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Mx M or F (NSFW links within) Canon plots, starring HTTYD, TDP and many more!


Apr 18, 2020
Present Cravings: TBD.​

Hey there! The name's Canonfan, I've been rping for about just over a decade now and it's perhaps the hobby I've kept to the most aside from playing video games. I'm 25, live in the UK, and I also post as often as I can. What I want to do most is refine ideas or come up with fresh and unique ones. I've never been much of a fan of diving into ideas straight away; I'm much more inclined to come up with or present a prompt, or just a fandom and potential canon characters to be involved and go from there. It's more fun to try and make every idea and the approach to it unique for each partner if I can help it. I also have Aspergers, so I tend to have some issues with communicating points.

To narrow down things I love, let's start with pairing-based stuff. For example, the most organic and healthy ship I've ever seen is Hiccup and Astrid from How to Train Your Dragon; I love the back-and-forth of banter, flirting and conversation along with all of the lewdness. If you want an example, look at this scene of Astrid imitating Hiccup in HTTYD 2, or any conversation between Rayla and Callum after the first few episodes of The Dragon Prince. Even in ideas involving hypnosis and harems, I tend to enjoy this fluffier aspect with characters interacting in downtime. (I could ramble on, but I'm trying to sum up, not go off on a tangent.) Of course I do also have ideas that don't purely focus on smut, like certain crossovers. If you're curious about an animated/game fandom, just give me a poke, and ask.

Some Small Disclaimers

  • Many of my ideas are open to crossovers of some kind. I am for the most part looking for canon x canon content; I tend to deeply enjoy playing as canon characters and across from them in turn.
  • I am open to OC worlds and characters (especially anthros/furries), but that kind of depends on mood and ideas. I'm far more comfortable with playing as and across from canons, for example a ship like Hiccup and Astrid.
  • Basically, all my ideas are AUs in some form (future, modern, etc). So I'm not really gonna fuss over the "correct approach" to a canon; everyone puts their own spin on it and that's the best part about playing them in my view.
  • I also love a back and forth of ideas, suggestions and headcanons. Talking about an idea is so much fun!
  • Kinks I Hope/Want to Play: Impregnation, pregnancy, cum inflation, creampies and excessive cum along with marathon sex. I'm also fine with kinks like incest, and a good number of others. I can also dip into hypnosis/harem themes--or at least harem themes--depending mostly on the fandom and idea, so long as I can think of a reason; I never go for the approach of a character snapping his fingers and the girl instantly becoming a mindless drone. I enjoy the approach of a girl being enticed, drawn-in and converted with a few posts at least!
  • Kinks I Won't Play: Gore, scat, horror, heavy bondage, anything hyper, and anything that may just be generally painful or unpleasant.
Hiccup turned his gaze to the blonde for a moment and he blinked at the sight of her before blushing naturally at how scantily she seemed to dress when it was hot.. But at the same time he also shrank a little as she napped at him. "Astrid relax..! I'm almost done and we both know you get more cranky when it gets hot." They only really needed to look at his Cousin whenever he tried to flirt with her in the middle of Summer when they were younger. But still he knew she wasn't going to let him off that easily. True to his word, Hiccup was indeed almost done, and before she could snap again and probably drag him off, the auburn haired man finished his work and the AC began to work once more and he was unharmed!

Hiccup could understand her complaints however, they had been friends ever since they could walk, since his Father was friends with her parents, and ever since he lost his leg it had been almost impossible to separate them.. And he wasn't afraid to begin thinking about her romantically but he had never voiced his affection, nervous that he would upset their relationship as friends but he couldn't help but get jealous about any boyfriends she had over the years, though none seemed to last long or be that serious, save for an exception or two. Those exceptions seemed to turn out to be unsavoury after a time though, one had tried to stop contact between the blonde and Hiccup, which earned him a round house kick if he recalled correctly, and the other just broke things off.. Now, Hiccup was unsure of her latest boyfriend who was another student at the University, and had a cautious opinion about the guy, one he had voiced to Astrid.

Some Hiccstrid based inspiration. Well played Astrid, well played.

Some of the guys I'm hoping to play as.

