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A little self-marketing advice?


Jun 13, 2020
Hi there,

I'm pretty new to Blue Moon and have had some difficulty finding partners to write with. I do have one active PM roleplay with a talented writer that I'm enjoying very much, and which I am grateful to have, but I'm in the market to take on one or two more RPs and have questions about the best way to approach other writers on this site. I hope this doesn't sound whiny - I don't mean for it to - but I AM genuinely hopeful to gain some insight into things I can do differently to make myself more appealing to potential partners. I feel like I'm doing a lot of guessing right now and not getting far with it.

So, okay. A study in profiles:

I recognize I don't have a lot of posts on this site, or an avatar. I also don't have a plot thread. These are all personal choices I've made based on where I want to place my energy. I am curious if, from other people's experience, plot threads are the best/most helpful ways to gain partners? Is it better if they're more detailed, or less? Will an avatar help, or does it matter? When you receive a PM from someone responding to your plot thread, what is the best way for them to introduce themselves to you?
My best advice is look/do what you want. It's meant to be a hobby.

Honestly, I think a lot of it is in the approach. I would say most of my partners came from me stalking their RTs. I don't think the pfp matters much over all, but everyone has different feelings about them. There was a thread a while ago all about it.

I don't know what it looks like when you reach out to see if someone would like to RP, but I would suggest being a bit outgoing, perhaps putting a post example, seeing as you don't have any rps that people can see. You could try a journal for those too and link it in your signature.

If you wanted to put up a RT, I would say a mix of both is good. You don't want to overload someone, but you want to give them enough to get a sense of you.
It's a tricky few questions. Everyone is different.

I think that when you see a person that has put a little thought into an avatar picture, it shows a creative side to the person. Like, how did they get to that decision, does it reflect them in someway, maybe? It starts to stir up my mind, like, "Hey, interesting choice. But why?"

I also enjoy the art aspect of that, though, so I could be bias anyway! I suppose when it only takes a moment to put a picture there, and a person can't be bothered, it can come off as, "Why wouldn't they, though? Do they not care enough? It's just a personalized image."

Having your own Request Thread helps, of course. When you do not have a lot of posts on the site itself for people to look at and figure out if you're a good fit or not, then you can also have a section in the RT that gives a few samples for ideas.

RTs don't have to be crazy like mine. They can be simple and to the point. But when you don't make one, you're limiting yourself to the people that see you or your ideas and interests to only the people you approach yourself. And if they go to look into you, there's not much to see.

This is all hypothetical.

And, like Digi said, it's just a hobby. Do what makes you happiest.
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