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Ralsei's Records (the non musical kind)


Mar 22, 2020
Today i decided to hop back into the RP ring after a long hiatus of emotional isolation, and since physical contact in this year of our overlords 2020. i hope to make some form of connection that scratches the itch and feeds the hunger as it were. my therapist recommended it so who knows. here's to hoping
You know, if i'm being truthful there are a lot of things that get me going in terms of "what i like" in a girl, but the most amazing thing i think is someone who is smarter than me, i'll be honest, i've sat in awe watching cute geeky girls do math over skype instead of heading over to good ol' PH i've always been fascinated by the intellect, the awkward secret sexual diva with the over sized sweater and glasses, she's too busy to hit the gym because she's occupied with getting her PHD and wrecking the grading curve. You can have the cheerleading squad or the homecoming queen or america's next top model. i want the girls with four eyes 4.0 GPA's mensa cards and chips on their shoulders. your hair is a mess and you think your life is a mess and the only person who gets you is your cat.

put the cum in suma cum laude - We don't even need to get naked, if i was to make a porn movie or in my case hentai it would probably just some hot steamy action where the chick takes her fellow of choice down to the rec room during the pep rally and just beats him repeatedly at street fighter, or they discuss the finer points of the underlying social metaphors of the Alien movies. or their favorite art music or books.

My point.

I don't Care, if you think you're out of shape or unattractive, I don't Care if you can't see you're beautiful.

Because to me you are. and someday i hope you look in the mirror and see what i do.

Someone who is perfect just the way they are.
things of note.
new/first apartment.

re discovering the things that make me happy.
like polyhedral dice and pretending i'm a wizard.
or horror movies
or a nice sunset.

the usual stuff like that.
but the best thing i think, after some ordeals i have gone through is the renewed sense of self.
the axiom by which my pendulum swings.
the arc and architecture of my inner being.
the feeling that i even though it feels small at times have a part to play in this play upon the stage that is the world.