Ben 10: Ben Tennyson (NSFW)
How To Train Your Dragon: Hiccup (SFW, NSFW), or Toothless (NSFW)
Kingdom Hearts: Sora (NSFW) or the Heartless (NSFW-craving)
Gravity Falls: Dipper Pines (SFW)
Star vs. the Forces of Evil: Marco
Miraculous Ladybug: Adrien Agreste (SFW-fairly certain this is sfw, but the context is he's at the beach so, eh?)
Naruto: Naruto (NSFW)
Spyro: Spyro (NSFW)
Avatar (both The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra): Aang, Sokka, Bolin, Mako
Star Wars: Ezra Bridger, Anakin Skywalker
My Hero Academia: Deku (SFW)
Young Justice: Connor Kent, Wally West, Dick Grayson
Teen Titans: Robin, Beast Boy, Cyborg
RWBY: Jaune Arc, Oscar
Dragon Prince: Callum
Tales of Arcadia: Jim Lake, Douxie
Ratchet and Clank: Ratchet
Zootopia: Nick Wilde
That time I got reincarnated as a slime: Rimuru​

How to train your dragon: Hiccup/Astrid.
Miraculous Ladybug: Adrien/Marinette
Spyro: Spyro/Elora or Spyro/Cynder
My Hero Academia: Izuku/basically any of the girls.
The Dragon Prince: Callum/Rayla
Tales of Arcadia: Jim Lake/Claire Nunez
Zootopia: Nick Wilde/Judy Hopps
Ratchet and Clank: Ratchet/Rivet​
Potential ideas.

As for other fandoms? Well feel free to ask. Trust me, I know many. Anyhow on to the ideas! Please bear in mind that these are all examples, and I wish to brainstorm details.

I'm also considering reworking this section.

MHA 1: Okay, basic concept here is a fluffy one: A Future AU where everyone in Class 1-A made it to being a Pro Hero, and yet Izuku and Uraraka are still blushing up a storm around one another trying to get together. Enter; Mina, setting them both up in a hotspring resort of sorts where the pair end up in the honeymoon suite together for a few weeks, and the hot springs themselves are unisex. My, whatever could happen from this cocktail?

MHA 2: And here we have a much lewder idea... I may have a slight problem. Anywho, concept: Deku does have a Quirk, however it turns out to be hypnotic and sexual in nature. The specifics are up to any partners who may be interested in going this route but either way this is going to be a string of fluffy, and lewd misadventures for our broccoli boy over here.

Ratchet and Clank 1: This idea is for anyone who knows of or has played Rift Apart. Basic concept here is that Ratchet and Rivet head off on an adventure to find the other Lombaxes, using the Dimensionator to visit other dimensions while also having a number of steamy and fluffy misadventures in their own right.
Nothing solid here as of yet, but basically all of my ideas for GF are inspired by Bigdad's art or really just fanart in general. I'll add solid ideas as I come up with full prompts.

HTTYD-1: Hiccup and Astrid, sharing an apartment while going to the same University, and teetering on the edge of entering an intimate and steamy relationship. How will they enter this relationship? A subtle nudge from a friend? A slice of drama? That is up to you.

HTTYD-2: Bit of a crossover; Hiccup and Astrid end up joining the Brotherhood. At what point they end up joining the Assassins is up to who among you guys n' gals might like to brainstorm this. As for who their adversaries might be? Plenty of HTTYD villains can fit the bill easy enough!

HTTYD-3: A world without Hiccup! Basically in this idea, Dragons are Anthros and possess hypnotic pheromones/musk along with addictive cum, and take human women as pleasure and breeding pets, and Toothless ends up taking the HTTYD girls as his pets. How he catches them is up to you.

An AU where Magic never disappeared, where Eclipsa and her husband break up, likely for a good reason with no drama. However, she is in need of a new King and she chooses Marco, gifting him with a bit of Magic in the process--a hypnotic charm to use on any girls that strike his fancy to take as lovers--leading to now King Marco being lovers with Eclipsa and using this Charm. (Older Marco, obviously.)

KH-1: Basically the idea here is Sora and Kairi on a cosmic road trip having various misadventures and actually spending time as a couple, since in KH III we got the confirmation of that ship yet nothing was done with it.

KH-2: A special Heartless is loosed on the Worlds, using hypnotic pheromones and addictive cum to turn various canon beauties into his pets and lovers, corrupting them one by one (possibly even with some genderbending, if anyone wants to explore that particular flavour).

KH-3: Another hypnosis-themed plot! This one stars Sora however, for a bit of a twist. Basically the concept is Sora gets a new Keyblade, but he isn't able to swap it out for another one and is subject to the charm/curse of the Keyblade itself (which turns girls in a certain radius of its wielder into pets and lovers; more of a love potion effect than anything else). What misadventures could Sora get up to with this?

