is where you can look for the full details. Below I've listed a lot of different ideas. The main one I'm looking for of course is corruption and training.

Dubious Consent: Realistically this is still noncon, but I love for the stories to have elements of coercion, forcing the girls to make a choice that leads them further into depravity. Whether this be blackmail, extortion, lost bets, or a situation where they feel obligated for one reason or another to go with a particular decision. For short term plots, this can still work, but takes a lower priority to non-con by comparison.

Non Consent: Probably the lowest option on here for long term stories unless it’s used as more of a catalyst to push the story forward. It just seems like a stopping point in most cases. For one shots on the other hand it tends to be my favorite way to go for exactly those reasons.

Dark or Twisted Romance: The main way I’d see “consensual” stories working is it resulting in a very unhealthy romance. The girl falling for her corrupter is a very fun ending after all. Might be more dub con and fit well with mind control or mind break stories.

Consent or Equal Partnership: Considering my love of power dynamics, corruption, and coercion, this isn’t a type of story I’d normally do. That isn’t to say it’s off the table completely, but it would need an interesting idea to go with it. A girl stumbling across lewd material and becoming an enthusiastic student who seeks to be corrupted can definitely work in the right circumstances.

Cheating Virgin: A fun thing to include is for the girls to be in relationships with someone they love and care about, but who they end up cheating on constantly as a result of the corruption, giving all their firsts to someone (or something) else. This is especially fun when monsters or ferals are involved, with the innocent girl who had dreams of her first time on her wedding night instead giving her virginity to something that’s not even the same species.

Orientation Play: Another story type I really enjoy is corruption of asexual people, gay girls, or otherwise someone who isn’t attracted to men (or any other creatures that would identify as male). However, I wouldn’t want it to be a homophobia or “cure the gay” type story. Instead whoever is doing the corruption sees the victim as an exceptional conquest.

Corrupted Conservative: This goes well with a lot of my other favorite ideas. A girl who’s very right leaning, having some pretty bigoted views and “conservative” values for one reason or another need to slowly abandon those ideals and become more accepting of others and more left leaning while at the same time getting addicted to cum is perfect.

Age Regression: This one would either be mental, physical, or both. For the latter two it would involve magic or some sort of special transformation most likely, but taking an older character and having her turn back into her younger self. This would be especially fun with canons to put them into earlier points of their lives. Note the characters in every way should remain 15 or older.

Incest: I mostly stick to canon characters for this where guys come in. However, when there are multiple girls, sisters or moms and daughters add an extra twist that can make things especially fun. Helen and Violet or Elsa and Anna are probably the most prominent examples of this with canon characters. Canons with their dads can be great, like Diavolo with Trish, or a brainwashed Mr. Incredible with Violet.

Gender Swap AUs: This would be for stories set in established universes. Taking characters from the setting, swapping their genders, and playing out the story as is but more perverse is the way to go. I've done this in the past with Yugioh and it was a lot of fun, but My Hero Academia, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon anime, and others could easily work for it too. I’ve seen some amazing gender swapped Joker from Persona 5 and Deku from MHA lately.

My Characters

My default character is a tall, heavyset Arab man (or the setting’s equivalent) with a thick mane of messy black hair. He appears to be in his mid thirties and is usually dressed formally/professionally, favoring suits or other nice looking outfits. He will wear casual attire where comfort or practicality makes more sense. Most elements of this can be changed, save for him almost always being Arab as that is how I prefer keeping all my characters.

Humans are assumed for most stories. However, I also love playing sentient feral characters, especially Pokemon, monsters, or canine based creatures. I can also play anthros and gijinka/kemonomimi/characters that are essentially humans with a few animal parts and have plenty of fun doing so, but that tends to be based on partner preference.

A NOTE REGARDING CANON MALE CHARACTERS: I usually play the villains of their particular stories when it comes to one shots. When listing out ideas below, I will sometimes list a character in quotation marks with orange text. This denotes that my character essentially replaces the character in the universe’s canon. For instance, if we had an RP set in My Hero Academia, I could have"All Might" mentioned in the prompt. He would be seen by everyone as All Might but would be a different person in all but name.


All characters, regardless of setting and if they're OC or canon, are assumed and aged up to be 15 or older.

THIS LIST IS NOT EXCLUSIVE: Just because a setting, anime, game, character, etc isn't mentioned doesn't mean I won't consider them. There's a ton of settings, a lot of anime I've seen, games I've played, and shows and movies I've watched. If you have something in mind but don't see it listed, then please feel free to ask!

Original Prompts: This is any idea not tied to a specific canon. Some are set in your everyday modern world without anything special. Others bring in aspects of the supernatural, whether it be magic, superheroes, or technology way more advanced than we have in real life.

