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Fx M or F Techni-color Tint. {High-Fantasy/Sci-fi themed RP}


Tiny but Mighty~!
May 26, 2020
On a cloud far from here.
"Follow me kindly to mine, darlin'. I'll take you for a ride and show you a grand time at the Moondrop Inn."

Playing as my character Robin Mara who is a centuries-old dhampir with three prosthetic limbs and various cybernetic implants. She spends her days working as an assassin/bounty hunter by day and is also owns a burlesque lounge that is a known safe zone within the otherwise rough, tough, and bustling city that the rp takes place in.

A lot of the details are purposefully kept loose for your input because I do want to hear whatever ideas you have to offer, but the overall themes that I am looking for are high fantasy/modern/sci-fi and some darker tones that will be discussed as well.
The setting would start within a lavish, high-end birthday party being thrown in the name of the son of some big hot-shot executive or kingpin in town, and that also happens to have a bounty on his head. Daddy has done a lot to keep his son safe and out of harm's way but he just couldn't say no to his little boy. (We can discuss the details of all of this, what they do or who they are while touching bases.)

Both of our characters come in here and just so happened to be attending said lavish party and enjoying the festivities. Live band, open bar, blah-blah-blah...! Robin was invited by the person who's party it was for in hopes of getting lucky tonight, and the gift that she had to give was something most considered hazardous. Deadly is used even in small doses and is guaranteed to take his breath away.~

So, whatever the reason that your character is there for, or who there are is entirely up to you.! I listed this under FxFemale because I would prefer if Robin's love interest be a leading lady with a dominant/switch type personality. Having them bump heads on occasion makes for juicy tension, comic relief, and I just Live for a great power struggle in and out of the bedroom~!

If you would like to write as maybe Gilbert's bodyguard, as a normal civilian party guest, or as another assassin/bounty hunter that was also there for the same thing is all up to you as well! If you're interested in making this a mid or long-term rp then eventually my goal is for them to somehow meet up at her club, The Moondrop Inn, where maybe the story can progress with a shoot-out taking place, and whatever chaos we can cook up afterward will ensue. Again, all with be discussed!

Now, for those of you looking for some soft-spoken, doe-eyed damsel in distress that is gonna be worshiping your every move, then you'll need to look elsewhere lol.
Robin is not some faint-hearted, dainty woman looking to get cradled into someone's arms. Nay nay. Robin Mara is a well-known infamous assassin/bounty hunter that, to put things simply, only does what she wants and drains the blood of anyone who tries to stop her. What little that is known about her blood-soaked past tells that she was involved in an unfortunate incident that ended with her legs and parts of her left arm, body, and even her face mangled, shredded, and torn off. She was supposed to have been left to starve and eventually rot away but her companion, Don'Yoko couldn't let her best asset and only loyal companion die just yet.

Underneath her already loud, stubborn, and fearsome personality is an equally deft, cunning, and deadly huntress that knows her way around a body, knives, guns, and other weapons well... In the long and endless years of her life, Mara opted to occupy herself by learning, practicing, and mastering many things. From farming to hunting, and of course the plethora of different arts in combat and warfare. It’s no understatement to say that you do not to be at the other end of her blade if she catches you or if she’s taken up your bounty because the dhampir has long since grown numb to the feeling of taking a life.

Even grown to enjoy the feeling of cutting through whatever sorry fuck’s neck she was currently trekking and watching the blood and life drain from their eyes afterward.

Not only does she hunt and hunt well, but she has also been running off or chased after plenty. By various enemies all ranging in status and power to the ends of the earth and then some. But even if she needed to be scraped off of the pavement and then some, she’ll get back up to see whatever or whoever through.

This is where the darker tones come into play because the relationship that I hope to sprout between our two characters isn't supposed to be some happy and healthy bubbly romance novel bullshit that would make even your mother hurl. But rather it's something that most mothers would never hope for their child would be in, but "the sex afterward almost makes it worth it" and all of that jazz.
Now, without further ado, here's an entry post below! And by all means, hit me up if you're interested in playing.~
Rumbling down the street downtown and headed straight towards The Circa for a grand birthday bash being thrown in the name of a Gilbert Rouser, was a 1960s Mustang that was painted a bright cherry red, maintained and regularly detailed. Clearly, it hadn't seen a day of neglect in its lifetime and the sound of the purring engine proved it as it eased into stopping at the valet outside of an expensive hotel and resort.

