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Fx Male Some Monstrous or Fantastical Fun


May 22, 2020
Looking to play some RPs in a Fantasy setting, featuring some female adventurers.

I was hoping for just some simple back-and-forth RPs with nothing too complex, so a few sentences to a paragraph each post is what I’m aiming for, preferably on the site PMs. As for the content I was aiming for very little plot, just something like eighty percent to simply pure unfiltered smut, just the intro before jumping in.

Not all kinks have to be included, just a general idea of what I like.
  • Impregnation/Breeding
  • Group Scenes & Multiple Partners (Whether male or female, I am willing to play multiple characters at the same time)
  • Harems/Gangbangs
  • Being Dominated/Rough Sex (choking, spanking, ect)
  • Femdom/Inexperienced Male
  • Monstrous/Inhuman Partners
  • Casual Sex
My hard Nos are anything toilet or blood/gore related, and while I don't mind playing against them I have no interest in playing non-humanoid or furry characters myself.

Plot Ideas:
Adventuring Party: - A simple plot of people within the same party getting it on. Could be a long standing group finally hooking up, between newly met peopke at a tavern, or even the adventurers and the civilians they helped.

The Guide - A party of all female adventurers has set out for a month long journey across the land, and YC has been hired along to help serve as a guide. He thinks nothing of it, considering it a mundane, if long lasting job, but quickly begins to grow suspicious when, after a week of travel, the party has yet to turn to him for any kind of advice on their travels. It quickly becomes apparent to the unlucky (or lucky) male that he was not so much hired a guide, but instead "entertainment".

Bestial Breeding: - A simple idea, where while hunting a beast of some sort (Werewolf, Minotaur, Lizardman, Beastman, even Orcs & Goblins!) the adventurer eventually ends up with their head down and ass up! Perhaps they simply get overpowered by the monster they chased, maybe some curse or spell makes them fall to lust, or perhaps this was all just the plan from the start. Up to you.

Babes & Bandits: -A town had recently gotten in big trouble. Perhaps it was a monster threatening its borders, perhaps it was a rival bandit group threatening a raid, maybe it was simple supply issues. Whatever the case was, YC and his group had come to the rescue, and as such are being celebrated and hailed as heros! Your unscrupulous bunch arn't ones to turn down such generousity, as the townsfolk offer food, drink, and many of the girls much more. It's up to your group to take as much as they can in one night, before the townsfolk realise it was YOU who orchestrated the disaster in the first place.
- The human plot, I'm willing to play anything you have to offer! Whether it be just generic human, Orcs, Goblins, something more exotic, just name it!

The Farmstead: - A travelling party is staying at a remote farmstead to rest and recuperate for a few days after a long journey. To help repay the family living their for their curtesy, the party offer to help around the farm whilst they are there, both in mundane and arcane means, but over their stay the two groups start to get remarkedly close...
- Depending on the way you want it to go, it could be female adventurers getting with male civilians, or vice versa.

Monster Brides: - One or more powerful adventurers, who should easily be able to take down the beast their hunting, just can't help but drop to their knees and submit. That's it, that's all I got. All I want from this RP is some consensual monster fucking, any other details can be worked out in PMs!
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