Tied Up Hero: A superpowered plot.The villain captures a young hero out during their first night on patrol. Tentacles and bindings will keep them occupied and show why they shouldn’t go solo!

The Bad Hand: Your Character bets it all on this one game… and loses. Now they need to pay up. This can be based on a real card game like Magic, or any game we want to make up. It can also be in normal reality or incorporate elements of shows like Yugioh or No Game No Life that would make sure the bet is paid.

Magical Girl Over Her Head: Similar to the Super plot above, but magical girls are far more likely to find themselves up against tentacle monsters, and that is certainly not going to end well.

Conventional Costumes: Finding yourself at a convention dressed as your favorite character seems, you end up attracting quite a bit of attention. First it’s not easy to say for sure what’s going on, but the constant groping when in a crowd becomes too noticeable to ignore. Unfortunately, running off somewhere else doesn’t end the way you’d hope. Alternatively, for a more consensual plot, our characters are cosplaying from the same series and really start to hit it off.

Streamer Can’t Say No: YC has started to do live streams where they take requests from the audience. Things seem to escalate quickly, but the money and subs that come pouring in are too tempting to resist. You’re in this deep, so why stop now?

The Puppetmaster: Hypnosis isn’t supposed to be particularly strong, but what if it’s enough to make someone lose control of their own body. They’re still fully aware of what they’re doing, and trying to stop it, but physically can’t. They’re a captive audience to their own depravity!

Charity Worker Helps Their Cause: YC has a cause they truly believe in. Unfortunately, funds are short and they’re in need of some serious cash to get anything done. Enter my character, who agrees to provide some sizeable donations in exchange for increasingly demanding favors. In the case of multiple characters, it could be the group as a whole getting involved.

Anime Prompts: Pretty much anything anime is going to find itself here. Plots are included for My Hero Academia, JoJo, and Naruto.

Uraraka Gets Paid: (My Hero Academia) The gravity defying heroine is eager to earn extra money on the side to help support her family! She might be encouraged to do anything if the price is right…

Momo’s Bad Day: (My Hero Academia) Clothing damage isn’t something most heroes have to worry about. Momo isn’t so lucky. Now her costume is torn to shreds, she’s low on energy, and completely surrounded by villains. What will happen next?

All Might’s Disciple: (My Hero Academia) “All Might” decides to make this gender swapped Deku the next great hero! However, it’s not a piece of his hair that they need to consume…

Dark Magician’s Apprentice: (Yugioh) Dark Magician Girl is having difficulty mastering new spells. Luckily her older mentor is happy to help.

Wannabe Mob Princess: (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure) Diavolo has captured and cornered Trish. He decides to put his daughter in her place the best way he knows how.

Ninja Training: (Naruto) “Kakashi” offers Sakura and Hinata some special Kunoichi lessons they can’t learn anywhere else.

Land of the Lust-rous: (Land of the Lustrous/Houseki No Kuni) When Phosphophyllite (or Diamond) finds some strange ancient drawings of humans, they want to learn more. “Adamant” is more than happy to teach them.

Digital Dark Dimension: (Digimon) Kari isn’t saved in time, and becomes the dark bride to the being beyond the fog.

Testing the Automail: (Full Metal Alchemist) Winry has just finished work on some especially odd bit of automail. The new client insists on making sure it’s all working properly.

EXPLOSION! (Konosuba) Megumin really should have waited until someone was available to carry her back. Now she’s stuck completely drained and the monsters are closing in.

Kaguya-Sama Educational War Crime (Kaguya-Sama Love is War) Someone new is put in charge of Kaguya’s more mature education. He takes a very hands on approach and the poor rich student lacks the experience to know it’s not quite right.

Miko Oh No (Kaguya-Sama Love is War) A sleazy photographer asks Miko Iino to pose for some cute shots. He insists that she’s an amazing model and encourages her to go further.

Getting the Top Score (High Score Girl) Hidaka really wants to improve at Street Fighter, and finally show that she’s an amazing gamer! Someone has come along offering a very unorthodox training method, but can she really refuse?

Enormous (Shikon) Jewels (Inuyasha) Kagome and Sango are separated from the rest of the group while fighting a new fragment of Naraku. Things don’t go their way.

Different Customs on the Black Lizard Planet (Princess Principal) Ange finds herself caught by an enemy spy. Unarmed and without backup, she really only has one way of making it out of this situation with her life.

Video Game Prompts: Pokemon will be placed in its own separate section. Kingdom Hearts, Trails, and Persona all have prompts here along with a few others.

Persona 5 Bad Ends: Makoto loses to Kaneshiro. Futaba falls into her uncle’s clutches. Kasumi’s therapy session goes to a darker place. Haru can’t escape her fiance. Hifumi’s lack of shogi skills result in having to offer a prize for her loss. Quite a few different ideas here going with the concept of the game.

