Okay, I got a post up. Opale, you're up. Tony had the most dramatic changes and is going to be the one to notice them first regardless of who wakes up first. I'm sure she's not going to be happy about becoming a hot babe.
General directions...
Outside the storm is gone, the sun is shining. The sea is not a pretty tropical blue, but filled with silt from the storm. A lot of fish were swept up by the storm and stranded upon the beach. Seagulls are currently fighting over the fish and the sounds of their squawking will likely be what wakes the castaways up.
As long as the party stays near the tent just off the beach, no cryptid attacks will happen for a few hours. If you split up or someone runs off... well, it's a horror game. We all know what happens in horror when everyone splits up. I'll intervene then, but I have no NPCs present and on again / off again power. I'll check in when I can, but your characters can talk, debate, etc. without me. You could even salvage some fish, make a fire and have breakfast. The main event now is coming to grips with the situation. Only when someone leaves camp will the next event be triggered.
Ooops, one more thing. Not all the trees are native to the Carribean. Most characters won't realize this, they'll see jungle as jungle, but there are trees more appropraite to Southeeast Asia, Africa, or Brazil mixed in among the foilage. If your character has the appropriate skills they can notice this. (No dice check).