KH-4: Inspired by a smutty fic which I will happily link if asked, this idea is essentially a plant tentacle monster spreading its influence as a sort of "hive" across the Worlds, using hypnotic pollen and spores to draw in girls to use as breeding pets and lovers. To be honest, I'm not sure on an upper limit to the scale with this idea, but I'm happy to brainstorm any potential plots with this prompt!

Miraculous-1: In this idea, Alya (Rena Rouge), Marinette (Ladybug) and Adrien (Chat Noir) all decide to unmask to one another. After some teasing and banter, things become steamy before the masks come off and long after.

Miraculous-2: Adrien has become Chat Blanc! However, he's free of Hawkmoth so there's no repeat of the alternate timeline. Now corrupted and with a hypnotic ability of his own, who knows who among the girls the Feline-themed Hero might decide to put a collar on (aside from Marinette of course)? Hypnosis is kind of a required 'kink' on this one.

Miraculous-3: This idea is specifically Adrienette/Ladynoir...the whole square. Marinette has invited Chat Noir to her balcony to help her with something, which turns out to be a love confession for Adrien. However, after hearing it, he drops his mask and she puts hers on...resulting in about as much fluff--and steam--as you might expect with a few years of tension being released like a spring.

Miraculous-4: Vacation! Essentially this idea has Adrien and Marinette on vacation for a couple of weeks, escaping the chaos of Paris and going to a place where they can have privacy. Be it Japan, Spain, Greece or hell even Britain. Of course, this trip could lead to one or both of the lovable dorks to act on their feelings, either pre-identity reveal, or post!
Rebels-1: Basic concept for this one takes place after the finale of Rebels. Sabine and Ahsoka find Ezra on a backwater planet in the Unknown Regions, and after an intimate reunion between Sabine and Ezra--or both girls and Ezra, depending on partner preference--they go back to Lothal. From there the plot is malleable. Let's see what we come up with!

Rebels-2: Similar to the standard reunion idea, however with hypnosis/harem themes. Ezra uses a new, hypnotic Force Power to turn Ahsoka and Sabine into his pets and lovers before moving on to other Star Wars canon girls, using the World Between Worlds to have access to the future and past.

Rebels-3/Mandalorian-1: Similar to my first idea, but with the context of The Mandalorian, since Sabine and Ahsoka seem to be due to appear in that show. (I might make a group thread out of this one but I honestly don't know; just ask me to elaborate on this, and I will to the best of my ability.)

Clone Wars 1: A no-War AU starring Anakin and Ahsoka in various misadventures. For example, a training mission to an all but deserted planet in the outer reaches of the Outer Rim.

Ben 10-1: Ben gets a new Alien/Hybrid and goes to Gwen first to test it out before finding out this creature has hypnotic abilities. This results in the redhead turning into his pet and lover. From there Ben, greedy as ever, begins to use this creature on other girls he knows, for example Charmcaster and Julie. Though thanks to Gwen's magic, who knows where or when he could go..!

Sonic-1: This is inspired by Project X: Love Potion Disaster and comes in three flavours:
1. Sonic returns from a trip to the jungles and tropics and is the source of/Patient Zero for a lust virus that is somewhat transformative; the plot follows the Blue Blur going around, infecting and corrupting other Mobians.
2. An incubus manifests on Mobius and starts going around working his magic on any any Mobians he bumps into, with things gradually escalating.
3. Sonic has been cursed! This is similar to Sonic being turned into a Werehog by some magic mishap, only this time he is turned into an Incubus.

Sonic-2: Tails' steamy misadventures. This concept is more open honestly, with everyone's favourite Two Tailed Fox getting into steamy misadventures with a Mobian girl of your choice!

Spyro-1: Coco, Tawna or both have a Portal related accident, and end up in Avalar or the Dragon Worlds, only to soon meet and befriend Elora, Sheila or Bianca and the pair end up bumping into a newly matured Spyro. However, it turns out Adult Dragons give off hypnotic and heat inducing pheromones; things turn steamy between the girls and Spyro, and things go from there. This idea can branch in a bunch of ways, from Draconic greed leading to Spyro working his magic on others, to there being no Dragonesses (so instead females of other races are transformed by and after mating with a Dragon).

Spyro-2: Essentially, Spyro makes a bet with a girl before a race, be it Coco, Elora, Tawna...whoever you wish. The loser of the bet has to do whatever intimate activity the winner wants, only for the Dragon to win and things turn steamy.

Naruto-1: Ever read a Doujin by Sahara Wataru (involving Sakura, Ino, Hinata, etc.)? This idea is essentially inspired by that, being a Hero of the Leaf Harem concept, with things starting just after the battle with Pain, or perhaps before, with Naruto's return from his training trip.

