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Fx F or NB The Plot Thickens ( Fandom stuff added )


~Formerly Known as Cheshy~
Jun 20, 2020
So this will be my second roleplay request thread and will contain more varied plots than the other one, which only really contained one. I'm going to keep things fairly simple in this thread, but I will explain a bit about myself. I am a sub, brat, masochist, and kitten and most of my characters feature traits from at least one of those aspects. As I said in the other thread, I can play a switch fairly deftly, although I don't have a dominant bone in my body personally. I can also play an out and out dominant, although this requires a lot of effort and concentration on my part as it in no way comes naturally and, my dominants tend to collapse when a bigger bad comes along. As for genres, I rarely do modern settings, although there are several exceptions to this. I'm most comfortable playing fantasy and sci-fi and, although one or two plots in here won't feature fantasy elements, almost all of my roleplays here and ever have featured fantasy of some kind.

Anyway, for kinks, I won't be listing what I like, but my limits. I'm an experimenter and don't mind trying new things, although that said I might discover new limits as we go along.
- No needleplay. This is a hard, hard limit. Tattooing or piercing is OK, but if you introduce medical needles of any sort, I will flip out. I have trypanophobia and just don't deal with them at all.
- Self-harm. Again, a hard hard limit. I won't be involved in any roleplays where self-harm is involved due to personal experience. I also likely won't be willing to use knives etc to bloodlet your OC, either.
- Scat. Just, no. No offense to anyone who's interested in it, but it just makes my tummy writhe. And I have a weak tummy.
- Snuff. I have no interest in having a bad ending in the terms of snuff. It just doesn't appeal to me.
- Vore. Again, I don't like vore. Nothing personal against those who do, though.
- Sexual gore. This is hard no, while bloodletting etc is ok, I don't want gaping wounds or dismemberment.
- That's pretty much it, but as I said, I reserve the right to add to this list as I roleplay and experiment with different kinks.

Now that that's out of the way, onto the plots. For these, I am looking for about 60/40 story to smut but would go 50/50 in the right situation.

Modern Plots

- You're Gonna Go Fast Kid
Been playing Need for Speed: Heat and Need for Speed: Payback and loving it, so this roleplay idea is not so loosely based on that.
A street racer returns to town after a long stint away from the scene and finds things have changed since she's been gone. During the day, races are fairly tame and almost sanctioned by the local authorities. Unless you really fuck up, you've got nothing to fear from the law or from the gangs running the street races. When the sun goes down, though, shit gets real and the stakes get raised. The cops, mostly lead by a corrupt task force who privately sell off any cars they capture and split the funds between themselves, are brutal, intense, and pulling out all the stops. The gangs who organize the races demand higher stakes to enter and many racers fall into the trap and end up indebted to them. The gangs don't want cash repayment, though. They want drug runners, smugglers, wheelmen basically to help with their more criminal enterprises. My character for this one would be the racer back on the scene, while your character could potentially be a member of the task force, a member of the gangs, or just another racer. They could also be the leader of the task force or the gangs.

- Take a Bite Out of This

A professional hunter of the supernatural, one who has been successful on every hunt she's ever been on and has thus built up a lot of hatred and enemies in the supernatural underworld, finds herself infected on one of her hunts, either contracting lycanthropy or being sired/turned into a vampire. She overnight loses her entire world, as the Hunter Association turns on her and declares her their enemy, while hunters she previously considered friends and comrades now seek her death. On top of this, she struggles with the side-effects of her new condition, from the out of control rampages of a new werewolf every new moon, or to the crippling thirst of being a vampire who refuses to indulge their new thirst for blood, growing more and more out of control as her hunger deepens and the urge to feed takes over. My character would be this hunter, while your character would be a supernatural being trying to manipulate her into embracing her new nature, before teaching her to control it.

- Into the Future
In the city of New Tokyo, very few of the population live safely. Cybernetic enhancements are extremely common, with almost no one having less than two or three modifications. However, a lot of these modifications are blackmarket, installed by dubious sources. They malfunction regularly and are often used for criminal activities. They also tend to be more dangerous than enhancements sourced from legitimate places, as ethicality is not a problem in their case. In this dangerous world, an elite group of enforcers known simply as the Guard have absolute authority with little government oversight. Their leader is considered the most influential person in the city. One of these Guards is a cocky, brash young woman with some of the best cybernetic modifications going and elite combat training that saw her promoted to Captain at an incredibly young age. When her fellow members of the Guard rape her best friend, however, she is set on a collision course of revenge and payback as she becomes the leader of an underground rebellion against the Guard. Your character could be a member of this rebellion, whispering in her ear and manipulating her into ever more drastic actions, or perhaps a member of the Guard, tasked with ending the rebellion or cutting the head off the snake, so to speak.

