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Fx F or NB The Sum of our Parts (disability themes)

Jul 22, 2020
So this is less a request for a specific rp, and more for a specific theme. I'm pretty open on ideas, except that consent is an absolute necessity, and I'd strongly prefer fluff and drama to action and bdsm type themes. Equally, just because our characters are into a lifestyle doesn't mean they can't be kinky, so if you want to play a nice, sweet, ordinary girl who has a wetting kink or a cage fighter with a foot fetish, go right ahead, I'll not stop you and I'll probably join in with enthusiasm.

What's the theme, I hear nobody ask?

Simply put, disability. I'd like to play a character with the deck physically stacked against them somehow, and do note that their disability will not be forgotten about. I'm not interested in a character with a cybernetic arm that always works perfectly and never has any drawbacks, because that's using disability as an ornament, not something they have to live with and work around.

As for plots, I'm honestly fine keeping it simple. Two patients meeting at a clinic perhaps, a client getting a custom prosthetic and interest blooms, or just a random encounter on the bus that leads to the swapping of numbers.
Hell, I'm not averse to a blind date or tinder type deal, and there's no need for your character to be able bodied.

Oh, and fun stuff too. Kinks? Pretty much just assume all of them are okay, with exceptions being made for macro, hyper stuff, NON CON, and things that require the laws of physics to be fully suspended for them to work. No vore, unbirthing, etc., just ask if you're not sure if your favourite is included, chances are it is. On that note, if you're going to start with that "pretty little cripple" shit, feel free to stop right there and don't bother, the answer will be no.

I tend to post two or more paragraphs in the third person and in past tense, and have no preference between playing against female, futa, enbie, trans or other feminine or female identifying characters. I'm likewise perfectly happy to play my characters as MtF or AMAB and transgender, just mention it and we'll be golden.

Shoot a PM any time, I look forward to hearing from you!
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