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Favorite Video Game Waifu


They put 300k+ polygons into her ass, so clearly she was the Taro's waifu too.

Moira Brown. Cute as a button, loves getting dirty, and is clearly hiding some goodies under that jumpsuit.

Fuck and yes please.
Insane? I don't know if I agree with that.

Eccentric as all hell? Oh hell yes and I love her for it xD
My faithful CEO assistant in GTA Online! I call her Cheryl.

Silly as it seems, but my latest play through of Stardew Valley had me thoroughly crushing on Leah. I do have a thing for redheads though, so that might have had a lot to do with it...
Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn. She's tough, smart, independent, sassy, no-nonsense...and with the right mods instals, damned sexy.

Fate Grand Order has some seriously good choices, and Raikou here definitely tickles my pickle.
Trilla Suduri from Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, taken from us (me) too soon, and the only woman who makes me want to go to the Dark Side.

You know, just to see what's going on over there.


Juri Han from Street Fighter Series

I'm not into feet... but if I was, Juri's the first woman I'm thirsting for.

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Nicoletta Goldstein from Devil May Cry V

Nero chose his girlfriend... poorly, because best new girl is right fucking here.

Favorite? That's hard. There's so many.

I had the biggest crush on Rikku when I was a teenager. She's cute, sweet, and cares about her loved ones. She's also a thief, so major bonus points!
