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Mx F or NB Cuddlesmut is Best Smut [Discord]


Apr 3, 2010
New thread, but first the usual disclaimers! I'm only looking to play over Discord and I'm typically available late nights EST, after 11pm, though I'm around all day on glorious days off such as this.

Alright now brace yourselves, this is going to get kinky. Steel your hearts and minds for this bold declaration that will shock and appall:

Cuddlesmut is best smut.

That's right, I'm looking for the cute and cuddly stuff. Snugglesex. Cuddlefucking. Spooning. This is giggling and laughing naked under a blanket while kissing and slowing exploring. There will be blushing, and oh you better believe there will be hand-holding. And I don't mean the beginner's stuff either, I'm talking fingers interlaced while noses go boop just before a kiss.

These scenes will be all about the happy, dorky, lovably awkward and oh so cozy lewds that leave you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Now, if your brand of submission goes beyond just playing the part of the little spoon then do I have news for you! I'm also quite experienced in adorable dominance and assertive affection. Let us open the door to a world of animal-eared cuties and tamed monster girls, sweet succubi servants and other saccharine minions. Cute ghosts make surprisingly good pets, and let's not forget the virtues of adorable AIs and cuddlebots. Maids? Well, maids are a given, aren't they? Submit yourself to adorable dominance and copious amounts of cuddlesmut as you are spoiled rotten, doted on deviously, and prized like the treasured pet you are! And lewded. Can't forget that.

If you happen to belong to a slightly kinkier crew, we can always mix in some fun along the lines of mind control or magical collars for oh so cuddly, snuggly and adorable enslavement. I mean, who doesn't love playing Pokemon! Gotta catcha 'em all, whether they're cuties for cuddling, supernatural sweeties, monster girl maids or...well, actual Pokemon. Hey, they're cute! Bite me.

So if being adorable is up your alley and you want to get yourself into cuddly contact, begin the doting by sending me your Discord handle! Its the fastest way to reach me, and a world of ooey gooey cuddlesmut is just a PM away!
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