- Death's Disciples
When the Goddess of Death decides to retire, she knows that she needs to find Disciples in order to take over her duties or the world will go to hell in a handbasket. Where does Death turn in order to find these Disciples? Why, to those witches who already draw on aspects of her power, threatening to cut them off unless they do as she says. And really, who's going to say no to Death? My character is one of five chosen witches, chosen because of her strong ties and reliance on death magic as well for being quite powerful. For several years, she does her job flawlessly, never questioning the orders she receives from Death or questioning why her targets need to die. But when she gets assigned a new target, one which she finds herself falling for, will she be able to put her feelings aside and reap her soul? Or will your character, the target, see her hesitation and take advantage of this? If she manages to wrap one of the Disciples of Death around her finger, will she then manipulate the witch into killing for her, rather than Death? And how will the other Disciples react to the seeming betrayal? Will the newly infatuated witch be able to protect her new love interest from them? This is designed to be set in a modern setting, but could easily be set in a fantasy one, too.

Fantasy Plot

An Elven Priestess
In a world where magic, swordplay, gods and goddesses, and other such things are commonplace, my character is a former Elven princess, chosen by the Goddess Induriel, Elven Goddess of War and the Hunt, to serve not just as a Priestess but as her chosen champion. While the former princess resents this at first, she later grows to enjoy her new role and rises through the ranks to become the High Priestess. Like most of her brethren, she doesn't serve in a temple, but instead serves in battle and war, fighting the Elves battles and overcoming seemingly impossible odds with the Blessing of Induriel. Ideally here, your character would be from one of the races usually opposed to the more pure Elves, whether they be another, darker type of elf or something else entirely. My priestess would lead a small force against your characters army, fighting her way to challenge your character directly. But rather than want to kill her, my elf, who has been chaste for centuries, finds herself entranced by your character, leading to her Blessing failing and her defeat. As she is captured, she tries to get her Blessing back in order to escape and slay those holding her captive, but your character gradually corrupts and twists my OC, finally leading into her fall as a Dark Priestess.

- War of the Realms
In the long, ancient battle fought between Heaven and Hell, neither side has been able to gain the ascendency. The Lords and Ladies of Hell continually rail against what they see as the unjust forces of Heaven, while the Archangels plot to end the war. Their latest idea, to summon one of the Lords of Hell themselves and bind them to their will, allowing them to fight demons with demon as well as gain information, seems their most promising yet. But unfortunately, angels can't summon an imp, let alone one of the Lords, and are forced to seek help from mortals, whose realm has long been the battleground in the war. One of these mortals, a particularly powerful witch, manages to summon my character (NFSW), the Lady of the Second Circle of Hell. Your character would either play the witch, torn between the power offered to her by the demon ad serving the angels, or the angel my demon is turned over to, tasked with breaking her will and convincing her to turn on Hell and serve Heaven instead.

- Inscription
In a world of knights, wizards, and rogues, most knights serve as little more than decoration. This is because there is peace among the human Kingdoms and as such, they are not needed to go to war, nor are they capable of fighting toe to toe with the more supernatural enemies of the humans. The Grand Knights, however, are those among the 0.001 percent of the population capable of being 'Inscribed' by the wizards. These knights are essentially armored spellswords, granted powerful magical abilities by the Inscriptions. They are treated with the utmost respect and honor are considered humanity's best way of defending themselves from creatures like dragons, trolls, lichs, and other such nasties. My character is the most powerful of the Grand Knights, having been considered to be their commander but being overlooked due to her lack of leadership abilities, as she operates much more effectively as a lone wolf. Despite her power, she is often outmatched by the more powerful beings she faces, but due to a combination of luck and intelligence, always scrapes through. What happens when she faces your character, though, and that luck runs out?

Fandom Plots

- I want to be the very best like no one ever was
Looking to play a Pokemon Trainer alongside another Pokemon Trainer, so no trainer x Pokemon or trainer x gijinka, thanks. For my trainer, I would most likely play as Ai or Natalia , although I have a bunch of other girls, too, if these don't suit. I also have Drake who I wouldn't say no to playing as, either, alongside the right partner. For plot, I was thinking something like a pair of trainers, who get recruited by the Global Police to investigate one of the evil teams undercover. It would be a bit darker than the standard Pokemon fare and could get more than a little deadly if need be. Another possible plot could be that they are Gym Leaders with an intense rivalry, vying to take the place of a retiring Elite Four member. I don't know, I coud think of lots of plots in the Pokemon universe and I'd of course be happy to hear yours, as well.