Teen Titans-1: Robin and Starfire on a business trip to her home planet of Tamaran! Basically the concept here takes place a few months after the pair get together in Japan, and this trip leaves them both with all the privacy they need for all sorts of fun. Somethin' fluffy, and potentially steamy.

Teen Titans-2: Raven and Beast Boy! Yes I know, Terra is a thing, but c'mon, there's so much potential there. Anywho, basic idea is the rest of the team are out on a mission helping some other Titans, leaving Beast Boy and Raven alone. What specifically happens is up to you; Raven could have her demonic side manifest in a rather steamy form, or maybe something much fluffier happens.

Young Justice-1: Wally and Artemis! This idea takes place in the time the pair are retired from the Superhero stuff, living together and generally taking things easy. 'Course, this also includes every ounce of steamy misadventures a Spitfire and a Speedster can get up to.

Young Justice-2: Connor and M'gan..! Basic idea here is M'gan and Connor in either Mount Justice or the Watchtower, while the others are out on a mission and of course things grow steamy between them. After all, no one is watching and there's little to no chance of being interrupted!

RWBY-1: Jaune Arc! The resident dork of Team JNPR and RWBY. This idea takes place in a slight AU where Beacon doesn't fall, and he ends up having various steamy misadventures with the girls of RWBY, likely starting with Pyrrha. The specifics are, of course, up to you!

RWBY-2: Oscar..! The second dork of RWBY, kinda. Not that well versed on the later volumes of RWBY but I'm probably going to be watching them soon! Either way the basic idea here is kinda similar to the idea above, however with a slightly older Oscar, because of course.

Xeno-1: Mutant dimension-hopping Xenomorphs! Because why not dive head first into the weird? Basic idea here is a mutant hive of Xenos; specifically, they are mutated to NOT snuff those they breed. Thank you. Go world-hopping, catching girls, and keeping them as breeders to grow the hive, likely through hypnotic pheromones and addictive cum or something.

Tales of Arcadia 1: Basic concept here is Claire and Jim are adjusting to living alone a few years after all their adventures, with literally all the fluff and intimacy that comes with a couple that's been through as much as they have.

Tales of Arcadia 2: I'm amazed I didn't put this up earlier. Okay! Basic idea here is various slice of life misadventures between Jim and Claire, either after Trollhunters or Wizards, it is up to your preference. Not much in terms of specifics here, but plenty of brainstorming potential.

Dragon Prince 1: Basically the idea here is a few years after the Battle of the Storm Spire, Callum and Rayla are on the road again, helping to heal the divides across the continent while Callum works to connect to the other Arcanums, and grow as a Mage.

Dragon Prince 2: Rayla's in heat basically, and Callum is in range to be grabbed. Simple concept for a simple start up no?

Transformers 1; Well, basically the idea is a mostly sfw concept, with the Transformers characters crossing over with other franchises, for example MHA, or RWBY or even DC/Marvel! I've recently read a few fics on these crossovers and I have to admit I love the idea.

LOZ 1: This is a bit of a new one for me, but basically the idea here is Link in a modern AU, getting into all kinds of steamy shenanigans with girls of Legend of Zelda. Plenty of potential to shape a unique plot here, though I think I would use BOTW as a base if given a chance.

Zootopia 1: Inspired by Siroc's comic: Hospitality, the basic idea here is that initially Nick pays Judy a visit while she is off for a week due to having to deal with a particularly potent bout of Heat, only to end up grabbed by the sly bunny and help satisfy her instincts, thoroughly. After that the idea somewhat branches, the first being a number of Judy's sisters begin visiting Zootopia, and end up having a taste of the Fox either after hearing about him from Judy, or from some coaxing from Judy herself. The second branch involves Judy and Nick visiting her home in Bunnyburrow and following a similar path to the comic, with Judy's sisters getting curious, and then as stuffed by the big, bad, fox as Judy was, with her well aware and probably enjoying the show.

Splatoon 1: Nothing very plot heavy here, for the most part the concept is Agents 3 and 8 sharing an apartment and having a number of slice of life misadventures along with potential casual harem themes(?), with other Splatoon girls either visiting or moving in to hang out and join in on the fun and seeing what 3 is made of.

Avatar 1: What if Pandora, but the atmosphere is not toxic and instead packed with aphrodisiacs, and the Navi give off pheromones that mix perfectly with them? Human patrols and expeditions ending up unmasked, and greeted warmly by the locals to say the least!
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