Out stepped a man of the hour himself, dressed for the occasion in a deep grey Giorgio Armani tuxedo that was complete with a red dress shirt vs the typical white and of course, a black-tie. Colors that went well against his darker skin tone and short, shiny brown curls atop his head. Some might assume he'd only dressed this shnazzy for the party, but he actually had an affinity for dressing sharp in his day to day life anyway. This suit was a little more expensive than his typical attire, but it was rare if not unheard of for him to go out in anything most would consider casual wear, mainly for appearances and to 'stay ready.'
Some could say it was also to impress those that he wanted to pursue, or that he was super picky... Truly though, it was mainly just because it made him feel good about himself at the end of the day. And daddy had the money to fund it all too.

Besides, it was his birthday today.~

Upon reaching the red carpet laid out for him, the keys were pawned off on the valet and his arm was taken up by his escort that had been helped out of his car by another valet worker, the kind of lady that cost more than most of the working class' annual salary and acted just the part too. The woman looked every bit like she belonged on his arm and living this life with toffee skin smooth as silk, hair flawless and done up like a 1920s pin-up girl. Adorned in jewels and the look was complete with a tight black above-the-knee dress that shimmered as she walked and a slit up her leg showing more than some might think appropriate.
Once he had been greeted by the door-keep, Gilbert moved into the building and up the elevator to the penthouse suite, where he was immediately dazzled by the decorations. On top of that, he was also very happy to be greeted by the number of people here and by the familiar smell of the cigar smoke, perfume, and alcohol, which meant the party was in full swing. The sound of music that was playing sounded like something out of the roaring 20's too and on the stage set up in the main room stood a black-haired bombshell holding a mic, singin' like she meant it and was making the stage look like it had been hers. Sounding firm and raspy, seductive, and somehow relaxing at the same time and all of it was very fitting with the low lights of the lounge area and simple dark-colored party decorations hung around.

As a waitress moved by, Gilbert stole a glass of champagne and sipped it while he and his companion began to mingle with the crowd that welcomed the couple in with open arms, hollers, and shouts. The woman whispered something in his ear after a couple of minutes, her words drowned out to any who may have been listening by the exotic sound of the entertainments singer, then pressed her ruby red lips against his cheek, leaving a little imprint before she slid from his arm and disappeared from his sight.

...Elsewhere and 'coincidentally' sitting across the way at the same bar the drinks were coming from sat an ivory-skinned dame wearing a flashy outfit like most of the other woman roaming around at the party and well, that was kind of the point, wasn't it. Gotta come dressed as if you belong and then some, right? Robin could laugh. The woman's associate/partner had informed her beforehand that the party would be high scale with a heavily enforced dress code. She could wear whatever as long as it was 'fancy and flashy' her companion had stressed to the Dhampir because she needed to make sure she blended in. '"--Like always this is to be handled with No mishaps or mistakes, I can't afford to lose money, Robin."'
Tch. "Yeah yeah yeah... Do I look like some wannabe, bright-eyed pansy to you--?"

Robin's dress sure was a number though. Adoring her toned frame was a velvet blue oriental cocktail dress with gold trim that ended at mid-thigh. The dress had hugged her toned and curvy physic perfectly if she doesn't say so herself, and her heels were six-inch Christian Louboutin red sole pumps. To complete the outfit and make those knowing and sharp ruby-colored eyes of hers pop, the outfit was accessorized with solid jade earrings, bracelets, and gold rings. The look would have gone great with golden kanzashi pieces pinned up in her jet black hair but, Robin never liked up do's and it probably wouldn't have lasted the entire night knowing her... So, it was left out in all of its short yet thick, waving glory, slicked back except for a single thick strand that hung in her face and the red-colored ends curling just at her shoulders. Robin had sat with her arm tossed back on the bar counter and a half-empty glass of tequila on the rocks in hand, swilling the liquid around as she had watched her target and those around him move with a casual glance now and then as they danced and mingled with the crowd. A sly little wolf sitting patiently for the right moment to pounce and attack...

The assassin was invited by the person who's party it was for in hopes of getting lucky tonight. Which is quite careless on his part but, she wasn't going to complain. And the gift that she had to give was something most people considered hazardous. Deadly is used even in small doses, but surely will be guaranteed to take his breath away.~

Luckily for her, it looked like she might have an opportunity to strike about an hour later when the Man of the Hour and one of his playtoys had started to make their way towards what looked like a wrap-around balcony for a smoke.
Robin would follow behind a few long moments later after downing the rest of her glass and setting it on the counter behind her. Her heels clicked against the floor when she pushed herself out of her seat and could also be seen with a cigarette in hand, produced from seeming from out of nowhere to finally take her smoke break. A vial of something nasty hidden on her person.
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