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Enjoyed Fallout last week. Got me to try Fallout 4 again and this time I was able to pick a lock so progress.

Back to watching Agent Carter on Disney+ this week.
started watching Sex and The City. im loving all 4 girls personalities, it seems like they compliment each other's personalities.
I just finished watching Fallout. It was actually surprisingly good. It was sillier than I expected, but I don't really watch trailers. I know it's from games, but I just haven't played them. Though the show made me interested. A good watch~
I just finished watching Fallout. It was actually surprisingly good. It was sillier than I expected, but I don't really watch trailers. I know it's from games, but I just haven't played them. Though the show made me interested. A good watch~
Yeah, I don't know if you've ever played Fallout, but it's really a pretty tongue in cheek approach to the apocalypse. It's pretty silly, but so much fun. The show did a great job of capturing the feel of the games. If you like games it's worth checking out, though they can be a big undertaking.
I finished Fallout and Shogun on the same day, and I couldn't have imagined two equally amazing shows. Both blew me away.
a few weeks ago i finished 'the boys' and i highly recommend it to anyone who likes superheroes with a little (a lot) more blood and mature themes!
it's something i've been looking to roleplay as well but it's not as big as fallout at the moment, so i'll most likely wait until the hype returns for season 4 in june!
Friend insisted that I need to watch the new Fallout-series, and went even as far as to arrange a groupwatch for us so instead of gaming we spent a week watching the series.

As a fan of the games I enjoyed it fine enough. Certainly better than I expected from a live-action adaptation of the series.
 Knightfall. Mark Hamil steals the show in season two, shame they canceled it though. It was my kind of medieval cheeseiness.
X-Men ' made me like Jubilee, who 1997 me despised. It deserves my rec for that alone and it does so much more than that.
I'm not sure if it counts as a TV show, but I am currently in the process of watching a Delta Green tabletop stream. It's sooo good and has made me laugh quite a few times.
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