- Believe it!
Naruto has always been my jam, right since I first started reading the manga. And that was many, many years ago. Would be looking to play as either Chi, Maeko, Tarashi, Rinestre, Hiromi, or Shinori. They all have varied, different backstories and each would come with a different plot, so if any of them strikes your interest feel free to hit me up and we can discuss it further.

- In a galaxy far, far away...
I would play a Jedi Master, dispatched alone to a planet long known to be important to the Dark Side, maybe Mustafar, maybe Korriban or some other planet, with the information that a Sith Lord has been sighted in the area, no doubt plotting something. Little does my poor Jedi know, the Sith Lord had been expecting company and laid a trap, looking for someone trained in the ways of the Force to corrupt and mold into an apprentice. Will your Sith be able to lead my Jedi down the path of the Dark Side? Or will the Jedi resist, determined not to give into that darker side of the Force?

~~~ Samples ~~~

Ariella Delacour sighed softly as she reached up a hand to brush her well-groomed, platinum blonde hair from her eyes. Her other hand rested on the pommel of one of her flintlock pistols, as she cast an annoyed glance up at the sky. The High King of the Fey, her king really given the blood that flowed through her veins, had given her a simple task; hunt down the vampire who had seduced and ruined his Queen. This task, however, had not proven to be so simple. The vampire she was hunting had proven crafty and elusive and Ariella was yet to even be in the same city at the same time as the creature, at least to the best of her knowledge. Given that the beast had overwhelmed a fey High Queen, she was also fairly certain that this vampire was an Ancient, and despite he usual confidence and cockiness, she was admittedly hesitant in her abilities to actually defeat the creature, not unless she managed to ambush it.

The girl, who didn't look much over twenty-five, was actually in her mid-eighties. Even as a mere half-fey, she was incredibly slow to age. As she grimaced, her slightly elongated canines flashed in the darkness of the alley she was in. While they weren't worthy of a vampire, she did have some bite herself. On one hip, the huntress bore two flintlock pistols, both crafter with immaculate workmanship and currently loaded with ultraviolet rounds, although Ariella was doubtful a single round of even those would be enough to kill an Ancient. On her other hip was a sword, a scimitar, and this was crafted from silver, the blade constantly coated in holy water. This allowed it to effectively harm her two most common and most dangerous foes, vampires and werewolves. The girl also wore an assortment of armor which, while it didn't cover her entire body, offered her most vital areas protection they would otherwise be lacking.

Giving a whistle, she held out her arm. There was a flurry of feathers and the beat of wings, and a raven landed on the outstretched limb. She crooned to it, and it croaked back at her as ravens are wont to do. With another, heavier sigh, she raised her hand, the gesture all the prompting the bird needed to take off. So, no signs of her prey in this city, Paris, either. Or at least none that the raven had been able to pick up on. That was one of Ariella's two more esoteric powers from her fey heritage, the ability to converse with animals. Her other gift was the control of shadows and darkness, which was unexpected by those she hunted, giving her a slight edge when she fought them. She also had the standard gifts of most fey, almost as strong as a full-blooded member of the race given just where she got her fey blood from. She was far stronger than any mortal, and quicker too, with better reflexes. Accelerated healing was a boon that had served her well in the past, and she had night vision. The strength of her gifts belied her heritage, as she was in fact the bastard daughter of the High King's only son.

Shrugging as she watched the raven leave, Ariella emerged from the alley she'd been standing in. It was a little after midnight, so the streets were empty, as she made her way a short distance through town to a run-down-looking building from where raucous noise could be heard, as well as light protruding from the windows. Pushing the door open, Ariella emerged into a tavern, but one look around the room showed it wasn't the normal kind. Supernatural beings, the kind who didn't cause trouble and end up with bounties placed on them, littered the room, and more than one of them bore visible weapons, just like Ariella herself. Making her way through the bar, this haven in Paris for beings who didn't quite fit in with the humans, she took a free seat at the counter, gesturing the bartender over. "Vodka, on the rocks. Add a slice of lime, thanks." She said, her silken voice both alluring and sensual, and easily heard over the din in the background.
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