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Fx F or NB Kinkerbelle’s Dark request thread! (NSFW Links)


Nov 11, 2013
Hi Bluemoon! After a hiatus I am back! I’d love to share some fantasies with you all, and hear all of yours! I’ll keep this brief, and preface this: These scenes are dark and all involve one or both parties playing a Futa. Let’s begin!

Lesbian Genie:
MC will be a freed (NSFW) Genie, who, after millions of years in servitude, has discovered that she does not function well outside of it. She is nearly all powerful, but cannot place the Genie Curse back on herself. So, after a little exploration, she has found that there is another kind if slavery she could submit to. She finds an online dating service devoted to matching Dominants with Submissives. She goes on a date with YC, and finds a way to let it slip that she is, in fact, a genie, and is INCREDIBLY interested in using her powers to give her supposed future Mistress everything she wants. YC spends the following time exploring all the new powers at her disposal.

Abusive Relationship:
YC is a professional women’s MMA Fighter with violent tendencies both professionally and personally, and is incredibly manipulative, MC is a shy and reclusive hardworking nursing student who has toxic self-esteem issues. MC goes out with her friends from nursing school to see your fight, and having never seen you before, she’s instantly entranced by the violence. MC decides she will do absolutely anything to go home with YC that evening, and will soon learn she will do much more than she ever expected to keep her new woman happy.

Public Indecency:
In the interest of procreation, all laws involving sex or public Indecency have been repealed. Public sex, nudity and even rape are legal, and after a few generations people have adjusted to it. No one seems to bat an eye at things like that anymore, and they happen every day. This setting is wide open, and we can portray any given interaction between any given people.

Suicide Watch: (DARK)
Suicides and public executions are not only must-see TV, and not only do people love to watch, people line up to be involved! MC has dreamed all her life of being a Suicide Girl, for fifteen minute of glamour and fame, and now she is finally of age to participate. YC is a world renowned TV host who has the privilege of executing these girls in unique and inventive ways, as well as the unspoken of perk of getting to do whatever you want to them before, and after the show.

(There’s an alternative version of this that plays out as such: Boutique Suicide parties are an Underground Sensation, where depressed or attention starved youths gather to have sex en masse one final time, and either die, or watch others die.)

No No:
My character is very quiet, and tends to stay away from people. People think it’s because she’s awkward, but actually it’s because she’s cursed...she can never tell anyone no, and will uncontrollably complete any task, or say anything, that someone asks her to do. YC is someone in her life that has very secretly figured that out, and plans to use this secret knowledge to get everything she wants from MC.

Neighborhood Mother:
YC is a secretive older woman in a magnificent mansion on the outskirts of town. You are the woman the kids in the town tell ghost stories about, and everyone is afraid of. The word is that you’ll take in any (NSFW) homeless or runaway teen girl around...but nobody ever seems to leave. MC just lost her home, and has nowhere else to turn, and nothing left to lose. Now, the ghost stories don’t seem so bad, and she’s willing to risk her life in order to have somewhere to belong.

Super-heroine on Parole:
YC will be the world’s most famous Super Hero bar none. You’ve saved the world countless times and forged treaties and alliances between nations that no one ever thought possible. The world owes you a debt it can never, ever repay...but you took advantage of it in your personal time. Evidence was found of you raping, and even killing girls you’ve desired, and as part of a plea agreement, you are confined to your base for ten years, only to leave in cases of world threatening circumstances.
MC is a young (NSFW) reporter who idolizes YC, and believes the charges against you are unfair and cruel, and that those girls should be honored to have been with you. MC has a very obvious crush on YC, and has been sent to get your side of the story. She will get much more than she bargained for.

Accidental Incest. This really can go so many ways I won't bother putting up a summary. Basically any scene that involves a mother and her daughter not knowing that they're making love to each other until it's too late.

Newer craving: Bad Doctor YC is a therapist for my highly depressed teen character. I've never found happiness in my life and I've tried my entire life to fill the void of despair in my heart with other people's approval. You are a corrupt, evil therapist who manipulates her patients in to doing dark, depraved things for you, convincing them our life has no meaning or worth, and that you're the only one who understands them. (This can be a smutty sex scene rp or we can add in a much darker ending to this if you're up to it!)

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