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May 11, 2020
Texas, though almost not.
So sorta copied this from my other thread, but it's just a little different is all!

Anyways! I'm Cyria and this is my first thread here requesting for some RP action. I'd like to start with a little about me though, as I think it's important to get some sort of connection, especially when seeking long term roleplay. And please excuse any grammar or spelling errors, I try to fix them all but sometimes they sneak past me.

I've been roleplaying off and on for about 15 years now and started with old MMO's and Dungeons and Dragons, some Wizards of the Coast stuff too. I fondly remember the difficulty of the Ruins of Myth Drannor game on the PC many, many years ago. From there it just led into Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2, the MMO briefly. City of Heroes and Villains, WoW that I still partake in from time to time as it's like a drug I just can't kick. ( LOL ) I tried Conan but couldn't get into it, RP'd in Ghost Recon Wildlands and Breakpoint, as well as Division 1 and 2. So needless to say I've RP'd in many different settings! My favorite of all time though is Warhammer, that's the setting that truly got me hooked, 40K and fantasy. My WoW dorf is heavily inspired by Warhammer dwarves, and if anyone plays WrA let me know!

Beyond that, I am looking for a long term! Everything from a slice of life, to fantasy, medieval, sci-fi, and beyond! I would rather create our own worlds and things but can be talked into doing already created ones if we make our own characters for the setting. I just don't like playing canon characters myself. As for the girls I like to play? I prefer to use real face claims, but still describe them and whatnot, just use the pics as inspiration and all. I'll be adding some below overtime just to get a feel, but for now, I'll leave it blank.

Anyways! Reach out to me here, I prefer the RP to stay here on the forums at least until we get to know one another and stuff. Then I can maybe do discord, but I really prefer it here instead.

Current interest?

Long term lovin' of course!

Other notes:

Cause I am often confused and don't want to be rude to anyone, is NB a trans individual? I hope that is right, please don't be mad! I am just trying to make sure I don't offend!
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