Kingdom Hearts Bad Ends: Aqua, Kairi, Namine, and/or Xion fall into the clutches of the Heartless and the Organization.

Overwatch Bad Ends: Roadhog captures D.Va or Tracer. Reinhardt isn’t the noble knight Brigette thought he was.

Nintendo Bad Ends: Wario is the savior instead of Mario or Link. Ganon breaks Zelda’s will. Bowser finally gets what he wants from Peach. Pyra is forced to “bond” with a new Driver. Morag and Brighid are captured by the enemy.

Legend of Heroes/Trails/Kiseki Bad Ends: Estelle, Tita, and/or Kloe take on a mission for the Bracer guild and end up way over their heads when their orbments fail.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions Bad Ends: Tsubasa, Kiria, and/or Mamori enter a dungeon without backup. Unfortunately, the 3 young starlets can’t handle the powerful demons they find.

Pokemon Prompts: So many ideas to place here. Honestly, suggest a trainer or Pokemon and there’s probably an idea for them. This list is far from exhaustive.

Peony bonds with his daughter.
Rose tries to dissuade Gloria.
Lydandre beats Serena.
Professor Rowan has Dawn assist with his research.
Kukui gets alternative rent from Lillie. Maybe asking her to help gather info from Lycanroc?
Bea’s Machamp demands a training reward.
Nessa can’t tame Tentacruel.
Sonia needs research funding.
Type Specialist loses to the type she should be best against. Nessa losing to a fire type trainer, for instance.

My Character: Giovanni, Maxie, Professor Rowan, Alder, Professor Sycamore, Lysandre, Professor Kukui, Chairman Rose, Peony, OC Humans, Feral Pokemon, Anthros, Gijinkas
Your Character: Blue, Leaf, Misty, Claire, Janine, May, Roxanne, Flannery, Liza, Dawn, Maylene, Candice, Hilda, Rosa, Iris, Shauntal, Roxie, Serena, Shauna, Korrina, Lillie, Mallow, Olivia, Acerola, Gloria, Marnie, Sonia, Nessa, Bea, Nia, OC Humans, Feral Pokemon, Anthros, Gijinkas

Also Accepted: Erica, Sabrina, Kris, Lyra, Whitney, Jasmine, Karen, Wynona, Gardenia, Cynthia, Elesa, Skyla, Caitlin, Viola, Valerie, Malva, Lana, Mina, Kahili, Melony, Klara

For Pokemon you could play, most canine, cat, fox, and similar mammal Pokemon could work but I'm happy to hear different ideas.

For myself, I favor canon based ones myself. Hoopa Unbound and Houndoom are my main picks but again I am very open to suggestions.

Western Media Prompts: This is a mix of comics, books, cartoons, and TV shows. Main take away for me here is probably Avatar.

Avatar Plots:
Katara captured by fire nation soldiers.
Sand benders take advantage of Toph’s blindness.
Ty Lee is forced to entertain the circus’s sponsors.
Ozai showers Azula in love.
Korra can’t beat Amon’s men without her bending.
Asami has to pay back her father’s debts.

A Series of Unfortunate Events: The wedding isn’t stopped in time so Count Olaf makes sure to consummate his marriage to Violet.

Heroines In Trouble: Bad Ends involving Bat Girl, Supergirl, Kamala Khan, or Spider-Gwen. Similar to the superhero idea above.

Connie’s Training: (Steven Universe) The young sword fighter is practicing on her own out by the beach. An older gentleman comes along and offers to give some more hands on experience. Connie will probably regret going easy on him.

Hello Adora: (She-Ra) Horde Prime is not an idle threat, and he proves that very quickly. Without her powers, Adora (and Catra) fall into his clutches.

The Force Inside You: (Star Wars) Rey (or Ahsoka) has a run in with a Sith more powerful than any she’s fought before, and quickly finds herself at his mercy.

Unmastered Spell: (Owl House) Luz and Amity try their hands at a new Abomination spell that’s sure to earn them high marks. Unfortunately, the creature is far too powerful for either of them to control.

Fallen Violet: (Incredibles) By now you know what to expect of superhero plots. Violet really should not be trying to do a solo patrol.

Disney Bad Ends:
Jafar’s sorcery beats out Jasmine’s will
Triton puts his daughter in her place
Beast can’t control his animal urges around Belle
Mulan is caught without her disguise at camp, but the soldiers just see a treat.
Elsa and Anna make it up to the hard workers in town after causing trouble.
Flynn and the bar patrons take advantage of Rapunzel’s naivete.
Moana gets a first hand lesson on why she shouldn’t be on a boat alone in the middle of the ocean with someone she’s never met before.

I think that's everything for now! This is a constant work in progress though and I'll make updates and changes to the post as needed, so be sure to check in! I'll usually mention in the title the last time it's been updated as well.
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