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Fx F or NB Pripapulina's big gay adventure


Jan 3, 2020
My first couple request threads were single ideas without much context, which doesn’t seem to be the format here, so I’ll try to do this one properly.

Let’s start with some formalities:

I usually write between two and six paragraphs, with three being most usual. I usually reply within one to three days once things get going, but this may change once I get a job. I can provide starters I’ve done for past roleplays as writing samples on request.

I’m not going to demand that you reply on a set schedule, or that your replies be a certain length, but if your replies, but they should have some substance and advance the narrative in some way. My inspiration runs dry much more quickly if partners are just following my lead and not adding something of their own to the story. Even if I seem like I’m in control, rest assured that I have no idea what I’m doing at any given moment and I need lots of help and feedback to do a good job.

That out of the way, let’s talk about the stories we’ll tell:
I’m willing to play various points on the plot-smut spectrum, but by default I tend to gravitate towards plot- and character-driven writing with vaguely horny undertones and perhaps a few partially or fully naked characters interspersed with occasional sex scenes.

The plots below are just suggestions, feel free to come to me with your own ideas. I’m open to a lot of different plots and kinks.

-No characters under the age of 18, or the developmental equivalent for fantasy creatures
-No incest
-No hitting on me in real life (trust me, I’m not your type.)

-Casual nudity
-Masculine female characters
-Trans and nonbinary characters
-Body horror
-Mind-altering magic
-Cunnilingus (giving or receiving)

Plot ideas:
Her psychic abilities hadn’t manifested since she was a kid, and honestly, she was thankful. They only showed up when something terrible happened, and these days,the worst thing to happen to her was finals. She was on the verge of earning her computer science degree, she was popular, her best friend knew she had a crush on her and was totally cool with it, everything seemed to be going her way.

That is, until the car crash. When she woke up in the hospital, she received terrible news: her best friend was dead. Or so she thought, until she realized that her best friend’s mind was still alive... inside of her body. (We could do a variant of this with a male or nonbinary character as the disembodied spirit, we'd just have to change a few details)

To the outside world, it’s just another new age movement from the mid 70s, hardly worth paying attention to in the modern era. A group of women gather to perform bizarre, sometimes sexual rituals, take psychedelic drugs, and talk about the “Coming Liberation of the World’s Inner Millennium and the Fourth Reign of the Goddess Diana”. Nothing particularly groundbreaking.

To Global Paranormal Intelligence (GPI), a secret international organization that has monitored the unexplainable since 1948, however, it is the subject of intense scrutiny, both because of the strange happenings that have surrounded major rituals in the past, and the fact that none of the participants of the movement seem to have aged since 1976. The last high priestess having “ascended”, GPI has sent an agent to monitor the ceremony where a new high priestess is to be chosen… only to be chosen as high priestess herself.

She’s been transitioning from male to female for years, but only now has she gotten the courage to go to a lesbian bar. It advertises itself as trans-friendly, but that does nothing to quiet her nerves. These nerves are only heightened when she sees the girl she dated in high school sitting at the bar. She tries her best to ignore her, afraid she’ll recognize her as her ex-boyfriend, only for her highschool sweetheart to buy her a drink.
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