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What has become of Cyrodiil? (Oblivion rp in the makings.)


Jan 22, 2009
What shall our fair land of Cryodil come to as the waning darkness once again lapses over? For our great king and his royal family are all gone! To make matters worse our champion has left us! Fleeing into the realm of the Madgod Sherogorath! First it was Anvil that fell into Anarchy and who will next? If we don’t find a new king that is allowed by the nine then we shall be plunged into the very darkness we tried to stay afloat from. Though…there is myth of an ancient trial that was taken long ago by our first king! The Trial of Dragon’s Fire! Though only one can be dubbed our fair king…Who shall it be?

After the last Septims the land was at peace since Mehrunes Dagon was defeated. Soon after people began to fear about how they would survive without a king. Anarchy rose in Anvil as a people of the Mythic Dawn that survived the defeat help start the riot. With the Champion of Cryodil mysteriously disappearing into the lands of Shivering Isles there was no hero to stop this. Now the Mythic Dawn has changed into a more dangerous force known as the Revolting Light. If matters weren’t any worse someone had assassinated the court that was trying to keep the kingdom in one piece.

The only hope to restore order is if the true king were to command the land. Only problem is how? With the Septim family gone there is no rightful heir to the throne. It was said long ago that the very first Septim became King through the Trial of Dragon’s Fire. Much of the history of it has been erased from the world. Not to mention it seems Daedra of every faction are appearing into the human world! It would seem they too seem to know about the Trial of Dragon’s Fire. What power does the title of King have that would make even Daedra seeking it?

If interested just pm or post here.

Character Skeleton for those who want a head start.

Star Constellation sign:
Class:(Standard Classes)
Bio:(Something that people could learn by having a simple conversation with you. Nothing too in depth since how they heck would we know about it.)
Yea, Elderscrolls is an amazing series of games. I really was happy with the change with combat system. Got annoying when I would hit the enemy with my sword and it would say miss. I am currently playing through Shivering isles since I was finally able to get the expansion. (For free too.) Beat the Knights of nine. That was fun.
*Tallies.* Two so far. Hmmm, if we can get 2 or three more people we will have something to work with.
Username: Misha Hiroki
Name: Naomi Vaultus
Age: 18
Race: Imperial
Star Constellation sign: Shadow
Class: Assassin

Bio: She was a native of anvil and an associate of the Dark Brotherhood. She left her city to join the Cheydinhal sactuary after her brother was killed by one of their assassins so that she might destroy the organization from the inside. Unfortunately, with her time doing their work to stay inconspicuous she has come to enjoy the senseless murder of the not-so-innocent.
Eh, Knights of the Nine helped me find the Wayshrines.

It was said the gate Guardian in Shivering Isles was easy to kill. Two shots from my bow of fire. (Deals 15pts of fire on target.) and the bone arrows. Though I also used Sneak attack so I dealt x3 damage with both shots. >.< Sad he didn't notice me before it was too late.
Yea. The guy that made the arrows didn't even get one shot in. Its good to be an assassin. Though I miss being a vampire. Assassin+Vampire full form= pwnage of sneak attacks. I also have a staff called the Apotheosis and it does 33pts each of fire,shock, and frost damage.
Screw staffs and vampires! I'm good with just my own damn high sneaking ability and my crummy glass dagger.
My staff would still kill you before you kill me. :p And then I'd use my other staff to reanimate you. After I strip you of all your armor of course.
I tend to combo my guys, though I usually play a Battlemage.
My character can't be killed, and anybody who tries, dies. I love enchantments, though that made the game WAAY too easy
Hey midnight. My fist character was an annoying to kill healer. Basically cause I'd just shoot fireballs at you till you died and run/heal.
Wouldn't matter, 100% reflection, wouldn't make a scratch :3
Though it would hurt you.
Anyhow, I don't see how that is important...
Pfft, I hurt myself I heal! Then I rethink my tactic and send out my daedra minion out to hurt you while I hide.
Remember, battlemage >.>., and Daedra are weak against lightning., poof, Daedra is a pile of ashes. Then I can hunt you down unhindered.
Besides, most NPCs are stupid enough to run up to me and start hacking, which kills them very quickly.
That character is why I stopped playing Oblivion for a little while, no challenge.
Guess that means I must use my assassin. *Gets bow of flame out with some arrows of sparks and sneak shoots you.*
Enchantment still gets reflected. Plus, I gots a high sneak skill, Detected, reflected. >.>
I am bored with this now...
I couldn't even beat myself... (Used consol to try)
Then go try to kill the dagon then. :p I think that might be still a 'challenge.'
He stepped on me and died.
Kinda funny when he dies too, he melts and becomes rubbery and stretchy