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What has become of Cyrodiil? (Oblivion rp in the makings.)


Jan 22, 2009
What shall our fair land of Cryodil come to as the waning darkness once again lapses over? For our great king and his royal family are all gone! To make matters worse our champion has left us! Fleeing into the realm of the Madgod Sherogorath! First it was Anvil that fell into Anarchy and who will next? If we don’t find a new king that is allowed by the nine then we shall be plunged into the very darkness we tried to stay afloat from. Though…there is myth of an ancient trial that was taken long ago by our first king! The Trial of Dragon’s Fire! Though only one can be dubbed our fair king…Who shall it be?

After the last Septims the land was at peace since Mehrunes Dagon was defeated. Soon after people began to fear about how they would survive without a king. Anarchy rose in Anvil as a people of the Mythic Dawn that survived the defeat help start the riot. With the Champion of Cryodil mysteriously disappearing into the lands of Shivering Isles there was no hero to stop this. Now the Mythic Dawn has changed into a more dangerous force known as the Revolting Light. If matters weren’t any worse someone had assassinated the court that was trying to keep the kingdom in one piece.

The only hope to restore order is if the true king were to command the land. Only problem is how? With the Septim family gone there is no rightful heir to the throne. It was said long ago that the very first Septim became King through the Trial of Dragon’s Fire. Much of the history of it has been erased from the world. Not to mention it seems Daedra of every faction are appearing into the human world! It would seem they too seem to know about the Trial of Dragon’s Fire. What power does the title of King have that would make even Daedra seeking it?

If interested just pm or post here.

Character Skeleton for those who want a head start.

Star Constellation sign:
Class:(Standard Classes)
Bio:(Something that people could learn by having a simple conversation with you. Nothing too in depth since how they heck would we know about it.)
Well, I really thought Fable 2 was good but, once again was terribly short.
I disagree on the Wii. My bookcase is full of Gamecube and Wii games I like. =D

I... am not a fan of FPS. I suck at aiming. >>;; The only ones I actually like are Halo and Fallout 3. Left 4 Dead looks.... I'll be honest, boring as hell to me.


I'm not interested in that stuff. It has to have storylines and interesting things to do, or it bores me. That's why I only play things like Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat in passing. Good for about half an hour of entertainment, then move on.
Well, I like storyline rpies too. Which 360 still does have very good ones. (Hell they have an rpg where there is a gay guy. Though he dies which makes me said since he made the game amusing. T_T)

I also like the gamecube but, only games for Wii I'd play is, Brawl and ToS.
The gamecube was great, that was my first consol of that wave I got before I got hooked into the XBOX and it's wonderful game Halo. I still play my gamecube, it has the exalted position right nect to my 360 where I can easily swap out to play OOT or any of my other classics. The wii however, just isn't my thing, I am a Hardcore Gamer, I need games with story, action, violence, and a M or even T rating. Nintendo has abandoned my type of gamer in favor for 'casual games'

It doesn't matter what kind of game it is for me, I won't buy it unless it is open ended. I own about every sandbox game for the 360

Left 4 Dead is surprisingly entertaining, and I think you are thinking about Dead Rising (There are no malls in L4D), another zombie game by Capcom. Left 4 dead has to be one of the best co-op games I have played in years, teamwork is a must.

Though with Dead Rising it isn't just go kill zombies in a mall, it is go kill zombies, that outnumber you 53,594 to one (at least that is what the achievement says) in a fully explorable, interactive mall with whatever you can get your slimy little paws on. The game is surprisingly deep, and actually has a story, not to mention it is sandbox.
Two rpgs, In fallout 3 the characters 'flak and shrapnel' are homosexual, and likely the most badass characters in the game (Flak at least)
I long ago got tired of Dynasty warriors and all it's clones.
Hack and slash, fighting (Exept MK until MKvDCU) and sports games are ones I do not play
Eh. It still sounds boring.

That kind of stuff, sandbox or open ended regardless, just doesn't perk my interest.

*spending god knows how many hours arranging her house in Oblivion*
lol nice.

hey penguin, do you mind the sort of scenario i put up? it'll possibly cause some interest as well as something for my dragoon to do as well. ^^
Meh, it is all up to the gamer's preferences, I will play any sandbox game, no matter if it sucks or not (Coughtwoworldscough)
I personally love Dead rising, disposing of zombies with bowling balls and a lawn mowers and 2x4s is endless fun to me :3
I am playing Morrowind right now, as Dren.
I'm on Erdranor, running along the city during the day while he goes "AUG OW DAMMIT WOMAN WHY DO YOU MAKE ME SUFFER OW OW FSK OW" and heals himself. :3
And of course Dren is risking his pretty grey ass in a ruin somewhere looking for treasure.
My character Jace I do believe is probably being bored as he plays around with the weather in Shivering Isles.
I've spent at least two hours (if not even more) just ORGANIZING this house. <3

Now to steal more food to put in it!
I organized Battlehorn castle.
My skull collection is there.
I managed to nearly fill a room with skulls.
I <3 skulls

Speaking of which, do you guys randomly collect stuff in TES games?
In morrowind, I have a pillow fetish, in Oblivion, it is skulls.
Dat dat dat... so bored...

I collect books, but I don't keep them if they're stolen and I can't get rid of the tag (like on Erd, since he's not a member of the Thieves Guild).
on oblivion it was a collection of every weapon i could find, but in another one it's a room full of cutlery. :3
*munches popcorn*

If you're waiting for me to have Erdranor go there... don't. I've never looked for that place, and Erdranor has no reason to go there while he's got a shack to hide in. o.o
Well, where should they meet? Dren won't mindlessly wander into somebody's house
Well, it is an abandon shack he is in so you might go into out of curiosity.
Dren doesn't know it is abandoned.
Takes me about five minutes to make twice that *Loves alchemy*